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Eurocentric Analysis ©

Part II


Concerning Women

Do you NOT see the need to research or study the following subject matter?:

____Afrikan and African Amerikkkan women's herstory and achievements
____matriarchal herstory and cultures around the world
____women's suffrage movement (white women's right to vote)

Do you believe the following?:

____women should have breast implants to make them look "sexier"
____women are the "weaker" sex
____women should wear revealing clothes in public
____the "woman's place" is in the home
____women should be "ruled" by men
____women should be hit to keep them in "their place"
____women should be viewed as "personal property"
____women should be seen and not heard
____women are dictated by their emotions first and logic second
____men should have multiple wives
____men are more intelligent than women
____men make better business decisions than women
____men make better military decisions than women
____men make better spiritual leaders than women

Are you UNAWARE of the following women's issues?:

____Women continue to suffer the abuse of men and societies all over the world.
____Still today, in many societies, when a female child is born there is great disappointment, and the female is looked down on. (which often leads to abuse)
____Generally, in the business world men's wages are still higher than women's wages.
____The disrespect of women is one of the reasons the world is in the condition it's in today.
____There cannot be a new world except there is a new and better overstanding of the female.

Do you NOT believe the following concerning Black women?:

____The Black woman and her womb are sacred.
____The Black woman has helped to be the backbone and strength of the family.
____The Black woman has always been there to defend and support the Black man.
____The Black woman is the Mother of all races.

____Sister, do you fight and argue over men?

____Sister, do you pass up "good" men for "material" men?

____Sister, do you always want another sister's man?

____Sister, do you allow yourself to be disrespected, dishonored, violated or hit?

Concerning Men

____Did you support the first Million Man March only because women were asked not to come?

____Brother, do you boast or lie about your sexual activities with women to others?

____Are you preoccupied with pursuing material success while ignoring our social concerns?

____Have up gotten used to being invisible in Amerikkka's society?

____In the professional world, do you believe that you can not afford to be Black?

____Are you selling out our people for money and perks?

____Do you perceive yourselve as "nigger?"

____Do you wear your pants hanging below your waist?

____Are you a member of a gang?

____Do you date white women?

____Do you straighten your hair?

____Do you "hang out" on the streets?

____Are you an adult that still lives with your momma?

____Are you a dead beat dad that doesn't pay child support?

____Do you have children that you don't have contact with?

____Are you always asking for money from your momma or women?

Sexual Expression

____Have you allowed this Western culture to dictate your sexual activities, views, values, beliefs, and pleasures?

____Do you embrace this Western culture's views on promiscuous premarital sexuality?

____Do you support this Western culture's pornography industry?

____Do you enjoy watching sexual images in the public media?

Are you UNAWARE of the following?:

____The pornography industry employs minors and drugs.
____Premarital sex can interfere with the pursuit of acquiring a genuine perception regarding a person.
____Having a primary goal of sexual needs empowers the mind to seek only pleasure, therefore after the sex drive lessens or diminishes, so may the relationship.
____Do you compare Black people to white people sexually and feel inferior?


____Are high morals and good values old fashion or outdated to you?

____Do you believe that the most important issue in a marriage is the sexual relationship?

____Are you unaware, that the true purpose for dating, is to bring evidence to support each others true intentions, in a relationship?

____Do you feel chaperons for young people are "old fashion" and do not have a place in today's society?

____Do you feel it is unnecessary to challenge your mate, to find out their true intentions in a relationship?

____Do you not see the need for Black men and women to sit down and talk about issues that create jealousy, discrimination, deception, misunderstandings, sexism, emotional and physical pain, so that healing can begin?

____Do you not believe that a high example of a good life is balance and harmony, between Black men and women?

European Holidays and Customs

Do you accept or celebrate the following European/white Amerikkkan holidays and customs and do the following:?


