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Discussion about Accutane (Roaccutane/Isotretinoin)

From: Augusta in UK. A 17 year old Female.
Subject: Aches And Pains
Date: 30/09/2001 at 21:06 - Message #579

I would firstly like to say thank you to all the people who replied to my message back in June when I was still considering whether or not to take the drug. I was convinced by all your wonderful messages of support and am now in my fourth week of taking it.
I have already noticed drastic improvements, and the dry lips and dry skin are both tolerable and manageable. :) I carry around moisturiser and Vaseline and most people don't even notice I am "dry" until they get really close.
I just have one query. Recently, as in the past week and a half or so, I have noticed that if I get really tired I get quite bad joint aches, muscle aches etc. One night after hardly sleeping for a week the aches and pains all over my body were so bad I could barely move! I mean, it wasn't really AGONISING or anything, it was just a bit wierd. But, after a good nights sleep I was fine.
If I am a little run down though I get a little neck pain and I have started getting an achey lower back which is the one really irking me.
Like, if I put pressure on it (bend down etc.) when I take the strain off it (get up or lie down etc.) it gets quite achey and painful. Is this normal? Or am I suffering some horrible painful death?

From: D in Canada. A 24 year old Male.
Subject: Oily skin returns?
Date: 30/09/2001 at 20:56 - Message #578

One more question. I was wondering if the oily skin returns after accutane or is the oily skin gone for good?
thanks ,

From: Chiara in Maine - USA. A 25 year old female.
Subject: don't worry
Date: 30/09/2001 at 16:06 - Message #577

Hi, guys. I just wanted to tell everyone not to worry about taking accutane. I've now been taking it for one month (almost) and have had no side effects other than dry lips, and that is easily controlled by using lip balm. I always moisturize in the mornings and evenings. I am on a low dose of 40 mg/day, and my skin is already much, much clearer. I know it does take some time for others to show, but I am extremely confident of the end result. I don't have severe acne, which is why it may be working quicker than normal. Just make sure to keep up with the blood work, as that is very, very important. Good luck!

From: Roseann in Belfast N.Ireland. A 14 year old female.
Subject: side effects
Date: 30/09/2001 at 15:42 - Message #576

Im just writin to ask for some advise. I started my first course of Roaccutane 3weeks ago. My dermatoligist told me not to use anything on my face but the skin around my nose is peeling and sore any advise? Also ive been using vaseline on my lips but they are really badly drying up and cracking,i can hardly talk!Are there any good products i could use on my lips to stop them acheing?If anyone knows of anything please let me know! Thanx! Luv Roseann

From: D in Canada. A 24 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane??
Date: 29/09/2001 at 21:02 - Message #575

Hi everyone,
I just wanted some advice. I have had cystic acne since I was 19. For 2 years it was bad maybe 3 cysts on my face. It has gotten alot better but I still have excessive oily skin and breakouts which cause scarring.
I am currently on antibotics but they don't do anything and my skin is really oily now. Should I go on accutane? I am scared about the side effects. I need to do something cuz nothing seems to work.
thanks for the input!

From: Jane in London, England. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: Exercise
Date: 29/09/2001 at 12:57 - Message #574

Hi All,
I'm about to start a 16 week (30mg 59kg) course of Roaccutane (seems shorter course than most I've read which is puzzling?), having tried every other drug/lotion in the book to cure my moderate acne.
However I have a question for all those people out there who have taken or are taking Roaccutane - I'm a very keen runner, running an average of 25-30 miles a week and competing in 10k's and half marathons. I'm very concerned that Roaccutane is going to leave me unable to exercise or give me aches and pains. I have no problem cutting down the intensity of my training but am very keen not to have to stop exercising completely. Please could anyone with experience of exercise/training while on Roaccutane contact me with their experiences? I have another week before I begin my course and with all the other risks/side effects I don't wish to do so if I have to stop running to top it all.
Cheers everyone,

From: Zack in Wyoming. A 15 year old Male.
Subject: Past accutane user with advice
Date: 29/09/2001 at 04:05 - Message #573

Well I went on Accutane at 80 mg/day in April. I just finished my treatment 2 weeks ago and here are a few things I found and maybe I can answer some questions. I read one post from Sara. And I have to tell you all that the only lotion I have used that didn't burn my face while I was accutane and the only lotion I will ever use again on my face is Johnson and Johnson Purpose. It has SPF 15, is non-comedogenic, and it's wonderful stuff! My face was always tight after I got out of the shower, and I would usually just pat it dry and run to the lotion. I also noticed that my arms and legs burned and were Very dry, I just put lotion on those too. As for lip stuff.....I use Burt's Beeswax. It's wonderful, and it works so well. I was paying $3 a tube this summer and it lasted about a week, and it was worth it. I use that now too, however when my skin gets back to it's old routine I probably can stop. Accutane really is the miracle drug, I hated being on it but the results are great. My face quickly went from red back to tan which I have always been dark skinned. I have gotten a few new spots but they are not discouraging. I wash my face with neutrogena liquid soap, and while on the medicine my I carried my lotion everywhere. I still do, but don't use it as often. This medicine is worth it, My face didn't totally clear until the 4th month, but I saw improvements by the 10th week. E-mail me with any questions, talk to you later, -Zack

From: Jade in Europe. A 20 year old female.
Subject: Some Answers!!
Date: 28/09/2001 at 21:55 - Message #572

Hi all,
As a past roaccutane user, I've just been reading through your various messages with the hope of not only learning more about this drug myself, but also to help any of you out their who pose some of the same questions I posed a couple of months ago while on the treatment.
So, here it goes,Naomi in New Zealand and Bee in Asia, girls I found that my skin remained the same, in fact worse, until the 4th month of treatment. During the 2nd and 3rd month I was really beginning to question the effectiveness of roac., because I saw virtually no changes. It was only in the 4th month that it suddenly began improving and for the the 4th and 5th months, I didnt get a single spot, and this remains the case to this day, almost 2 mths after finishing treatment. So, please be patient and try not to dispair. Roaccutane is a powerful drug!!
For Karen in Ireland, Karen I found that having constantly carried round my vaseline with me for mths., 2 days after finishing treatment my lips were once again perfect. As for my eyes, which were pretty sore and dry during treatment, it took about a week or two for those to return to normal, though I think it could take up to a month for them to return completely to normal. Which makes sense, since it usually takes about a month before antibiotics are fully out of your system. For Wilko in England, personally I didn't find alcohol a problem. It didnt effect my liver, this I know from blood tests. But I would stress that you tread cautiously. There were a couple of occasions when I felt very sick having drunk alot, which I wouldn't normally have felt otherwise. I probably comsumed on average 8-10 units per week.
Finally, for Meva in Sweden, I don't think the sun will be a problem for you Meva. I spent a couple of months while on roaccutane in hot sun, and found it to be no problem. My derm recommmended SPF 60 for my cheeks and nose, though I found even wearing a lower factor I didn't burn in these places. As for the rest of my face and body, I usually wore SPF 20-25. Remember though, that the skin on your face is alot more sensitive, so don't be surprised if you don't tan. It's more important not to burn, which may cause permanent damage.
As for everyone else out there on the drug, good luck to you all, and for those of you in the throws of treatment, hang in there. You will see improvements with time! Roaccutane, like many of the other acne treatments, certainly teaches one patience.
For anyone out there whose finished their course of roaccutane, and still has some faded red marks, does anyone know of any creams, herbal remedies or anything else which may accelerate healing and fade the scars quicker? Please post me on the message board if you have. It would be much appreciated!!

From: Melissa. A 27 year old Female.
Date: 28/09/2001 at 18:55 - Message #571

I am now into my 2nd month of my Accutane treatment. Much to my dismay, this is my third round of Accutane. I thought I never would more than one treatment, but have just found out that Accutane is not a CURE as most think. Many have to take a second, some a third, and few four or more. My dermatologist informed me he has several that take a 20 mg dose every day for the rest of their life. Hopefully, that will not be me. It has been about 9 years since my last treatment, and the results were fabulous. Hopefully I will receive the same results this time, permanently. So far, the only side effects are chapped lips. For you gals on accutane that are experiencing extreme dryness of the lips preventing you from wearing that favorite lipstick—I have found en excellent solution. Carmex seems to be the best lip moisturizer…add a small sliver of your favorite lipstick color and mix it up well, place in the fridge for a short time. Voila!-you have your favorite shade of lipstick as a great moisturizer. Your lips look glossy and fabulous!! I see some of you speaking of hair loss…In the last two years, my hair has steadily fallen out, to reasons unknown. I had a ton of hair, most would comment about how I had way too much, so when it started falling out I really grew paranoid. I thought back to having taken two rounds of accutane almost 10 years ago and thought it could possibly be a delayed reaction. My dermatologist didn’t think so. So imagine my concern before taking the third round this time—I really would have been upset if it made my hair come out even more. However, since taking it two months ago, my hair is completely different. Its growing like weeds, everywhere, and is full and soft like it used to be. Could there be something in accutane my hair needs to grow? I know it sounds weird and believe me, if I didn’t see it for myself I wouldn’t think there could be a connection, especially when so many talk of accutane induced hair loss. Well, good luck to all of you on accutane. Its well worth the time, the initial breakouts, and side effects. I have had great results both times in the past and look forward to it again, hopefully for the last time. Feel free to email me any questions.

From: dolly in california. A 23 year old female.
Subject: please help
Date: 28/09/2001 at 17:55 - Message #570


From: Alanna in midwest USA. A 19 year old female.
Subject: my accutane troubles
Date: 28/09/2001 at 04:47 - Message #569

Okay, here is my Accutane story: I first went on it when I was 17 b/c I had cysts, but I had to stop after 3 months because it made my cholesterol too high. First they decreased my dosage from 20mg to 10mg a day, but it was still too high. I didn't have any side effects then. Now my skin isn't as bad, but I'm 19 and on it again for a month now. I am taking 20mg (low, because I weigh 150 pounds) a day for 8 months, but I have a blood test tomorrow and I'm scared that my cholesterol will be too high! I didn't drink when I was 17, and now I do on weekends, which I know isn't good for cholesterol. But besides that I am healthy: I work out 5 hrs a week and eat well (no desserts or soft drinks and small portions). But I get drunk about 2x a week. Also, I feel like tearing off my lips! They are constantly bleeding! It is driving me crazy! I put stuff on them all the time, but it doesn't seem to help. Has anyone heard of putting Tiger Balm on your lips to numb and moisturize them? I look like I have a disease on my lips now: they are so red and bloody and swelled. Anyway, I might not have to worry about this, because I might have to go off Accutane tomorrow! But hopefully if my cholesterol is high then I'll just take a lower dosage for...what? 10 months?? I know I should stop drinking, but I feel like my cholesterol will be high anyway, because it was when I was 17 and never drank. My skin is good (1-3 pimples now!!) on my face, but my back is still gross. Also, I am taking birth control and 2 topical acne meds and this medication called spironolactin, which is a direutic (reduces fluid in the body), but is supposed to help me with high levels of androgen (male hormone), which my doctor thinks may be causing acne on my chin - I am going to have hormone tests this winter. Anyone with advice on dry lips or high cholesterol or who is taking spirnolactin too - please e-mail me!

From: Ethan in Australia. A 18 year old male.
Subject: Redness
Date: 27/09/2001 at 22:59 - Message #568

I've been on Roaccutane for 15 weeks now and my skin is pretty much spot free. I took almost 10 weeks for it to kick in though, but once it did, it happened straight away. This is great and everything, however the redness it left behind is almost as bad as the pimples themselves. There are no pot holes or anything, just this deep tissue redness. Everyone says it will fade in time but it's still a pain in the ass. Anyone know anything to speed it up a little???
Also, it is really important to talk about your problems with people who have been through it and know the pain cause stressing can make your skin worse.
Any aussie reading, use blistex (in the little tub) on your lips, and Neutrogena oil free combination skin moisturiser.
P.S. Don't stress about side effects. I had blood noses, sore back, some weird rash on my arms, etc. but it will pass. BE STRONG!!

From: Sara in USA. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Carmex :)
Date: 27/09/2001 at 16:31 - Message #567

Carmex is the only thing I have been able to put on my lips that feels good. IT LASTS! I am so glad I bought some rather than the expensive stuff. Well 1 month and 2 days now on Accutane. My skin is breaking out like crazy, but I supose that means its working. My face is really dry after I take a shower and it hurts to dry it, does anybody else get that? Ice on sore spots definately makes a difference. I am hanging in there like everybody else......

From: Jason (rosco) in USA . A 22 year old Male.
Subject: It WORKS
Date: 27/09/2001 at 16:13 - Message #566

Hey people. I used to post here while i was on accutain almost a year ago. I am not positive how long i have been off it, but i know it has been more than 8 months. I was on it for over a year and was on a pretty good dose, It took a long time, and was no fun at all. Just hang in there it is worth it. I had cyst acne and i am glad to say HAD.... now there are only a few minor scars left, but you can't see them except in certain light. Now I get a few zits every once in awhile, but nothing major, nothing diffrent than what a normal skin condition might get. and somtimes i am totally clear. The weird thing is after about three months the oil came back. I just was with normal water in the morning and us a very very mild soap at night, if i feel oily i just use a soft cloth or at most splash some water on my face.... that is it... I think that i made my acne worse with excessive washing and using over the counter harsh crap that is bad for your skin. I havn't posted for a long time because i wanted to know if it was a temperary thing, and well almost over a year with accutain totally out of my system...... I can IT WORKED FOR ME.
carry around chap stick where ever you are, put it on all the time. the best i found was Carmex in a stick, it is awsome.....
Tell people you are on this crazy stuff.... and what the effects are. My acne got worse for a while before it got better.... i am talking a long long time before it got better. they will be supportive
If you are looking in the mirror every 10 sec. stop... I just got in the habit of not looking in the mirror.... i just said, it will get better.... and didn't look.....
Use ice.. If some are bothering you, use ICE. This will reduce the swelling.... and is natural. There has been so many times i had made my face worse trying to make it better.
Talk to your doctor about your symtems... they will be able to help you... the doc put me on some prednezon (spelling) which reduces the swelling for a little bit while i was on it.
Also don't be suprissed if acne appears else wear, while i was on acutain, i had horible acne on my shoulders, didn't have bad acne before on them, and i don't know. actually i am glad that it started back there, because the doctor left me on a couple of months longer to clear the shoulder acne up. which gave my face even more time to be on it.
Don't give up, keep taking them, and if you are thinking about going on it. get off your computer and go to the doctor now. After reading this site, i had decided not to go on it. but the doctor conviced me.... thank god...
email me with questions

From: Debbie in Scotland. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: Progress so far
Date: 27/09/2001 at 09:34 - Message #565

Hi All,
I've been taking this drug for around 2 months now and as yet have seen no miraculous difference. Although, I have to say that I'm on a 4 month course and also that I'm hoping things will "start to happen" soon.
I must admit though, my skin certainly has not got any worse, other than just before that certain time of the month. I've had none of the extreme side-effects thankfully and have only really experienced dry skin on my face and on my body, but nothing that E45 moisturiser can't counteract, but I will say one thing - my lips are VERY dry! - vaseline is now my constant companion and certainly helps! I'm typically a very impatient person and so I think expected that roaccutane would clear my sin up instantly - kidding myself on with that one I think! 2 months still to go - fingers crossed I'll get good results!
Would appreciate hearing from anyone who is around the same stage as me, or who was having the same results when they were at this stage - when do I start to SEE my skin get visibly better???
Take Care

From: dolly in L.A. A 23 year old female.
Subject: i need an answer
Date: 26/09/2001 at 20:05 - Message #564

hi all................
iwas in accutane 1 year a go and thanx god its better until now but some times befor my period i have some small cysts .last night i had one than i went to my derm and he gave me an injectoin on them. i just want to know if anyone had try it does it work ?how many days it will improve?he told me 3 days pls if any one had try it befor answer me.

From: Dawn in Florida, US. A 40 year old Female.
Date: 26/09/2001 at 12:57 - Message #563

I finished my accutane treatment October 13, 2000. Almost a year has gone by and thanks to God my face is still doing well. B/4 accutane I had alot of cystic acne and rosecea which is alot worse than just having acne. With rosecea you also flare up with heat flashes and your face, ears, neck and chest gets very RED! I had all the side effects you all talk about while on accutane. by the end of the treatment which was for 6 months my body aches where very bad but mostly my feet hurt so much my heels specially! i think i stoped like a week b/4 i should cause my feet just hurt too much. My experience and results with accutane are different then the ones suffering only from acne. Most people do well for the acne and it doesnt come back, i on the other hand still suffer from the rosecea but the acne pretty much has been kept away, thank God! i occasionally will get a bump or 2 but they go away quickly, i mostly get some bumps but from rosecea but they also go away really quickly compared to b/4 accutane. Overall i would say my skin is doing SO MUCH BETTER than b/4 accutane i can now go out into the world with out feeling embarresed about how my face looks. my skin hasnt gotten much oilier compared to b/4 accutane definetly not! i do have to wear foundation on my face since i still wake up w/some redness but that is due to the rosecea but i dont have to cover up pimples cause i dont have any really the one o 2 bumps i get are so small that who cares! I am so grateful to my derm and accutane i just pray to God I continue to look this good or even better that my rosecea goes away completely, but the way i am now i can live with thanks to Accutane! the only problem that i was left with which is weird is the pain on my feet. after i stopped the accutane about 3 wks later my feet started to feel better and the soreness went away. but about 6 months ago my feet started to hurt again alot i dont know why i have to go see a foot specialist and see what he says but if this is one of the side effects i was left with then i will live with it it was still worth taking the accutane thanks to accutane i feel pretty again, i looked awful b/4 accutane i am very happy with the results! Good luck to all!

From: KAREN in IRELAND. A 37 year old FEMALE.
Date: 25/09/2001 at 20:54 - Message #562


From: Mel in Sydney. A 19yrs year old Female.
Subject: recreational drugs
Date: 25/09/2001 at 11:07 - Message #561

If anyone has any experience having taken recreational drugs whilst on Roaccutane I'd be very interested to hear how it went.. particularly in regards to mdma and lsd.
Please write asap..

From: david in australia. A 33 year old male.
Subject: observations
Date: 25/09/2001 at 03:15 - Message #560

Hi, I've been on Roaccutane for over 4 months now, (around 40 days to go) and would like to share what my experiences with the drug are.
First of all, my acne was largely confined to my back, although I've had problem skin on my face for years. Although I had cysts, it was nothing compared to the severe acne which some people suffer from. But antibiotics and all the other stuff I wasted my cash on didnt work for any length of time.
I weigh 80kg and started on 40g/day for the 1st month, then moved up to 80mg/day. The acne got worse the 1st 6 weeks, with a lot of cysts appearing on my back. After that, it calmed down and has steadily improved each month. It didn't happen suddenly, it was such a gradual process that I didn't notice changes day to day. It also went in waves, periods of improvement and times when I seemed to regress. But the overall trend has been upwards, in a big way.
The side effects on 40mg were minimal. On 80mg they were very noticeable, dry sensitive skin and lips, headaches and stiff, sore muscles/joints esp. lower back and shoulders/neck, which made me feel like an old man. I do a lot of physical training, and had to cut down considerably as I felt too stiff the days after, esp. running.
As from what I've read in medical literature it's the total accumulated dose which is important (total treatment requires 100-120mg per kg body weight)I cut down to 40mg per day again, and have moved up to 60mg now. As it is a long treatment, I decided it was better to take longer to complete it with minimal side-effects and a good life, than spend months feeling and looking pretty rough and waiting for the day I could finish the tablets so I could start living again.
I made a mistake by not using a corticosteroid salve on my lips when I developed sores/cracks on the corners and thought they might be cold sores (run-down from long-haul flights etc). I was scared to use corticosteroids as they are contra-indicated for a herpes infection. Anyway, eventually figured it was a side effect of roaccutane and used 1% salve (Sigmacort in Australia) and got rid of the lip problem in a few days.
I didn't limit my drinking really, which I believe is only bad in association with Roaccutane if you have elevated triglycerides, bit I accept it definitely wouldn't have helped.
Now my complexion is much much better, almost no spots on back, some residual marks but nothing to worry about and skin on face is a lot better. Also much less sensitive to everything, including mild soaps which I couldn't tolerate before.
So the effort has definitely been worthwhile, just hope it stay like this, and I'm a very happy man.
To sum up, the stuff has been really good for me. The one thing I would recommend, if you can, is to try and find a dosage (between 0.5mg and 1mg per kg body weight per day is what is recommended) just below where you get too many side effects which will interfere with your life. For me, 40mg was no problem, 60mg per day was tolerable, 80mg too much. So I chose 60mg.
I hope this helps.
Best of luck

From: Naomi in New Zealand. A 17 year old Female.
Subject: When will they go?
Date: 25/09/2001 at 02:49 - Message #559

Hi there,
I've been on roaccutane for 15 weeks now and have got about 7-8 weeks to go. When I first began the treatment I would feel dizzy when I was tired, and I got tired (which led to me feel down) a lot more easily. I've learnt that I don't have the same amount of energy so a lot more sleep is needed(one of the reasons I CAN'T WAIT finish)
Has anyone else found their biological clocks have stuffed up? I found I'm more alert to work in the evening than the afternoon...before I took roaccutane it was the other way around.
My acne isn't that bad, just moderate. When I first started taking Roaccutane the usual thing happened..I broke out (usually during PMS) then cleared, and so on. But in the past 7 or 8 weeks they have been permently broken out, just the same as they were before I was on roaccutane (except that blackheads on my nose have disappeared)
I'm surprised that they haven't cleared up yet, since I only have moderate acne. I'm scared that they may not clear up by the end of the treatment, since I really DON't want to go on a second treatment.
Has anyone else found it took a long time before the treatment showed signs of succeeding?

From: Sean in Auckland, NZ. A 16 year old Male.
Date: 25/09/2001 at 01:24 - Message #558

Well, I have been on [ro]accutane for a few weeks now and i've never been so happy. I think this stuff is great. Although my lips are dry, i use Chapstick and that solves that. Sometimes i get dry skin so i use Cetaphil Moisturising Cream which works well too. Those are the only side affects that i get really. I have had a sore knee (maybe unrealated) but it was nearly to the stage where i couldn't move it. With regards to drinking alcohol, I've had a few beers and stuff and i'm still fine although it isn't good for your liver (so i'm told) - thats why we get blood tests taken right..? :). After the first week my chest cleared up and now my back is just about back to normal. I am on 60mg per day (I weigh 64kg). And you SHOULDN'T double your dose and its done in regards to your weight - with any medication for that matter. Plus this stuff is strong sh*t. I do occasionally get dry nose but no bleeds. Feel free to contact me with anything

From: Sara in Iowa. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Wilko
Date: 24/09/2001 at 22:46 - Message #557

Wilko, I don't think you are supposed to exceed more than 2 glasses of alcohol per week. I have an occasional glass of wine with dinner or a beer. I have been fine, but you don't want to put any unnessacery pressure on your liver.
Anyways I am done with one month of Accutane, 40 mg per day. My skin is breaking out very badly and it is very dry, but its not too bad. The other day my lips peeled off and that was a bit unnerving :-) But I survived! Keep on it everybody and keep your heads to the sky!

From: wilko in England. A 19 year old Male.
Date: 24/09/2001 at 18:10 - Message #556

Hi everyone,
i have taken all sorts of treatments and soem have worked but only for a whille. i`m taking 75mls daily and have been taking roaccutane for about 3 weeks with little progress, but some improvment. If anybody knows if you can drink (alcohol) with these tablets then can you please email me with your opinion. plz
Phil Wilko

From: dolly in L.A. A 23 year old female.
Subject: dont give up
Date: 24/09/2001 at 15:42 - Message #555

hi all.............

for all who r using acutane you can still be paitent to the side effect just to have a clear skin i used this stuff 1 year ago and now i only have one acne once a month.

From: meva in Sweden. A 25 year old female.
Subject: Eating Roacc. for 5 months, what happens next??
Date: 23/09/2001 at 12:06 - Message #554

I have been eating roaccutan for 5 months, and I'm done taking my pills.My skin is better, but not perfect. My doctor tells me that the medicine works months after the last pill.Does any one have any experience about this? I'm also going on a trip for a couple of months, to Asia. I have read that the heat and the sun makes it worst(that I might get back my acne), is that true? Beacause I'm from Sweden, I don't have the "sun,heat" experience....Thank you.

From: Bee in Asia. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Is Accutane effective?
Date: 22/09/2001 at 17:11 - Message #553

Hey Alex, it seems like my situation is very similar to yours. I have been taking Accutane for 6 weeks now and my face is getting worse each day. The only good thing I noticed is that the number of blackheads on my nose has significantly reduced. My bones hurt a lot and I'm always tired. I wonder when will I start to see the slightest bit of improvement??? I am not sure why some people respond to Accutane so much slower than the others. If anyone happens to know the answer/explanation to this, could you please email me?

From: Mark.
Date: 22/09/2001 at 13:29 - Message #552

jeez man! dont double dose!, specially that amount :|

From: Nikki in Australia. A 16 year old female.
Date: 22/09/2001 at 08:30 - Message #551

i'm on 60mg a day but today i've taken 120mg because i forgot to take it the day before. can anyone tell me if this is bad? thanx

From: Meredith in Georgia, USA. A 15 year old Female.
Subject: Just Started
Date: 21/09/2001 at 20:17 - Message #550

Hey people! This is the best message board! Im so glad to hear people that have the same problems as me! Well i just started taking Accutane about a week ago and already i can tell my skin is much drier and i am always thirsty! Hopfully this will cure the acne i have had since i was 10! All of you people are a lot older than me, is there a reason people dont go on accutane at a younger age? if you have any advice please email me!

From: TheCure in Brazil. A 18 year old male.
Subject: My treatment
Date: 21/09/2001 at 04:18 - Message #549

Hello everyone,
First of all, I wanna say that I'm new here in this site, and my english is very poor. Im suffering with acne about 3 years, and It really disturbs me. I have tried lots of medicines such as tetracycline, Dioxicycline, Benzoil Peroxid, Clindamicin, Erytromicin, Sulfur, and and so forth. Im now on Roacutan (Roacutanne), today is my 20th day, and my face is bad. :( But I know that the beginning is difficult.. Im really anxious to get rid of this problem.
That´s all folks, GOOD LUCK FOR YOU!!
See ya!

From: philip in Hongkong. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 20/09/2001 at 12:15 - Message #548

Forgive my English grammer,
Well, I have been on Roaccutane for 10 Days now, before small tiny zits(some acnes and tons of small whitehead and blackhead) on all my roughy face,but now it's becomes smoother with less white/blackhead, only 10 maybe I am very happy without some people say with depression or mental problem ,but I found that I concentrate on my work,Is it the effect from Roaccutane? I was on 60mg a day ,not today I decide to drop to 20mg a day myself ,since I feel dizzy.....
I wonder if anybody has these side effects that are not serious? I need to work under very very strong sunligt! at beginning of roaccutane, I am afraid and my skin feel little sensitive to the strong sun,but after 1 or 2 days ,I feel nothing at all !I mean my skin does not feel any irritation or sensitive to the sun (Hongkong now is very very hot with at least 33 degrees a day ,very stong UV ! )no sensitive al all ! the skin is still improving its complexion! also , my lips are not that dry although my lips little bit peel off,I can say no one can notice it even myself! I only wash my face night and day with acne soap(that dry up the skin) I just feel my skin : not dried ,not oily just nomal maybe and improving day by day!
But another side effects are still here: my bones are very hurt that make me not comfortable ,I feel very weak and tired ,I become thiner and thiner(That what I really worry about!I hate being skinny! : ( .) what to am Chineses(Asian) but not American or European or English, maybe my body is different from all of u ?That what I react with Roaccutane? I think the most important thing is your Western eating diet with high fats and sugar....I eat rice and vegetable a lot,I hate going to Macdoxxld's ,hamburgers and chips!so eating less that kind of food .nothing to say ......good luck my English is really poor .......HAHA....because long time no study EnglisH( near 3 years!)

From: Foxy in Canada. A 19 year old girl.
Subject: Oil vs Dry skin
Date: 19/09/2001 at 19:07 - Message #547

I am happy for you all who have finally found a cure! I know what it's like to go to bed crying at night after looking in the mirror. Anyway, could someone email me with any kind of HELP for my dry AND oily skin? I've taken acutane for 6 days now, and my skin has cleared up, but peels like crazy, yet it is slick with oil. I can't use powder because it cakes because of the dryness, and I can't use moistuizer because it makes my skin look more oily! What should I do? Is there a better moisturizer out there? I hope that none of you experience depression due to your dosages. Good luck!

From: Sara in Iowa. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Thanks!
Date: 19/09/2001 at 03:12 - Message #546

Scott, that was a really good site, thanks! Anyways I am on day 25. The sides of my lips have cracked so now it is hard to open my mouth too wide. I find that neosporin has helped a little. My back is starting to look good again. But my face, uggh, I never remember it being this bad. The bloody noses are very infrequent and end quickly so I can't complain there. I am considering taking oratane for my next go around because the cost of Accutane is outrageous! Keep your heads up!

From: Stephen in Inverness,Scotland. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: 20weeks i think!
Date: 19/09/2001 at 00:47 - Message #545
Web Site: Beat Acne

Hi folks! Well-what can i say-nothing really-that would be tempting fate!well,if u have read this msg board u will maybe see ive been posting a bit-coz i was so down-and my acne was horrible.well-how things have changed!i think! only a few weeks ago i was"grounded"-due 2 a massive cyst-and a few weeks later,after 20 weeks,i am almost spot free!amazing!if it lasts!i think ive done 20weeks-that shows how much better it is-now i dont think about it quite as much-and i dont count how many weeks ive done every day!all i can say is that i think it has really worked(after so much misery and so many false dawns-this better not be another)-and ive got weeks left!it has been so terrible-life has been so bad with acne-but all i can say is try2keep ur head is very hard i know-especially if u have done months of roacc and it still is bad-but this happened2me,and it seems 2 have cleared up eventually,though it did take months. so be patient if u can-and although im not 100%sure mines has gone(give or take 1 or 2 wee spots) its goin in the rite direction-i think.ok,so ive got a load of red marks-ill battle them next-but at least i cant feel themm so im not so conscious of them,though they do still make me feel bad(first things first!).neway-if ne1 wants2ask me nething then thats fine-id be happy2help if i can!
also-i have a site now( if ne1 has ne pics(like acne pics,b4 + or after)that would be great-or ne other useful stuff.Stephen

From: Rachel in New Zealand. A 21 year old Female.
Subject: after 3 months
Date: 18/09/2001 at 23:32 - Message #544

I have been on Roaccutane for just on 3 months now (2 more months to go)and I woke up thismorning with at least 3 pimples on my face. My face had been pretty clear up until today and I dont know whats happened. I have several side effects: Dry chapped lips, bleeding noses, dry patches of skin on my arms and sore backs (could be unrelated). My back cleared up within the first month which was great so now I can wear backless tops again! I am on 30mg per day. I have noticed all my blackheads are gone but where have all these pimples come from. The annoying thing is is that one of them is a blind one which is big and sore and I havent had one of these since I started roaccutane. Good luck to everyone else who is on Roa and here's hoping this is my last big breakout!

From: Sean in Auckland, NZ. A 16 year old Male.
Subject: Best of both worlds
Date: 17/09/2001 at 23:34 - Message #543

Well, I have been suffering bad acne for close to 6 years now i recently started a course of [ro]accutane and have noticed much improvement in the appearance of my skin. My back and chest have cleared up amazingly. But i suffer from diabetes and was wondering whether this will affect my taking this drug. My dermatoligist said no but my diabetic specialist said it might. Also is it alright to drink alcohol while on accutane because i dont want having a drink to affect the current results i am seeing with this drug. any comments much appreciated,

From: Alex in Maryland. A 16 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 17/09/2001 at 01:39 - Message #542

Hey i have been on accutane for about 4-5 weeks now and it aint doin nothin im on 40 mg a day and it just seems to be gettin worse the only sign i saw was that i dotn have any more black heads on my nose but my back hurts alot does that mean its workin can some one please help me out give me some answers thanks

From: Siobhan in australia. A 19 year old female.
Subject: roacc
Date: 16/09/2001 at 23:54 - Message #541

I'm grateful to whoever started this website. I'm probablly starting roaccutane in about two weeks if the blood tests are fine.
There's perhaps one positive thing about being a person with acne...although I am a selfmade 'outcast' of humanity (please excuse the strength and dramatic nature of this term), and have become introverted to a terrible degree, I hope that the self- searching, the time spent alone, the humbleness that I've come to have cannot be wholly bad. Although I detest the condition at the moment, it may be fuel and passion for things to come in time.
Although I'd love to be a care- free teen; I'd love to have normal cares and fears, and I'd gladly trade all the hours I've spent reading and drawing, I've gained knowledge in the time spent alone, that I might not have done if I hadn't had acne.
What I've said may sound ludicrous, but I've begun to think about it. My friends ask why I don't want to spend time with them any more. It is of course vanity and shame, but I hope the present pain will later be used for good things.

From: Sara in Iowa. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: 3rd week of Accutane
Date: 16/09/2001 at 17:27 - Message #540

Well, its happened! My face is finally having that first nasty break out. My lips hurt, and I apply Blistex every 20 minutes. My back is clearing up, which is making me happy. I have taken up Yoga, its helping me to be less stressed out. I think when all this is over I am going to have great skin and a great body. Might as well do other things while you are waiting for the Accutane to run its course. I am trying to think of this whole thing as a process, and not to be dissapointed when I don't get immediate results. BTY, regards for everyone lost in the recent terrorist attacks!

