The Goddess, Sati

Sati is a lesser Egyptian archer goddess who personifies the waterfalls of the Nile River in Africa. Often referred to as Satet or Satis, her name comes from the root, sat, to shoot, to eject, to pour out, or to throw. She is also the goddess of the inundation, the yearly, life-giving flooding of the Nile River. Represented with a human head, the crown of Upper Egypt, and horns of gazelles, Sati is the principal female counterpart of Khenumu (or Khnum), the ram-headed Egyptian god who is represented as fashioning human beings on his pottery wheel. They are worshipped at Elephantine (Abu) along with her sister, Anqet (or Anuket), a water goddess. These three are sometimes referred to as the Elephantine Triad. Their sanctuary is in Aswan at the island of Seheil (also referred to as Sahal).

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