____Santa Clause-lie to children, tell them a (white) man, which knows all, brings them their gifts and not you
____Santa Clause-take children to sit on a stranger's lap (they're crying - yet you tell your children not to talk to strangers)
____Purchase so-called Christmas decorations (from white merchants) for your home
____Purchase tree and so-called Christmas tree decorations (then throw tree away)
____Over spend, over charge, over pay, over eat, or stress yourself out
____Believe December 25th is "really" the birth date of Jesus
____ Never asked yourself what evergreen trees, Santa Clause, partying, eating, drinking booze, and spending money has to do with a so-called "religious observance"

____Do you not know the European history behind Santa Clause and Christmas?

Columbus Day

____Do you believe Columbus was not lost when he discovered Amerikkka? (trying to get to India)

____Do you not know that Columbus was involved in the slave trade?

____Are you unaware that Columbus' discovery of Amerikkka was for the benefit of white folks only?


____Watch (white) Amerikkkan parades all morning

____Spend a lot of money on food (white merchants) and over eat

____Watch violent football all evening

____Do you not realize this (white) Amerikkkan celebration is appallingly connected to the genocide and land embezzlement of the Native Indians?

Tooth Fairy

____Tell children a (white) tooth fairy gives them money and not you
____Put children's teeth under a pillow
____Do you not know the history behind this European custom?

4th of July

____Set off dangerous fire crackers (purchased from white merchants)
____Attend July 4th events
____Believe that African Amerikkkans have gained total and complete independence from slavery and opression

____Do not realize this celebration was for the independence of (white) people from (white) people?


____Purchase so-called Easter clothes from (white) merchants
____Lie to children-tell them that a (white) Easter bunny exists
____Lie to children-tell them a bunny brought them eggs and candy and not you
____Have children participate in Eurocentric Easter egg hunts
____Make, purchase, or give away Eurocentric Easter baskets
____Never asked yourself what Easter bunnies, Easter baskets, eggs, candy and spending money for new clothes (from white merchants) has to do with a so-called "religious observance"

____Do you not know the history behind these European customs?


____take part in trick or treat and pranks
____give out candy (refined white sugar) to children
____purchase and dress up in white Amerikkkan-Eurocentric costumes (ie. witches, devils, ghosts, horror characters)

____ Do you not know the history behind these European customs?

St. Patrick's Day

____purchase (from white merchants) and wear green clothing and items
____over indulge in alcoholic beverages (drink green beer)

____Are you unaware African Amerikkkan's Ancestors did not come from Ireland?

Do you not know the history behind this European custom?

New Years

____purchase more alcoholic beverages (from white merchants)
____over indulge in alcoholic beverages
____drink alcoholic beverages and drive
____shoot off dangerous guns with live bullets
____believe that a new year should start in the middle of winter and not spring with the coming forth of nature

____Do you not know the history behind this European custom?

Presidents Day

____honor all (white male) presidents who have only represented the persistent pursuit of white Amerikkka (George Washington owned slaves at the time of his death)

Veterans Day

____honor Amerikkkan wars where African Amerikkkans have been disproportionally killed (Vietnam)
____honor Amerikkkan wars where African Amerikkkans fought for other countries' rights yet denied total rights in Amerikkka (Black soldiers were hung in their uniforms returning from WW II)
____honor the U.S. military who has been extremely racist and sexist concerning African Amerikkkans obtaining higher ranks
____honor the U.S. military who has experiment on their own military personnel and exposed them to dangerous elements (chemical & biological)(chemical-Agent Orange Vietnam-Biological Gulf War)


Do you accept the following patriarchal religions as absolute divine truth and the only "true" religion(s)?:


____Are you against churches, mosques, temples, etc. having a place for political forums and community concerns?

____Do you totally support the Jewish Judo folklore of creation? (there are other creation stories that are older)

____Do you support the biblical doctrine of the down fall of all humankind caused by Eve? (not in other creation stories)

____Do you believe the King James version of the bible is the "Divine holy Word of God," without tampering or translation errors?