From: julie in liverpool. A 37 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 14/09/2001 at 22:17 - Message #539

I have been taking roaccutane for 6 weeks now and in all that time I have suffered terribly with very sore and dry lips.My doctor gave me anti biotics called amoxycillin and it is now clearing up which is a great relief.Apart from that I am not too bad I feel more tired than usual but Ive had no nose bleeds or anything like that.I have another 3 months to go yet so I will just persevere and hope it works.Good luck to everyone who is taking it.It is nice to know I am not on my own.

From: Luce in England. A 20 year old female.
Subject: Reverting back to severe acne
Date: 11/09/2001 at 18:40 - Message #538

Hi there. Can I just say a massive thanks for this website. It's so encouraging and supportive to know there are others out there who suffer and not just me!
I came off Roaccutane over a year and a half ago after having two courses of the drug, and after having no side-effects other than dry skin and at that point and for several months it was amazing- no acne whatsoever. However for over a year my acne has been getting worse again until it is almost as bad as it was before. I am so depressed about this- I am dreading it getting continually worse. My doctor will not put me on it again and I was just wondering if anyone else had suffered this, and if they have do they know of any other further treatments available. I would be SO grateful if anyone out there could help or offer any advice.

From: Dr Ben in Tasmania, Australia. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Hi, Dr Ben here
Date: 11/09/2001 at 12:49 - Message #537

Hi Everyone! Just a friendly note telling you all Dr.Ben (16 Jan 2001 messages), is back, and yes, still at med school but 3rd year now. Have been too busy to write so sorry about not replying to peoples concerns. I am currently pursuing court hearings to ban Roaccutane and develop a new better drug with little or no side effects...exciting stuff! Questions? Comments? Please feel free to write or contact me on 1900 635 430 (AUSTRALIA-INFOTEL 2.95pm)

From: Tom in UK. A 19 year old male.
Subject: Only after disaster can you be resurrected
Date: 11/09/2001 at 12:01 - Message #536

Hey Guys and girls,
Firstly I'd like to thank whoever created this website. Not only have I found it informative but also (without sounding mean) reassuring to know that there are others out there going through the same trials and tribulations that accompany the diabolicle acne. My personal tale of woe began at the start of 2000. Prior to that I had only experienced the odd pimple that most adolecents are unforunate enough to recieve. But almost spontaneously it seemed as though I had been beaten by the 'ugly stick' and I had a nasty breakout which has changed my life ever since. Consequentely my pride/vanity wouldn't allow myself to return to college immediately and as a result I ended up repeating my final year of sixth form. Friends, Family, Partners I lost or hurt a lot of them but as I'm sure you understand I was at odds with everything and was cloaked in dispair. I went to my GP looking for a panacea to return some sanity to my existence but sadly for me he was the type who obviously had never suffered a blackhead in his life and said that "it will go away in its own time". Well Great, and was I supposed to live in a room with no windows until it did?. I wore him down and I went through the monotenous regime of antibiotics, which although taking an age to start working did eventually calm my acne down. Oxytetracycline is annoying because you have to schedule your meals around those friggin pills. I then used eyrthromicin which was more successful than its predocessor and gave me clear skin (altough I still got the occansional spot). I was taking so many pills for such a long time that numerous people thought I was a drug addict. But even with a very acceptable complexion the fear that the acne could return one day drove me to roaccutane. A close friend of mine had taken it a year earlier (he had a similar level of affliction as myself) and as a result of the drug now has porcelain skin. I was put on the NHS waiting list to see a Dermatologist and got an appointment 3 months later. I was prescribed 40mg a day for four months. I have been taking the drug for 17 days now and am experiencing dry-lips, dry-skin (which is strangely pleasurable seeing as I used to constanly have to wipe my face because of all the excess oil) and am having a minor breakout which I pray vanishes very soon. Also my back aches bery slightly if I bend over and I am more lethargic than usual. But the danger of roaccutane is to become psychosymatic and look into every little grey area of your life and blame your medication.
I would advise the alcoholics amoungst us to cut back or better still avoid the sauce completely whilst on your course as your liver will be under enough stress dealing with the high amounts of Vitamin A delivered via roaccutane. Vitamin-A is fat soluble and unlike other vitamins your body cannot excrete any excess amounts that it doesn't require and therefore it can reach toxic levels (did you know that a polar bear has enough vitamin-A in its liver to kill a human being?).
I know its hard not to drink especially when everyone else is blotto but a bit of prudence and deferred gratification will pay dividends in the future. Currently I guzzle red-bull when I venture out and as a result of last nights soire I now have enough caffiene in my body to prevent me from sleeping until next month (Doh!).
I hope and pray for all of us that we find salavation in using roaccutane, as I've lost nearly two years of my life fighting this thing day to day. Stay positive and remember that it is not necessarily where we are in life that is important, but the direction we are travelling.
Feel free to mail me, I know how large and uncomfortable this burden is to carry.
Peace and love.

From: Debbie in New Zealand. A 37 year old Female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 11/09/2001 at 09:21 - Message #535

Hi, I have just come off Roaccutane and unfortunately my skin has reverted back to where I started. My skin was fabulous whislt taking the drug. I was on 10mg per day which seems a low dose compared to other people. My main side effect (apart fom dry lips)was that my skin became very tender - almost sore too touch. Has anyone else had this problem? I will be going back to my doctor for this drug. It was definately worth it and I still have faith that I may be free of pimples and oily skin permanently.

From: Weird guy.
Date: 10/09/2001 at 12:46 - Message #534

I'm taking accutane for severe cystic accne on my back neck and face, i'm just wondering has anyone else had very severe cystic "boils" on the back of their head/neck area. thank you

From: Sammi in US. A 23 year old female.
Subject: oratene?
Date: 10/09/2001 at 03:01 - Message #533

Does anyone know about oratene? Has anyone try it? Is it exactly like accutane or is there any difference?

From: Sara in Iowa. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Painful
Date: 09/09/2001 at 17:08 - Message #532

First of all take a breath. You have only been on Accutane for a month, you were prepared for it to get worse first weren't you? You need to do something to take your mind off of this. Read a book, be with friends that make you feel good about yourself, stop obsessing about your face.
Like I have said before anything thats worth doing will take time. Before starting Accutane ( I have been on it for 15 days now and my skin is looking great) I read soooo many people who said it got terrible before it got better, just depends on YOUR own bodies reaction.
Hang in there, eat healthy, take your vits, and RELAX!

From: Painful Victim in nowhere. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Initial Breakout - Real Bad
Date: 08/09/2001 at 21:26 - Message #531

It has already been 4 weeks since I started accutane. I know that it is normal to get worse before it gets better. But I never realize the initial breakout could be that bad. Now my face is 1000X worse than before. I look horrible. Whenever I go out, everyone is staring at me. The condition is so bad that not even foundation and concealer could make them less obvious. About 50 zits in total with the most serious part in forehead. How gross! I'm crying everyday hoping that those stupid acne would go away, guess what? They're still here! Huge and red and painful and stubborn. When will they just leave me alone? Of course depression is related to accutane. Acne worsens to an extent that a person wants to kill him/herself. I guess I might be the next one in line. How do I know whether accutane is the cure to my acne? How long do I have to wait? How can I be sure? If I knew that accutane is going to destroy my face, I might not have taken it in the first place. It has been almost a month now, isn't it time to show some improvement? I really don't want to live my life looking ugly and miserable. I only wanted a clear face, is that too much to ask for? I don't think I can face other people anymore. You have no idea how my acne has affected me physically and mentally. I've now become a person with no confidence and self-esteem. Why couldn't they manufacturer a drug that clears acne right away? Why does it have to get worse before it gets better? Why does it make me go through hell? Why do I have to suffer from all these? Accutane has become my enemy. I have no hope. I have no faith. And I have no life. Although accutane doesn't show its effectiveness on me, I sure hope it is working on the rest of you. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.

From: zaffron in california. A 22 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane source
Date: 08/09/2001 at 13:16 - Message #530

found site for people like me who don't have insurance. selling roaccutane and generic oratane. pretty good prices but if better source or prices available please post!!

From: Emma in England. A 34 year old Female.
Subject: Hair Loss
Date: 08/09/2001 at 11:32 - Message #529

I just wondered if anyone has experienced hair loss while taking Roaccutane. This is something I'm paranoid about happening as I have very fine hair anyway. Was the hair loss obvious to anyone else but you? Did it resolve itself after you stopped taking the drug? I've been on R for 3 weeks and I'm sure more hair comes out when I brush my hair than usual but having said that I never noticed how many hairs I lost before so maybe I'm just being paranoid.

From: April in Georgia, USA. A 29 year old Female.
Subject: Post Accutane
Date: 08/09/2001 at 03:39 - Message #528

Accutane works great! (while you are on it- or up to 6 months afterwards) But I have had TWO reoccurrances twice. I am a 29 year old female who was hit with "adult acne" on my chin. My experience tells me that Accutane is not a permanent solution. Luckily for me its not too bad. Just a few painful zits on my chin most of the time. I will not return to accutane

From: April in Georgia, USA. A 29 year old Female.
Subject: Post Accutane
Date: 08/09/2001 at 03:38 - Message #527

Accutane works great! (while you are on it- or up to 6 months afterwards) But I have had TWO reoccurrances twice. I am a 29 year old female who was hit with "adult acne" on my chin. My experience tells me that Accutane is not a permanent solution. Luckily for me its not too bad. Just a few painful zits on my chin most of the time. I will not return to accutane

From: Paul in SW england. A 19 year old male.
Subject: website
Date: 07/09/2001 at 23:20 - Message #526
Web Site: Acne and Roaccutane, personal page

I have been clear of serious acne for just over 2 years now, due to Roaccutane .. whoooooa :) and decided to create a website of my experiences and things that i found helped, and pictures of before and after, etc .. thanks
good luck, hang in there :)

From: Ryzor in SA. A 21 year old male.
Subject: HELP!
Date: 06/09/2001 at 12:30 - Message #525

Can you help me, i have this big and small bumps on my face they are very hard when i touch them - is there any type of Injection which could be used on them?
I am on my 7th month of Roa! - email me pls - Ryzor

From: MATT in England. A 16 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 05/09/2001 at 13:06 - Message #524

I have been on Roa for about 5-6 weeks. At first my ance got worse but then it started to clear up. This continued to the point where my acne had nearly gone but all of a sudden my acne has started to become worse. Has this happened to anyone else.

From: MishMish in Mid East. A 33 year old female.
Subject: waxing
Date: 04/09/2001 at 10:55 - Message #523

Nayjay: I asked my Dermo the exact same thing....when they are talking about waxing they are mainly referring to the fax (i.e. the mo and sideburns some women suffer).
Everyone is different and I would advise you to decide for yourself if waxing is the go while on this drug or not - if your legs don't get overly dry and sensitive then you may choose to give it a go.

From: nayjay in Australia. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Roaccutan & Waxing
Date: 04/09/2001 at 10:13 - Message #522

Just started roaccutan yesterday - it says you're not supposed to wax your legs or anything while you're taking it - what happens if you do? I don't think I can last 5 months (especially during summer) not waxing - & I'm definitely not going to start shaving now! Any ideas?

From: Stardance in Australia. A 36! year old Female.
Subject: Adult Acne
Date: 04/09/2001 at 07:57 - Message #521

Hi everyone. I am 36 and into my 7th week on Roaccutane. My acne has never been really severe but it has been persistant. Spots on my chin and back have proved resistent to topical treatments: this has been a problem since my late teens.
When I was 21 I saw a dermatologist who recommended Roaccutane. I did not take it at the time because I figured, if a drug is almost guaranteed to cause birth defects, what could it be doing to me? Instead, I tried lots of different contraceptive pills and spent 2 years on tetracycline antbiotics. Then I discovered Diane (also known as Juliette and Brenda) - another contraceptive pill. Diane proved pretty effective at keeping my acne in check. From the first week I was on it, no more spots on my back. I would still get a few spots on my face and found that a couple of days on antibiotics would clear those. (Of course, I know you are not supposed to overuse antibiotics and that you are slso supposed to take a complete course but, when you feel ugly and are in physical pain as well, you'll tell yourself it's the last time, everytime.)
Anyway, at 36, I've decided that I do not want to be on the pill anymore. I also do not want cystic acne! Thus, I decided to take the plunge and start a course of Roaccutance. So far my skin has been wonderful - and it's not because I am still on the pill as I have ceased taking it (no danger of pregnancy for me, however). Yes, I have skin dryness (especially lips and cuticles) but I don't have nose bleeds (yet...) and I continue to wear my contact lenses in and out of an air-conditioned office. So, all in all, it hasn't been bad. If my skin continues to be this good once I come off the drug, I'll be VERY happy. For those who are not getting the desired effect from your Ro/Accutane, remember my acne was not particularly bad when I started taking the drug: I was taking Diane right up until I went on Roaccutane. Also, someone mentioned that their acne was located on the jawline and cheeks and that they weren't getting results particularly quickly. My acne is very much limited to my chin and back. Perhaps that's the difference. In any case, hang in there. I am very optimistic that I will get the results I want - i.e. no more acne - and if that IS the case, won't I be kicking myself that I didn't do this when I was 21 and first offered the treatment?

From: Sara in Iowa. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 03/09/2001 at 18:14 - Message #520

Hey guys, I am on day 10 of accutane 40 mg per day. My lips are sooo dry. I just use vaseline and burts bees lip balm. I have started to get the nose bleeds and stuff. Just to let you all know I am using Kukui lotion and oils and my skin is getting just fab, not dry and it heals well.
I am not expecting a quick fix from accutane. I know it will take some time like all good things do. My back is healing up though, and my face is looking a lot better.
Just stay positive, and I will keep you guys informed on whats next.

From: pirra in usa. A 21 year old female.
Subject: rash
Date: 03/09/2001 at 15:35 - Message #519

i have just started on my third month of roaccutane, i have the dry lips, nose bleeds and in the last week have obtained an itchy dry rash on the back of my legs and backs of my arms. This rash isn't caused from sweat, and is agitated when i try to moisturise. It really sux:( i have tried everything from vitamin a creme to baby oil, does anyone have or has had this problem??? Anywho, it's nice to know their are other people who are told they eat too much chocolate and not enuff veges, those words really drive me insane, it definately isn't the roaccutane that causes depression, it's the acne and the lovely people who don't suffer appearance problems. best wishes to everyone and thanx 4 the advise!!

From: Anna in Hong Kong. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane 3 weeks - no results
Date: 03/09/2001 at 04:57 - Message #518

Hi Hydrogeogirl. I completely understand what you are talking about because I'm in the same situation as you. My friends have always said that I should drink more wate, wash my face more frequently, sleep more, eat more fruits and less chocolate... etc etc. I am so sick and tired of their words that I started to hate them (I know I shouldn't be). Anyway, I have also been on Accutane for three weeks and I can't even see a sign of improving. Hope things will get better after a while.

From: hydrogeogirl in Canada. A 29 year old Female.
Date: 03/09/2001 at 02:37 - Message #517

Hi Everyone,
It is so nice to know that I'm not the only one out there with this wretched acne.
My hour siblings all had acne during high-school. I didn't, and thought that I wouldn't. Then I turned 27 and things started to change. I did the usual route - topicals, hormones, antibiotics, yadda, yadda. I started accutane just over 3 weeks ago.
I'm taking 70mg/day which is appropriate for my weight, but have yet to see the "miracle effects" that I have heard about from so many. I have acne primarily on my jawline and cheek bones - does it take longer for some facial areas to clear up than others? I DO have the dry lips, and I DID experience the dreaded "accutane flare", but have yet to see the positive effects of this drug.
I'm so tired of people attributing acne to my lifestyle.
Please share with me your "adult acne" experience, particularily if it took a while for the results to show. I'm getting worried and frustrated.

From: David C. in Cambridge U.K. A 25 year old male.
Subject: LONG TERM SIDE-EFFECTS OF ROACCUTANE ( Extremely Dry Lips leading to infection )
Date: 01/09/2001 at 16:44 - Message #516

I was prescribed 40 mg per day of Roaccutane for 24 weeks 7years ago for mild acne. I experienced the usual Dry eyes, dry lips and heavy nose bleeds. After the course I continued to experience extremely dry lips where they would not only crack and bleed but also the skin got to the stage where it was so thin it turned into a white mush when touched by any water. I continually applied Vaseline to alleviated the pain and soreness.
This went on for around 2 years until unfortunately both lips contracted both primary and secondary infections. Of which I have been fighting for the last five years. The bacteria that caused the infection was that of what is normally found in a healthy mouth, however due to my lips being like and open wound continually with no protection, such infections were allowed to thrive and stay for long periods of time due to it being very difficult to stop eating and speaking for the healing process to take place. Such infections over the last five years have caused extreme pain and suffering to myself as both eating and communicating with people has become very difficult at times. On numerous occasions I have had to stop speaking for days due to the pain.
I have seen numerous doctors/specialist over the 7 years, initially the first 2 years dermatologists where dismissing the link between my condition and my taking Roaccutane however now it has been directly linked to me taking the drug. Over the last two years I have been seeing the UK’s leading specialist in this particular field (oral medicine) where we have obtained moderate success, although the condition has never fully recovered. Over the last two years I have been seeing the UK’s leading specialist in this particular field (oral medicine) where we have obtained moderate success, although the condition has never fully recovered. At present I have experiencing a set back that is quite difficult to cope with as I have had to quit my job due not being able to speak properly due to the pain and discomfort.
Anyway the purpose of this post was not only to raise awareness of this long-term side effect but also to offer any help, advice and support to any others out there who are seeing early signs of this condition or are experiencing it full blown now.
This is a serious medical condition and in my experience is irreversible as the Roaccutane has not only increased the reproduction of skin on my lips but also cut down the oil distribution to them too. It should be identified early on and you should be referred to the right specialist before it snowballs into the horrible experience I have had to endure for the last 7 years. I remember the initial stages of the condition thinking “ Ah great my skin has cleared, dry lips is a small price to pay‘ however believe me
having mild acne is one thing but losing the ability to communicate properly with people and some times completely due to the extreme pain is on a completely different scale.
Anyway please do not hesitate to contact me via email and I will be more than happy to help out in any way I can.

From: Mark. A 16 year old
Date: 01/09/2001 at 16:23 - Message #515

okay im hte one who was posting about thi dribknging, well im drunk now vbery drunk, and ill keep you posted on how things turn out tomrrow and the next day, its uasully just the dry skin, which happens to me, and maybe not to others, but ill keep you informed.

From: MishMish in Mid East. A 33 year old Female.
Date: 01/09/2001 at 08:14 - Message #514

Okay, I've been on roaccutane since 13 August (60g/day I'm 53 kilos) and I'm really pleased with the way my skin is responding. Sure, I'm a little dry and red in the face but Vit E ointment and Vaseline (for the lips) seems to be keeping all of that at bay however...
when I first started taking the drug the Dr said, 'your acne will get worse before it gets better' (which I was DREADING) but low and behold - it didn't do that...and now I'm worred that if my skin doesn't get bad (to toss out all the rubbish underneath) then it may get bad later in the treatment. Has anyone else experienced their skin looking much better from the outset? Weird thing to be concered about, I know! I must say though, the skin on my back and chest is still horrid although I'm hoping this will sort itself out further into the treatment.

From: JJ in Canada. A 19 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane made acne worse
Date: 01/09/2001 at 05:43 - Message #513

It's my 16th day of Accutane and my acne has become worse than before I took the pill. The huge painful red zits keep popping up on my face everyday and they never seem to go away. This worsening effect has made me extremely upset and I am trying to avoid my friends because of this. A lot of people say that depression is related to Accutane. Well in my opinion, I think depression is more related to acne itself than anything else. I feel like I want to die because I am unable to face other people anymore. I'm not sure how long do I have to wait until I see beneficial results.

From: Stephen in Inverness,Scotland. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: roacc update
Date: 31/08/2001 at 20:22 - Message #512

well,since my last post things have got so much better!i had a big cyst then,now thanx2an injection it is gone+not even a pitted scar!wow!now i am almost spotless on my face after 18 weeks,though my back+chest are annoying me coz they rnt doing what they are supposed2!neways,im 18 weeks in and thingz are getting ther-the marks are annoying though! ALSO!it was on the news-apparantly they may have found an actual cure4acne-its the NLite laser-and they are currently testing it-they say that acne sufferes may need2get a laser treatment maybe 3 or 4 times a year and will never get acne ever again if they do this-so the news said,but the tests are still being done,so it may not happen. neway,it gives some back up IF roacc doesnt do its job 4 long-which hopefullly it will!email me if u want2ask nething.stephen

From: rene in holland. A 32 year old male.
Subject: my experience
Date: 31/08/2001 at 16:39 - Message #511

I was suffering from acne from when I was approximately 19. My doctor put me on the ussual drugs like tetracyclines and hey always worked wonderfully well but as soon as I stopped the treatments the acne would return. Most of the times even the same week! I remember talking about accutane with my derm when I was
arround 25 but at that stage we decided not to go for it. But when I was arround 29 my acne started to get much worse and severe. My nose started to swell and got
even a little bit mis-formed. I remember being on holiday in Israel and my nose was one big red rock with lots of white heads. For my work I moved to Ireland and
there I visited a new derm. She told me that I was suffering from acne rosacea, something that occurs normally after the age of 25. She proposed to take
roccutane and we discussed all the side effect, like dry lips & skin, moodswings, etc. She even told me hat that were people that are relating the drug to suicide attemps. Because the situation was pretty bad we decided to go for it. For one month I
was taking 20 mg per day. After a week or two I experienced VERY dry skin and lips and I also was more tired than normal. However, the longer I as taking
accutane the less dry my lips and skin got. In summary: the side effect I experienced were minor and very well to handle. From week 2 on, all my spots
disappeared and the form of my nose got slowly back to normal. For me the side effect were a very small price to pay. By the way, the rest of the treatment I
was on 40 mg per day. I am now off the tablets for 4 months and my skin is still clear and lets hope it will stay like that. I realize that that are a lot discussions around the serious side effects (and they certainly exist) of Roaccutane but scientific research show that only a very small percentage suffers from the serious side effects like moodswings and even then it 's difficult to tell if it is directly related to the drug. I was browsing on the internet and I found the following article. I don't know the guy(s) who wrote it but it is quite interesting:
For me personally accutane worked very well and it certainly improved the quality of my life. Is there somebody else who has experence with accutane when suffereing from rosacea

From: Mark. A 16 year old male.
Date: 31/08/2001 at 14:12 - Message #510

about the drinking thing mate, ive gotten drunk every saturday for the last 7 weeks, now all the happens to me, is not the next day but then one after i get dry skin, like dry patches that peel. although i havent drunk in two weeks now, my skin has got a healhty glow to it, im going to a party tomorrow night and i am really considering weather to drink or not, usually i wouldnt do this
in on 40mg a day and im 13 weeks in, yeah man its just the dry skin, thats all

From: Michael in USA. A 27 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane dosage and alchol
Date: 31/08/2001 at 04:07 - Message #509

I've been on Accutane for three weeks now. I weigh 175lbs and I am taking 40mg a day. My doctor said he wants to keep me on 40mgs for the next three weeks. I have been told by another dermatologists that I saw recently that b/c I way 175lbs. 40mg is to low a dosage. He told me to switch over to him so he can increase my dose. Does anyone know if it is ok to weigh 175lbs and take 40mg of Accutane for the first six weeks? I've read that taking a low dosage will increase your chances for haveing to take an additional cycle.
I'm also a big drinker. I like to go out and get drunk on the weekends. No where on the Accutane box or Roche website does it say that I shouldn't drink. Is getting drunk ok while I'm on Accutane? What is the real deal about mixing alchol and Accutane?

From: Sara in Iowa. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 30/08/2001 at 22:04 - Message #508

This message board definately helped me to decide whether or not to take accutane. I am on day 6 now. I am taking it to clear up my back which has been a problem since I was 19. I had perfect skin through out high school, never even once used clearasil, or Noxema, or any of the other blemish stuff. After high school all hell broke loose. My back, face, and chest suffered from occasional cystic acne. Just didn't have any money then to do anything about it. I went to a derm when I was 21 and started taking Minocin, worked well and cleared it all up for a few months. Broke out worse afterwards. Well I am tired of this, and I am taking control before I get anymore scarring. Besides being mentally harming cystic acne really hurts! Its painful to touch, its painful to look at. I am happy with accutane so far, at least my skin can dry up and heal. The costs need to change though, I am on 40 mg per day, for a month supply its over $500.00! Good luck to all sufferers, you are still wonderful people deserving of everything in life!

From: Ngaire in aus. A 19 year old female.
Subject: shame
Date: 30/08/2001 at 15:36 - Message #507

I've been on the acc substance for two months now, it's doing the job, slowly but surely. I went to pick my five year old niece up from her ballet classes today, and this young girl asked me why I had so many spots on my face. I was totally embarrased, and speachless. The worst part was the childs mother who stood there also waiting for my reply. I hate it when people make you feel like a freak, it makes it hard to face the world. I just can't wait to have clear skin, so that I have the confidence to get a real job, and blend in with the crowd. Good luck ya'll.

From: Donal in Ireland. A 23 year old male.
Subject: Roaccutane experience
Date: 30/08/2001 at 14:51 - Message #506

Hi there,
Its such a relief to find out that there are many people out there like myself.I have suffered from acne since my teenage years and its gotten to the stage that I worry bout how I look and what people must think of me.Anyways I decided to go back on the roaccutane.My dermatologist put me on 40 mg a day for the first month.Things werent so bad got a few new ones but that’s normal.Anyways I went back last week for my monthly checkup and she put me on a higher dossage of 65 mg a day.Oh my god the next few days were really bad and still are..My face exploded with new ones. At the moment I have 3 nasty big ones on the side of my neck.Im wondering if anyone has experienced the same situation.Juring my last visit I asked my dermotologist she told me that the chances of my acne were remote cause this is my second time on roaccutane.What about the blackheads,I have loads on my nose and forhead,does the roaccutane do anything to get rid of them.I have been on nearly 6 weeks now and there is no improvement really jut the normal,dry lips,face very red and skin is soo dry.When is it supposed to improve.Im going to ask these questions the next time I visit her on the 10th of th september.I would appreciate it any advice anyone has.One thing I havent experienced is depression which everyone associates with roaccutane.I do get moody from time to time but that’s normal.So any help would be greatfull.(ps best of luck to everyone on the roaccutane I hope its works for ye)

From: Bee in Asia. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: just started Accutane...
Date: 30/08/2001 at 02:33 - Message #505

Hi everyone,
I have been taking Accutane for 2 weeks now and I am very frustrated to see that my acne hasn't gotten any better. The initial breakout from Accutane has made me feel so miserable that I locked myself in my room and was afraid to go out. The red painful bumps on my face is a complete nightmare. Every morning I wake up looking at the mirror hoping that my condition would improve but so far I am very disappointed. There is about 10 more days till school starts and I'm getting very impatient with this drug. I have lost hope in the 8-year battle with my severe acne and I don't know what to do. Should I still have faith in it?

From: Laura in London. A 22 year old Female.
Subject: Roacc what else?
Date: 29/08/2001 at 14:43 - Message #504

Hi everyone
I've been taking roacc for 8 weeks so far (60mg) and have seen a slight improvement but not as much as I had hoped. I've read here on the board that some people don't seem to have any improvement until they are near the end of their course??
Side effects yes yes but only really dry skin, sore chapped lips and the affected areas on my face (mainly cheeks) are getting itchy and flaky?? Also a bit achy and a lot more tired. I'm a bit worried in case I have to have another course after this but I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. I've been drinking most weekends (well saturdays really) and was wondering if anyone else had and if they were ok??
Feel free to mail me should you need to talk and chin up.

From: Emma in UK. A 34 year old Female.
Subject: Just Started on Roaccutane
Date: 28/08/2001 at 21:49 - Message #503

I'm on day 9 of a 16 week course of Roaccutane, 50mg per day, I weigh 57 kilos.
I've had acne since I was 13 (34 now). To say I've suffered all that time would be a bit of a lie as since my early 20's it has been kept away almost completely by taking Dianette together with antibiotics. However, whenever I've tried coming off one of the drugs, it has come back again. In recent years it has only recurred mainly on my back, my face being pretty much ok,but still causes me much distress. My reason for wanting to go on Roaccutane is that I want to start a family, hopefully next year, which would mean coming off all the drugs so wanted to do something to hopefully get rid of my acne for good while I had still had the chance. Fortunately, I found a dermatologist who saw my point of view and agreed that Roaccutane would be my best chance. This followed an unfortunate experience with a very old fashioned dermatologist who said that I was not a candidate for Roaccutane and should be seeing a psychiatrist rather than a dermatologist, despite the fact that my back was a real mess when I saw him as I had recently tried coming off Dianette.
Ironically, I have not had any spots to speak of for the past month as I had gone back on Dianette/antibiotics while I was waiting to go on Roaccutane so I think it might be hard for me to see how successful the Roaccutane treatment is.
To date, I've not had any real side effects. My lips are possibly slightly drier than normal but I've kept them covered in vaseline so it's hard to tell. My face is perhaps a little redder than normal but not really dry. However, I've kept my face PLASTERED in E45 cream since day 1, something maybe I would've been loathe to do if my face had been covered in spots. My eyes felt a little scratchy the other day but nothing terrible. Is it normal to have so few side effects after nearly 10 days? Crazy as it sounds, I'm now worrying that the stuff is not working!!!!
My dermatologist seems to think that there's an 85% chance that Roaccutane will cure me for good, despite me expressing my concern at the number of people I've heard of needing repeat courses. She said her opinion is based upon statistics on my type of acne and her personal experience with people 'like me'.
I'd be interested in hearing from other 'older' people like me, hopefully with success stories!!
Lastly, I have not had to have any blood tests as my dermatologist says that 'Professor so and so' from Leeds University has stated that it is no longer considered necessary in people with no other health problems. She doesn't need to see me again until the end of the 16 weeks and has also said I can drink as long as I don't go mad! I must say she has a very laid back attitude to the drug, especially in contrast to the first dermatologist I saw who made me think I should be terrified of the stuff!!!
Anyway, enough rambling. Any useful tips and opinions anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for listening.......

From: N noureddine in Lebanon. A 29 year old Female.
Subject: roaccutane side effects
Date: 28/08/2001 at 16:08 - Message #502

I started to have ace problems when i was 15, and over the following 10 years i had been trying every kind of treatment a dermatologist had ever known, i had never used an OTC product. I felt awful every time i looked in the miror.
During my university studies, our teacher told us about the isotritenoine as a treatment for acne, and he also told us about the side effects, he said that he only prescibed it for a very severe acne. This was in 1994. In 1998 i dicided that i had enough with my acne and i went to a dermatolgist that prescribed me Roaccutane for 4 months with a 1mg/kg dose for the first month then reduced the dose over the three following months.
It was a something i did not expect, the magic effect of that drug, i Got my baby skin back, i can say it was a miracle, but i suffered from the side effects, I felt like every single cell in my body was drying and begging me to stop the treatment but when we startes to decrease the dose the side effects decreases as well.
Two years later the acne came started to come back, so i went to another Dermatologist who told me that the first course was not enough and that i should take another dose of 1mg/kg for 6 months. So i started to suffer another time. This time side dryness was even worse than the first time especially an eye dryness that obliged me to stop the treatment after 3 months, the doctor adviced me not to stop but for me the risk/benefit report was high.
it is now 15 months after stopping the treatment and i feel that i have the most perfect skin in the world.
I admit that i suffered from roaccutane but i can say that this drug changed my life, because he got me back my self-confidence, it never affected my psychological and social behaviour, it caused me a headache during the first week of the treatment that disappearer very quickly.
I was looking for a special side effect on the man fertility and i was surprised to find all these people talking about their bad experience with Roaccutane. I felt like it was my duty to tell my experience.

From: Lori in Milwaukee WI. A 28 year old Female.
Subject: 2 months In
Date: 24/08/2001 at 23:26 - Message #501

Hi everyone, I am just finishing my 2nd month on accutane. Things so far are not bad. I went through the very dry flaky skin on my face which is better and the very dry lips. I find using Vaseline makes them just fine. My face is still not great, I was hoping it would be better by now. I take 40mg twice a day and feel great for the most part. No depression a lot of people talk about, just the dry lips and occasional back pain that I don't really chalk up to my use of accutane. My skin however is extremely red. It does feel real smooth except for the few bumps still lingering around. A great affect of being on this is my nose has gotten smaller and people have noticed. I had a nose full of blackheads that are all gone now. My nose was puffed full of all the blackheads and once they left my nose shrunk. Big Plus! I know as the next few months go by things will continue to improve. I just want to post and let people now that not all people have bad side affects. For me the dry skin, red skin, and lips can be fixed with makeup and lip gloss for now. I think about the long term when I don't have to wear the makeup to cover all the big red bumps. If anyone needs to talk, you can email me! Oh yeah, one major bummer is the $650 it cost me every month because my insurance doesn't cover prescriptions. =(

From: james in london, UK. A almost 23 year old male.
Subject: keeping the devil away
Date: 24/08/2001 at 19:31 - Message #500

My first course of Accutane is almost over (5 months -80mg/day). Apart from counteracting the side-effects my head has spent five months spinning with questions, perhaps because i suffered from some depression at times. The drug takes some getting used to especially when on a high dose. You dont just drop a pill into your mouth at breakfast and dinner, and life go on as normal.

I dont really know if i have come to terms with acne to any greater extent than when i was 16 at school. It is a disease which manifests itself in a variety of ways. Everyday I wake and wonder how much longer it will physically affect me and assure myself that i will not feel at peace until I know it is leaving me for good. This is perhaps a selfish assumption. Should there be any reason for me to presume that one day it will leave me or that i have as a human the right to a better quality of life? I hope so. And i see it retreating from my face ever so slowly as the months and years go by.
My dermatologist gave me some confidence that a course on Accutane is not merely like treating the symptoms of the disease but also the cause. This year has been a good chance for me to adapt to this drug. It is possible that the drug , whose course is now in the latter stages, will continue to suppress sebum production for more than a year. On the other hand it could last a matter of a few months. Reports vary hugely. (To my mind it depends on the strength of the acne. The more active the production of sebum the quicker and more likely the pores are to return to their normal functioning once a course of accutane is finished). So i have no real idea what the future will hold. How long will the devil stay away? Even now on the course of accutane an underlying activity of acne is present.
It has come to the stage where there are options open to me, that allow me to either continue to do things that i enjoy or sucumb to my vanity. The effect of me returning to full-time sport training is sure to accelerate the reactivation of oil-producing glands thus speeding the reappearance of acne. I have begun doing some exercise After exercise sessions my face would just go red and i could feel that sebum production was suddenly increased and new spots appeared. Alternatively i can forfeit my interests and enjoy a possibly longer amount of time looking like a 23yr old who has no care in the world. That is to say the accutane was effective. It cleared almost completely the areas of my face which time had not cleared on its own but i dont want to stay on accutane until time clears the rest of my face. How many years might that take?. As far as i can see, to do what my I want means living on Accutane.
If anyone wants e-mail me at
I wish you all courage.

From: Tiffany in Australia. A 16 year old Female.
Subject: when to take the pills
Date: 24/08/2001 at 02:08 - Message #499

im not quite sure when i should be taking my tablets... i know morning and night, but i was wondering if anyone knew if it made a difference when exactly you take them. i know that with food is important because it absorbs into you better, but i just dont know. can anybody please email me and give me a little advice? thankyou for reading this for me

From: Fiona in Scotland. A 36 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 21/08/2001 at 23:59 - Message #498

My Son is 17 years old and has been on roaccutane for about 2 weeks, he has been doing fine until yesterday, his lips are all sore and really swollen, has anyone else had this problem.
Please advise.

From: Stephen in Inverness,Scotland. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: down
Date: 19/08/2001 at 23:37 - Message #497

Me again,sorry if ne1 thinks im hogging it,but thats what it's 4 when ur down-writing on. Im really down again coz i have a massive cyst under my left eye and im 16+weeks in and although the rest of my face is better than b4,im so down and self conscieous again that imnot now wondering if this is goin2clear my acne-does ne1 else have this problem after this long?i have another 4-12 weeks2do.

From: Stephen in Inverness,Scotland. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: roacc update
Date: 17/08/2001 at 00:50 - Message #496

ive been posying 4 a while now.things have been SO up and down recently!after the 12 week mark,it started2 get good!as i said earlier!however,now im nearly 16 weeks in.and as i speak,i have one really big bad spot which is making me feel miserable again-i thught i was over it.neway,i hope that will go soon and clear skin wil happen-i can feel im nearly their ti think!well,on my face nway,my back s still a wee bit of a mess!!hopefully it will be ok-some1 said there roaccutane worked amazingly-but only after 4 months!that has made my day,coz i feel so bad so hearing it only worked4her after 4months is me if ne1 wants2 talk or ask nething.also-does ne1 have ne tips on how 2 get rid of red marks?ive heard vit e+rosehip oil help-ne1 know nething?email me plz!stephen

From: Luke in England. A 16 year old male.
Subject: time
Date: 16/08/2001 at 17:50 - Message #495

Ive been on roaccutane now since the start of April, so thats 4 months and 2 weeks approx. I started on 30mg 4 the first 6 weeks then went on 2 70mg.After 6 weeks my forehead was clear and my cheeks were 2 but either side of my nose, bout 3cm either side were a mess. When i went up 2 70mg i broke out badly 4 bout 2 weeks!Now i'm on 75mg a day coz i've put on weight!I went 2 my derm last wednesday who said i'm not a normal acne patient coz i should be clear by now coz 4 months is the course finished.As i say, he put me on 75 4 2 more months which i dont mind.I am just waiting 4 about 6 small scaps 2 dry up and go, and they r finaly shrinking.My point is that this course is a pain,i aint been out wiv my friends 4 6 months thats how self concious i am! I am sooo depressed but i know that it will soon be over. I heard that when u come off the drug, thats when your face starts to go normal agian. Most of my face is smooth and clear except about 10% and my back is about 70% clear.To the people who go on roaccutane,dont expect results early, it realy does take time.Things only start to look reasonable after 3-4 months.So, 2 more months then off, i'm quietly confident things will be good, its just that i expect to have an absolutely normal face again, i'll keep u informed.

From: Vivian in Toronto, Canada. A 22 year old Female.
Subject: Miracle
Date: 16/08/2001 at 05:33 - Message #494

Hi there
I just want to express my gratitude to this miracle drug. Having battled severe acne and large outbursts of pimples since the age of 11, I can now comfortable walk outdoors without the need for make up! I have not been without cover-up on my face since 12 years of age. My skin glows beautifully and I have not experienced any pimples or acne since I weaned off accutane 1 month ago. I began with a very mild treatment. I am 5'6 and weigh 140lbs. I was very afraid of the breakouts that everyone anticipates while on this drug. My doctor suggested a very low dosage to begin with for the first month so that the body can adjust to the changes. I did not experience any outbreaks on the 40mg during the first month. I tolerated the drug very well. During the second and third month, I increased the dosage to 60mg and again, tolerated the drug very well. My body did not heavily respond with outbreaks which I am very grateful for. However, I did not see any significant improvements after the first 3 months. Finally, my doctor increased my dosage to 70mg during the fourth month and again, i responded well. I continued with this dosage for the fourth and fifth month. As I mentioned earlier, I started Accutane with a very low dosage to let my body adjust. I was afraid that this low dosage at the beginning might affect the potentiality of this medication. So, I continued for another half month again on 40mg. I think this did the trick! I am happier than ever with my skin! I think my doctor did the right thing by giving me a low dosage during the first month, so as to not "shock" the body. I'm also glad I made up for the low dosage later, at the end of my treatment. The extra two weeks of dry lips was worth it!!

From: Shawn. male.
Subject: when will I get better!!!!
Date: 13/08/2001 at 16:00 - Message #493

Hey everyone I am now in to 8 and a half weeks of my treatment, on 80mgs a day, and right now I look horrible!!! I think I look the worst I ever have .....I dont know what to do anymore bc in the beginning when I would get an accutane breakout I would just say to myself be patient, it's early into the treatment...they'll stop by week 7......aren't they supposed to stop by week 7!!!!!! Anyways I really could use some comfort and maybe some good stories about how you went through the same thing.... also when you guys started to become pimple free. it would really help me a lotif you would email me soon. Thank you

From: Joven in Canada. A 21 year old male.
Subject: Success
Date: 09/08/2001 at 10:45 - Message #492

There is hope. I had what was referred to a moderate to severe acne. I thought that I was gonna have it the rest of my life. I kept going on these meds that take like 2 months to kick in but dont really do anything but lighten your wallet. So finally i requested aaccutane and got it. I must say it was not the easiest first 4-5 months. My acne really did get alot worse and there was no way to conceal the fact it was there or help. Its just part of the process. I just layed low for a while, watched alot of movies and read books. And really tried to focus on doing well in my schooling. I was suprisingly pleased to go to the gym because it provided a nice way to deal with the aggressions i had due to my affliction. Anyway, as time wore on things got slowly better. And before I knew it i was quite the social man again. But things did not start to look really good until I went off the med totally. But once i did it was like a dream. Waking up in the morning and not having to rush to the mirror to see what ghastly things await. I can honestly say that acne rarely enters my thoughts anymore. So for all of you just starting treatment, hang in there. You are not the only ones that are goind through this.
Good luck to all of you.

From: natasha in hungary. A 16 year old female.
Subject: accutane
Date: 05/08/2001 at 18:28 - Message #491

Tommrow I'm going to the doctor to start taking accutane. I'm so self-consious and insecure. I really worry that it won't work and that it will make my skin worse at the start. My friends and my parents tell me not to do it because my acne ain't that bad, but to me its what takes away all my confidence. If anybody has taken accutane and can give me some postive advice please e-mail me at
Take Care

From: K in England. A 40 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 03/08/2001 at 01:51 - Message #490

I've suffered from acne on my face and back since I was in my teens. At 36 I finally forced my doctor to take my concerns seriously by saying I was getting depressed, had low self esteem because of frequent spots and was embarassed when I went swiming with my children. I took Roaccutane in 1997 for 4 months and after the usual dry skin and some nose bleeds I had completely clear skin for the first time since I was a teenager. THERE WILL BE SIDE EFFECTS AND YOU MUST FOLLOW THE MEDICINE'S LEAFLET AND TELL YOUR DOCTOR WHEN YOU GET THEM.
I'm told that acne is often associated with bacteria that lives in the secretions from your skin and is made worse by regular touching (which is almost unavoidable in your sleep) and washing too often as the body goes into overdrive to make up what you've washed away. The drug appears to work by severely limiting this secretion process, thereby removing the bacteria's habitat and food. I used to use special cleansing liquids etc. but since getting my skin cleared up I just use warm water on it's own, dry the skin quite roughly and apply a very small amount of moisteriser if my skin feels too dry.
When I do use cleansers, I also avoid any perfumed or coloured products as I've found my skin produces more secretions, possibly as an alergic reaction.

From: Roseann in Belfast N.Ireland. A 16 year old Female.
Date: 02/08/2001 at 19:11 - Message #489

Im in a bit of a muddle as to wheteher or not to start Roaccutane. I have tried every treatment avaialable and nothing seems to work for me. I am happy enough to take Roaccutane my only problemis the fact it can cause depression. I do have a history of depression and am worried it will get worse. I know that i will be under pressure with exams and school.I just want to get advice from someone who has experienced the side effects of Roaccutane before i start the treatment!Thank you!

From: julie in england. A 37 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 01/08/2001 at 08:28 - Message #488

I have just today started taking roaccutane,I have suffered for years and years with my face and also under my arms.I must have been on every tablet there is so my dermatologist has just put me on this.I have read that many stories I dont know what to think.Is there anybody out there who has just started taking roaccutane like me,or can anybody send me a message saying good things about it and if it really works or not.Thanks a lot Julie,

From: sharon in south africa. A 23 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 31/07/2001 at 16:06 - Message #487

i have an acne problem that dermotologists have told me will be solved with roaccutane. in south africa this is virtually impossible as i earn R1500 per month and a course of roaccutane will cost me R7000.00. please could you advise if i could buy cheaper from overseas. R7000.00 works out as about 843.00 american you also pay that much for a course and are there any generics.our exchange rate is bad against the dollar but i have bought other things from overseas that are half the price here. please can you help as i am desperate as this affects my life really badly.

From: Teo in Florida. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: my story
Date: 31/07/2001 at 14:29 - Message #486

Basically, I had unbelievably clear skin all through high school. Lets just say that I acquired a lot more than a college education my freshman year. Strangely, I broke out like a mad man and instead of messing with topical creams and wimpy pills i went straight for the accutane. I started taking it early May so Im about to complete my third month. Improvement aint that noticable, im really discouraged, and Im wondering if resutls are ever going to come. I grew my hair out this summer and some people tell me that my "bangs" or longer hair in the front causes more breakouts on my forehead. I know this is probably true but im not cutting my hair. Will accutane beat my greasy hair? I think it should for all the side effects Im seeing. I increased my dosage from 50 to 60 mg. last week so hopefully I will see something soon enough. Can anyone tell me whats the latest improvement starts? my dermo told me after 6 weeks i should see some healing...sorry but not me. almost 9 weeks and still nothing major or that noticable to others. I notice some thing only because i look at myself in the mirror 999999 times a day. Anyway, can anyone help me with their wisdom or similar experiences? Thanks

From: Teo in Florida. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: my story
Date: 31/07/2001 at 14:29 - Message #485

Basically, I had unbelievably clear skin all through high school. Lets just say that I acquired a lot more than a college education my freshman year. Strangely, I broke out like a mad man and instead of messing with topical creams and wimpy pills i went straight for the accutane. I started taking it early May so Im about to complete my third month. Improvement aint that noticable, im really discouraged, and Im wondering if resutls are ever going to come. I grew my hair out this summer and some people tell me that my "bangs" or longer hair in the front causes more breakouts on my forehead. I know this is probably true but im not cutting my hair. Will accutane beat my greasy hair? I think it should for all the side effects Im seeing. I increased my dosage from 50 to 60 mg. last week so hopefully I will see something soon enough. Can anyone tell me whats the latest improvement starts? my dermo told me after 6 weeks i should see some healing...sorry but not me. almost 9 weeks and still nothing major or that noticable to others. I notice some thing only because i look at myself in the mirror 999999 times a day. Anyway, can anyone help me with their wisdom or similar experiences? Thanks

From: Stephen in Inverness,Scotland. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: Just Stuff
Date: 31/07/2001 at 01:06 - Message #484

im 13 weeks in now+things are much much its really the terrible red marks(smooth though)that are bad. i read somewhere that vitamin E helps with skin repair+helps acne scars go away.DOES NE1 KNOW NETHING ABOUT NE VITIMANS OR WHATEVER THAT HELP?!!!!!PLZ EMAIL ME IF U DO.thanx

From: charlie in england. A 17 year old male.
Subject: acne
Date: 29/07/2001 at 23:17 - Message #483

OK here goes nothing!!! Ive had spots ever-since i was about 13/14. they continued to get worse and became what the doctor described as mild, but mostly moderate acne. Now i know most of u guys and girls have had it worst but even tho it is not severe it affected me psychologically , pretty bad. OK ,after trying numerous useless drugs such as erythromycin 9is that how u spell it) etc my doc finnally recomended me to go to the derm when i was 16. It took ages to get an appointment (thats the british NHS 4 ya!!!!) but anyway in july of last year i went on an 8 month course of roaccutane on 40 mg's a day. IT TOOK AGES TO SEE NE IMPROVEMENT!!! but by xmas time i had clear skin, and as my acne was only moderate i had hardly any scars if none atall. Anyway i had clear skin up until april when i decided to cum off. This was mostly due to my skin on my face being very sensitive and i constantly blushed crimson!! Also i was a bit depressed, one side effect. this shudnt be the case as i had no spots, am quite good lookin and have a rounded personality, but drugs do strange things to ya!!! SO anyway my skin was good till bout may this year (only bout a month since finishing an 8 -10 month course of roaccutane) then it started to 'spot' up again, mainly white heads and infected spots. but they were a bit on my neck now. also i have these tiny little spots on my arms and shoulders, does anyone else have these??? So the doc but me on some isotrex gel kind of a topial roaccutane so im lead to believe, but not alot of change yet. I may decide to go back on roaccutane later this year if no improvement! If anyone wants to contact me and share there experiances , thats cool, just email me!!! well thanks and good luck, people dont seem to realise how much acne sufferes suffer! id put it just below anorexia as a serious psychological disorder but it dosnt get nearlyas much coverage. people just see u as a spotty tennager but its affects last!!!! NEWAY thanks alot guys!!

From: Fejao in Edinburgh\Scotland. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane Treatment
Date: 22/07/2001 at 00:43 - Message #482

Everyone...I have been reading everyone’s messages for a few months. Well here is my story and experiences. My first treatment of Roaccutane was okay..with usual side effects..dry skin skin almost cleared up completely...but not totally during my full 5 month treatment...I only have acne on my face no where else. So i was quite disapointed when i finished the treatment i strated to get spots again, but not as bad or severe as before...i was getting a lot of cyst before the three years on I went back to the derm...and now I am on another treatment of Roaccutane 40mg a before..but this time I had no initial breakout...well about five spots which is nothing...I think using Isorex four months prior to my treatment helped three weeks in now and my skin is totally clear and I have not had a spot in about two weeks !!!!!! Again the only side effect is dry skin but that’s subsiding now...hopefully this will, help my skin problem...I will keep you all posted on what happens...just remember everyone " Life is For Living "....fejao

From: Anne N.
Date: 21/07/2001 at 18:49 - Message #480
Web Site: Accutane / roaccutan Diary

Hi! My Accutane Diary has moved to: Have a look for gross, honest, subjective details on what it was like...and how I´m doing now!

From: Henry in Canada. A 23 year old Male.
Subject: Just my 2 cents
Date: 21/07/2001 at 08:33 - Message #479

If there's any consolation, or perhaps some uplifting personal thoughts of mine that I'd like to share, then here it goes.
I feel that the majority of the people who participate on this board are some of the few who may not have had successful and/or permanent results from taking accutane, me included. The first time I took accutane was at 17 and it worked miracles (see my whole story down below from a previous posting). At the time, I had no idea that there was medication that would make my skin so clear. I though that I would never have a smooth and clear complexion...ever. But it happened. I advocated this drug for the longest time and labelled it as 'the miracle drug'.
I have confessed to many people that I have taken accutane, some of whom have also told me that they have been on it as well. Because our skin was so great, it would not have been known about eachother being on accutane if the topic hadn't arose in a conversation. Such ex-accutane users, some who I see one a regular basis, continue to have great, blemish-free skin. Just like mine was for four years.
For the four years that I had very good skin, I almost forgot that I once had severe acne for most of my adolescence. I would get the odd pimple here and there, but it made me feel normal. That's what this drug does, and who can ask for anything more? I sure didn't.
While having smooth skin, I was not really obsessive about the food I ate or the amount of times I washed my face, since I was convinced that acne is hormonal. And it was true; none of these factors played a role in forecasting a pimple in the near future.
The point that I am trying to make is that for the people who have had success stories and of those that have stayed permanent, you won't hear from them on this board. I would have never stumbled upon it if I wasn't serching the web for accutane info. And I wouldn't be searching for accutane info if my acne hadn't come back. Like I said, for the four great years that I had after taking accutane, I almost forgot that I once had severe acne. There are so many out there who have been on successful treatments whose results are remaining permanent; six of whom I know and who don't even consider acne an issue anymore.
*Some advice for current accutane users who may not be seeing the results right away, or anyone at all suffering from acne and may be down, please keep your head up and have hope. I know what it's like to be self-conscious, embarassed, and to avoid mirrors at all costs. That was me during all of high school and, to a lesser extent, the past year and a half. If you feel that you may not be getting the results you wish you had if you are nearing the end of your treatment, please see your derm and express your concerns and he may increase your dose or extend the duration because this stuff really does work. I've seen proof and experienced it. You just don't here about the success stories as much as you should here on this board. It's called naivity. But how would you know? You are not to blame if you are not exposed to the success stores that you deserve to hear. Yet it's not the board's fault either. The blame should be placed on the successfulness of this drug. Why would anyone be discussing a problem that they no longer have? That's the issue at hand and should be recognized.
After finding this board and reading some of the messages, it even had me believing that accutane seems to only have horror stories and produce little or no effect. I'm not saying that it will work for everyone or that it will provide the same results for everyone. All I'm saying is to not give up, because I know how hard it is...but there is hope. It's just not widely publicized.
I have felt so down at times and I needed some sort of reassurance that IT will someway, somehow, be better. And I know I'm not alone. That's why I wrote this and I hope that I helped shed some light on this matter. For now, I will continue to live life. And so far, it's been great.

From: VB in Australia. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: Re: When will I strat to see results!!
Date: 21/07/2001 at 02:32 - Message #478

I didn't start to see results until about 4-5 weeks after I started, but when they did start to have effect it took about a week or two for most pimples to dissappear. Its been great so far.
Although OLO has just started his course, I'm at the other end with only a week left, and I was wondering if anyone knew how long it takes for the dryness to dissappear.

From: Stephen in Inverness,Scotland. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: roacc update
Date: 20/07/2001 at 23:58 - Message #477

well,i said i would update folk!(care!) well,i went bak2 the derms2day(my acne is still quite bad,though improvemnets are apparant)im 12 weeks in+he said its not bad that im still suffering-its just my acne was too bad!i was on 40mg daily 4 the last 12 weeks-he thinks putting it up2 60mg will do the im on 60mg 4 at least another eight weeks,maybe even as much as another 16 weeks,depending on how thingz go.BASICALLY,do ont be alarmed if,like me,thingz are not goin2 well after a 12 weeks in and its still bad4me,but the derm is still as hopeful as ever it will work4me,so ne1 else who's waitin2see the results should just be aptient too!i know how hard it is-im really down sometimes+i struggle myslef2 keep my head up-but we must try!!!if ne1 wants some1 2 speak2 or whatvever then ill happily do it!!!stephen

From: OLO in New Zerland. A 13 year old female.
Subject: When will I strat to see results!!
Date: 20/07/2001 at 21:35 - Message #476

I strated taking accutane about 4 days ago and I was wondering when I should strat seeing resluts?? Please tell me~

From: beth in canada. A 38 year old female.
Date: 20/07/2001 at 13:34 - Message #475

Hi there, need to hear some positive stories, Ive just started my second course of accutane, 1st worked well but the acne came back. Im scared of the breakout hoping it will not be too bad, please anyone got a success story.

From: Shaun. A 15 year old Male.
Subject: white bumps???
Date: 19/07/2001 at 19:12 - Message #472

ever since I started taking Accutane 5 weeks ago I have noticed many little white bumps on my face. I was just wondering if anyone elsde taking accutane had something similar and if so will they become pimples.....or will they go away with time??? Please e-Mail me Anyione who may know!!

From: Polly-Jean in Oz. A 18 year old female.
Subject: I need some info!!
Date: 19/07/2001 at 04:18 - Message #471

Hey there!! I only just discovered this site- it's really good!! I've been thinking about going on Roaccutane for a couple of months as I've had mild acne for about 3 years now. How much does it cost? I heard it was really expensive. Also, do i need a pescription from my doctor or does it have to be a dermatoligist? Thanks!!!

From: Nado in Scarborough. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 17/07/2001 at 23:36 - Message #470
Web Site: Act of violence

Man,acne is morbid,i missed 2 weeks of college because of it and i might be getting kicked out now! Ive been on accutane for about 4 weeks now and the results are starting to show quite well actually,my skin is really flat and not miserable and lumpy now and my skin is just red from recovering so im quite chuffed.Lets hope it continues.My advice to everyone in just get involved more in your favourite thing to take your mind off it.I just love music,heavy stuff Like Biohazard,Will Haven,Hatebreed, but also light stuff aswell,but anyway,the point is, everyone has a passion and if you can keep thinking of that thing to take your mind off the acne then it's cool - trust me, dont worry,everyone gets past it,its just different people have different cures.Its really hard to leave your face alone though and not mess with it - but youve just gotta bite your tongue and bear it!! Cross your fingers for me my friends and i shall for you,were all gonna get to the finishing line - its just a matter of when!

From: M. in UK. A 30 year old fem.
Subject: Hi there all you sufferers
Date: 17/07/2001 at 17:06 - Message #468

Hi there hope you are all bearing up ok and managing to keep smiling. I just thought i would let you know i have now been taking roa for 15 days ( 35mg 70kg ) i have only noticed a bit of dry flaky skin and dry lips, in the first week i thought my face looked as though it may be clearing a little (minor but persistant annoying spots) but now i seem to be getting quite a few more than im used to. Although my hair used to need washing every morning as it is very greasy but now i am able to leave it 2 days, YEE HAR YAR HOO, so thats one bonus as yet. I know i was told i couldnt drink on these tablets but i lied to my dermo and told him i dont drink,,,,,BIG FIB, in the last 14 days i have got sozzled both saturdays and drank most nights -- maybe a few cans of lager when kids have gone to bed or a few glasses of vodka 'n' coke or 3 or 4. I am a little worried as i was getting back pain the other day ( near my liver) so i am now only going to drink on saturdays,has anyone else drank through the treatment? is so what happened? whats the worst thing that could possibly happen? I have read about people who dont know whether to go on roa or not because of the horror stories, in my opinion if you are in doubt then your acne isnt bothering you that much to warrant you take it. As i know (and i guess i can speak for loads of others) that as soon as i was told i could have it I NEARLY SNAPPED THE DERMO'S HAND OFF GRABBING MY PRESCRIPTION AND I RAN ALL THE WAY TO THE CHEMIST.
I hope you all have clear faces in the near future
love M

From: Stepehn in Inverness,Scotland. A 17 year old male.
Subject: roaccutane obv!
Date: 15/07/2001 at 22:29 - Message #467

I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!!!i first tried2write a message here 6months ago,i finally got through! I first discovered this site when i found out i needed Roaccutane, that was in January. Its now middle of July + im 11 weeks in2 my course. One problem: I STILL HAVE REALLY BAD ACNE!!!!READ ON,IM NOT GOIN2MAKE NE1 FEEL BAD! the first week was good,+i thought "great,thats that then" How stupid. That stupid leaflet talks a load of rubbish when it says ur acne is only gonna get worse4the first 7-10 days!! 11 weeks+it hasnt been worse!!! Well,maybe a lie. It flared up real bad after 3-4 weeks,my cheeks were like sand-paper! Then,after maybe 5 weeks,my cheeks began2 get smooth. After 10 weeks,they were great,but a few days ago I got another big one,but this doesn't bother me, genrally my cheeks have cleared up. However,an area i never had acne on ,around my eyes,has been really bad,as we speak in fact! Also so is my back,but hopefully this is it's last throw of the dice(how many times have i said that????) NEWAY. sometimes i am SOOOOO deppressed(like 2 hours ago)but then i lift my head up(like now) coz it IS gonna work!(hopefully!) Im tryin2 look on the positives+say: "well, my cheeks were really bad a few weeks ago,but look at them now,the rest will do the same" but dont believe that leaflet-it lies when it says ull be ok after 10days!!well,i found that neway. ive heard it can take months for this thing2work,so DONT give up-im TRYING not 2!!
MY SIDE EFFECTS:(like ne1 cares!)
DRY SKIN: 4me, they have been tolerable. Dry skin+lips(obv) but this is easily solved with Vaseline+cream stuff.
BLEEDING NOSES: More of a problem 4me has been bleeding noses! After a couple of weeks thay were happenin loads of times every day,it was bad!i was shi**ing myself about one happennig during an exam!!i had one b4 an exam +rite after it,but i was lucky+for the 3 hours of my Chemistry exam it didnt bleed. NEWAY, my bleeding noses have dies down alot,so if ne1 expereinces this side effect,hopefully it will die down too.
DEPRESSION: I say i am depressed,but i dont put this down2 Roaccutane. I put it down 2 acne;i was like this b4 neway about acne. i wont be deppressed if it works!!!!
i am nearly 12 weeks in,i go back on Friday2the derms, he will put my dossage up(hopefully)!!! This is what is keeping me goin!! im on 40mg a day since the start,i expect he'll put me on 60 or 80mg.(i fear he will say"it's not workin,sorry Stephen,uv got acne4life!!!"(nightmare scenario!) IF NE1'S STILL READING THIS ILL BE SHOCKED,WHAT A BORING STORY!!!! neway,not like ne1 cares,but ill write about my progress so hopefully every1 will have something 2 be happy about!!! IF NE1 WANTS 2 EMAIL ME2 ask about my experience(im living it rite now!) and nething else THEN MY ADDY IS: sorry 4 this boring story! Stephen

From: Shaun. A 15 year old male.
Date: 15/07/2001 at 21:29 - Message #466

Hi everyone I am writing on this board again bc I have a question to ask about the breakouts you get while on the Accutane...You see I have been on the accutane for about a month now and at first the Accutane claered my face up really good like in the 1st week! But the after about a week and a half I got a breakout which was kinda bad but it went away fast and then my face cleared up good again and then brokeout again at about 2 and a half weeks!! Anyways ( sorry if that was confusing) Monday and Tuesday I looked great I mean great other then a few minor pimples and some stains my face was clear but ever since wendsday my face has gotten worse and worse and now it looks awful...I have like 13 big pimples all over around my mouth and a few on my cheeks and I doon't remeber the first 2 breakouts lasting this long so i would really appreciate it if someone else who experienced breakouts like mine while being on Accutane could E-Mail me on how long they last for, at a time and when exactly the breakouts stop completely I would be very happy and it may ghive me more hope that by the time school starts agin in September I will look normal! (I think it's around the 7th week but I want to hear from people who really know) So Please EMAil me!!!!!!!!! Thanx

From: Albert.
Date: 12/07/2001 at 23:16 - Message #462

Not to scare any of you people especially teens but I read somewhere that it stunts your growth causes baldness, and doesn't make your acne go away for good. Infact, When you get off it it will come back just as worse.

From: Steve in Cambridge. A 28 year old Male.
Subject: Roacc, end of course
Date: 12/07/2001 at 15:12 - Message #461

Hi all, I've been on Roacc for the full 4 months by the end of next week. Bad news is that I've noticed no change, except the side effects. Feeling VERY tired these days, even after plenty of sleep. Lips are dry but not as bad as they've been. The 'red face' side effect disappeared weeks ago.
Going on holiday to Canada with my girlfriend in a couple of weeks, and still can't take my shirt off because of the terrible spots. ;(
Looks like I'm on of the people it doesn't work on. Can only pray my dermo can come up with something which works.
Good luck to everyone else out there, hope it works for you.

From: Eduardo in Argentina. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: I hate it!!!
Date: 09/07/2001 at 02:23 - Message #457

I came to the conclussion that this is not life.
If roacutane works, good. If not, let's face it with honor: is living in that condition forever or nothing.
I prefer to end it up right now. I cut my veins a few minutes ago but it is extremely painful. I really want to die but I'm extremely coward. Which is the painless and quickest way of commiting suicide if you can't get a gun?

From: Melanie in USA. girly.
Date: 07/07/2001 at 23:12 - Message #456

Well everyone, it's been nearly 1.5 years since I was on accutane. My skin is clear--although I do have the occasional minor breakout. I now wash my skin twice daily and use differin gel as needed. My purpose in posting on this board is to lend my support to any of you in need of it. I know how lonely this battle can be. YOU AREN'T ALONE. If anyone needs any advice or just someone to write to, please feel free. Mel

From: james in uk. A 22 year old male.
Subject: not sure
Date: 06/07/2001 at 20:28 - Message #455

Dear all, perhaps i was a little nieve in my initial judgement of accutane. So keen was i to be rid of this wretched disease that i overlooked the possible strength of the side effects.
I am two months into my first course of accutane. the derm put me on 80mg per day. I mean i am quite big. i weigh about95kg but the dose was making me depressed and tired and lazy..etc. i have lowered the dose to 60mg. the results are the same. my face is almost clear. and yet i can still feel part of the apathy that i felt with the larger dose. I hope the effects to my face continue after i finish the course. However I do not honestly think that i can lead a mentally safe life on the drug at such high dosage. Does anyone else have similar experiences. I realise myself that my behaviour is different and i am unable to apply myself to things as usual. There always is a price.!

From: Seb in Sydney- Australia. A 22 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 04/07/2001 at 00:46 - Message #454

Hi- I need some advice. Just started taking roacc. 1 day ago. I have been reading all these experiences of people's faces flaring up after 1 week. My predicament is that I am going for a new job and I have a choice of taking an appointment in tommorrow or in 1 weeks time. I know no one has a crystal ball and everybody's experience is different etc. However which would be the safest option? I mean at the moment my skin is only very mildly flared and then I don't even know if that is becasue of the roacc. Would appreciate some advice- as the job I am going for is actually a really big break in a major investment bank and though I am sure people don't hire on the basis of someone's face- I would still like to go in there as clear as possible- presentation and all that (my acne is actually not that bad- on;y have a mild problem I think). So what should it be? Cheers

From: MO in Illinois. A 15 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 03/07/2001 at 19:44 - Message #453

I'm Melanie and i'm 15 I recently started taking accutane about 1 week ago. From other stories i have read about peoples acne i realized mine is very mild. i'm on 40 mg pills and i take them 2 times a day. within the first week i can allready tell a difference. its not a big difference but an improvment. my lips are getting dry too. anways i've read about people having to use accutane other times after they've used it once. i was wondering if thats for serisous acne ? cause mine is really mild so i was wondering if i would have to take it again ? and after i finish my treatment does the acne stay away ? or does alittle acne still come? someone please email me with the answer. thanks!