____Are you unaware of the many contradictions in the bible?

____Do you not believe that organized religion can be a deceitful tool used to divide, separate, enslave, and conquer?

____Do you believe the Genesis story to be factual on the creation of woman? (woman made from a man's rib, as an after thought, after everything else was created)

____Do you believe God can only be characterized or written in a male gender? (whom no "man" has seen)

____Can there truly be a God without a Goddess?

____Have you not studied the Goddess herstory and culture?

____Do you believe Black folks are cursed because of Ham in the bible?

____Do you use the term "BC" and "AD"? ("before christ" and "after death")

European Influences

Purchase and Money

____Do you always want to purchase the latest white Amerikkkan European products or merchandise?

____Do you purchase all of your merchandise from white merchants?

____Do you purchase pictures or artifacts of white Amerikkkans or Europeans for your home or job?

____Do you financial support and purchase white Amerikkkan or European fads? (ie. commercial clothing: NFL/NBA paraphernalia)

____Do you spend your money on victimization schemes such as the lotteries? (one in ten million chance to win the big one)

____Do you boast about buying non-African Amerikkkan products?


____Have you stopped sitting down at the dinner table as a family on a regular basis?

____Do you eat a lot of your meals in front of the television?

____Are you or your family preparing and eating fewer home cooked healthy meals?

____Do you have a close relative that you have not contacted in a while?

____Do you constantly fight and argue in your home?

____Do you procrastinate or neglect having "quality time" with your immediate family?

____Do you feel that having family meetings are not necessary or not important in keeping harmony in the home?

____Is there little verbal communication in your home among family members?

____Is there no peace, harmony, love, or discipline in your home?

____Have you or your family not participated in a Kwanzaa celebration?


____Do you fail to provide the time to teach your child(ren) good manners and values?

____Do you allow your child(ren) to control you or your home?

____Do your child(ren) lack positive role models in their lives?

____Do your child(ren) eat a fair amount of junk or fast food?

____Do you neglect to take care of your financial duties regarding your child(ren)? (child support)

Do you purchase the following items for African Amerikkkan children?:

____white dolls
____white character toys
____white character clothing
____white paraphernalia
____white character books
____violent toys and games

____Have you failed to teach or expose your child(ren) to African Amerikkkan and Afrikan history and culture?

Do you NOT do the following with your children:

____read to children

____set and enforce rules and regulations for children
____help children with school work
____support children's activities
____strive to be a good role model for children
____get involved in your children's school functions
____spend quality time with children
____tell children you love them


____Do you cherish watching white Amerikkkan and European sports, entertainment, and entertainers?

____Do you feel it is perfectly all right, to enjoy watching people kill people, as a form of entertainment?

____Do you feel it is perfectly all right, to enjoy watching people hurt people, as a form of entertainment?

____Do you feel it is perfectly all right, to enjoy watching people have sex with each other, as a form of entertainment?

____Are you satisfied watching African Amerikkkans represented in professional sports as players and not owners, managers and coaches?

____Do you enjoy watching white Amerikkka sell their products (24 hours a day) on TV, and memorize or sing their commercials?

Are you UNAWARE of the following issues regarding the media?:

____The NUMBER ONE purpose of television is to sell products. (Count how many different commercials you view in just one hour.)

____Television is a tool that is used for manipulating, mind modification, and mind control.

____Racism and negative stereotyping of Black people were established in the movie industry and Hollywood during the 1920's, and is still going strong.

____The news media portrays Black Amerikkkans more negatively than white Amerikkkans.

____The media keeps the public's attention diverted away from really important social issues.

____The media falls extremely short on representing Afrikan Amerikkkan issues, concerns, and achievements

____There is less than an hour of Afrikan news coverage per year on basic TV. (On positive news coverage less than 15 minutes.)

____The long running African Amerikkkan television programs are always comedy.

____Violence on TV has increased 720% since 1982.

____Constant exposure to violence creates an insensitivity towards violence in reality.

____This generation has gained a major portion of their socialization and cultural values from TV.

____Both children and adults have difficulty distinguishing between reality and illusion after continued long-term exposure to TV & movies. ("copy cat" crimes)

____Films and TV "create" violence far more severe than is found in reality.

____TV has become an addiction and escape route.

____The average viewer's knowledge is automatically derived from the TV set, and repeats what has been heard from it.

____The average viewer watches 6 hours of television daily.

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