From: Shaun in Mass. A 15 year old male.
Date: 30/06/2001 at 20:57 - Message #451

Hey everyone first of all I would like to say thankyou so much for everything youve wrote bc it's really helped me around this difficult time in my life....Anyways I am 15 and am going to be a sophmore in high school next september. for the past three years I have had mild to moderate acne.. u see it all started in 7th grade when I had a few pimples on my chin ( but thatt's it!!!) and then in 8th grade I had, still, only pimples on my chin, but more! And then over the summer, of last year, my face cleared up almost completely ( I was so happy bc I really thought that I would begin high school looking normal) but then during football season and while I was on Differin my face exploded!! I suddenly had pimples in places I never had before my cheeks, my neck, and above my mouth like where a mustache would be... I was so depressed! it stayed that way gettig better for a while and then getting worse for about the last 9 months but nnow I am on Accutane and I am so EXCITED! I have been on it for 2 weeks and 2 days and so far everything is really good...well kinda. You see the first week and a half my face got really awesome looking I was so happy bc I really thought that was when my face would break out but now it has broken out all over my chin and I have one huge pimple right on the side of my lip I am really mad but I knew this would happen anyways its getting better... I g2g bc there's a thunder storm and my dad thinks it'll blow up the computer or something so until next time Adios!! And please Email me esp. if you have go0ne through the same where it got really good for the first week and then kinda worse anyways Bye

From: mic in Malaysia. A 19+ year old Female.
Subject: Accutane? ?
Date: 30/06/2001 at 08:41 - Message #449

Please don't delete my's at least related to accutane!!
I've had real bad huge acne for the last 2 years and I really don't know where to turn to..until I've heard about Accutane lately..I got to the goverment's dermatologist in our country, it's sort of like to public dermatologist..i don't have to pay cos my dad works in the government..about 1.5 yrs ago, he prescribed me with retin-A and that I've stop using the oral medication, my skin starts to get worse..I have holiday during the mid_september..I was wondering can I ask my derma to prescribe me with accutane?? I'm really desperate for a soulution and I know what are the side effects..what if my derma says no? Can I insist?? And can accutane help my blotch red, imflamed skin to get better??

From: Deiti in Mexico. A 22 year old male.
Subject: Roaccutan in INDIA
Date: 29/06/2001 at 17:04 - Message #444

Hello all fellow ill-skinned, this is ther 3 time I take Roaccutane and its kind of working. The second time I took it I got a terrible headache for about a week, so I suspended it. Right now I'm ok, BUT I'm on vacation in INDIA, my Roaccutane box is almos empty, and I would REALLY apreciate if someone knows if its possible to buy this thing in here, I will REALLY aprecitate if someone writes me, because im running out of Roaccutan soon, and I supose all you know the acne paranoia...

From: Neil in Manchester, UK. A 29 year old Male.
Date: 29/06/2001 at 13:11 - Message #441

Well, I have been off Roaccutane for 8 days now after an 18 week course of 55mg per day, and I am getting spots again. I haven't needed to use moisturiser on my nose for about 4-5 days, and now there are 5-6 'minor' whiteheads on my nose, a couple to the side of my nose and a mother of a spot to the bottom left of my mouth that hurts like mad.
Now then, am I being paranoid about this? Is this just temporary, or is this the beginning of the end?
I haven't made an appointment with the derm, because A) I don't want to appear paranoid and B) You can only see the one spot from 2 feet away, and a couple of red marks. It's only when you get clode up that the others are revealed. BUT this could be the first signs of going right back to where I was last year. I really don't think I could handle that.
I can't believe that I posted a message on Thursday last week saying I had finished the coursem and how great I felt/looked. Well, that's life.
Could anyone who has a similar experience, or has any advice please get in touch. Thanks.

From: Augusta in UK. A 16 year old female.
Subject: Should I take it?
Date: 28/06/2001 at 16:44 - Message #439

Hey, I have been suffering from acne ever since I was 12 but in the past two years it has gotten REALLY bad. Eurgh. I tell you- looking in the mirror is a nightmare! LOL! But, recently I went to the Derma and he said that Roaccutane is my God-send. He gave me a leaflet and made it sound like an absolute dream with "dryness" as a side-effect. When at home I read the leaflet and the PAGE long list of side-effects including HAIR LOSS and LIVER DISEASE! And it terrified me to my very soul! Thing is, when I read other people's success stories I make up my mind to take it and then I read a bad one and I totally changed my mind. What should I do? I would really love to hear your opinions on whether I should take Roaccutane. :) Cos I'm in a complete mess! LOL!
Thanx. :)

From: Lil in Canada. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Fear, fear, fear...
Date: 28/06/2001 at 07:08 - Message #437

I posted a message not so long ago, and here I am again due to complete fear and anxiety. I've been off Accutane for a week now, and suddenly, today, I noticed that my face is starting to get oilier again. It's not too bad, but I definitely notice it. Has anyone who has been accutane had the oiliness come back without the acne? I've been on accutane before, and this was always a sign that the accutane did not permenantly work, and the acne quickly returns after the oil does. So if anyone knows how accutane is suppose to work, please let me know. Thanks.

From: cristyrueda in Colombia. A 25 year old Female.
Subject: Tired, anyone?
Date: 25/06/2001 at 19:11 - Message #436

I am finishing an 8-month course of Roaccutane. It's my second time around and my doctor decided to keep me on the treatment for a long period so as to avoid any relapse. I'm happy to report that I've been practically zit free for the last 7 months. Got a few during a particular stressful period of my life at the beginning of the treatment, but it was really mild. I cared for my lips with petroleum jelly and begun using some mosturizing lotion in my face for the first time in my life. The only major side effect I suffered was a fatigue. At first I didn't associate it with Roaccutane (I started exercising at the time I begun my Roaccutane treatment and at first I thought it was the adjustment period) and I even went to a general physician to tell me what was wrong with me: if I exercised for over an hour, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed for a long time. I was generally tired and I felt as if my arms where heavier than usual. After a general check up (which resulted in me being the healthiest ever in my life), my doctor suggested that I could be dehydrated because of the Roaccutane. I couldn't believe it because I generally drink over 10 glasses of water and stay out of caffeine and so forth. But when I began drinking about 15 or more glasses of water (especially right after exercising) I began to notice how much more energy I had. I've begun to lower my dose, and my energy level is defenitely going up.
So, to all those just beginning the treatment, please, hang in there that you'll get amazing results and the side effects can be kept under control. I have been through every type of treatment that is out there and nothing, I mean nothing, comes even close to the amazing results I've gotten from Roaccutane.

From: Greta in Ireland. A 28 year old FEMALE.
Subject: Roaacutane
Date: 25/06/2001 at 17:33 - Message #435

Hi all,
I finished a 4 month course of accutane about 5 weeks ago- (was on 50mgs daily).I had some outbreaks in the first month or so and the usual dry lips etc. But then my skin started to improve no end - it was very dry but looked so smooth and spot free. Anyway just to let you know that after being off roaacutane for 5/6 weeks-I know that my acne is returning with avengence- some spots have appeared on my cheeks and nose again and I just know from experience that its coming back.
I was told by GP a few months ago that antiobiotics work better after being on roaacutane- so I will be paying her a visit in the next few weeks, but I was really hoping that the roaacutane would be the final solution to my acne!!!Has anyone heard of any other successful solutions? Has anyone tried flax seed oil?
I'll keep you posted

From: y. A 15 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 25/06/2001 at 10:05 - Message #434

I have mild acne on my face, forehead, and a little bit on my back.
It really bothers me,
I have been on minomycin for about a year and it didnt help.
Do you think I should take accutane?

From: Mich in Sydney. A 28 year old Female.
Subject: Response to Bertha in NZ
Date: 25/06/2001 at 05:23 - Message #433

I am now in my 14th week of Roacc....I lost all hope when I approached the end of the second month and my acne had become considerably worse! I mentioned this to my Dermatologist who just said I needed to be patient...not what you want to hear...instant results is what we want!
I too had shocking breakouts, I only ever had 3-4 spots at a time (all the time!!!) but in my first few weeks of Roacc the outbreaks were hideous......
I promise that into my 12th/13th week the difference in my skin was remarkable. I have not had a spot for 2 weeks now! Although I have dry patches of skin, but what's that compared to horrible angry spots....
It will happen....
Hang in there.....

From: Bertha in New Zealand. A 15 year old Female.
Subject: Am i getting worse?
Date: 25/06/2001 at 01:39 - Message #432

I have been to a skin specilist and been put on roaccutane (20mg)I have been on it for 2 months and there is still no change. My skin has got worse. Before i toke roaccutane i got acne on my face but they were never on my cheeks, forehead, under my chin and down the sides of my neck. Since taking roaccutane i have got them in places never before. im hoping they will clear up but it doesnt seem that way to me. I have been experiencing all side-effects. But ive also noticed that ive become extremly dehydrated while on roaccutane. Is this what happens too?

From: Jessica in USA. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: Drinking while on Accutane
Date: 24/06/2001 at 09:21 - Message #431

I was just wondering if it is OK to drink while you are taking Accutane. My derm never told me not to drink any alcohol while I was on it. I'm not a big drinker at all, just an occasional drink or two here and there. Is this going to be OK? I don't want to mess up my liver or anything. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

From: Rochelle in Sydney, Australia. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Recreational Drugs
Date: 24/06/2001 at 06:38 - Message #430

Hey people, I was just wondering what kind of effect Roaccutane has on reacreational drug use such as speed or xtc. For some reason the official book didn't mention it :p Please let me know anything you know bout it. Thanks ppls

From: Kate in UK. A 28 year old female.
Subject: sharing experiences
Date: 23/06/2001 at 20:09 - Message #429

I have just finished my first weeks treatment with roaccutane and wondered if there was anyone out there who was at a similar stage of treatment and would like to "buddy" up and support each other through this.My husband is furious with me for taking this drug so I cant really talk to him about it.Im taking 40mg a day and have not really had any side effects yet-lips a bit dry but skin no better.
Would really appreciate hearing from anyone,good luck to you all

From: tk in Cali. A 31 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane and contact lenses
Date: 23/06/2001 at 18:36 - Message #427

I'm considering Accutane. How long before you see real improvement? ALso will I not be able to wear my contact lenses at all or will eye lubricants enable me to use them? Let me know......

From: jay in ny. A 30 year old male.
Subject: hair
Date: 22/06/2001 at 14:21 - Message #426

Hey all. I'm considering starting on accutane for mild to moderate on my chest/back and sometimes neck. am i crazy? definitely want the acne to go away. but my biggest concern w/side effects is the HAIR scare. there's these people saying accutane killed all their hair. is that a reason to keep away? or is it really rare that that happens? (the derms don't seem to know) any advice would be appreciated... many thanks and major support to those of u out there going through side-effect hell

From: james in uk. A 22 year old male.
Subject: keepin movin
Date: 20/06/2001 at 15:39 - Message #425

i have just visited my peruvian dermatologist. and the accutane is doing what it is supposed to do. side-effects of course, but acne slowly fading away and everything nice and dry. i realise i have reached the end of the line - the strongest treatment for this disease. i know in my heart that after a while it will return. but at the moment i am in an emotional limbo. over the course of the last four weeks i have stepped out of one body and into another. and trying to adapt to it is tough. (thoughts of whether the acne will reappear do not bother me much. to get more of the drug is a question of money and one day acne may leave me). all hope is not lost. but i do not feel like myself. when i return home i think it will be time to tell my two younger brothers how they should best approach the same problem. good luck all.

From: Peter in London. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: Need support !!!
Date: 20/06/2001 at 13:14 - Message #423

Hello peeps just started roaccutane first week and have had a big time breakout is this normal I weigh about 140lbs and am on 40mg a day the derm prescribed 80 but its to high !!! any support would be accepted as I have'nt really got any at the mo to embarrassed to talk to peeps with no spots at all !!!
Thanx and good luck to all !!!

From: lefty in usa. A 34 year old male.
Subject: questions for adult users
Date: 20/06/2001 at 01:47 - Message #421

I recently started taking accutane (appx 2 weeks).To date I have only experienced minimal dry lips.Reading the posts in this forum, I am becoming curious as to why it seems as if most of the users are late teens to very early aged adults.It was my understanding that acutane was for worse cases of acne.I would like to hear any feedback, preferrably positive , from adults who have used accutane.I read that the vast majority of users never have the acne flare up again, and that only one in four even have it flare up within two to five years.However , the posts here seem to have significant
occasions of people taking additional courses of the drug.Is it that it doesn't really work that well?
Also, my problem really is just on my shoulders and back, and I am wondering if anyone else has had just these areas of problem, and if so, have you avoided any flare ups on the face while taking the medication? I would hate to know that my face goes ballistic when my problem is another area.Please feel free to email.Again I am only two weeks into the drug but have had no new pimples and am really hoping that it continues this way.I even work outside daily and have not yet had any problems..thanks

From: Lee in England. A 30 year old male.
Subject: Just started taking Roc
Date: 19/06/2001 at 19:57 - Message #420

Hello there,
After about 10-11 years of taking minocin and various other drugs and having no major problems with acne a major breakout actually got my Doctor to refer me to a dermo. I started last thursday on 60mg a day(I'm 6ft 2in, about 15 stone) and I'm experiancing acne like I have never done before. Big sore swellings and my scalp seems to be covered in spots so much that I am struggling to sleep. I am off work and do not want to go out in public at the moment.(I'm a pretty secure and confident bloke but I dont look to appealing at the moment.) My dermo said the acne would get worse before it got better but I'm wondering how long? In terms of side effects, my lips started drying up within a cople of hours of my first dose and i felt a bit achy the day after.My nostrils have also dried up and the skin on my face is now fairly dry and flakey. This means at the moment my spots crust over very quickly but remain full of puss underneath(nice!)
So i would really appreciate if somebody could reassure me that by Monday I wont have to go to work(I'm a assistant manager of a dept of around 45 staff - so i cant hide my face anywhere)with a swollen spot ridden, flakey skin face

From: jeff in USA. A 24 year old male.
Subject: 15 weeks
Date: 18/06/2001 at 17:58 - Message #415

I started taking accuatne 15 weeks ago 80mg 3x week for mild but persistant acne. ever since it's been moderate and persistant and bigger in size. For the last couple of weeks i have been put on 80mg per day and its only getting worse. my skin is not overly dry it still looks oily besides my nose and mouth which are mildly dry. has any one had an eperience like this. will it work. From what I have read i learned that its not the dose that you take but the total amount you have taken in the end about 120mg/kg bw. I have taken about 5000mgs shouldn't it be working by now?
also heres a tip from my experience to avoid overly dry lips and nose, drink a lot of water about 115 oz daily also buy some liquidy vasaline and some regular put the liquidy vasaline on during the day when you need it ( it seeps in works better than regular or chapstick) and at night put some on followed by a bunch of regular vaseline.

From: Rohit in USA. Male.
Subject: Drinking with Accutane
Date: 18/06/2001 at 17:31 - Message #414

Hi! i'll be finishing my 3 month accutane course this weekend. my face has cleared completely. I was wondering if i have to wait for sometime after finishing accutane to start drinking again. could someone plz let me know.

From: Lil in canada. A 23 year old female.
Subject: 5 rounds, and possibly still going
Date: 18/06/2001 at 09:15 - Message #413

Hello. I've just done a bit of reading into the old messages. Hmmm... Seems like there are a lot of people who are hearing and experiencing a lot of different things while on accutane--and there seems to be a lot of dermotologists out there who are all saying a lot of different things about the drug. Kind of makes me think if they really know what their talking about--the dermos, I mean. I have been on 5 rounds of accutane in the last 5 years. I am completing my 5th now--just 5 more itty-bitty pills. Previously, I tried everything. You name it, I've done it--antibiotics, topical creams and gels, birth control pills, etc, etc... Accutane was presented to me by my GP as the "cure." Take it once, and it will all be over. Two months after my first course, it came back within three months. Same with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th... It would always start with the oil building back up slowly but steadily. Sometimes, in between my courses, I would go on anti-biotics, or gels and creams, etc.etc.. nothing working, so I would start another course. My current dermo is quite determined--which might be a bad thing. I think he would kill me before giving up. He told me that the oil return is normal, and expected, but the acne is not suppose to come back--is this true? But everytime I get oil, the acne is never far behind. I'm not too sure if I'll go on another dose if this one fails to work (which I am expecting). So far, my dosages have ranged from 40-60 mg, and I'm afraid of long term effects to my body (I'm 110lbs). It seems like I'm not the only one who is concerned about the long term effects of accutane--but can anyone tell me how or why accutane works (you can be very technical and scientific--I'm a biology grad). I understand what happens when you're on it, but how do the effects last? Thanks for anyone who knows.

From: Kay in USA. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane Questions???
Date: 18/06/2001 at 06:28 - Message #412

Hello peoples! =)
I'm really glad that I found this's been a big help to me!! Well, like most acne victims, I've tried just about everything to stop my acne (had it since 9 years old). I tried every antibiotic which didn't work, Retin A which helped but gave out in the end, birth control pills that made it worse so as my last resort my dermatologist put me on accutane 40mg, I'm 5'8'' 125lbs. I've been on it for 2 weeks not and found that my lips have been extremely dry and feel like they're on fire!! I literally can't go without lip balm for 5 minutes but found that Vaseline works very well for me. Patches of my body started to feel dry so I'm using Curel and that also works very well. The thing face doesn't exactly feel very dry..I mean, as many posts as I've read on here, most people feel dry on the face pretty soon right? My face feels like a little oilyness has gone, but not too dry. Is this normal? I'm breaking out, but not to the point where I don't want to go out in public, yet I'm worried about it getting worse..exactly how bad are the "accutane flare ups?" It feels like it's going to be a long 18 more weeks to go....I would really appreciate if somebody would let me know if this is normal~ Thank you so much and God Bless Us All*

From: Jessica in California. A 24 year old Female.
Date: 18/06/2001 at 01:40 - Message #410

Hello. I really enjoy reading all of your stories. It is so great to hear about advice and the different side effects that people go through. I've had acne on and off for about 5 years. I've tried different antibiotics and just about every topical solution there is. I had been researching Accutane for months now and have heard horror stories and great ones. I still really wanted to give it a try. I had my appointment earlier this month and my dermatologist suggested it before I could. I have done two weeks of treatment and the side effects aren't that bad so far. I have the dry lips like everyone else. My skin has its dry patches but my skin was so oily before that it is almost a nice change. The past few days I have been breaking out but nothing worse than it has been in the past. I just hope it doesn't get much worse. I'm trying to be positive during this treatment and hoping for the clear skin I've always dreamed of. Also, does any one know how to lower your triglycerides? I had my blood work done before I started the treatment and they are already on the high end. My dermatologist said they would go up more but I don't want them to get so high I have to stop the treatment. I consider myself a fairly healthy eater but I'm not perfect. Any kind of advice from anyone is more than welcome. Thank you and good luck to you all!

From: george in PA. A 23 year old male.
Subject: accutane without insurance
Date: 17/06/2001 at 15:46 - Message #408

Hello all, it was heartening to read your posts on what is a very personal and trying subject. I went "off" accutane about two years ago. I had splendid success with it while on, but after a few months acne started coming back (i was on 60mg a day). So i decided that I wanted to go back on, but at a much lower dosage. Since then, two years ago, I have been slowly reducing my dosage while continuing to stay clear and having nearly no side effects. Right now, I take 20mg every third or forth day (I take with grapefruit juice since there are chemicals in grapefruit that augment many types of medicine taken orally). However if I stop for even a week, my skin starts to build up and get greasy again.
New dilemma: I was recently cut off my insurance (probably because of the cost of my Rx) and since I am self employed it is difficult to find decent coverage without paying an exorbitant amount. *So*, what i'm looking to do is find an alternative way of obtaining accutane in either 10mg or 20mg form. If anyone here knows a way, or is interesting in transacting, do not hesitate to email me at

From: Mark in australia. A 16 year old male.
Subject: acne
Date: 17/06/2001 at 13:33 - Message #406

hi ive wanted to post here for a while but i didnt get through
ive had acne for 3 years now and it really gets me down, when im out i hate being seen and sometimes dont go out coz of my acne, i know i shouldnt think about it like that but u know, u cant help it
mum noticed i was really gettin down about it and she agreed to take me to a derma bout 5 weeks ago, i did and after reading this site ask him if i could go on roaccutane, which he was automatically thinking of anyway
first 2 weeks were good, had back pain and started to get dry lips, got drunk one night and didnt have any vasoline and my leips were hella hella dry!
weeks 3-4: these two weeks really got me down, i had alot of big acne, i squezzed one and the scar just wouldnt go away, i should have taken the books advice from that start! dont squeeze!
now they are gettin better again i see my derm inna bout a week and i hope my acne is goin to be okay for the school ball in 3 weeks, i hope so
one last thing i have gotten very very very moody on this drug, its amazing, i know im temperamental on this stuff, but still i get annoyed very easily, im mean to my family, but i try to control this, i just cant wait till i look in the mirror and see some cool results

From: ricky7 in philippines. A 23 year old male.
Subject: supplements contraindication
Date: 15/06/2001 at 13:56 - Message #405

Dear sir,
I’ve been suffering from severe cystic acne since 14 (now 23) and for the past 3 years they seen to be forming in my scalp! I had 3 severe cyst in my scalp that’s been lanced by a dermatologist (w/ the size of a quarter to a half dollar) and one that have been removed by a surgeon (7 stitches). My derm prescribed accutane. My initial blood test shows that I have a borderline high triglycerides (277mg/dl) and referred me to supplements that will help lower it.
I would just like to ask if any of these supplements will have a negative reaction to my body if taken together with accutane. Here is the list of what I’ll be taking everyday.
Accutane 50mg (20 in the morning, 30 in the evening)
Garlic Oil 5000mg (in the morning)
L-Carnitine 250mg (in the morning)
Vitamin E 500iu (in the morning)
Creatine Monohydrate 3000mg (1500mg at 12pm, 1500mg at 6pm)
Omega 3 fish oil contain 180mg EPA, 120mg DHA 3 times a day
Enzymes tablet 3 times a day which consist of:
Betaine HCI 60mg
Pancreatin 4xNF 75mg
Pepsin 1:3000 32.5mg
Papain 49mg
Aspergillus Oryzae Enzyme (Mycozyme) 35mg
Lipase 50mg
Ox Bile Extract 65mg
Glutamic Acid Hydrochloride 10mg
Citrus Pectin Celluluse 12.5mg
Malt Diatese 7.5mg
Beet root powder 100mg
I hope you can help me with these. Thanks!
Ricky Serafico
Note: I also worked out in the gym 5 x a week

From: Henry in canada. A 23 year old Male.
Subject: crystal clear for 4 years
Date: 13/06/2001 at 04:28 - Message #402

when i was in highschool, all i can remember was my severe acne. from 13 to 17, i considered my acne to be a 9 on 10 in terms of severity. when i entered college, my first semester was so tough on me emotionally because of this, that i went to see a derm. not that i hadn't seen any before, but this time he prescribed accutane. i was on 40mg for 3 months. it was a miracle worker! people who i had met thereafter would have never known i ever had severe acne. my face was 'perfect'. i had the odd 'zit' here and there, but nothing to compare to what it was like in highschool.
about a year and a half ago, four years after my initial treatment, my acne started to reappear. i though it was gone for good and had been cured. mind you, my acne was very tame compared to what it used to be(probably a 3 on 10 in my opinion), but it was still there - it came back. i went to see the same derm and he put me on 40mg for 3 months(same as before). this time it did nothing! absolutely no results at all. it's now been 7 months since my second treatment and i'm fed up. i want it to go away. i don't want to have to bother with it any more..not having to be totally obsessed with it..i want it to be the way it used to be.
i know it's mostly psychological, the extent that it bothers me, but it's still there.
i went to see another derm today. he said he has no 'problems' putting me on another course. this time 40mg one day and 80mg the next(alternating for 4 months)

From: Roaccutane User. Female.
Subject: Dosage and Maintenance
Date: 10/06/2001 at 10:22 - Message #398

Hello fellow Roaccutane users.
I have been on Roaccutane for about 6 weeks now and the results have been really good. I have been in touch with quite a few people on this Website and the trends seem to be that improvement is seen (on average) at week 3-4.
Anyway, from what I have learnt from Roaccutane support sites and my dermatologist, the dosage that Roche recommends could be too high. I had pretty bad acne and weigh 52kgs but was prescribed only 10mg per day. This way, I had minimal side effects but Roa has worked just the same. My doctor has written many papers to Roche documenting his findings that minimal doses should be prescribed (and he has found evidence that the rate of curing is just the same) but according to him, Roche has not decreased recommended dosage because it means less income.
Anyway, for those on Roa, do consider taking a much lesser dosage (but consult your doctor). My doctor has prescribed Roa for about 9 years now and he said his maximum dosage has been 20 mg/day. He says he has compared his results to other research and found that his prescribed dosage works the same....
Moreover, my doctor claims that his patients have not complained of severe side effects like bolding, depression, tiredness, severe dryness and severe nose bleeds.
Many have had complaints on how to maintain acne free skin after stopping taking Roa. I discussed this with my doctor yesterday and he said that reoccurence of acne can be controlled by using a topical anti-biotic lotion and anti inflammatory tablets. He says that everyone proned to acne should have these handy so acne can be controlled. "When one comes up-kill it before it spreads".
Obviously people proned to acne have to be extra careful with their skin cleansing routine, diet and water intake. Even people with beautiful complexions will break-out if they don't eat properly, don't cleanse properly or don't drink enough water.
A friend of mine said she has had about 2 pimples in her life and has gorgeous skin but when I travelled with her, I found that she always had a bottle of water next to her and ate a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit. She was extremely careful with what she ate. She was also very, very careful with her skincare routine....she swears by Clarins.
I guess Roaccutane does work,...but I think that to maintain good skin I will have to keep healthy too. Afterall, our skin is our greatest organ and stress, diet, cleanliness and lifestyles play an important role in keeping it healthy.
I hope that will work for me when I stop my course of Roa.
Take care and all the best.

From: erwan in switzerland. A 30 year old male.
Subject: Accutane failures
Date: 09/06/2001 at 17:22 - Message #397

well, I don't want to spoil the party but I have had 3 courses of accutane in the last 10 years (1mg/kg/day) for 4 , 5 and 6 months without permanent success. Unfortunately.
Ironically, I have never had a lot of acne, It was considered from very mild to mild (depending the demato) and since I don't scar (my only luck) most dermatos considered that accutane was not indicated to cure my acne. They were probably right but no other treatment has ever had any positive effects on my acne and ,believe me, I have tried them all.
Anyway, after 5 years of failure with topical treatments and antibiotics, I started accutane at 20 yo and it worked right away, in 1-2 month my skin was perfectly clear and since I have no scarring nobody could believe I ever had any acne.
I had little side-effects from accutane beside dryness , especially at the lips . I thought it was a miracle at the time
I stopped after 4 months and I was considered as cured.
In fact, my back and chest were cured but not my face and 2 years later I had to redo accutane again.

The second course was very successful while I was on it. Like the first one.
In 2 weeks I had no breakout anymore and since I had learnt to control the dryness during my first course I was quite happy to be on accutane and so relieved not to worry about my acne anymore. After 2 months , no trace of acne could be seen , even no comedon
It was a new me, the normal me. I think you probably understand what I mean.
Then again, I had to start a third course 2 years ago. I was really fed up , My chest and my back have been acne free for years but I still had break out on my face which get out of control from time to time. Again it's mild, but for me there is no difference between 3 pimples and 30, I just want a clear skin.
I spent 6 months on 80mg a day (1mg/kg/day)
It was again no problem. normal blood test, normal dryness but manageable
(I have swum 3 times a week without any problem for years while being on/off accutane and using a moisturer)
This course was again a temporary success
Two months ago, I started to have breakout
I have decided to change of strategy and I have been taking 20mg a day for 1 week and I hope to decrease it as soon as my skin improve, probably in 1 or 2 weeks.
I have give up on curing my acne with accutane or whatever but I hope to control it with very low but permanent dose. I'm not afraid about the long term side-effects since I have had little side-effets even while being on high dose for 6 months.
I don't know why accutane as failed on me. I mean, my chest and back have been cured at the first course but I still have these breakout on the face and I'm quite ashamed at 30 yo !
I have followed faithfully all the indication of my dermatos, taking the pills with whole milk, avoiding sun, alcool, using moisturer. I have a good diet , do a lot of sport and I am very lean.
Neverthess, acne is always coming back, milder and milder but again I have never found mild the psychological and social damages of acne !
It's so depressing to go out with friends and not to enjoy oneself because we are obsessed with how we look with a breakout. I hate public mirror although I can spend half an hour in front of my mirror in the bathroom (alone) taking care of a breakout. I can not attend a party, a diner ,a trip just because I have a bad breakout. I have terminated a relationship because I felt so unattractive at the time and was so ashamed for us.
As conclusion, I suspect that most people overestimate the efficiency and also the side-effects of accutane it does no offer a permanent cure but only a long-term but temporary remission. And that's better than nothing
you can email me at defpos at if you wish
Best regards

From: james in uk. A 22 year old male.
Subject: living life.
Date: 06/06/2001 at 16:12 - Message #396

hello everyone out there. i wrote a few days ago i think. i cannot be sure because i was stoned after deciding to relax during my accutane treatment. from extensive reading the only reason not to take marijuana when on accutane is that it could further depress you. but for me it makes me positive. i have been on the drug accutane a month now and i conform to the the usual side-effects.
The last seven years i must admit that the one subject that i have thought about with most consistency has been this wretched disease. early on i would childishly try and estimate how much longer i would have to wait. but acne seems to manifest itself in different ways. some people are affected for longer periods of time than others and in different areas. my acne shows signs of gradually moving over my face as i begin to mature and grow. eitherway i refuse to wait till it departs and accutane seems to be the answer. side effects are part of the deal and they can be counter-measured to an extent. previously to developing resistance to antibiotics i began to experience life when minocin improved albeit temporarily my disease. the last time i could remember feeling that way was when i was playing football with my friends during the holidays aged 14. the result of having a disease which so radically and horrendously changes your facial appearance had stripped all of my confidence. during my last course of minocin before i became resistant, i began to find myself in situations with girls who i would never entertain the idea of talking to, let alone asking out. i had then and still have psychological scars. i keep my fingers crossed that the accutane works for a long time. and if i need another cycle so be it.

From: Paul in England. A 19 year old male.
Date: 05/06/2001 at 22:09 - Message #395
Web Site: Roaccutane and Acne Website

Hello ! .. i have been off acne for about a year and a half now .. and am happy .. it does work .. and it has changed my life :) .. just really hang in there .. and try and enjoy life, and not to worry .. a couple of things i found that helped were -
1. St.John's Wort (from health shops) natural remedy for depression
2. Clinque 3 step - oil free moitrizer !
3. Chinese medcine, really does work, helps to relax you, and not to worry so much
4. smoking a little bit of weed now and then -helps you to relax - i found one of the MAJOR reasons for acne is of course we all know HORMONES .. and these are released more due to STRESS .. so the key is to relax as much as possible so you don't have clammy hands etc and not to worry
5. ENJOY yourself as much as possible (hard as i know it is, but the only way to make time pass quicker is to do so ! .. wishing for time to pass isen't going to help one bit)
6. Cover your fingures in tissue before you squeese .. it not only means that you don't spread the mess, nor spread the infection .. but also means that you don't dig into your skin, making more of a mess, and slip etc.
7. Roaccutane does work
8. Vitamin E .. well .. now that helps so much with HEALING your skin ! :) .. whoooooa ! .. the maxamin amount you can take .. and it so does help with the healing its amazing
Hope this helps !
take care, look after yourself, and smile.
"smile if you fancy me" - always gets me..

From: Sean in Scotland. A 19 year old male.
Subject: Marks
Date: 30/05/2001 at 18:07 - Message #390

I finished roacctane treatment 4 weeks ago but I still have a cuople of spots. Does anybody have any idea what I should treat them with and if they will all just die out in another couple of weeks or so? Also I have been left with marks from previous outbreaks (only time will tell if they are scars) can anybody recomend any treatment that will get rid of these marks or at least make them less visible? Finally (as if the questions I have already asked arent enough) can you recomend any creams/treatments to get rid of redness and blotchiness that wont make my acne return?
Any treatments/creams to avoid?
Thanks everybody, you can reply by email

From: Caroline in Australia. A 19 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane and Drugs
Date: 30/05/2001 at 08:38 - Message #388

I just started accutane and was wondering if anyone knew if there were side effects if you take drugs?
like alcohol?
i know none of that stuff is good for you anyway, but was wondering, if there were any major worries about taking any of these drugs in conjunction with accutane. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

From: Michelle in USA. A 29 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 29/05/2001 at 19:37 - Message #387

I've been on Accutane for 2 months now and my major side effects have been dry, very dry skin on my arms and a couple of dry patches in several places all over my body, but they are very minor. They don't go away however, and creams don't help. I have a rash on my hands and arms that Dr. says is from the dryness. It isn't too bad and it clears up within a couple of days but then returns. My dermatologist gave me some Aquaphor for my dry lips, it's made by Eucerin. It's pretty much the same as Vaseline. Rosebud Salve is also very good, I got mine at Walgreen's. I use Cetaphil on my face to wash, I have yet to find a good moisturizer without any oil in it. I've looked for some but since I don't live in a place where there are a lot of choices I can't find much. I have lost most of my motivation, I'm tired if I don't sleep at least 8 hours. I'm not depressed or anything, I'm just a little less happy, I'd say, about many things. But that probably has a lot to do with other things going on in my life that I need to resolve. My skin looks good but it seems to be going in phases. I had big pores and they dried out and went away, but then just last week I noticed the pores reappeared and are drying out again. I assume this is how it will be until the end. I had a couple of breakouts in the last couple of months, right around menstruation, but nothing like what I had experienced before (I only had mild acne, but persistent). I've had nosebleeds, and my nostrils are very dry, but allergies are a big problem here now. My skin just feels de-hydrated. Anyone know any creams that help hydrate the skin that work with Accutane?
Also, I really want to start working out again, I work out occassionally, but I noticed that the General Guidelines states to tell your provider if you are going to be engaging in vigorous physical activity while on the treatment and I wondered why. Anyone know? I have an appointment with my dermatologist this week and I can ask him, but I'm curious now.
I went out for a walk last week twice and both times wore sunblock and a long sleeve shirt with a sweater. My face got a slight burn, and looks slightly darker. Needless to say I won't be out in the sun this summer. This made my face peel, so I wonder, are there any really good sunblocks out there that work great with Accutane?
Also, can I use a cream for my face that has Vitamin A in it? This is the only cream I could find at Walmart that has Beeswax.
Honestly, I can't wait until September, when I'll be off the treatment. I just hope the results are 100% and last.
Thanks to anyone who has any info.

From: John in US.
Subject: Possibilities
Date: 28/05/2001 at 14:23 - Message #386

To Oochiewally: You must learn to realize, oochiewally, that anything is possible in this life.

From: Ben in England. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Afterwards...
Date: 26/05/2001 at 17:00 - Message #385

Hey people
I posted a few weeks back about the fact that the accutane was making me feel so tired and lethargic meaning I had to defer on college exams. Well I'm now at the end of my 2 months treatment, and been off the pills for about a week now. WOW! What a change - I was feeling more lively the very next day, and so much more positive about everything. And the skin is still very very good (not perfect, but so much better than before). So if people are feeling down, lacking motivation, and always tired, then hang on in there - in my experience it just disappears almost straight away! Cheers for all the useful messages as well!

From: NO HAIR.
Subject: HAIR LOSS
Date: 26/05/2001 at 13:49 - Message #384


From: Steve in Cambridge,England. A 28 year old Male.
Subject: 7 Weeks into Roaccutane
Date: 24/05/2001 at 10:02 - Message #381

First, thanks to everyone with the courage to post on here. I haven't spoken to anyone about this drug, I'm too embarrassed about my condition. Sad, I know. The only people who know I'm on medication are my dermatologist, parents and best friend. I'm 28 now, and have suffered with acne on my face, back and chest since I was at school. Wow, seems weird actually saying that on here!! Admitting it to people, when I'm normally trying my best to hide it! Quite liberating! The ones on my face aren't bad at all, to be honest, it's mainly my back, neck and chest. I've kept the ones on my neck, chest and back virtually a secret to all of my friends, simply by not sunbathing, swimming, showering at the gym with them. Which can cause some embarrassment (ie, when playing football, and being chosen as the team who don't wear shirts, I've insisted I was on the other team. When asked why, I've come up with some silly half baked excuse. I've gone through various treatments, some worked, some not. When I was about 21, they seemed to clear ( not completely, but enough to be out in the sun without a shirt on ). But for the last year and a half or so, they got progressively worse. I went to my ( very unhelpful and disinterested ) doctor, who finally got me an appointment with a private dermatologist ( costly, but as you all know, money means nothing when you're desparate! ) I've been on this drug for about 7 weeks now, so I thought I'd share my experience, hopefully this may help. Initially, I just seemed to have red skin. Then a couple of weeks later, my lips became more and more dry. I use vaseline on them throughout the day which helps. There was one weekend I was out drinking and partying ( I know, a cardinal sin when on this drug, but I needed to relax! ) The next morning, my lips seemed all cut, bloody and dry. So watch what you're doing if you're out drinking and stuff. I use vaseline even at work, though sitting with a tub of vaseline by my phone often brings grins and giggles from co-workers ;) None of them know about this medication, so I just say I have dry lips. The worst thing about the reddening of the face is that it's not quite the whole face. It's mainly my cheekbones, but not under my eyes, giving an effect as if I've been sunbathing with big goggles on. Annoying, but not life threatning. The acne itself is going through phases of going down, then more again, then a few less. The whole course lasts for 4 months, so I guess I'm half way through and shouldn't ecpect miracles ( though I do wish every day! ). My dermatologist says he would expect the spots to start clearing nearer the end of the course. The thing I find most depressing is that I want to go on holiday this summer, but keep putting my friends off booking somewhere hot. I desparately want to go abroad and sunbathe, but it's not an option at the moment ;(
I'll keep posting as I get results, and I'll be checking here every day to see how people are getting on. A few things I've found that help quite a bit are having desk fans near whenever possible. I have one on my desk at work which keeps me cool and seems to calm the redness on my face. I also have one at home by my bed which I leave on overnight ( really helps )
I've also noticed that a 'cooler' shower is preferable to hot ones, especially on the face.
Hope this has been of some help to other people on the drug, or those of you considering it. Please feel free to mail me with any suggestions/stories or just to reassure me I'm not the only one!

From: oochiewally in cali. A 20 year old male.
Date: 22/05/2001 at 16:00 - Message #378

i was wondering ,is it possible to smoke weed while on accutane??/

From: Patricia in Chicago, Illinois. A 27 year old Female.
Subject: my progress so far
Date: 21/05/2001 at 05:38 - Message #377

Hello all,
I know when I was first starting Accutane I was very interested in reading personal accounts of people who had already completed the treatment. I especially liked Accutane diaries that people posted on the web. Thus, for all of you who are just starting out, or for those of you thinking about starting, this is my own "Accutane Journey." Please note: from what I have read and seen, everyone reacts to Accutane differently. My experience may be different from yours. I am only on week eight at this point, but I'll give you my account so far. By the way, as you read this, keep in mind that I am a high school teacher and stand up in front of a class of thirty students for eight hours a day.
Week 1: I notice a very slight dryness in my lips. I start to wear Vaseline on them to keep them moist. This makes my lips shiny, but I pretend it's lip gloss. No major changes. Looking forward to clear skin soon.
Week 2: I am SEVERELY broken out. I panic. I go to three different dermatologists (to get a second and third opinion). They all say I am experiencing an "Accutane Flare." Apparently some people will have this side effect, some people won't (my brother took Accutane two years ago and he never experienced a flare). My face is red, swollen, hot, "oozy," painful and itchy. I am extremely uncomfortable and terribly embarrassed to be seen at work or in public. I've never seen anyone as broken out as I am. I admit that I cry because I feel so awful and scared about what is happening to my body. I can't wear make-up because it hurts too much to put it on and, even if I did put it on, it wouldn't hide this. It takes all my courage to go to work. I explain to my co-workers and students what is happening to me. They are all supportive. Thankfully, my co-workers, family, friends, and students give me support, so that helps a bit. I found this website and am starting to write to others who are experiencing flares. They are sending me words of encouragement. It helps a little to know that I am not alone in this.
Week 3: Flare is even worse --I didn't think that was possible, but it is! Lots of cysts and HUGE pimples. I've had a couple of cysts in the past, but nothing like this. The itching is even worse. More tears. I cry in the shower when I have to wash my face. My skin is so bumpy and it's painful to wash it. I put moisturizer on, but it seems strange to do it because my face feels like one big zit. I do it anyway because the dermatologist told me to. I make frantic phone calls to the dermatologist a couple of times a week and he assures me every time that this reaction is normal and I have to hang in there to see results. I'm starting to regret taking this medication. I'm feeling very low at this point. I do lots of research on the internet about Accutane. I keep e-mailing people from this message board. They keep encouraging me to hang in there. I feel better knowing that I'm not alone.
Week 4: Flare is still bad. The "hot" feeling has subsided somewhat. Lots of itching! Skin is extremely sensitive and bleeds easily. A slight scratch on my chin while taking off a sweater hurts terribly and bleeds. The pimples are huge and I admit, I pop them, which eases some of the itching. They form large scabs where I've picked at them. I feel "oozy" all the time. I'm feeling very frustrated. I'm always uncomfortable. I avoid mirrors at all costs. It's hard to get through the day standing up in front of a class full of thirty students who are constantly watching my face. A couple of really wonderful students come up and tell me how brave I am. For some reason, this helps me feels better.
Week 5: I see my dermatologist. He says I'm progressing along fine (though I look awful!). He renews my prescription and tells me to get my blood taken again. I show him that the glands in my neck are inflamed and he says not to worry about it. He says they are swollen due to "drainage." As I leave the dermatologist's office, one of the nurses says she gives me credit for going to work everyday with a flare like the one I'm experiencing (I take it as a compliment).
My glands are so swollen and uncomfortable that I go to my regular doctor. He is surprised at how bad my flare is. He feels my glands and says they are extremely swollen. He agrees that this is due to the flare draining into my glands. He prescribes me an antibiotic called "Augmentin." I am to take the Augmentin twice a day with the Accutane. He asks me if I am having trouble sleeping (I am.). He tells me to take two Benedryl before bed to help knock me out. I double check with my pharmacist to be sure that the two drugs won't interact. They won't.
Week 6: I notice a change within three days of taking the Augmentin. My face seems less swollen. The itch is subsiding. I'm a little less red. My skin is much less sensitive. The pimples are a lot smaller. The cysts are also getting smaller. I feel some relief that I an seeing a little improvement.
Week 7: Things are SO much better! The pimples are much, much smaller and there are fewer of them. I still have a lot of scabs. I have many, many red marks on my face and neck where the pimples and cysts were. The improvement is noticeable on a DAILY BASIS. I am so relieved to see a change. Now I'm wondering how long these reddish-purple marks will be on my face. I'm also worried about scarring.
Week 8: Oh my gosh, I am so much better I can't even believe it. My face is getting better every day. Almost all the scabs are gone. The red marks are still quite visible, but they are fading (the fading is slow, but I'm not complaining). I think I can start wearing make-up again next week, but I don't want to push it. Maybe I'll go without make-up the whole 5 months (I can't believe I am even considering this. I would never have been caught dead without make-up on before, but after the past few weeks, I've lost some of my pride and frankly I want to give my skin as much healing time as possible.). I am still concerned about scarring, but I'm optimistic. I would never have believed that I could improve so much in such a short time.
That's all for now. I'll write more as I get further into the treatment. For those of you who are experiencing a flare, my heart goes out to you. Hang in there. It takes a lot of courage to get through those awful weeks of flaring, but there is a light at the end. My best advice to those of you who are going through a flare is to keep calling your doctor to make sure what you are experiencing is normal (believe me, my own doctor started to get annoyed with me, but I'm paying him for a service and he must provide it, so he has to take my phone calls) and to write to others on the message board. Build a support group of people around you to help you through this rough time. I am extremely thankful to everyone on this message board who has been e-mailing me words of encouragement and advice. You've all relieved some of my fears and given me good suggestins on products to use. I really appreciate all the help.
More to follow in the coming weeks.

From: Marcus in England . A 23 year old male.
Subject: RU58841
Date: 18/05/2001 at 11:35 - Message #376

Why do you still have acne in the year 2001?
Simple answer because the company (Roussell Uclaf) who own the rights to a topical antiandrogen “RU58841”, developed by a Dr. Sewaya….and I quote “Arent interested in curing these particular conditions”
Make no mistake “RU58841” will cure acne and hair loss 100% without the systematic side effects associated with the drug accutane that can be a very dangerous drug. “RU58841” works in a similar way to accutane in that it will shrink your sebaceous glands but without the side effects, more effectively and in a quicker time frame, unlike with accutane it can also be used on a continued basis.
This is NOT a new treatment, in fact it has been in the possession of this company for over 10 years yet they do NOTHING with it, they will not even sell the patent rights to this treatment so no other company can pursue this product.
The reason for this a number of people believe is, if this treatment were brought out it would cure all androgen-dependent conditions (I.e hair loss and acne and unwanted body hair) not treat, CURE. And all the hundreds of acne treatments and hair loss treatments, hair removers that are sold to the public (that we all know DON’T work) would be put out of business, now that’s a MASSIVE turnover of money, we believe these company’s are paying Roussell Uclaf not to release this treatment.
So what does that mean? Your thinking “GREAT There’s a topical acne cure out there but, uh….what the hell good is that to me since I can’t get it if they wont market it.”
This is where I come in and tell you I am going through the acne and hair loss forums in an attempt to gain 1,000 traceable non web based e-mail addresses (in other words not yahoo, hotmail ect ect accounts that are internet based accounts) of potential consumers of this product should I find a legitimate supplier. Now a country like India is not subject to the patent laws that stop companies in other countries from making this drug and this is why they produce “generic” drugs, which are identical to other drugs but don’t carry the brand name, they are essentially rip off drugs because they don’t carry the brand name, much like rip off cloths.
These are high class respected and professional company’s, not kids whipping up drugs in there basements with bunson burners, one such company is .
When we can achieve 1,000 traceable e-mail accounts I can begin looking or a supplier and show the petition as proof this stuff has large interested group, this will be an incentive for them to produce this topical for us, and as we are dealing not only in generic treatments but also in such a large group the price will be fairly cheap.
I kid you not, this will cure you of your acne and oil, the petition link is
Please add your name if you would be interested in a supply should we find a legitimate source willing to make this PROVEN treatment, below are a few links “RU58841” please read them and see for your self. And do a web search for yourself.
Why take the risk of accutane that can cause serious side effects like permanent hair loss (and I know of several people who have lost almost all there hair from this drug and NOTHING will work to re grow this lost hair) when you can use a topical with none of these side effects?
I will remove the names from the petition onto my hard drive on a daily basis.
P.S this is not illegal, it would be illegal for someone to make it in western countries but not India that is not subject to the same laws, nor is importing this stuff

From: Zack in Cheyenne, WY USA. A 15 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 18/05/2001 at 02:13 - Message #375

Hey, well I will have been on my course of accutane for 7 weeks as of Saturday. I have finally noticed some improvement. I thought for any of you who are new to this I would just tell what happened in each stage. In my 1st week my face cleared up ALOT, and stayed the same in my 2nd week, but then 3rd through 5th were terrible, and didn't notice much improvement. But now, within the last week and a half I have been noticing alot of improvement, my face is becoming dry and not so "oozy" looking I guess. My face is scaly, but I have figured out how to prevent this in public and I have definitely figured out what the best lip balms and moisturizers are! lol. But anyway, side effects have included dizziness, nose bleeds, headaches and a mild case of insomnia. If anyone has any questions please e-mail me. I know what it's like, it seems like just yesterday I started but I started on April 7. It's a hard course to take but, I think it will be worth it. Take care -Zack

From: Tetsuniko in Dallas, TX. A 19 year old female.
Subject: Useful links
Date: 17/05/2001 at 05:26 - Message #374

I am thinking about starting accutane soon for my severe acne. I havnt talked to my doctor yet about it, but I did uncover some really useful links to boards where doctors are answering questions. These sites cover almost every question including drug interactions and possible weird side effects and what to do about them.

From: Kelly in Canada. A 26 year old Female.
Subject: Eyes!
Date: 15/05/2001 at 19:44 - Message #373

If anyone has completed a course of accutane who had dry eyes, did they return to normal? One doc told me yes they will, but another said dry eyes from accutane is not 100% reversible! Please say it's not so!

From: Ricki in israel. A 17 year old female.
Subject: advice
Date: 15/05/2001 at 19:31 - Message #372

Hi. i'm in a big problem. i had finished my 5 month cuorse 3 weeks ago. i was totaly pleased with the results and was happy to finally be off the drug without worrieing about my face.
then about 4 days ago i started breaking out with like 3 pimples. i'm scared now that more will come out and that my face will get worse. should i ask to go back on accutan or is this a normal effect?
any help will be very helpful and appreciated!
take it easy, Ricki.

From: jess in sweden. A 19 year old female.
Date: 15/05/2001 at 16:26 - Message #371

just wanted to say that for all you acne sufferers out htere i know what your going through and all the hell that goes with acne, low self esteem, scarring etc.
anyway there is a light at the end of the tunnel, roaccutane. i thank god for the person who incented this miracle pill. its not for just a couple of ppimples though, htis is for those hard core acne sufferers, demand your dermantologist put you on it. i had no side effects apart from the normal dryness, but was even able to wear contact lenses during my course.
don't despair, acne is fixable.

From: Alvin. A 30 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 15/05/2001 at 15:23 - Message #370

It is so nice to have gone to this site and to hear all your voices regarding our major enemy "acne". Anyways, I have had acne since I was 18 and it seems like it never left my skin, I now have those what they call "cat scratched scars" both on my checks and I still have these massive cystic acnes. I have tried all the antibiotics (tetra's mincoin, doxy's etc) and nothing seems to work for me. I am now taking accutane for 5 weeks at 50mg dose each day and it seems like I still had to get those shots for my huge cysts. I'm sick of it and my face is kinda dry (I put Cleocin T lotion every night, in which i think will help the dryness), my lips, my hair, and eyes. I'm now even having a hard time driving at night. I havent' seen any results yet!!!!! I had to go back to my dermi to get those facials and shots. I'm sick of going back to my dermi for those shots and it is now very painful, expecially if there's a lot of pus. anybody out there, any suggestions or help? :o(

From: Adam in Texas. A 20 year old All Man!.
Subject: Increased Dosage
Date: 15/05/2001 at 07:11 - Message #369

Does anyone know if your dosage is increased, will that make you break out again like when you started it? I heard it does to some people.

From: Notknowing in Denmark. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: Swolled up skin
Date: 14/05/2001 at 21:21 - Message #368

I started using Roaccutan in the start of januar, after trying Erycin in december. Its been a nigthmare, shortly after start my skin started to react strangly. It looks swolled up, and red in the face, especially at the cheeks and around the mouth. My skin were really dry to ( the dryness should be complety normal ). I had to stop 7 weeks later, since my skin still were acting this way, swolled / thickere or something like this, and were feeling differently, being softere around the mouth, and looks more loose. Its almost over 2½ month now since I stopped taken this drug, and my skin havent recovered. My docter wants to give it more time, but I can't stand this of not knowing if it ever will be anything near normal again. It dousent look that great, so I hope so. I want to know if there are any other people, who have been out for the same thing and if, do the skin recover and get normal again, or are there anything you can do?

From: Luke in England. A 16 year old male.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 14/05/2001 at 21:02 - Message #365

I've been on roaccutane for 7weeks now.For the first 6 weeks i was on 30mg/day and for the last week ive been on 70mg/day.I had fairly severe acne before 7 weeks ago and now its alot better.My forehead has cleared 100% and the 2/3 cysts i had on my cheeks are slowly clearing up.I first noticed an improvement after 6weeks!I hardly get new spots but the cysts take forever to go.If they weren't there i'd be 100% clear, thats the sad part about it.I moisturise my face every night. The only real side effect i've got is very red face!About 60% of my face has no spots but its realy red.Like it says on the roaccutane leaflet increased skin pigmentation.Has anyone got any cures? Thanx:)

From: Sacha in London. A 25 year old Female.
Subject: Fed up!
Date: 14/05/2001 at 14:36 - Message #364

I can't believe how comforting it is to find this site and realise so many other people feel the way I do!
I have very mild acne (v. greasy skin & new 'small' spots every day) but it makes me terribly depressed. About 3 yrs ago, having tried every treatment known to man, I finally persuaded my dermatologist to put me on roaccutane. I went on a 4 month course & took a very low dose - the results were fantastic & the side effects minimal. To my horror however, 1 yr later, the problem returned. My dermatologist then advised that I wash with soap, NEVER use mosturiser & put Bezamycin gel on @ night. I now live in a permanent state of flakiness & spots! (& I'm not convinced that the drynes isn't making the grease production heavier) I really don't know what to do now. I'm furious b/c it was such a big decision to take roac. in the 1st place, & I was led to believe that as my condition was so 'mild' I'd only have to do it once in my life. I'm terrified that if I take it again, I'll (a) damage my liver etc. and (b)the effects will only be short term again. In addition, my health company won't pay for a second course, and I have no idea how else I can afford it. If anyone can offer me any advice with this predicament, I'd be hugely grateful.

From: NICK in UK. A 20 year old male.
Subject: KATIE (UK)
Date: 10/05/2001 at 18:26 - Message #363

i have tried tto post amessage on this board everyday since you posted your message, but for some reason it will not allow me to post a message(it might be because i have a rubbih browser--web tv) anyway i found what you had to say interesting and if you would not mind i would like to ask you a few questions. You have not entered your E-mail address, would you mind E-mailing me with your e-mail address so i can E-mail you back. I say this because it takes so long for my messages to actually work on the board. If you could do this i would be very greatfull. Thank you Nick

From: kodi in Australia. A 21 year old female.
Subject: Chinese herbal medicine
Date: 09/05/2001 at 10:06 - Message #362

I wrote a message on this message board about Chinese Herbal medicine and there have been a few people curious to know the I thought I'd fill you in.It did nothing! Nope..I was hoping for some really cool results but it didn't do anything for me, so guess what guys? I'm on Roac now! It's been a week since I started, and I look like a tomato. My face is hot,hot, hot. I have one question I would like to know. I hear a lot of people get dry lips, but I still haven't had that. I don't know if it's b/c I use a good cream on my lips or if it's b/c it's only my first week. oh, and another question....when does the acne start flaring up, and when do I start getting results? I'm just so worried that my acne will never go away. I just can't imagine myself without it...because I've had it for so long!!! Oh by the way, I'm on 60mg...
SO yeah, I would love some feedback, support, whatever I can get from this website!But there's one good thing.....I knwo that I'm not alone!
Thanks for reading my message!And good luck to everyone!

From: Ken in Toronto. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: Long term effects
Date: 09/05/2001 at 04:05 - Message #361

All these people taking accutane...what has been the long term track record for the drug? It seems that accutane is in fact NOT a permanent solution.
A lot of you people are breaking out 3-10months after your treatment
Any of you stay cured? I mean like...1 year or 3, 10 years after? I'm sure those of you who are clearing up right now think it's great..but how about the long run?
I myself have minor to moderate acne - it's noticeably red n' stuff - but it's nowhere close to what "severe" is defined and pictured as.
I'm still debating whether or not to pursue accutane with my doctor. He does not believe I need it...but I hear it gets rid of oily skin (which i do suffer from).

From: Tina in germany. A 28 year old female.
Subject: accutan
Date: 09/05/2001 at 01:28 - Message #360

Hi , you guys!
I will need your help on this one!Since a couple of days I fell very dizzy, if I turn my eyes to fast it's even worse...
Can anybody relate? I already phoned my derm, but he can't phone me back bevore Thurstday!
This symptoms are scaring me! Can somebody help?
Can this probably be from Accutan ? thanks, tina

From: Judith in Malaysia. A 27 year old Female.
Subject: Calamine Lotion
Date: 07/05/2001 at 02:42 - Message #352

Hi Trish!
My acne was a little itchy and sore last night and Mom bought some Calamine Lotion for me to try so I did. I was sceptical, as I was adamant about not putting anything on my face, but it looked like it worked! Has it worked for anyone else?
Calamine Lotion is really drying so I was adviced to use a moisturiser first (I used a vitamin E cream) and then I used a cotton ball to dab a thick layer of the Calamine Lotion just on the flare-which is really, everywhere. This morning, when I got up, The flare reduced and the pus-filled spots dried up faster.
Calamine Lotion is meant to soothe skin irritations caused by rashes, sun burn and acne (says that on the bottle) and it is apparently used in hospitals. I think it is quite safe. I have very, very sensitive skin, and I'm really paranoid about things irritating my skin, but it has not irritated my skin thus far-in fact it soothed it. I used it overnight.
I used this lotion and an aloevera gel for calming my chicken pox and it really soothed the chicken pox. It's funny, because with the pink stuff all over my face I look like I have chicken pox all over again!
Try it, guys and I really hope it works for you!
Thanks for all the support and I hope I have helped a little in return. Keep me posted on the feedback....

From: Patricia in USA. A 27 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 06/05/2001 at 18:23 - Message #351

Hello fellow Accutane users.
I want to thank all the people who have been so kind in e-mailing me during this initial rough period. I'm nearing the end of week 5 and I'm still struggling through this flare. There are some slightly better days and then some slightly worse days. The important thing, however, is that I now know that a flare is a normal reaction and that things will get better with time. For a while there, I was frightened by what I saw in the mirror! I'd heard that I'd have to deal with dryness, but no one ever mentioned anything about a horrible flare-up of acne. So thank you to all the people who assured me that I was going to be okay.
I stopped using moisterizer yesterday to give my flare a little dry out time. Anyone have any opinions about that? It's made me more scabby and flakey, but atleast I don't feel so...oozy.
Thanks again to everyone for their support. I appreciate all your words of encouragement more than you'll probably ever know. Good luck to all of us!

From: Katie in UK. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: oily skin
Date: 06/05/2001 at 08:50 - Message #350

I have a similar problem, and have suffered with skin problems for years, I have tried antibiotics, the pill (Dianette - which did actually help, but only while I took it). In the end I went to see a Dermatologist, he said my skin problems were mild, and has prescribed me Roaccutane for 3 months 20mg and said that would be all I need. My skin is oily and I think this really adds to the problem areas, which are on my cheeks and seem to take forever to fade. I wake up every morning and it's the first thing on my mind. People say "you can't see it from where I'm sitting", but that doesn't really help when you can see it everytime you look in the mirror. I haven't started my treatment yet, need to get bloodtests. I wasn't sure from your message if you had seen a Derm. but I would say don't stop at your Doctor, I saw a chat show once and a Dr.said "it doesn't matter how mild or severe a problem it's how it affects the individual's life" and it's so true.
My GP was not very helpful and I was relieved that when I went to see a specialist he actually listened to how I felt and agreed with me. I hope you get some help - don't give up, you shouldn't have to wait until you grow out of it that answer is not acceptable.

From: jake in USA. A 41 year old Male.
Subject: 2nd course
Date: 06/05/2001 at 02:37 - Message #349

Hi, I'm on my 2nd course of Accutane. 1st course was 5 months long 2 years ago and it worked great. After 10 weeks on this 2nd course I am completely clear and going to see the Doctor this week. Do they take you off of it early if you are completely clear????

From: Judith in Malaysia. A 26 year old Female.
Subject: Aggravated skin
Date: 05/05/2001 at 15:14 - Message #348

By the way, I think this Website is great and I have been reading new messages everyday for support and encouragement. I started taking Roaccutane 4 days ago (only 10mg a day) and my acne has erupted into the worst it has ever, ever been. Big nodules that are deep beneath the skin have come up all around my chin (where I usually get pimples) and they look angry. The small pimples I had has now turned into big pusy ones. My skin is also extremely dry and flaky like never before. My doctor said this may happen and so I am just hanging in there with hope that everything will subside and that my mild acne (which has now turned into nasty acne) will disappear. Is there hope? I will keep everyone informed of my progress. :)

From: NICK in UK. A 20 year old male.
Subject: accutane thoughts
Date: 05/05/2001 at 13:17 - Message #347

I suffer from very oily skin on my cheeks and nose. On these areas i have large clusters of visible pores with a mild red colouring on the skin surrounding the pores. From a distance my skin looks normal but when you get closer it is very noticeble. I tried a lot of things, anti-biotics (topical.oral) benzoyle peroxide etc etc.
Finally after being at an all time low i asked my GP to give me a stronger course of action. he explained my problem was just hormonal and that i should wait for it to go. As all of you know this is not an option, i put this into prespective by quoting something i saw on another site called the porche (the car) test, it says that ask anyone with acne if they would rather have a porche or perfect skin, we all know the answer to that.
Anyway after getting very depressed about my skin i decided that if my doctor was unable to assist me than i would have to take matters in my own hands. I managed to find a place where i could purchase accutane without a prescription(please do not contact me asking to reveal this source as i will not tell you, the reason for this is that accutane can although rare be toxic on the liver, i pay to have my blood tests done privately. it would be foolish of me to reveal my source knowing that people as young as 14 read this site. Acne can be very distressing and to certain people the risk of liver damage may be worth the risk)
Anyway i took accutane for 8 weeks but had to stop because my face became SO red that it looked worse than before. I have heard that accutane can be used 1/4 weeks to control oily skin, is there anyone outthere who has been treated this way, or anyone who is taking a low dose 10-20-30mg for oily skin and not cystic acne. If you are please contact me as i would very much like to talk to you. Finally i think that accutane should be used although in a more conservative dose for any condition of the face where oil is a problem regardless of cystic acne. My condition is so distressing although if your saw me you would not think it was that bad. But as i tried to explain to my doctor not a day or even an hour has gone by in the last 3 yrs when i have not thought about my acne, surely someone who acne bothers that much should be treated with the strongest possible treatment. Anyone who has anything to say to me rgarding my dosage for oily skin question or anything else please do contact me

From: Nick in U.S.. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: Hairloss
Date: 05/05/2001 at 05:54 - Message #345

AHHHHHHHH!!! I've been taking 40mg. a day of accutane for only 10 days so far. I've been experiencing the normal dryness... fatigue, etc. etc. and my face looks amazing. I literally have no acne at the moment. Unfortunately my scalp is incredibly dry and two nights ago i was itching it and noticed a fairly large amount of hair falling out. Now I know its normal for strands to fall out here and there but this is definetly not the case. Currently i have really thick short hair but im nervous that ill lose noticable amounts if i continue on with the accutane. Has anyone ever experinced this? Ive read that hairloss is normal and that eventually stops and grows back and most people never really notice. Of course ive also read the horror stories about people losing significant amounts of hair and it never grew back. Having nice skin is great but id much rather keep my hair... PLEASE... i would appreciate any suggestions or experiences you guys have to offer. GRRRRR why do things always have to be so difficult...

From: Patty in Texas. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Fatige
Date: 05/05/2001 at 04:43 - Message #344

hello everyone,
well, i've been on roaccutane for the past 5 weeks and let me just say that it has been hard. the first 3 weeks i was miserable. the 4th week i saw an improvement on one of my cheeks. now i'm just waiting for the other one to clear and i'm also trying to get rid of the black heads on my forehead and a few on my chin. anyway, as some of you have mentioned, fatige and headaches are something that i'm having to deal with lately. it may have to do with the fact that i work a very early shift but i feel tired all day and get pulsing headaches off and on. i just started to feel this last week so maybe the roaccutane is kicking in harder now that its been a while. i guess now it has less to concentrate on my face so its attacking the rest of me. :(
Hope that everyone is feeling better by the day.


From: Luke in England. A 16 year old male.
Subject: 6 weeks
Date: 04/05/2001 at 20:13 - Message #343

I have been on 30mg/day of roaccutane for 6 weeks and 2 days now and i have finally noticed an improvement!I had about 3 small cysts on my forehead that had been there for months and now they're going,and virtualy gone! I have a couple of small cysty type spots on my cheek that have been there for about 1 month now they're improving. I start 70mg/day on wednesday and i'm very optimistic that that will speed things up even more though on the other hand i'm a bit worried incase i get a breakout!My side affects have been dry lips,reddish patches on my face where there r no spots and thats it.Very managable.I'll let u all know how i get on with 70mg.Keep going people, i know everyone in here probably hates life most of the time but believe in roaccutane!!

From: chris in canada. A 26 year old female.
Subject: acne
Date: 04/05/2001 at 09:52 - Message #341

Hi everyone, I hesitated to post a message but here it goes. I have been on accutane for mild to moderate acne on my face , back and chest. The treatment ended about one year ago and the acne is returning, however it's milder than before. I was on 40mg for 4 months and I weight 128 pounds. I wonder if a second dose would be an option. My acne really botters me emotionally more than what most people would consider normal (I think). I think about it alot and I am very discouraged that it has returned (even if it's milder). Right now I have 5 spots on my face and 4 on my chest(this is a good day!!). I tried topical meds to help but right now I have what the doctor thinks is dermititis on my face (constant burning sensation and oilyness). He thought it might be roseacea but then changed his mind and said it was an allergic reaction. Someone please help me, I'm very worried about going on accutane with this rash on my face but I'm even more worried that the doctor will not prescribe it to me because my acne is not severe. Thanks for listening.

From: Elizabeth in Australia. A 15 year old female.
Subject: Question
Date: 03/05/2001 at 10:56 - Message #340

G'day, I have been on Roaccutane for about a month now and my skin is very very dry. I noticed an improve, then over the last few weeks a gradual decline. I'm just praying it will start to work soon. But I'm a bit worried, has anyone experienced severe nausea and uh ... diarrhoea? I have felt sick as a dog one minute then fine the next this past week, and I was wondering if it could be a side-effect of the drug.
P.S. Did other people receive a nice little bag full of information booklets, trial moisturisers, lip balms, face washes, etc.? Just wondering, I found it helpful.

From: Kelly in Australia. A 22 year old Female.
Subject: Second Course of Roaccutane
Date: 03/05/2001 at 04:20 - Message #339

I've recently begun my second course of Roaccutane after being off it for 5 months. It seems this time around I'm really suffering from the dry, peeling skin and dry lips. On my first course it was fairly bad but this time it is shocking. Is this normal or should I speak to my dermatologist? Does anyone have any suggestions for moisturisers that will help me out a little without me breaking out? THANKS

From: Jim in USA. A 22 year old Male.
Subject: Eyes
Date: 03/05/2001 at 01:11 - Message #338

My eyes started to water and burn since my 4th month and I learned it was 'dry eye' from the accutane. I tried using 'natural tears' like Refresh Plus in vials and TheraTears in a bottle but they don't do alot (I noticed later they both have the same active ingredient). Has anyone with these symptoms used a different kind of eye drop that helped your eyes alot? mine are killin me. Any help is appreciated!

From: Katie in England. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 02/05/2001 at 21:52 - Message #336

My Derm has prescribed me 20mg for 3 months. I have mild acne but I am not sure what to expect. Can anyone help me?

From: Ben in England. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Fatigue
Date: 02/05/2001 at 10:06 - Message #335

I was put on Roaccutane after antibiotic treatments were unsuccessful. My acne was not BAD, but was persistent. The results of the Roaccutane (40mg/day) have been great. I have been on the treatment for 5 weeks now, with 3 more weeks to go, and my skin is almost clear - amazing.
BUT the side-effects have made me wonder... very dry skin (as expected); initially terrible headaches and nausea (now much better), but most worrying, since the start of the treatment I have had permanent tiredness and lack of energy, which has meant that I have been unable to concentrate at all on revision. This has meant that I have had to defer my college exams this year - lucky my college have been so understanding!
So just a warning - if important study periods are approaching for you, seriously consider postponing the roaccutane treatment. But it does work!
Has anyone else had problems with fatigue like this?

From: Sammy in Malaysia. A 25 year old Female.
Date: 02/05/2001 at 07:38 - Message #334

I've been having pimples since I was about 15 and although they were pretty mild on the face, I got them all over my back and chest. I tried 2 courses of antibiotics, and although they worked during the course of the treatment, the pimples always came back the minute i finished treatment. A few months ago the pimples on my face worsened and I started to get worried about permanent scars they might cause. Also my skin was incredibly oily and I had to dab my face with tissue paper all the time to absorb the oil. Looking at the mirror after my shower made me feel inferior, as that was the time my pimples could be seen as they were...without being covered up with concealers and a thick layer of foundation and all that. I also spent tons of money on all kinds of skin products, tried all kinds of diets, etc. Finally after hearing so much about Roaccutane, I went to the skin specialist and was prescribed the drug. It has been 3 weeks since i took it, and the results are amazing. i don't need to put thick foundation any longer and the red spots are clearing up quickly. as for my chest and back, i got a slight breakout in the first few days of taking the drug, but now they are clearing up very quickly. my skin is no longer oily at all and my skin looks like it has just been washed 24/7. very nice. my skin feels dry though, but its so much better than oily skin. i do feel a little tired, but its no big deal. after reading all the messages posted here i'm worried about the hair loss and depression and i might ask the specialist to switch me to antibiotics after a 1 month course of roaccutane. but for now i'm very pleased with what roaccutane has done for me. it has given me an immense confidence boost.

From: Michael in Pennsylvania. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: No Insurance...please help
Date: 01/05/2001 at 18:55 - Message #333

Hello, I have talked to my doctor and would like to take accutane, but I don't have insurance and this stuff is expensive. Does anyone have any extra they would like to sell? Please email me at Thanks

From: stephen in georgia - USA. A 18 year old male.
Subject: mad
Date: 30/04/2001 at 22:07 - Message #332

ahhhhh! i am so angry. i started my accutane treatment on february 8, 2001. i've been taking 80 mg/day. it would be a lie to say that i don't see any improvement, but i still look terrible. it will have been 3 months on may 3 that i have been on this stuff. that's over halfway through my treatment because i am supposed to quit taking it after five months. i am not exaggerating when i say that i am NOT happy with the results. my cystic acne has diminished, which is a good thing (those suckers HURT). however all of the little bumpy whiteheads on both my cheeks (my problem area) have just exploded into huge red pustules. it has been so painful and depressing for me and i am really hoping that things get better soon because i only have until the beginning of july before my treatment is over! my lips are dried out, my face is dried out, my eyes burn : this stuff sucks. and unless i see some freaking improvement really soon i am going not going to recommend accutane to anyone. i am so embarassed of myself i won't even leave my dorm. this really is a pain. well, good luck if you are on accutane; i hope you are having better luck than me. oh! and please email me if you have any advice.

From: Dustin in US of A. A 16 year old Male.
Subject: Moisturizers
Date: 30/04/2001 at 04:07 - Message #331

I was wondering if someone could tell me what would be some good moisturizers to use that won't clog my pores while I'm on accutane. And some good strong lip moisturizers. Thanks.

From: anonymous in birmingham. A 20 year old male.
Subject: e45
Date: 27/04/2001 at 23:15 - Message #328

Dunno about you guys (ive been on 65g per day for 7 weeks) but e45 seems to cause flare ups on me. Im gonna stick to almays oil free moisturiser even if my skin is still flaky after using it.
Also for your lips, vaseline or medicated chap stick.

From: Patty in Texas. A 23 year old Female.
Date: 26/04/2001 at 23:03 - Message #327

don't worry, I'm sure that everyone here will be giving you advice and will be letting you know what to expect. If you feel you want to let it all out with someone, feel free to e-mail me. ( I know exactly how you feel. I was in the same boat when I first wrote and a few people e-mailed me back. Actually, we still keep in touch and share experiences. Trust me, they help.
I'm still on my critical phase and I'm still breaking out so although I can't tell you how this ends, I can tell you what I've gone through in the first 4 weeks of treatment.
Patty :)

From: Ann in Mauritius. A 23 year old female.
Subject: help! again &again
Date: 26/04/2001 at 09:51 - Message #326

I’m really desperate. Things are getting worse. A couple of new sort of insignificant spots on my forehead and a new one near my nose, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m on my 3rd week (30mg) and the rashes are getting worse. I apply e45 cream after each shower and I apply really it everywhere. The rashes are multiplying at an alarming rate. And things are getting really itchy! A cousin of mine who was on accutane 2 years ago told me that the drug would bring out all the skin infections you would probably have in the future and this would last from 8-9 days.
I’m going to my derm next Friday and I want to wait till then.
Thanks Tina for your advise. I’m so sick of spending and testing creams,etc, that I prefer to wait till next Friday to see what my derm will prescribe me for it. But I will ask him if Cortisone cream might be of any help? After how long did your rashes disappear?
Do you guys apply a moisturizer at night? My skin is drying out but things are quite bearable till now. But last night I applied e45 generously on my face and wanted to see how my skin would react to it. When I woke up, I expected my skin to be greasy but it was normal and smoother. My skin absorbed all the cream which means that it really needed to be moisturized. Can you also tell me what you use to shower, soap or gel? I’ve been using dettol antiseptic soap since 2 days. With my rashes, I want to avoid any fragrant product.
One more thing: when I went to see my derm a couple of weeks ago, I asked him whether my spots were due to a hormonal problem. I’ve noticed a couple of times when I’m about to have my period, that my skin was clear for a couple of days. I was mainly about 2 days before and maybe 2 the first 2 days of my menstruation. This made me wonder whether I was having a hormonal problem. I thought at the beginning that my spots were caused by junk, greasy food, as I used to have breakout half an hour or less, after eating these. But during my last spot free days, during my period, I ate kfc and god knows how bad it is! And I go nothing. I know by what I’ve heard, that when you have a hormonal problem, it’s when you’re about to menstruate that you get spots, but it might be the other way round.
When I asked my derm if it might be hormonal, he told me that it was acne. I wasn’t very satisfied with what he said. But I guess that when you have a hormonal problem, you do have spots, but the rest of your skin is quite clear. My forehead is a mess. Spots, and lots of open pores, blackheads, all the nasty things which are evident signs of acne. But I can’t help thinking about those spot free periods! Has anyone of you experienced the same thing before going on accutane?

From: claudia in uk. A 16 year old female.
Subject: roa obviously...i like how it has a special nickname
Date: 26/04/2001 at 00:34 - Message #325

im a bit frustrated with peoples misconceptions. accutane is a strong, powerful, potentially dangerous drug, and i know i would never have gone on it if i didnt feel like it wasnt my only hope. but it is, and after 4 months (40mg/day, in all 6 mnths), i AM SO HAPPY I WENT ON IT. my skin is a trillion times better, even my red marks are starting to fade. i know ive been wickedly lucky with my mild side effects, but still, tho you hear a lot of horror stories here, for most people it works out in the end and one can look forwards to a peachy skinned future.
dry skin, eyes, aches...all part of the package. it will go away.
word of advice, to live by, NO OILY MOISTURISERS. there are TONS of great moisturisers that will hydrate your skin without causing those dreaded breakouts.
for example: biotherm (ive used aquasource) is really excellent. some can be a bit pricey, but in the long run itll save you a lot of grief.
also facial cleanser, use something for acne prone skin (i recommend biotherm, the blue bottle) even if it is a bit drying...use a moisturising toner (again, try biotherm) to even it out. of course as i mentioned my skin hasnt gotten really really dry so maybe you need smthin stronger, but just STICK TO NON OILY!
now i dont know if there are people as vain as i out there, but if there are, id like to give my advice to a makeup ritual:
1. moisturize well.
2. put on foundation: christian dior has great colours -looks very natural, for you guys - no shame in it - just blend really well. if you can find the right colour in clinique, by all means go for it (but get a sample first, the colours are weird!). dont use the "clarifying makeup" by clinique, way too drying.
then concealer: clinique "quick correcter" is magic. pure and simple
if you need it, an added stick concealer: christian dior "stick concealer" (i cant remember the name)
anyway this is what ive had to do evry frikin day for like 3 years and im so sick of it!! thanks to roaccutane hopefully ill soon be clear, and saving about 500 quid a year on makeup and face goo!

From: Patricia in Chicago, IL. A 27 year old Female.
Subject: First month
Date: 24/04/2001 at 20:04 - Message #324

My dosage is 60 mg/day. I am 5'7'' and weigh 122 lbs. According to my doctor, this dosage is correct for my build. I've just completed my 3rd week of Accutane and I am experiencing a break out of epic proportions. I am...I suppose the word is "amazed" at the amount of acne that has appeared on my face (particularly along my jaw). These are deep pimples and lots of them. I've never had cyst-like acne before, so this is rather scary to me. My face is also a little swollen (probably from all the deep pimples)and feels hot --almost like I have a sunburn. I've seen three (yes, THREE!) dermatologists who have all said that this is an "Accutane Flare." My own doctor told me that, though it is nasty to live through, this reaction to the medication is normal. Now, I don't want to say that I completely distrust my doctor, but I would sure WELCOME any information from those of you out there who have had an experience like this. It will put my mind at ease.
While I'm at it, what other things can I expect to happen in the future? Yes, I know that everyone's body reacts differently, but there is some comfort in being prepared.
I thank you in advance, Patricia

From: Anita in England. A 29 year old Female.
Subject: Help!
Date: 24/04/2001 at 19:21 - Message #322

I am about to start a course of Roaccutane once my blood test results come through within the next couple of days!
I have read and taken on board the things that people who have already taken this drug have said. I am very worried about the side effects, especially as I am single and at the moment not feeling too confident as to ask any of my freinds or relatives for support.
Is there anyone out there that would support me just by listening to me winge occasionally or by offering any advice through e-mail???
I would be very grateful of any support as I am feeling pretty nervous about starting the course!

From: jade~rose in new_zealand. A 16 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 23/04/2001 at 21:48 - Message #321

i started taking roaccutane about 7 weeks ago, and within the first week or so my acne cleared up abit, but after that it started getting worse, i am on roa20 which isn't a high dose but i definately noticed small side affects and an ongoing pain in my lower back when ever i bent over or got up.(is this serious??)
however in the past 2 or 3 days i have been amazed at my skin. It is starting to clear up alot, my chin and forhead and nose are completly acne free and the other parts of my face ar slowly clearing up to.
stay positive and good luck with all of your acne treatment!!

From: Tina in germany. A 28 year old female.
Subject: to anne
Date: 23/04/2001 at 12:01 - Message #320

Hi Anne,
me too, I had some of these dry patches...
My derm gave me a Cortisone cream and they dissapeared with the time....
Good luck to you!

From: Ann in Mauritius. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Help!
Date: 23/04/2001 at 09:49 - Message #318

Hi again!
Has anyone been experiencing bad itchy flaky dry patches? I’m almost covered with them. If yes, do they go away with time and/or with a good moisturiser? Is it caused by dryness of the skin as dryness is normal during the treatment or is it that my skin’s reacting badly to roa? I’ve been on 20mg as starting dose for 2 weeks and starting 30mg tonight. Hope things won’t get any worse.
Anyone having the same problem? Please e-mail me.

From: Patty in Texas. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Newbie
Date: 22/04/2001 at 03:36 - Message #317

I had really never had a severe acne problem until a few months ago when I suddenly broke out in a rash on my face that turned into acne. About two months ago I started to break out around my cheeks. I went to 3 different dermatologists and finally the last one prescribed Roaccutane. I've been on it for the past 3 weeks and it's only gotten worse. I do know that this is suppose to happen but it overwhelms me sometimes. I'm in the television business and there are beautiful faces around me ALL THE TIME. I was really depressed before I found this website. All of you have given me so much hope. I'm on 40mg/day and will be for the next 4 months. Will anyone tell me what comes next. I just want to be prepared for anything.
If anyone wants to e-mail me, here you go:

From: Martin in Holland. A 43 year old Male.
Subject: Nose
Date: 21/04/2001 at 18:11 - Message #316

Bill, I can tell you that afther a period of about 2 months on a daily dose of 60mg Roaccutane my nose is getting in his normal shape. I'd learnt to life with my looks afther having my skin and nose problems. I've been on Roaccutane 15 years ago. Thenit was a short term period af about 10 weeks and a low doses. Now there is a philosofie in the Netherlands(maybe international but that's someting I don't know)that you need to take a high dose for a long period and you have to have at least a certain amout(I think it is 18.000 mg in this period(not at once))to be sure about the result. I can tell you that my skinproblems are getting better but the best improvement I;m having at the top of my nose. It's almost in it's normal shape and there are no spots on it.
Hope you'll be glad to hear this and good luck.

From: Leo in Sweden. A 22 year old Male.
Date: 20/04/2001 at 21:58 - Message #313

The reasone Im writing here is because I didn´t have the strenght to write here when I was on Roaccutane... I had problems with acne and started taking roaccutane, first it got worse a whole lot worse... It was the toughest time of my life. I was wery depressed, didnt have the strenght to do anything... Sometimes I thaugt there was no reason to live.
I didnt care about anything, I didnt care about the "No drinking" that my doctor told me... I got drunk every Friday and Saturday... I tried to have some fun. As you understand my liver didnt like this and I had to reduce the amot of roaccutane to 20 from 80...
After like 6 months on Roaccutane something happened. it got better and I did see the light for the first time...
After 12 months on Roaccutane Im totaly free from my acne... Some scars but I have to live with them...
I know how awful many of you feel! The only thing I can say is "Hang in there" There is a life waiting for you ... " You have to keep breathing because you never know what the tides will bring you"...
Easy for me to say you think... Yes I know... Now its easy but believe me every morning the fear of looking my self in the mirror comes crawling... Everytime I get ONE new little spot i get depressed and scared that it might come back... I think I'll have to live with those psychic (scars)...
I say: Its not what you eat, Its not if you having sex or not, its not if you not going to church, its not because you are fat, its not because you are dirty...
Its simply bad f***ing luck... We were born with it in our genes...
I fought against my acne and I think I won the battle...
If you are thinking about starting taking Roaccutane... Be shure to have someone who loves you around, someone that can help you if things go wrong as they do wery easely in the beginning... DO NOT lie to your doctor as I did about how I felt... Its dangerous...
Good luck everyone!
Your new life is waitning for you...
(I have to apologize for my bad spelling and grammar.... My English sux but I hope you understand)

From: A in USA. A 18 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane Update
Date: 20/04/2001 at 21:39 - Message #312

I've had REALLY mild acne for the past few years. I've been on 80mg/day for about 8 weeks now. So far, I've LOVED the results. My results and tips are as follows:
WEEK ONE: slight lower back pain, mild headaches, a bit tired--very mild though (your body just needs to get used to the drug)
WEEK TWO: skin broke out about halfway through this week. It took about 8-9 days to heal. The only good thing about this breakout is that you can really tell that the accutane is clearing out your pores. Be patient and hang in there!!-your skin can only get better!
WEEKS 3-7: nothing really to report
For your lips: Use Aquaphor--the only product that seems to work
For your face: Use Moisturel as a moisturizer. Use Cetaphil or Phisoderm as cleansers (I like them both, but i like Phisoderm a bit more)
***Drink lots of water while on accutane--it really helps!!***
Any questions? email me:

From: Ann in Mauritius. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Anxious but confident
Date: 19/04/2001 at 11:53 - Message #311

Thanks for the site!
I’m taking my taken my 11th roa pill. I’m on 20mg for 2 weeks(4 days left) and 30mg for 2 weeks before going back to the derm with my AST, ALT liver test.
I suffer from mild acne. Painful and itchy breakouts on my forehead. I don’t know how long my treatment will be.
I’ve been having headaches since my first pill and the pain gets worse in the afternoon and night. I’ve also been suffering from colic a couple of times. I’m having small dry patches on my body, which itch terribly. But it seems to be okay when I apply a moisturizer. It itches less. But it’s very annoying. It’s a very strong drug and I hope my derm won’t give me a higher dosage as I don’t think I’ll be able to bear it. I’m a bit anxious but I ‘m sort of confident that it ‘ll get rid of my acne.
Anyone who has just started roa treatment for mild (or even severe) acne? Please email me so that we might go through it together. Luck to everyone!

From: Ron in USA. Male.
Subject: Ricki/Water
Date: 17/04/2001 at 22:57 - Message #310

How does drinking lots of water help and is it a noticeable difference?

From: Alex in New York City-USA. A 16 year old male.
Subject: Accutane and stuff
Date: 17/04/2001 at 05:11 - Message #309

Hello.....I just started taking accutane, and as expected my acne did get worse, especially on my chest back and soldiers, and a little on my face. I know this was supposed to happen so im pretty cool about it,but one thing that helped me a whole lot, and eased my self image is..................Drum Roll.........cover up!Wearing coverup doesnt make u gay, and im pretty sure im not gay. It makes ur face look alot better, and if a girl asks u if ur wearing cover-up just say "yeah a little", and besides girls find it kind of sexy. And any other advice about accutane would be appreciated

From: Tina in germany. A 28 year old female.
Subject: accutan and sun
Date: 15/04/2001 at 21:55 - Message #307

Hi everybody,
I've been taking Accutan for almost 3 month now.
I need some advise from you guys!!!
As it's written on the package Accutan and sun don't mix! Well I applied sunblock (uvb 50)bevore going outside(it sais extreme sunblock cream for allergic skins on the package), and I still get a sunburn like reaction after beeing outside for a while!
I look like a tomato! Can anybody relate?
Thanks Tina

From: Ricki in Israel. A 17 year old Female.
Subject: The end...
Date: 15/04/2001 at 19:21 - Message #305

well, this is it, next week i will be officaly off Accutan.
how weird..
to make a long story short: WOW!!! i can't believe how different i look. 5 monthes ago i looked terryible, so pimpled and red, yak. my skin now is nearly pimple free, abit red though and some scars but u cant even compare it to before.
yet, i dont want to stop taking it, i am scared that the once i dont take it anymore i will start breaking out again. i still have like one or 2 pimples, thats why i am afraide that these 2 pimples will become 5,6,10...
i have asked my doctor to continue for one more month but he just laughed me off.
well, it's over i guess.
if anyone has questions about the drug u r more then welcome to ask me.
one advice people: water, water, and more water.
take it wasy, Ricki.

From: Luke in England. A 16 year old male.
Subject: roaccutnane
Date: 14/04/2001 at 20:13 - Message #300

After 3 weeks of 30mg/day of roaccutane there really has been virtualy no change.I was told this stuff is the best but so far i'm not happy. I know i have to be patient but I feel as though my acne will never go away!Its so depressing!As I said previously, i've got another appointment with my derm in 2 weeks to have my dosage increased so I'll keep you informed on how i get on.

From: Bryan in L.A.. A 27 year old male.
Subject: the past
Date: 14/04/2001 at 04:54 - Message #299

I took accutaine at the age of 16. My (inept) dermatologist prescribed it after nearly two years of ineffective tetracycline treatments(this was '88). I will give the drug credit, it did clear my acne completely, but I suffered severe chapped lips, dry skin, and rashes. In college, I suffered major depression. I used no new drugs, I worked through it on my own. It will pass, your body will rid it's self of the remains.
Good Luck.

From: Mike in Chicago burbs. A 23 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 14/04/2001 at 01:30 - Message #297

Luke in UK, Steve in USA – Make sure you’re telling your dermi about your symptoms. This may sound corny but talk about feeling depressed to friends or family, explain that Accutane may be the cause. It may help you though your treatment so that you can stay on long enough for the affects to kick in. Don’t stay on it if you’re very depressed though. I got pretty bad myself and didn’t even realize how bad I was until I stopped taking for a few days (check out post in experiences). Accutane works extremely well in most cases, but it’s probably best to be extra sensitive to side effects.
Go to:
Click on “Scientific Studies”

From: Luke in England. A 16 year old male.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 11/04/2001 at 21:25 - Message #293

Ive been taking 30mg/day of roaccutane for 3 weeks now after previously taking everything under the sun.(Zineryt and about 4 other types of tablets) After 3 weeks there has been little change other than dry lips and my face being redder than usual . My dosage is being boosted in 2 weeks.I take steroids with the roaccutane too, to lower the inflamation. I have become very moody and depressed since taking roaccutane.Also very sleepy and tired.

From: Phil in Australia. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: Sore Eyes
Date: 11/04/2001 at 04:09 - Message #292

I've been on Roaccutane for almost 4 weeks at only 10mg/day. Apart from the usual dry lips and skin I am experiencing very sore eyes and need to use eye drops up to 5 times a day.
I've read that the drug has some effects on the eye, but as I'm on such a low dosage I thought this is a bit strange? Any answers?

From: Cam in UK. A 35 year old male.
Subject: Nicole in Brum
Date: 10/04/2001 at 12:50 - Message #291

I have been on Roaccutane for 2 months now, and experienced the same probs.
Someone earlier on this board, (sorry I couldn't find your message again), pointed out that some moisturisers contain lanolin which can react to sensitive skin types i.e E45 cream. My face would go very red when I used E45 so much so that someone at work thought I was using sunbeds!
What seems to be working for me is;
Nutrogena Clear Pore Wash,
Nivea Soft Moisturiser,
and Elizabeth Arden 8 hour Cream for the lips,(my sis gave me this honest, this is pretty expensive though , £17 but it is superb.
ps My skin is the best it has been since I was a primary school kid now, and getting better!!!

From: Udi in Israel. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Closure
Date: 07/04/2001 at 19:06 - Message #290

Finally. After five long frustrating months of the Roaccutane treatment, I had just taken the last pill.
I am very satisfied with the results, and hope that my condition will remain as good.
However, I must emphasize the fact, that this treatment had been a true quest for me, filled with many obstacles, both physical and phsycological.
I truly recommend the Roa treatment - it is very powerful and effective. However, be prepared to make certain sacrifices!
To all of you guys who are actually using Roaccutane:
I'm sure you'd experience great results at the end. Hold strong through it!
I would like to thank the maker of this web site, and all the people who've been participating.
Knowing that others are going through the same experiences really helped!
Peace and happiness to all
Wit Da Luv,

From: Steve in USA. male.
Subject: Aches & Pains
Date: 06/04/2001 at 05:09 - Message #289

To anyone who has been through a course of accutane and has had aches and pains, can you confirm for me that they do in fact go away after treatment? The insert says that this is one of those symptoms that "in rare cases may persist." I'm in my 11th week of accutane now and have lots of aches and pains, especially a stiff neck ache that started around my 8th week. It's depressing to think I'll feel like an old man even after treatment! Any responses or feedback would be appreciated/

From: Nicole in Birmingham. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: Very Sore face!
Date: 06/04/2001 at 00:00 - Message #288

HI just need some advice really.....ive been taking Roaccutane for 4 weeks now (60mg per day) but the past few days my face has become really sore im wondering if its the cleansing bar (Simple), or the E45 cream that im using.
Has anyone got any suggestions as to what i should be putting on my face both to wash and to moisturise with? Thankyou in advance for anyone who does reply.

From: Emma in England. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Repeat courses
Date: 01/04/2001 at 20:38 - Message #287

Hi, Im 23 and its been six months since i finished my first course of Roaccutane and unfortunately my acne is coming back. Luckily however it is just on my face and im hoping that the rest of my body will stay clear. I'd like to know from anyone out there whos taken more than one course - and if it has been a permanent success? My doctor said that only avery small % of people would require another course but this just doesnt seem true to me- can any one help????
Ps for those who want to know, ive seen a product in Boots called 'Fade away'(or fade out) which claims to gradually get rid of red marks on the skin. has anyone tried this and if so does it work???

From: Jen in Australia. A 20 year old Female.
Date: 01/04/2001 at 04:18 - Message #285

So, I thought I might add my story up here whether it helps someone or not. I am now on my third course of Roaccutane. I was first prescribed back when I was 16 and my treatment lasted just over 8 months, 80mg/day all the way through. At the end of this period my treatment was not complete but because I required surgery my treatment was postponed (originally) for a month. I resumed treatment only to have it cut short indefinately due to problems post-surgery. My skin has held up reasonably well since then, until about 4 months ago when I was dealt a cruel blow - dreaded cysts! So as I said, I am back on treatment, only a week so far but the dryness is well on it's way back - I can't wait for the cold dry winter ahead! :) Hopefully however this course will be the last and I will finally be rid of my plague of acne and can then head off to a dermatologist (or the like) to get rid of my scars. Apparently they won't treat you until you are free of acne for 12 months, I hope this time I last the distance-acne free.
Oh - and I hope this time I'll be free of depression and all those other 'happy, fun' side affects :) Never-the-less, I stay upbeat and enthusiatic that one day, I'll be acne free forever.

From: Brett in Australia. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Eating Right
Date: 31/03/2001 at 09:47 - Message #284

Hi all, I'm currently finishing week 7 of my course and at the time I am writing this, my face is a LOT better than it was before I started. now, if I was writing this a week and a half ago, I would be saying the opposite. I have had some very bad breakouts during this early stage of treatment, and it wasnt until I changed my diet about 2 weeks ago that it started to get better. I've always eaten a very bad diet, consisting of minimal fruit and vegetables and lots of icecream, chocolate and burger king, KFC and mcdonalds. I thought that I could eat like this on accutane and it wouldnt matter, but after having a week of one of the worst breakouts of my life, I decided I had to do something to help the treatment along. lately I have been eating lots of fruit, vegetables, drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day and have totally cut out all junk food. The improvements in my skin and wellbeing have been remarkable. I am due to see my derm next week, and will probably have my dosage put up to about 80mg a day. I cant stress enough people, your skin is merely a reflection of your overall health on the inside.. what you put in you will get out, and accutane will help you along the way, but will not soley solve all your problems unless you work with it. Anyway, a question now, does anyone have any reccomendations for creams or treatments to reduce the red spots that are left behind after a pimple has healed over? I naturally have a very pale complection and these faded spots really show up. Anyway, dont get down in the dumps if you are having a bad breakout, because nearly all the people here have experienced that, and most people come out of it very happy. Be patient, and don't give up. Take Care :)

From: Michael in UK. A 22 year old Male.
Subject: Sunbeds
Date: 30/03/2001 at 12:59 - Message #283

It has now been about 2 and a half months since i completed my course of roaccutane, and i'm pleased to say that my skin is still pretty clear (apart from the odd break-out). The problem i now find is that acne scars still remain. Idealy i could do with having a holiday in the sun, as this used to help my skin, however i cannot afford to do this.
I was wondering whether using sunbeds worked? This could be a cheap alternative. I was given no literature when i finished my course of roaccutane, and i was curious as to whether using a sunbed worked as a method of reducing scarring? I also wondered if you had to wait for any period of time before exposing yourself to the sun, once you've finished roaccutane? Any information would be much obliged, if you could send it to my e-mail address. Thanks, and good luck to all of you.

From: kay. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: To may and all of u intrested
Date: 30/03/2001 at 08:14 - Message #282

to may,
i've taken roaccutane for 6.5 months at 40mg a day and it wasn't till the fifth months that the cystic acne stop and my face looked "somewhat normal". by the end of the sixth month my face was clear but left with really red marks on my cheeks. Now a month after i downed the last pill my face is still dry and clear. my derm says that this is not unusaul and some people take a while to repond. i'm still though left with the red marks which i caver with makeup my derm prescribed. i've been so careful about diet and gone from mainly junk food to rarely junk food. i take a multivitamin and a couple other supplement to make sure my body has all what it needs to fight. hang in there and if you think your acne is really bad, discuss getting the full dose of roaccutane with your doctor coz you seem to be getting a realtively low does.

From: may in hk. A 20 year old female.
Subject: help!!!i'm in terrible need of help
Date: 27/03/2001 at 15:03 - Message #281

help pple!
i had been on roacctuane 20mg / 4pills per week basis for the past 13 wks. but still there isnt any improvements! instead things got terribly worse n there r severe outbreaks! what should i do? at this ot, i'm really really skeptical abt the pill's capabilities in bring me the spotless skin. initially i was trying to convince myself that things will get better as weeks progresses. however, it had already been more than 3mths n things r not looking well at all! what should i do now? should i still believe in the medicine? oh, help!

From: Tim in Brum UK. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Depressed..
Date: 24/03/2001 at 00:37 - Message #280

Hi all.
Pretty depressed today as I thought I was getting somewhere and then they all start to come back. My chin and forehead are my problem areas (whiteheads that sometimes go cystic) but it goes in cycles. My chin becomes clear, and so my forehead breaks out. After that, for ONE day, my face is clear, before the other breaks out while the other clears up. It's getting very depressing.
However, the best thing to do is to look forward to when I have spot free skin, and to what medication I will be on if this one (lymecyclin and differin) doesn't work. I go on holiday in July (god I hope I'm clear by then) but if not, I'm dropping the lymecyclin (it will have been 4 months) and going on Accutane. That's what keeps me sane! If there was no other med left to go on I dunno what I'd do!
Take care everyone. We'll all get there soon.

From: AnneN.
Date: 23/03/2001 at 16:45 - Message #279
Web Site: Accutane Diary

I´m on my last weeks on Accutane, and very much afraid of what will happen once I´m off it. My face is lovely and 100 % clear right now, but my back/shoulders aren´t perfect at all. Please comfort me?

From: Bill in USA. male.
Subject: accutane for rosacea
Date: 23/03/2001 at 03:06 - Message #278

is anyone taking accutane for acne-rosacea? specifically for lumps on nose? if are, would like to hear how it's working. thanks

From: Neil in Manchester, UK. A 29 year old Male.
Subject: 6 week itch
Date: 22/03/2001 at 14:08 - Message #276

OK, I have been on Roaccutane of 6 weeks now (full dose 55mg for a week). I must stress at this point that my acne was/is not severe, just persistent. I am now into my 9th month of my current affliction, and am taking Roaccutane to kill off the acne forever (fingers crossed).
So, my skin and spots are now as bad as they have been, I know that you can expect outbreaks from time to time - but I have had a minor one each week, and week 3 was fairly bad - now week six is fairly bad again - my skin is pretty red as well. Is there anything available in the UK that I can buy which will sooth the redness and moisturise also. I am currently using E45 (I am told this is as good as anything - do you know better?)
Also, I am going to South Afica for 3 weeks next week - anyone got any hints about Roaccutane and sunlight - the two don't appear to mix well (although I used to have the sort of skin that browns instead of burns)
If anyone can help - that would be great.
One day - all this will be a distant memory for everyone on here!

From: A in USA. A 19 year old Female.
Subject: Mild Acre People
Date: 21/03/2001 at 02:23 - Message #275

For those of you who have questions about Accutane and only have MILD acne, feel free to email me. I've been on it for about a month. Many of the responses on this page are from those with more severe acne (no offense WHATSOEVER to anyone) but it didn't really correspond or relate to my inquiries to how a more mild case might react. I have LOVED the outcome so far--good luck to everyone on it!! :) Please e-mail any questions!!

From: Sophie in U.K. A 19 year old Female.
Subject: Can anyone give me advise?
Date: 20/03/2001 at 20:24 - Message #274

Hi everyone. I've got about 4 weeks of a 16 week course of Roaccutane left to go and was just wondering if anyone could give me any advise. Whilst the Roac. has helped a lot in stopping so much 'active' acne, what I'm left with is loads of red marks from previous outbreaks. Do these fade in time? Is there anything I can put on them to help them to go? I'd be grateful if anyone could get back to me if they're experiencing this and/or have any advise. Thanks, Sophie.

From: Ryzor in South Africa. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: Thank God!
Date: 16/03/2001 at 12:42 - Message #273

Hello Out there!!, i've had pimples, black, white heads for as long as i can remember( since is was 14 ) i had to look down every time if am in a lift with someone, i still cant look my self in the mirrow at the sametime with another person... it DEPRESSES ME!, But iam GLAD that there are people [ BEATIFULL, CARING ] beings out there who share my *&$^@#!. i am on my third week on roa. visible side effects Dry mouth! - all my face is covered with zits! i HATE IT, I HATE IT!!! - but LIFE goez on doesn it? - self pity sucks! SO LETS GO OUT THERE AND BE PROUD OF OUR SELVES! - Smile it does a LOT to your appearence - God bless

From: Ricki in Israel. A 17 year old female.
Subject: last month
Date: 15/03/2001 at 20:27 - Message #272

Well, i'm towerds the end of my forth and last month on accutan. the treatment has been very succesful, i see an amazing improvement. the only problem is that a few days ago i had spoted 3 ity bity pimpels, that really got me worried and now i dont know if i sould ask to continue on accutan or just let it be..
any advice?
luck to everyone, Ricki.

From: Serenity in alaska. A 21 year old Female.
Subject: acne
Date: 14/03/2001 at 08:39 - Message #271

I have been on accutane 3 times. My first max dose was 60mg the second and third times it was 80mg. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced the same failure.

From: Jill in s'pore. A 19 year old female.
Subject: pimples
Date: 13/03/2001 at 15:45 - Message #270

to paul frm US, sorry abt this but can u help define "cist pimpleS"? cause i aint sure abt this term n i'm wondering if mine r cist pimples. mine was actually like a red patches on both sides of the cheeks, n even though the pimples r flat, there remains red n prominent. it had been like this for abt...4 wks n r not showing signs of fading.
also, is it true tt pimples always get worse initially?
if u want u can email me privately. i didnt cause i couldnt get ur email add.

From: Paul in USA. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Checking In
Date: 12/03/2001 at 20:56 - Message #269

Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well with your treatment. It's ben a while since I last posted a message, I've been on Accutane for a little over 13 weeks now at a doseage of 100mg/day. I'm pretty happy with the results thus far, I'm not getting the big, nasty cists on my cheeks anymore (which was my problem area)and the red marks from previous cists are beginning to fade. I am, however, still getting the occaisional, small zits on my forehead, and around my chin. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm very happy not to be dealing with all the ugly cists anymore, but I'm wondering if the smaller blemishes will stop coming in with time, as I'm getting about 4-6 per week. I'd appreciate any feedback from those who have been this far in treatment, or completed treatment. I'm also glad to answer any questions others may have regarding earlier stages of treatment. Thanks for your help, and the best of luck to you all!

From: Shell in Sydney, Australia. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Night Vision Distortion
Date: 12/03/2001 at 11:24 - Message #268

I just quickly flicked thro my Roac info booklet looking for something about night vision being affected in some people but couldn't find it. I swear I remember reading it somewhere tho. I have been taking 20mg a day for 2 weeks and yesterday I went up to 40mg and tonite whilst driving home, lights were blurry and distorted like there was long rays of light coming off them. Has anyone else experienced this or has someone at work slipped me some acid in my coffee hehehehe
Thanks people

From: Tina in germany. A 28 year old female.
Subject: to joe
Date: 12/03/2001 at 01:57 - Message #267

Hi there,
Me too, I am a little dissapointed, I really thought
that I would see a big difference sooner! I am now like you 6 weeks on and my skin is really dry but I break out as bevore and it seems that my old spots dont want to dissapear!
I get really upset sometimes, but I think we really have to be patient, it will get better!
Good luck to you !

From: Nicole in Midlands, UK. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: HELP!
Date: 09/03/2001 at 15:12 - Message #266

Hi ive always suffered with spots on my face but over the past 6 months ive now be blessed with having full blown acne! I do modelling/promotional work so if i dont look good = don't work = no money!!! I went to a job on tuesdday and the client sent me home! So after many tears and willowing in self pity i decided to get myself down to Harley st. in London and get this sorted out. The dermatologist gave me Roaccutane ( 20mg to be taken 3 times a day) but also he prescribed some tablets which i should take twice a day for a week called Trimethoprim. The question is should i wait until i have finished these tablets b4 starting Roaccutane?? I wouuld phone my derma. but he's away on holiday now! please help!

From: Murray in Australia. A 29 year old Male.
Subject: Test
Date: 08/03/2001 at 09:50 - Message #265

Hi, just testing this thing. I missed the whole period during which the discussion board changed.
I have been on roaccutane for 16 months now
I started at 20mg/day (my mass is approx. 78kg) and then switched to 20/2nd day, now 20/3rd day.
Things are ok I guess although I do have (what I consider, others probably don't straight away (I hope) scars. They p i ss e s me off.
Ahhh life s_ucks having to worry about your appearance. Why couldn't I be one of those guys that wakes up each morning, has a shower (doesn't count all the hair he loses each morning (MPB mind you, unlikely a result of Roac.), drys up, gets dressed, brushes a nice full head of hair and goes off to work where girls get all weak at the knees when I walk past, d_
amn that would be nice for a change.......

From: allie p in usa.
Date: 07/03/2001 at 16:51 - Message #264
Web Site: accutane survey

results will be posted here one month from now. thanks

From: Joe in US. male.
Date: 07/03/2001 at 02:21 - Message #263

I've taken accutane for 6 weeks now, but for 'acne-rosacea, not just acne. Although my skin is drier on the surface, I still have lumps of 'gunk', for lack of a better word, on my nose; evidently still producint lots of oil under the surface. Anyone else taking it for that, or has anyone who's completed their treatment noticed a big improvement at week 15-20 compared to week 6?

From: TOM in UK. A 20 year old male.
Subject: Alcohol
Date: 06/03/2001 at 18:34 - Message #262

As a student, my life involved consuming large amounts of alcohol many times per week. The doctor didn't tell me anything about alcohol, but I have read the label on the tablet box.
I have been on Roaccutane for 2 months and am still drinking heavily. Is this bad for me? Will I harm myself in any way?
ps The dry lips and face are bad, but I can live with it!

From: TOM in UK. A 20 year old male.
Subject: Alcohol
Date: 06/03/2001 at 18:34 - Message #261

As a student, my life involved consuming large amounts of alcohol many times per week. The doctor didn't tell me anything about alcohol, but I have read the label on the tablet box.
I have been on Roaccutane for 2 months and am still drinking heavily. Is this bad for me? Will I harm myself in any way?
ps The dry lips and face are bad, but I can live with it!

From: Tina in germany. A 28 year old FEMALE.
Subject: accutan
Date: 06/03/2001 at 16:03 - Message #260

Did or does anyone experience(d) backpain while taking accutan?

From: Lisa in USA. A 19 year old female.
Subject: Rash
Date: 05/03/2001 at 20:15 - Message #259

I aquired a rash from Accutane and it lasted 6 months after I was taken off the drug till now. How can I treat this problem? I tried moisturizers and oils but nothing works.please help!

From: Mr Who in AUSTRALIA. A 17 year old MALE.
Date: 04/03/2001 at 17:45 - Message #258

hi i just want to tell you my experince wif roaccutane.
ive just finished my treatment like 3-4 weeks ago. i started around last yr in june and finsihed in feb.. so thats about 8-9 months on 50mg a day.. i had real severe cyts all over my back n face.. wne i first started off i had to take these pills called dexmethosomes..these help smooth out ure skin and prevent scarring but it does not help the pimples go away..n e way wen i was taking this i i started to get stretch marks all over my hips down to mah knees.. i think this was due to the fact that these pills make ure skin swollen up.. n e 1 who have stretch marks please email me..i really like to noe ure experinces.. n e way wen i took accutane i didnt c n e signs for ages..i didnt break out becuz i was taking those dexethsomes pills wif accutane..wen i stopped taking those dex pills i broke out so face was covered up wif i went back on dex..until around 3-4 months later i went off it n it was normal.. my face was so red and my lips cracked so bad.. i had to peel the skin off my lips cuz it lookes so bad... wen u eat the skin cums off cuz u stretch ure lips..wen u shower ure lips get all wet n then the skin peels off..n e ways i now mah face is pimples free but wif a few scars..i have scar tissues on my jaw line and my back..these r like lil lumps which look like pimples but r hard...i had my doctor inject a needle wif sumting into them to make it softer n speed up the process..well after 2 weeks on finishing my treatemnt my lips have gone back to normal n my face is still a bit red but my doctor said give it 2 months b4 it becomes normal...n e ways i noe how all u feel wif pimples..all i can say is TAKE THIS DRUG cuz it really works..the side eefects r worth it me...n too all those pplz who say ure skin is so bad n u shood wash it n stuff...F-UCK THEM they dont noe S-HIT.. they just make u feel more emotionally sad..just keep up ure head n neva give up... hopefully ull find the rite person to love u for who u r..not wats on the outside..n e Q just email me...thnkyou all 4 ure surrport

From: Tony in Chicago. A 32 year old male.
Subject: improvement
Date: 03/03/2001 at 22:39 - Message #257

I have just finished 7 weeks of therapy with Accutane.The results have been tremendous,I've never been clearer in 20 years! My derm has me taking two 40 mg's a day for 10 days,skipping 4 days,then coming in to see him.I get my prescription and start my cycle over again.I have 5 weeks of therapy to go.The doctor told me I would only be on Accutane for 3 months,then stop treatment,and it will never come back.I'm wondering,is this too good to be true.Please share your post-Accutane stories,I need to know.

From: Lois in USA. A 27 year old Female.
Subject: To Alice
Date: 03/03/2001 at 18:49 - Message #256

Alice--In my search for products that will not cause acne, I've learned from an esthetician (she knows her stuff) that Ortho is just as bad as any other b/c pill. The thing with Ortho is not that it's the only pill that can help with acne, but that it's the only pill that has gone through the FDA hoops to be able to say that. Any birth control pill that supresses testosterone will probably help. One that is really good is Demulen. I've taken that and have noticed no bad side effects. Good luck!

From: Alice in UK. A 19 year old female.
Subject: orthotricyclen
Date: 03/03/2001 at 11:29 - Message #255

Hey! I'm about to start my fourth month on roaccutane, and although things aren't going quite as quickly as i hoped, my skin is now almost completely smooth (just need to get rid of the redness - grrr!). Anyway, it's all a bit complicated, but stick with me here. I've been on Dianette twice and each time it's done absolutely jack for me and in fact possibly even made my acne worse. Whilst on roaccutane I've come off the pill, but now i'm thinking i really need to go back on it, but am unsure of which pill to take. Of course, I will discuss this with my GP, but generally they are very unhelpful. I was wondering if anyone here has been on/ is on Orthotricyclen, and whether this works at all? Or should I just cut my losses and opt for something like Microgynon which isn't going to help suppress my acne but won't make it worse either? My worst case scenario is coming off roaccutane completely clear and then breaking out again because i've been messing about with the pill. Please help!! Any information on orthotricyclen greatly appreciated!

From: alice in london, uk. A 30 year old female.
Date: 02/03/2001 at 16:10 - Message #254

This is my third month on Roaccutane now. The derm initially said that it would only be a three month treatment but I've since been back and another Dr has said I have to take it for at least 6 months. I'm not sure I would have embarked on it if I'd have known it was going to be so intrusive and lengthy a treatment.
I've had really aching bones esp. my back and heels (!), my periods all over the place (about every two weeks - with loads more PMT), and to be honest I really really want to go out and get completely drunk. Have had the odd glass of wine, coffee, and a bit of splif, drunk lots of water afterwards and my liver is Ok, according to the tests. However, the doctors now told me that my blood fat is high so I have to go on a low fat diet as well - seeing as I was already on a fairly low fat diet I think this means I've got to be extremely abstemious.
Also, I'm a bit worried about potential long term side effects. That said, my skin has mostly cleared up. Still a bit spotty on my neck and it's very sore - I really can't do any snogging without getting loads of stubble burn. Can't really tell if I've had mood swings or anything. Is it right that you can't go in the sun while taking this stuff? How long do I have to wait before I can go out and get a tan? I'm so white that all my scars are blazing like beacons.
All the best to you, I'm sticking with it for the next month I think.

From: alice in london, uk. A 30 year old female.
Date: 02/03/2001 at 16:10 - Message #253

This is my third month on Roaccutane now. The derm initially said that it would only be a three month treatment but I've since been back and another Dr has said I have to take it for at least 6 months. I'm not sure I would have embarked on it if I'd have known it was going to be so intrusive and lengthy a treatment.
I've had really aching bones esp. my back and heels (!), my periods all over the place (about every two weeks - with loads more PMT), and to be honest I really really want to go out and get completely drunk. Have had the odd glass of wine, coffee, and a bit of splif, drunk lots of water afterwards and my liver is Ok, according to the tests. However, the doctors now told me that my blood fat is high so I have to go on a low fat diet as well - seeing as I was already on a fairly low fat diet I think this means I've got to be extremely abstemious.
Also, I'm a bit worried about potential long term side effects. That said, my skin has mostly cleared up. Still a bit spotty on my neck and it's very sore - I really can't do any snogging without getting loads of stubble burn. Can't really tell if I've had mood swings or anything. Is it right that you can't go in the sun while taking this stuff? How long do I have to wait before I can go out and get a tan? I'm so white that all my scars are blazing like beacons.
All the best to you, I'm sticking with it for the next month I think.

From: Stacye in usa. A 18 year old female.
Date: 01/03/2001 at 20:26 - Message #252

I have been taking Accutane for 4 weeks now, and I do show some improvement. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if being a couple days late for my period, when I am usually on time, is normal? Thank you, and good luck to everyone who is on Accutane.

From: Tim in Brum. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Doc appointment
Date: 01/03/2001 at 19:16 - Message #251

I wrote a couple of days ago that I was going to see the Doc on Monday to ask him for something other than OxyTet. I was debating whether or not to ask for Roaccutane (I have mild acne now - the OxyTet did help somewhat) but by the time I got in there it didn't sound he wanted to give me it anyway. He reckons that I have to do at least one more antibiotic, and I might as well do it with him as opposed to the Derm because the derm would do the same thing. Fair do's.... I like my doc - good bloke.
Anyway, I was right that he wanted to get me off the OxyTet. He put me on TetraLysal (Lymercyline) and reckons it'll take about 3 months to see any improvement. He also asked me about the topical stuff I was using (Benzoyl Peroxide) and said that I should use Differin instead. I then asked about using moisturiser and he said I should steer clear of it if possible, and use water based if I must use it.
So, here I am, Thursday night and I'm not sure how to view things. I haven't had too many new spots in the last few days (just a few big whiteheads in the usual areas), but I think this is due to the lack of oily moisturiser I was using. I used it pretty religiously (loads at night) but now I try to use none, and only a little water based stuff when my skin starts to peel. I think the doc may be right that the oily stuff was clogging my pores, but I guess I'll have to see.
Moral of the story, don't use loads of oily moisturiser!
Cheers, I'm off for a beer ;-)

From: Aaron in england. A 21 (Tommorrow!) year old Male.
Subject: Anyone used "Acnecide"
Date: 28/02/2001 at 00:28 - Message #250

Hi, for the last two weeks I have been on this stuff called "Acnecide" (along with minnocin).
It cleared up really well during the first week, but over the past few days i have had 4-5 new spots.
Has anyone used it? If so, whats your story?

From: anna in ireland but live in england now.
Subject: Son is about to start on roaccutane
Date: 27/02/2001 at 18:32 - Message #249

My 14 year old son is about to start roaccutane....he is going for a blood test first tomorow then start them on Friday and then another blood test to see how he is going on in about 6 weeks. We were given a list of side effects which is alarming him a bit...........especially the suicidal tendencies...can anyone tell me what the success rate of roaccutane is and what I should be watching out for in him please
anna brown

From: Chris in US. Male.
Subject: Exercise
Date: 27/02/2001 at 14:01 - Message #248

This is a question for some of the post accutane users but if you have any info regarding this please respond. I just came off of a five month cycle of accutane. It was my first. It has been about a month since my last pill. I started to wokrout two days ago and I started to notice little red bumps that started to sppear around my nose and forehead. I need to know if this is normal or if I should stop working out. Please respond. Thanks.

From: Pete in Australia. A 27 year old Male.
Date: 27/02/2001 at 01:23 - Message #247

Hi Everyone
Ive been on roaccutane for over 4 months and I am pleased to say my face is the best its been in years. Technically its not totally clear as im getting one or 2 very small spots every few days, but this is nothing compared to how it was originally.(A HUGE IMPROVEMENT) The areas where it was the worst on my face is now totally clear which is a DREAM COME TRUE. The downside has been that I had a bit of acne come up in other areas on my face in the first couple of weeks of taking roaccutane which I had never had prior to starting it. My side effects have been only minor throughout the treatment, dry skin, lips.(for those concerned of this you should be able to control this with moisturiser and lip balm (DONT WORRY ABOUT IT) My acne did get alot worse in the first couple of weeks then started to improve, although when my dosage was increased(40mgs to 60mgs)at the 4 week mark it got a little worse before improving again.
ill probably have a couple more months to go and hopefully that will be it.
For those who are scared of taking it, you have to give it a go if nothing else has worked. I would do just about anything to get rid of it,I dont care how much money it costs. Like many of you acne controlled my life for the worse, I felt imprisoned and to have the chance to free myself, I had absolutely NO HESITATION in taking roaccutane as the prospect of having clear skin would be a dream come true.
if anyone wants to ask me anything please dont hesitate to email me!

From: Michelle in Australia. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Going to give it a go
Date: 26/02/2001 at 11:17 - Message #246

I have put of taking roaccutane for years, and today I finally took the plunge and decided that I should do it. But, I am scared. I have had a friend who went on it and she was fine. I have excema though, so I am really concerned about how dry my skin will get. Also, I am already really self concious about my looks, and I am scared that this is going to destroy what little self esteem I have left. Tomorrow I go for my blood test, and the prescription will be sent out by my dermo next week. I am also concerned about what seems to be a high incidence of people having to take a second course of treatment. I thought that it cleared skin in 80% of cases. I need some positive feedback guys, I am scared about doing this. P.S, Right when my skin will be the worst, I will be having my 21st. That really upsets me.

From: stacy in usa. A 23 year old female.
Subject: acne
Date: 25/02/2001 at 17:33 - Message #245


From: tina in germany. A 28 year old female.
Subject: accutan
Date: 25/02/2001 at 17:10 - Message #244

Hi there,
I just finished the first month of my threatment on accutan and I would love to get in touch with people who are on it right now ore who already compleated theire treatment!

From: Noreen in Ireland. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Unsure
Date: 25/02/2001 at 16:19 - Message #243

HI, I have been told by everyone I know that the only way to cure my acne is to take roaccutane. But I am so worried! I have tried all other treatments and nothing has worked. Can people just give me a run-down on their opionion of the drug. I really don't want to stop drinking during the course. do I need to? also I couldn't bear the thought of not being able to wear my contact lenses or my skin being too-dry for makeup. (I have no wish to give up my social life while on the course). Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks:)I would love to get in regular contact with other people who are having the same experiences as myself.

From: Tim in Birmingham, UK. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Help - Doc on Monday
Date: 24/02/2001 at 01:52 - Message #242

Hi everyone,
Thanks for messages about OxyTet and Accutane - very helpful.
My problem is this (except acne naturally ;-) - I'm going to see my Doctor (not derm) on Monday and I don't know what to ask for: I've been on OxyTet for over 9 months and I saw improvement, but none in the last 3 months. Should I ask him to refer me to a derm so I can get Accutane, or let him prescribe me some different antibiotics?
I have medium acne - quite a few whiteheads, and maybe a big cyst once a week - spots always in the same areas (jaw and forehead). I'd like to do Accutane, but I'm worried about the side effects, and the staying off alcohol for 6 months. I'm at Uni and have a good social life - if I stop drinking completely it's going to be very arkward(to explain). Is alcohol totally forbidden, or is it possible to cut down to drinking maybe once a week?
Also, with the cherry red face side effect, is this very noticeably red, or just redder than usual?
What does everyone think? What would you do?

From: Clare in Plymouth, Uk. A 25 year old female.
Subject: Blood tests
Date: 23/02/2001 at 21:03 - Message #241

Yes,you do need to have blood tests, preferably b4 you start the treatment! I saw a consultant dermatologist this morning who told be to have my bloods taken first thing on Monday morning, b4 i start my treatment. Then I have all this joy to look forward to!

From: Martijn. A 21 year old Male.
Date: 23/02/2001 at 15:12 - Message #240

Hi there, I've been taking Roaccutan 20mg two times a day now for about two weeks. The information that I got with Roaccutane tells me that my face can get worse the first two or three weeks (and it has),and should get better after this period.
But can anybody really tell me when it really starts working?
Do you still have to wash your face with Clearasil or any other kind of product, or does that make it worse?

From: Hugh in Dublin, Ireland. A 29 year old Male.
Subject: Words of encourage
Date: 22/02/2001 at 18:26 - Message #239

It is nearly six months since I visited this site. I'm starting my last week of treatment. I have been taking Roaccutane now for just under six months and the results are astonishing. My skin has completely cleared up, I haven't had any spots in five months and it feels great. I'm a different person from the one that started the treatment. I was lucky and didn't get to many side effects. I just wanted to return to this site and put a positive message on the board. I know what the depression due to acne is like and people with the problem need as much positive support as possible.
Hang in there everyone and good luck.

From: Susie in Ireland. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Cysts
Date: 22/02/2001 at 10:25 - Message #238

HI all, I'm on week 6 and doing well, i'm back to the derm this Fri for a review. I have a question, is there anyone out there with cysts on their face which have not disappeared while on Roaccutane? I have about five lumps on my face which are now more than 6 months old. They're not red or very visible anymore, but are "bumpy" and I'd like to get rid of them. Can I have these actually removed by my derm? I will ask him anyway. I hope everyone is doing really well, chin up to all who are down at the moment. We've all been thre once.

From: Dean in London. A 28 year old
Subject: Tim in Birmingham
Date: 21/02/2001 at 20:06 - Message #237

You can drink on all anti-biotics except one called Metronidazole (Flagyl), you usually get this for mouth problems or gut problems. Hospital antibiotics are different thoug, but the ones for acne are safe to drink with!
You shouldn't drink with Roaccutane, it will cause liver problems and will jepordise you treatment and will probably lead you to be taken off them.
As for the cocktail of antibiotics, well this would lead to resistance by the bacteria, and may even "feed" them, causing your spots to get worse. you can take oral antibiotics such as erythromycin and use an antibiotic lotion which contains the SAME antibiotic as the oral ones (Zineryt is the one used with erythromycin tablets), but there is one used with Oxytetracycline - ask your doctor.

From: Danny in England. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: OxyTetracyline & 3 week of roaccutane
Date: 21/02/2001 at 10:51 - Message #236

Regarding the post from Tim about the OxyTetracyline. I start this drug first about 2 years ago when i went to my doctor to get something for my acne. For me it never worked to it's full potential and there was only slight improvement. It was also very annoying that i could only take the drug with an empty stomach i.e. half an hour before a meal.
However after OxyTetracyline he prescribed me with Minocycline and this helped tramactically together with the Benzamycin Gel. In my experieced the effectiveness of the drug wore off and now I am currently on my 3 week of roaccutane.
After the 3 week of roaccutane, it seems all the main side effects are showing, the dry lips and dry skin is a certainty. Users of roaccutane probably already know that in the first 2 weeks mornings looking in the mirror is like if u just had 12 rounds with Mike Tyson; pain incluing.
Like I said i'm on my 3 week and i have noticed that there is a slight increase in scabbing, is this normal? When do u normally see improvement?
By the way, does everyone that goes on roaccutane have to have a blood test? I'm 68kg, 5'8 and am currently on 70mg per day. However, my derm never asked for a blood test, only an urine sample. Is the blood test important?

From: Tarek in US. A 18 year old Male.
Date: 20/02/2001 at 07:22 - Message #235

I have been reading this board since last may and had been wavering in my decision regarding accutaine. I decided 2 weeks ago to go into the derms office and requested accutane and received a prescription. After arguing with my parents over the safety of accutane they finally filled the prescription. Today was dose 15 of 40 mg/day. I am 155 lbs and 6'0 tall. I saw my derm after 12 days to have my blood test and he upped the dosage to 60 mg, but after two days of feeling depressed I decided to go back to 40 mg a dosage I feel normal on. Never give up...Remember "You don't chose how you're going to die or when. You can only decide how you're going to live." like you are the handsomest looking person around

From: Tim in Birmingham, UK. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Questions
Date: 18/02/2001 at 14:45 - Message #234

Hi everyone.
I've been reading this board for about a year now on and off - it's the place I come to when I'm feeling really depressed about my skin (like minded people rather than the perfect skin complexions of all of my friends). Anyway, I've had acne (probably mild to severe) for about three years, but it was only about a year ago that it started to get to me. So, I went to the Doc and he put me on OxyTetracyline.
I figured that it would take a while to work, so I kept on it, and I'm still on it now (about 10 months). It has worked - my friends and family say my skin is looking lots better - but I still have problems with my chin and forehead. It's almost as though I get maybe 6 red whitehead spots... they gradually go, and just as they are gone, another 6 appear... it's so depressing because I get excited when my skin begins to look much better, only to wake up the following day with 6 new spots...
I have to see the Doc again in about 2 weeks, but I don't know what I should do. I think he want me to change medication, but I'd prefer not to because OxyTet has worked to some degree. If I get off it, the cystic spots may come back, and it would be another year on OxyTet before I get back to where I am now. I'd like to be on OxyTet and some other drugs - is this possible? Can the Doc put me on a cocktail of antibiotics? If all else fails, I may just ask to be put on Roaccutane, but my worry with that is the alcohol - I'm at Uni and if I stopped drinking all of a sudden people will start to ask questions that I don't want to answer (I try to keep my treatment rather secretive because it embarasses me).
So, could someone help me out:
1) Can the Doc put me on a cocktail of antibiotics?
2) Can you drink on Roaccutane?
3) Should I be drinking while on antibiotics?

From: Alice in South Africa. A 26 yrs year old female.
Subject: side effect..rash
Date: 17/02/2001 at 18:30 - Message #233

Hi all roaccutane users
Thanks to whoever set this webpage up. I have been roaccutane [accutane] for about 6 weeks and have developed most of the side effects, starting from dry lips, then dry nose and eyes..ect. I have now developed a rash over my body, especially on my arms...has anyone also developed a rash...please email me. Anyone willing to walk thro the roaccutane experience with me, and exchanging tips with each other...please also email me.

From: Tony in chicago. A 32 year old male.
Subject: 4th week treatment
Date: 13/02/2001 at 23:09 - Message #232

First of all,I apologize for giving the wrong email address in my profile,it has been corrected.This is an update on my progress.My skin is clearing up,and I have a less frequent break out of cysts.I did have a couple behind my ears,my problem area,I went back to the derm and he took care of them-free of charge.I am currently on 80 mg. a day.I would like to caution all to avoid alcohol when using this medicine.I drank last Saturday and it gave me a huge headache.

From: Christian in MA. A 23 year old Male.
Subject: I Start Today
Date: 13/02/2001 at 21:17 - Message #231

Hi all, I begin accutane today. My derm has me taking 40 mg once a day. I was wondering if anyone would share some washing and moisterizing tips? I have dry skin to begin with, so washing 2 twice a day may hurt more than help? anybody out their just wash one a day or once every two day,how did it turn out? My other question is about moisterizers, I don't know if its juts in my head but it seems like when i'm using moisterizers i break out more? and my skin seams to do better when its dry? And lastly do you use other meds scrip or over the counter when on this? please post or e-mail me, all fed back is welcome!!!!!

From: Katherine in Manchester, UK. A 20 year old female.
Subject: reply
Date: 13/02/2001 at 11:44 - Message #230

Someone e-mailed me earlier this week about 'mild but persistent' headaches whilst on Accutane. I'm sorry - I lost your address before I could reply.
I have had such headaches on roa, but hadn't thought much about them really. I guess I'm quite a headachey person - I used to get them before I went onto the roa too. I hope yours clear up really soon - I definitely think it's worth reporting them to your derm though.
Take care.

From: Aaron in england. A 2 year old Male.
Subject: Arghh
Date: 11/02/2001 at 13:12 - Message #229

Well my birthday was good... but well i stayed over with all my mates at a flat, I knew i must have a couple of spots cos my face was sore.
then i get hope and i have 3 huge lumps and loads of other small ones.....this badly sucks

From: Shell in Sydney, Australia. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Attention Aussies
Date: 11/02/2001 at 12:24 - Message #228

I visited my dermatologist a few days ago to be told that roaccutane seems like a good option for me. I left the office with the information kit and stressed about all the horrible things the book mentions. I was using Minomycin antibiotics until a week ago when I woke up with itches 10 times worse than chicken pox. Five days later after breathing difficulties and being doped up on antihistimines I could return to work. I had suffered a severe allergic reaction to the Minomycin - very annoying seeing as it was actually working on my acne. Now my itches are gone i'm left with horrible joint pain.
Fortunately for my frineds they have all been blessed with perfect skin - they are sympathetic to my condition but do not understand. I'm looking for Australians in particular to be email buddies with me as I head into the Roaccutane journey. Thanks ppl =)

From: Aaron in UK. A 21 (Tommorrow!) year old Male.
Subject: Acne Scarring
Date: 09/02/2001 at 13:19 - Message #227

Hi. Im on Minnocine at the moment and its controlling my acne (I was considering going back to roacutane, but my hosipital has no dermatolgist since she left - and I have to go to my doctor and re-appply which could take 6 months!??!?!?!??!!??1?).
I really hope(!) that it doesnt come back with a vengance. Anyway, I have a holiday in Los Angeles in May.. only 3 months.
Now, while I can control it - the scarring is there,. I was on a face laser treatment for 10 weeks which did help but not enough. iM considering going back on it again soon.
I have got some coverup stuff (helps get rid of spots as well) which I always use when I go out... But the thing is I dont wanna be using it on holiday when Im gonna sweat and be swimming....
Anyone know of other ways of helping get rid of scars, without expensive laser treatment?

From: Joy in Singapore. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: 2nd course?
Date: 09/02/2001 at 10:24 - Message #226

I would like to say hi! to you who is reading this.
I began my 1st course of roaccutane in Jan00 for 6 mths. I experienced 'MILD' dryness since I was given 10mg/day for 52kg. I never got breakout after the usage but gradually improvement. I loved the oil-free feeling. It's WONDERFUL!
Upon completion, it's only after 5 mths when I realise those acne returned. I told myself not to go back on Roaccutane because of the 'deformed baby' if I ever become pregnant. This is something serious. But I can't stand the fact that those ACNE is coming back. Therefore, my other alternative is to go for acne facial treatment. I am being introduced to DERMALOGICAL product for acne people in Nov00. Until now, there is only more breakout. Due to the fact that it's product is to bring out impurities from our face. Those clogged pore stuff. My aesthetician told me that it takes times for the breakout and then treat the scar. I just can't stand it.
So.... I think I am going back to my doctor for a 2nd dose of Roaccutane. My looks has make an impact on my job since I got to interact with lot of customers and constantly facing stress and pressure. Those facial product are superficial. But Roaccutane can take away those ACNE without constrain myself from food and emotion. Although I got to say, I eat healthily. I don't drink and smoke. And I have a good lifestyle. Those product just don't take effect.
Well, I will tried out this time and see how long it helps me. Till then "Do what you think it's right!"
By the way, I would like to ask Cat, Lynn and DoraEmon from Singapore. Which medical clinic did you guys visited? Please share!
I am so happy that I found you all 'acne activist' sharing life experience and supporting one another on this individual suffering.
Love you all,

From: claudia in uk. A 16 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane...
Date: 09/02/2001 at 08:47 - Message #225

people have been talking a lot about the whole roaccutane-depression connection. i havent experienced it myself, so to those who have this might sound stupid, but ive thought about and well this is what i think. ive had acne for a few years and pretty severe acne since i was 15. its become the one thing my life revolves around. i spend hours on makeup and worrying about what ppl think and hating my skin etc etc. i used to be popular at school and with boys and now that my life has SUCKED for so long (and i know some of you have had acne for like 18 years, but this feels like an eternity for me) i keep thinking if only i had perfect skin all my problems would go away - i would be popular and beautiful and go to all the cool parties and have such a great life. and hopefully that will happen :) (3rd week of roaccutane now, 20mg a day, low dose over a long period of time, which my dermatologist said can be the best thing, anyway:) once you have perfect skin maybe it doesnt live up to your expectations and your life isnt perfect, and thats a real slap in the face. i dont know if im just rambling. anyway i hope roaccutane works wonders on us all, drink lots of water and biotherm has some great moisturisers by the way...
lots of love

From: Kodi in Australia. A 21 year old female.
Subject: roac
Date: 08/02/2001 at 13:39 - Message #224

I went to the dermo this morning and he has decided to put me on roac. I've read about the side effects etc...I am so scared about the side effect...peeling, itching and redness. there is one question i would like to ask. Is it impossible to cover up the redness and acne with make-up? And how often would I need to put moisturising cream on my face? 6 months is a long time. I just hope that it will all be worth it

From: Alejandra in Mexico. A 27 year old Female.
Date: 07/02/2001 at 23:14 - Message #223

My doctor just told me that Roaccutan is the best option for me right now, but I need an advice of you who are on it now,... As I read it has too many side-effects and my question is ¿Does my acne really worth to put on risk my health? ¿What if in five years Drs says We were wrong this treatment is fatal, as it has happened too many times with other drugs??

From: Jordan in Vancouver BC. A 27 year old Male.
Subject: Web Diary
Date: 07/02/2001 at 00:56 - Message #222

Hi all,
I just started taking Accutane a couple of weeks ago and have started a little web diary.

From: Ricki in Israel. A 17 year old female.
Date: 06/02/2001 at 20:44 - Message #221

can anyone tell me if it is o.k to have like a week between the cuors without taking the stuff. since my dumb derm is out of the country and he did'nt give me a prescription, so i'm not taking the pills for about a week now. so will this damege the drug cuorse?
by the way, thanks for the people letting us all know they had stoped masturbating and got laid, this was very importent info we needed to know.
Adios Amigos, Ricki.

From: Enrique in SA. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: READ....
Date: 06/02/2001 at 19:49 - Message #220

You know, i've just spent an hour or so reading through all the messages on the board and i think GOD WHAT A BUNCH OF CONTRADICTING USERS!!!. You have acne most of your life with "SIDE EFFECTS" -excuse the pun- like no social life, wanting to commit suicide, hating yourself etc, and know after taking Roaccutane and seeing significant improvements, you still moan about the side effects you went through. I'll use my brother as a perfect example. He had severe acne. And I mean bad. He started with Roaccutane and now has near perfect skin. Ok, so he took a dose for 8 months and still takes one every six days and he had dry skin/lips and liver pains, but who gives a RATS ASS. He now has an amazing social life, scores with beautiful chicks whom he'd never thought would happen in his wildest dreams, is in a steady relationship and is living life to the fullist.-and scoring more- Then I started taking Roaccutane. Wow!! I don't mean to sound rude in anyway but I even got laid. Yes I had the usual "side effects", my liver was especially painfull after a heavy night of drinking,-especially during the new year period- but I don't give a s#!%. Dry lips, back pain/joints yes I have it too, but come on, get real, a little pain's worth it. No pain, no gain. To have the confidence to hit on a girl, it's so cool. - or a guy if you a girl'. I'm from South Africa and Roaccutane seems now to be the "IN THING" all my friends are taking it. Everybodys cool and alive. So stop worring about all the "side effects", YOU LETTING YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD. SIDE EFFICTS WILL SUBSIDE AND IF YOUR ZITS REAPPEAR, GO ON A DOSE AGAIN. --YOU WILL PREVAIL-- feel free to e-mail me with any comments, advice. You'd be amazed how beautiful you really are once you are clear.....

From: aaron j in seattle. A 22 year old male.
Subject: accutane
Date: 06/02/2001 at 07:49 - Message #219

thought that I'd update everyone. I completed a course of accutane over 3 months ago. I can praise the drug for its effectiveness but it is also a very powerful drug with serious side effects.
judging from my experience, accutane can cause depression. roche pharmaceuticals has been notoriously evasive regarding this subject. they undoubtedly fear liability. accutane caused very distinct changes in my mood that occurred in ratio to dosage. family and friends observed these changes and I have concluded that accutane was the catalyst. many people will report depression while taking accutane; we cannot judge whether they suffer from pre-existing depression, their depression was exacerbated by accutane therapy, or accutane caused the depression to manifest. in my situation, I firmly hold accutane responsible.
other problems I encountered-
severe insomnia, elevated triglycerides, pain and stiffness in joints, "floater" in left eye.
insomnia has proven to be a long-term affliction,
along with residual depression that seems to be
getting better. my acne has virtually disappeared.
I urge everyone who experiences what they believe is
accutane-related depression to contact roche and communicate with others who have similar experiences.
roche adheres to the false assumption that depression is directly related to acne PRIOR to accutane therapy,
which may or may not be the case. effective medical research cannot be initiated with this bias towards acne sufferers. in the united states, roche has agreed to properly label accutane as causing depression. an admittance of guilt perhaps?
accutane is a wonderful drug that can help make drastic changes in your life. it does have numerous faults. I dont agree with those who suggest banning the use of isotretinoin and I feel happy for the few who have completed a problem-free course. educate yourselves before taking accutane, make sure you communicate your concerns with family and friends so they can observe any problems, and stick with it. good luck to all!

From: Undercontrol in Palm Springs. A 18 year old male.
Subject: Finally, a cure!
Date: 06/02/2001 at 03:50 - Message #218

Let me set one thing straight, I never used this accutane stuff. I found a good and cheap cure thats made me healthy and pimple free. I just stopped masturbating. I saw changes within 2 weeks. And now, it is virtually gone. Spotless you might say! Im no sucker, paying all that money. See ya later. ;)

From: 'R' in UK. A 28 year old Female.
Subject: PCOS
Date: 05/02/2001 at 14:11 - Message #217

I am taking roaccutane for acne caused by Poly Cycistic Ovary Syndrown. I have been told by my specialist that because of this my chances of it working are reduced to 7/10. I am 2 weeks into the course and am suffering with a red 'flushed' face and dry skin and lips. I am on 80 mg a day and my course is for 4 months. Is there anyone out there that has taken roaccutane for PCOS and what was their success rate?

From: Rickard in Sweden. A 18 year old male.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 05/02/2001 at 14:07 - Message #216

Hi people, any day now i will take my first roaccutane pill. my acne has got much better since i started using dalacin but now i've used it long enough and my doctor told me that only oral treatments really really could help me,
he told me that they use antibiotics and roaccutane, his opinion was that i had to choose myself, listening to him made me feel safe about roaccutane but reading this board has made my mind totally out of control. people with the most scary side effects like hairloss never going back to normal, redness lasting many years since the drug was taken.
My doctor also told me that we should start carefully, which probably means a very little dose.
How chapped lips will i get, is it possible to have it under control, i mean not drinking alcohol doesn't mean that the interest in girls goes down to nada and nothing.
is there anyone with not so bad acne who has used (ro)accutane with great results over 4 or 6 months. do the chapped lips go back to normal after after the treatment?
please answer

From: Erika in Australia. A 17 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 05/02/2001 at 07:44 - Message #215

i have had acne since i was about 14 years old. After trying various antibiotics such as minomycin which had no effect whatsoever i decided to try roaccutane. Wanting to go on this product requires alot of thought. Not only are there many side-effects to consider but it has been publicised that roaccutane can cause severe depression during and even some years after the course has been completed. The first time i went on this product i experiended fantastic results in 5-6 months. My skin stayed clear for about 2 years. Once the congestion reappeared i knew my only solution would be to take roaccutane once again. My skin was less severe and only a 4 month treatment was required. Less than a year later i am worried that my skin could be breaking out again. However this time i am trying various alternatives such as natural medicines. Roaccutane is a powerful drug and should be taken carefully. I have experienced muscular pains since and also depression. However vanity overshadows these ailments. Roaccutane most indefinately boosts self esteem and because of this many people are eager to take it. Roaccutane IS highly efective but with so little known about it, and no readily available information its safety is to be questioned.

From: Rob in Pennsylvania. A 20 year old Male.
Date: 04/02/2001 at 18:23 - Message #214

I've been on Accutane for a week now, and so far have not experienced the intitial "massive breakout" stage. I've been consuming massive quantities of water, so I'm hoping that that has something to do with the mild side-effects. Or mabey this is just the calm before the storm.
Has anyone else NOT broken out initially after they started?

From: tony in chicago. A 32 year old male.
Subject: cystic sufferer
Date: 04/02/2001 at 15:13 - Message #213

Hello fellow sufferers-I CAN FEEL YOUR PAIN!!! I have
had to deal with acne the better part of my life now.
I have now been on Accutane for 3 weeks now and the
results have been excellent.Prior to my treatment,I
was being treated by my family doctor for about 3 years
with little or no results.You know all those crap gels,
soaps,antibiotics,etc.Please people take action and
seek a professional.I got lucky and found a derm who
placed me on Accutane,and more importantly,seems to
genuinely care about his patients.GOOD LUCK TO EVERY-

From: Ricki in Perth. A 22 year old Male.
Subject: Roa is good
Date: 03/02/2001 at 13:51 - Message #212

Hi..just want to share my experience with roaccutane. I knew this drug after reading this site.At first i was scared coz of the effect. After i consulted a doctor, my blood was checked and i was given the 20mg. but i did not follow the course (i only take 1 capsule a day or 2) as i fear if i take 2 a day, the effect will be stronger. Thank God, after using just 1.5 month, i can see the significant result, without the effect ( dryness, worsened).and after that i stopped seeing my doctor and after 2 years, i have no experience with acne anymore..So in conclusion, to those who would like to try, just want to let u all know that it can be a good drug, depending on each person's sensitivity, and should try to reduce the dosage.<----it helps me alot and hopefully will help u too. Ciao

From: Sara. A 20 year old female.
Subject: scars
Date: 30/01/2001 at 22:23 - Message #210

I'm using roaccutane for 3.5 month now.Roaccutane has been causing me a terrible breakout.I have a lot of scars on my face because of that (before Ii started using roaccutane I didn't have scars at all). I'm afraid I'm causing myself a long-term damage because of this treatment. Did anyone have scars because of the cists that Roaccutane causes? Please, answer me quickly because I'm afraid.

From: Sally in UK. A 28 year old Female.
Subject: aches
Date: 29/01/2001 at 21:10 - Message #209

I wanted to post this message for new or potential users of Roaccutane. I've read some of the messages on the board and I think if I had read them before beginning the course of treatment I would have been very very nervous indeed. In the hope that it is helpful, I'll tell you my experiences of the drug.
I've been on 40mg of Roaccutane for 8 weeks now (I'm 55kg) and have got another 8 weeks to go. I've had relatively mild but persistent acne since I was 12, and have tried every other treatment available: antibiotics gave me thrush and rashes, dianette gave me depression, nothing else worked. I had become used to being A Person With Acne and had given up hope of being anything else. I assumed I was a hopeless case. I had no expectations of Roaccutane. Yet after 3 weeks of Roaccutane there were noticable improvements in my acne, and at this stage in my treatment I am almost clear of acne for the first time in my life. This has made me feel incredibly hopeful about my skin, and about the rest of my life as well. It has been a life-changing experience. However, there are side effects - I've got the dry lips and skin (about 90% of users get this, apparently) as well as a rash on my hands (from the effects of cold weather on dry skin). Recently I have noticed aching muscles and joints after exercise. This concerned me at first but I am assured that it is not a sign of damage - as long as it is not disabling in terms of discomfort, it is perfectly safe to continue exercising.
The point of my message is this. Roaccutane has side effects. You will undoubtedly experience some of these. Some of them can be very severe, as writers on this board have demonstrated. However, in the majority of cases they are not (and yes, I have done my research on this). So, while you should treat any claims for miracle cures with the scepticism you deserve, and while multi-national conglomerates such as Roche Pharmeceuticals are especially deserving of your scepticism, and while some people have horrible experiences with this drug (as many other people do with many other drugs), do not be put off. (In particular, do not let unhelpful, misinformed rubbish like that posted below by 'Ben' put you off) If I had been deterred, I would have missed the opportunity to feel hopeful for the first time in my adult life.

From: cheech in Yorkshire . A 24 year old male.
Subject: Temporary fix.
Date: 29/01/2001 at 14:31 - Message #208

I've now had two courses of accutaine and after around seven months of near perfect skin low and behold oily skin black heads and now the beginning of the end, once again BIG SPOTS. Have any of you had the same experience? How long has your clear periods been and did your derm prescribe you accutaine again? The worst thing is I had forgot that I had acne. I had started waking up in the morning and not imediatly looking in the mirror because I didn’t need to I knew I was totally clear, and having no paranoia and depression I took for granted. I tell you it’s a real hard landing when the reality of been an acne sufferer catches up with you again. A permanent cure would be nice!

From: David in England. A 18 year old male.
Subject: acne cist
Date: 29/01/2001 at 11:38 - Message #207

Hi all
I've had quiet bad acne since the age of around 13 in the last years I started getting large lumps under my skin called acne cists. I have been through the usual cheap potluck antibiotics like oxytetracycline with no effect. I'm aproaching my second month on roaccutane and I have seen an improvement in the acne but not the cists. I've lived with acne for a long time now so I'm not that worried about it and have learned to control it with a anti biotic roll on stick but these cists are much larger and deep under the skin they can be treated with steroid injections but my apointments with the derm are few and far between thanks to the regularity of the NHS and in anycase the injections are only a short term fix.
has anyone else had roaccutane for acne cists and did it help or does anyone have any info on it's effectivness on these. if so please e-mail me

From: meghan in b.c., canada. A 15 year old female.
Subject: accutane
Date: 29/01/2001 at 04:52 - Message #206

hey, my name is meghan I was just wondering about the side effects and how long it's supposed to take before you see results. It's been almost 2.5 months and I haven't seen much of anything. Does this drug work for everyone? My dermatologist said that because my skin isn't that bad it should take no time but so far i haven't seen the spectacular results she talks about.I tried everything and accutane is a really potent drug . I just hope that i'm not the 5% it doesn't work for.

From: mary ann in USA. A 26 year old female.
Subject: to paul and joven
Date: 27/01/2001 at 23:15 - Message #205

To Joven: Hi! I have the same problem with my seems every time I work out I tend to strain something. The other morning I was shoveling snow and my back hurt for several days afterward. I have never had this before. I plan on not doing anymore strenous workouts while on Accutane. I think somewhere in the package insert it says that this is a possible side effect. Oh well, I guess being less than toned for a few months won't kill us, if it gives us nice clear skin!!
To Paul: I hav also experienced the side effect of dryness in my nose. What I do is I sleep with a humidifier in my room, and this has helped. Also, I have been using a saline nasal spray called "Na-Sal" and then afterward applying a bit of Vaseline on a Q-tip in my nose. It seems to really do the trick. Good luck!

From: helen in Greece. A 32 year old female.
Subject: dry lips
Date: 26/01/2001 at 14:13 - Message #204

Hi to all!
Steve, I've tried for the lips : lip balm with cold cream from AVENE and it's great! You just use it every 3 hours.
Good luck to all

From: Paul in USA. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Dry Nose
Date: 26/01/2001 at 01:14 - Message #203

Hey all, I've been on Accutane for about 9 weeks, recently had my doseage increased to 100mg/day from 80mg/day, and I broke out just like when I first started Accutane. Now that a couple weeks has passed, and my skin has settled down a little, I've noticed that my side affects are a little harsher than before; especially my nose. The inside of my nose is always very dry and extremely uncomfortable. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to remedy this situation, or to at least make it a little better?
Thanks a lot, and good luck to you all!

From: Doug Jacobs in Basel board of dirs. A 11 to 19 mainly year old roche pd exec/agant.
Subject: paid up fraud execs
Date: 25/01/2001 at 00:02 - Message #202

The chief exec of Roche is a wealthy guy. He owns and controls this and most other sites on drugs produced by Roche. He is pathetic, he is an angel of death.Age or colour or being just 13 or 15 or 20 makes no difference to him. We started a few years ago investigating Roche drug that became known as the date rape drug, then moved onto the Roche anti malaria drug that was causing deaths like people walking off the edge of a cliff without knowing what they were doing. We then accidently stumbled on the Roche drug accutane a few years ago on web site
we had already established that Roche have the most terrible deathly numbers of drugs on the market.Over 26 drugs withdrawn within a few weeks of being launched because of the number of deaths and other side effects not disclosed in pre trial studies.Let must be a test conducted by you, if you have any responsibility.... do a test and post the results to this site.
1.Roche site on web shows annual report for 1999. (see Roche web site)
2. Roche Group settled three fraud claims in 1999 for 1.5 billion dollars......this means Roche, paid as compensation for fraud the company had committed and which was discovered in one year ie 1999 a figure of 1.5 billion US dollars...let us try to write this for those who front this and other Roche sites.....US$1,500,000,000 penalty to US government and compensation to those who Roche defrauded, mainly in U.S.
3. go to note 5 and note 6 of Roche 1999 annual report and accounts for 1999, see web site, pages 66 onwards
for details on the three frauds perpetrated by Roche disclosed in 1999 annual report where Roche paid fines, compensation and penalities of US1.5 billion dollars.
4.Please take time to check the extent to which the makers of accutane/roaccutane are involved in fraud of every kind, involving the theft of not thousands, or hundreds of thousands or millions or hundreds of millions or billions, but 1.5 billion....please, please someone check this info out and post message so that we know that the company who produce this accutane are the most corrupt company in the world.
Is a company who was forced to pay $1.5 billion in fines and compensation for corruption in one year 1999, worthy of trust in the administration of a drug prescribed mainly to those 13 to 19 which has warnings, including suicide, which that number one fraud corporation in the world says is safe.
5. Can someone help to post message that gives automatic cross reference to notes 5 and 6 of annual report of Roche for 1999, so that thew full extent of Roche frauds revealed in 1999 can be savoured and absorbed by those who front this site for Roche, the makers of the drug accutane/roaccutane.

From: James in England. A 26 year old Male.
Subject: ADR
Date: 24/01/2001 at 22:37 - Message #201

Does anyone know of any connection between taking Roaccutane and developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and shimmering vision? If anyone knows of any medical information reporting an association please let me know.

From: dosi in cyprus-nicosia. A 24 year old female.
Subject: 1month+3 days
Date: 24/01/2001 at 10:01 - Message #200

just to say that im very happy taking roaccutane. my acne was in very serious stage the last 2 years and now after 1 month & 3 days taking them i look much better. because all the tiny red spots and blackheads
are gone.and the big red spots are tiny now and each day that pass they go away. espesially the area of my nose is bright and clean. i think that this is the right thing to do but first you have to make some tests for your health if you can take them and after a few weeks you must run the tests again. just to keep yourself posted about your health too.!

From: Joven in Canada. A 20 year old male.
Subject: Pulling Muscles
Date: 24/01/2001 at 09:15 - Message #199

I just have a quick question. Has anyone else who exercises regularly had problems with pulling muscles very easily? I was doing some push-ups the other night and I pulled a muscle in my back. It was so painful, I had to leave school early today. I have never been so easily injured before. I would like to continue with my exercise routines but not at the expense of pulling muscles all the time. Does anyone know of any pointers to avoid this type of injury in the future? Thanks.

From: Stu in London, UK. A 26 year old Male.
Subject: why???
Date: 24/01/2001 at 08:09 - Message #198

It seems to me that a lot of people on this message board have used accutane for all the wrong reasons. From what has been posted by many of you, you didn't have severe acne to start with, but went on to use accutane just to clear up a few blemishes! This is NOT what accutane is meant for. There are people as young as 17/18 years old posting on this board, describing their experiences with accutane - WHY are they on this stuff??? When you're that young you are prone to the occasional cluster of zits or a rash or two - but this does not call for accutane treatment. There should be no-one that feels that they can post a message saying that they would 'rather go back to the way they were before accutane treatment'. Those people who are on this medication because it really is our last resort are seeing fantastic differences - we are happy to have dry skin, in fact we love it! Dry lips - big deal!!! I'd settle for dry lips for the rest of my life if it meant no more acne! I've never felt as good as I do now - & it's all thanks to accutane.

From: Dean in London. A 28 year old
Subject: FRED - Vit E
Date: 23/01/2001 at 21:12 - Message #197

As far as I know the maximum dose of Vit E is far less than you take! 10mg or 1.4 Iu is the EEC recommended dose, however most preparations are 3-4 times greater than that. Vit E can be toxic though so do be careful.
As for the Roaccutane being in your system still, well this is highly, highly unlikely. Roaccutance has a half life of about 24 hours, so in effect, you will have none in your blood after a week. There is a blood test you can have, to detect any drug level, however, I doubt your doctor would even consider doing one.
Hope this is of some help

From: FRED in England. A 30 year old Male.
Subject: Re Steve in London - Dry skin coaused by Accutane
Date: 23/01/2001 at 18:33 - Message #196

Hello Steve. I hope your Accutane side effects disappear soon. I'm currently back on the NHS waiting list to see my derm. If (and when) I ever get to see her, I'll post the the outcome on this website. I have read that Vitamin E helps with dry, post Accutance skin. I have tried taking 1200 IU daily for the past 2 months, but have yet to see any improvement. Does anyone know what the maximum daily dose of Vitamin E is? Also, do blood tests not show if we still have any Accutane left in our bodies.

From: Steve in London. A 26 year old male.
Subject: Re Fred
Date: 23/01/2001 at 14:55 - Message #195

I have to say it worries me greatly that you are still experiencing the dryness 2 years down the line. I myself am having terrible problems with dryness of the lips and lose all the skin off them 4 or 5 times a day. I have been told this could last 6-7 months or a year at the very most. As yet I haven't heard of anyone who has this prtoblem as bad as me and althought my dermotologist won't admit it I can see that she doesn't have a clue if it will ever settle. My skin is pretty good but the price I have paid was not worth it. I would go back to the way my skin was tomorrow if I could.

From: Mary Ann in USA. A 26 year old female.
Subject: to Lei and Ben
Date: 23/01/2001 at 01:09 - Message #194

To Lei: I have had the same problem with eczema on my hands and the ONLY thing I have tried so far that definitely works is applying Vaseline on my hands every time I wash them, and any time in between that the Vaseline has rubbed off. Then, before bed, put on some 1% hydrocortisone cream (which you can buy over-the-counter), and over the cream put on more Vaseline.
To Ben: I know you have already gotten plenty of reactions to your negative posting,however, I would just like to say that you REALLY sound misinformed, to say it politely. Where do you do your "research"? And where are you going to medical school??? You may want to take some extra tutoring in your pharmacology!!

From: Aaron in england. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Roacutane... Again
Date: 21/01/2001 at 23:41 - Message #193

Thanks to the people who replied before.
Anyway, I havent fully decided whether to go back on roacutane yet. Today though more spots have appeared.. and Im getting worried and have decided to get a prescription for minnocin (the stuff on was on before.. controlled it okay) even though i got derm appaointment in 1 week. I just cant handle it coming back, I usually get so despressed about it...especially with my 21st birthday coming in less than 3 weeks.
Anyway.. if I do go back on roacutane I am not sure what to do. I was on 40mg for 4 months before. The problem is I have in holiday in May, and I dont want to be taking roacutane when im there otherwise its gonna ruin it.
The side effects on 40mg were pretty bad.. probably gonna be even worse now I work full time.
But if I do decide, I really want to be kept on the stuff for 2 months (takes me to April, and a few weeks before my holiday... hopefully the dryness etc will dissapear by then).
Anyway, 2 months... but im not sure what dose I should take. Maybe I should try a real high dose and that should make up for being only 2 months. of course the effects will be worse..
or should I take it a low dose (although my derm did say in december I should try a higher dose). What is a low dose? 5mg-10mg? but of course this might go through May... but if the effects are minimal, maybe its okay.
A few questions... I will be going to the beach on holiday and there will be lots of hot sun. Is this okay to sunbathe? even after one month?
Is it okay to take minnocin at the same time as Roacutane?
Please help Im desperate. I really hope my face is in a good state for my birthday...and the holiday.

From: FRED in England. A 30 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane - How long do the side effects last for?
Date: 21/01/2001 at 20:48 - Message #192

I took 20mg of Accutane for 14 days 2 years ago. I couldn't bear the side-effects, so came off it. Now, 2 years later my skin and lips are still very dry. The only way I can prevent my skin from peeling off and going red is to apply Vaseline at night, and Aqueous cream during the day. If I have a hot drink, my lips blister, and take days to get back to normal. I wish I hadn't taken Accutane. The side effects are far worse than the acne I used to have. Does anyone out there know how I can get this awful drug out of my system?

From: FRED in England. A 30 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane - How long do the side effects last for?
Date: 21/01/2001 at 20:39 - Message #191

I took 20mg of Accutane for 14 days 2 years ago. I couldn't bear the side-effects, so came off it. Now, 2 years later my skin and lips are very dry. The only way I can prevent my skin from peeling off and going red is to apply Vaseline at night, and Aqueous cream during the day. If I have a lot drink, my lips blister, and take days to get back to normal. I wish I hadn't taken Accutane. The side effects are far worse than the acne I used to have. Does anyone out there know how I can get this awful drug out of my system?

From: alice in uk. A 19 year old female.
Date: 21/01/2001 at 19:12 - Message #190

first of all, hear hear to joven who, i think, has got a damn fine attitude. i couldn't have said it any better myself, so i'm not going to paraphrase.
secondly, to the person who was concerned about their second dose of roaccutane; i don't think it makes any difference whatsoever whether you go on the second course "within a year", but maybe you should ask your derm. i'm in the middle-ish of my second course, and like you, i regret not going on it sooner, but i feel that i'm having a very different (and stronger) reaction to it this time. The side-effects are more noticeable, and although i haven't cleared up as quickly as i was hoping, i think this is just because i'm really impatient for the amazing results i had last time i went on the stuff. A lot of people say that 2 courses is needed and this is even mentioned on the Roche leaflet that comes with the medicine. So don't give up hope! Maybe this time you'll stay clear permanently! But remember, and this is what i learnt from my first course, acne cannot be "cured" but only "controlled". I didn't realise this first time round. After i finish my second course, i plan to start maintaining and controlling immediately. after all, y'know what they say...prevention is better than cure and all that. good luck xxx

From: Brad in Kansas City. A 18 year old male.
Subject: Does accutane work on the 2nd time?
Date: 21/01/2001 at 08:31 - Message #189

Hi, I had a question that I hope could be answered. I have moderate acne, but I'm very discouraged because I have tried almost everything there is. I tried accutane before (a 5 month regimen of it) and I ended my treatment last february, so its been about a year since. In the few months after I ended treatment, my acne appeared to have gone away... but then, it slowly came back, and my skin became oily again... this is perhaps where my mistake came in - I had heard that it might be neccessary to go on Accutane for a second time for it to work, and then only after that might you be able to enjoy the fact that your acne should never come back - but I didn't go back on it... instead, I used some other medicines - pills and creams, the usual - and they seemed to work a little but not much. Anyways, right now I am not at all happy with my acne, and I"m willing to put up with all of the side effects of accutane... but I'm not willing to put up with them if I don't feel somewhat confident that the 2nd round of accutane would work.. Here is my question: first, does accutane ever work FOR GOOD after a 2nd time, and if so, would a "2nd time" be even effective for me after waiting almost a year between the "1st time"? I am very frustrated, and I would GREATLY APPRECIATE ANY FEEDBACK from either the administrators of the site, a doctor, or patients of accutane that have gone through a similar thing, especially those with experience of using accutane a second time.. Also, on the 2nd time, are the side effects even as great as the first time? These types of questions I would love to have answered... Thanks a lot.
P.S. When I"m rich someday (big IF), I really want to donate a lot of money for acne research... I don't want my kid to have to go through all I have had to go through... its about time we get some new acne products, besides accutane, that are much more effective with fewer side effects... that day will come, just unfortunately not in time for us... but perhaps, for the next generation.... I certainly hope so...

From: Joven in Canada. A 20 year old male.
Subject: Killin the time
Date: 21/01/2001 at 07:52 - Message #188

Hey there guys! I thought I would just share some things that have been making my accutane experience run smoother. It is not an easy road that we're on but there are things we can do to make it better. One thing that I think is very important, Apply yourself to something. Whatever it may be. Learn a new skill, read novels, excercise, invent something :). I personally do alot of excercise and reading. I dont think watching a whole lot of TV is the best choice though. I mean your probably not going to be going out alot while your on this stuff. So you can either mope around the house feeling sorry for yourself, or do something positive. I look as this time I have as an opportunity. Yes, thats right, an opportunity. I have learned more and have been the most focused I have ever been. No distractions I guess.
I know its easy to get bummed out sometimes, but if you look at things on the larger timeline this is just a small stepping stone.
Anyway, I think I have sprayed you with enough nonsense for one day.
Good luck. Joven.

From: Dean in London. A 28 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane/Accutane
Date: 21/01/2001 at 01:44 - Message #187

Hello all!
I am writing this to let you all know that your doses of Roaccutane are "individually" prescribed this is due to several important reasons: Your blood tests allow the doctor to assess your liver (and Kidney) functions and to see if they are coping with all the toxic effects of the drug, secondly, the side effects can be reduced through starting off with a lowered dose (usually 0.5mg/kg), this can be increased up to 1mg/kg, but not all cases should have this - it depends on how your liver is going, what your side-effects are, and how bad the acne is. Leave the prescribing of the dose to the doctor - they know best! A message board is not the best place to ask what your dose "should" be - that is what your dermatologist is for! Alcohol should be avoided as much as possible, the liver breaks down alcohol, but a by-product of this breakdown (ethanol) is toxic to the liver itself, and it is this that actually causes damage in drinkers! So why punish your liver even more?
Incidentally, I wouldn't recommend eating a plate of fatty food either (as has been suggested by one person here), it puts more pressure on the liver too, a simple glass of milk/normal meal will provide you with enough fat to ensure the vitamin A derivative is absorbed.
I must also point out that although many people have commented that they have had several courses of Roaccutane, most people (75%) never need it again - thankfully!
Roaccutane is a powerful drug, but like all other drugs it has side-effects which can be and are dangerous. It is worth the risk if your acne is a problem to you. Good Luck.

From: Ricki in Israel. A 17 year old female.
Date: 20/01/2001 at 18:43 - Message #186

i'm on my 3rd month of it now (wow, time really flias).
i dont know if it is really "wonder making" but i do see an improvment, though a slight one.
i still break out but not as often as i used to back in the iky old days
the worst thing was when i thought i was starting to lose my hair and thank g-d it was a fals alarm,(u may breath people).
my main concern are those ity bity red scars on my face which i manege to cover very well (thanks to cover girl foundation cover up, great stuff), so will they go away, dose accutan work to get them away as well?
for my lips i use blistex, which is fantastic, people use it.
facial wash - cetaphil face wash,(costs about 5$, it's water based, no oil!!)
my best tip that i can give u, accutanfellows, is just to forget u'r on it that, (dont forget to take it) just dont turn it into the only thing u talk, think about.
last year when i began breaking out i used to only talk with my friends about acne, certin drugs, how i look, my life stinks etc etc...after awaile it seemd as if i'm talking to myself, they just did not care anymore.
so i figurd leave people and u'r self alone!
o.k folks, adios.

From: Cat in singapore. A 27 year old female.
Date: 20/01/2001 at 17:09 - Message #185

Hi all!
I'm on Roaccutane for 5 weeks now. So far, my acne has kinda cleared but the red spots still remain. My side effects are dry lips (VERY!) and sometimes my face itch a little too.
I weight 45kg and I'm on 20mg per day right now. My doctor says he may increase my dosage in the future.
Well, right now I'm still hopefully wishing that this drug will take its effect soon!
Good luck to you all!

From: Vivian in Toronto, Canada. A 21 year old female.
Subject: Anxious
Date: 20/01/2001 at 09:09 - Message #184

Hello all,
I am so glad I found this site...I am finding it so helpful that I am refusing to go to bed (it is 4am). I just wanted to let you know that I am into my 5th day on Accutane and have only experienced the dry lips and some dry skin so far. I have been using Labello chapstick and it is doing wonders, and Neutrogena pump moisturizer which is non-comedegenic (non-pore clogging). I am so anxious to see the results. I am 147lbs and my doc has started me on 40mg/day and will slowly increase it over the next 5 months. She started me on a lower dosage because i was very concerned about the dryness and she told me that the lower dosage will help my body become more adapted to the medication so that it won't react so severely.
My suggestion to everyone regarding the dry lips is to completely cover your lips with chap stick and then wait a while or even overnight so it softens and penetrates the skin really well. Then, take a toothbrush and gently brush your lips and it will get rid of the loose skin. It is working wonders for me so far. At least I can still wear lipstick. Also, I have begun to suffer from some dry skin. I usually wear make-up and foundation to cover my acne, but since foundation will make the acne look worse and look cakey over the dry skin, I am mixing my usual liquid foundation with my moisturizer. 2 parts lotion to 1 part foundation to give me a nice tinted cream. It works really well too. I am not looking forward to the next five months of side effects, but i am very hopeful that I will have great results. Two of my friends have taken it and both have recommended it. Neither of them have experienced further breakouts, but rather an odd blemish or two. They claim it is the "miracle drug". I have been suffering from acne since i was 10 years old and it has taken me almost 12 years to finally try Accutane. I hope everyone will have success and I will keep you updated!!!

From: lynn in s'pore. A 17 year old female.
Subject: me, again
Date: 19/01/2001 at 15:01 - Message #183

also, will eating habits affect pimples? for instances, chocolates n chilli n heaty stuffs will actually promote the growth of pimples? coz my doc say eating habits more or less wont affect the growth of pimples, but my mum insisted that it does. so any comments anyone?

From: lynn in s'pore. A 17 year old female.
Subject: no help?
Date: 19/01/2001 at 13:14 - Message #182

i had been taking roaccutane everyday for 4 wks. but there aint much visible effects. instead, my pimples got this normal? how long more would it take to see results?

From: Lois. A 27 year old
Date: 19/01/2001 at 05:30 - Message #181

Side effects of Accutane at toxic levels include headaches, vomiting, and blurred vision. Pay attention to the headaches.
To the lady who was trying to decide whether or not to try Accutane for a fourth time: I would definitely think twice and ASK your doctor. A second opinion, even. Make sure you're really informed. Good luck!

From: kt in nz. A 15 year old female.
Subject: acne
Date: 19/01/2001 at 00:27 - Message #180

does anyone know what the signs and symptons are if Roaccutane is taken at toxic levels??

From: Simon in UK. A 22 year old Male.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 18/01/2001 at 22:13 - Message #179

I suffered with acne through out all my teenage life. In november 1998 I finally got an appointment with a derm on the NHS (after waiting a year!) and got put on roaccutane. It worked great.... until the week before christmas. I noticed a few spots around my mouth and since then it's got worse. As you can imagine it ruined Christmas and New Year for me, as well as depressing/stressing the hell out of me. I've seen my GP and I've been put on a mix of antibiotics and Isotrexin. I'm not sure whether this will work, I'm very sceptical. Has anyone been on this combination and found it worked? The problem is not bad enough yet to go back to the derm (which I'm informed would only take a few weeks to get an appointment again :) ) but I'm wondering how bad it's going to get. It's a weird situation now, getting acne again could ruin my life. The progress I've made in the last 21 months could be wiped out. I'm sure others have felt this way :-\

From: Trevor in N Ireland. A 27 year old male.
Subject: roaccutane & alcohol
Date: 18/01/2001 at 18:42 - Message #178

Hi all
I have just seen my derm after finishing 16 weeks and he has put me on 75mgs for another 8 weeks. I'm not too surprised as it's not completely clear yet, but he seemed to think it was worse than I did.
On reading Susie's/Monicas e-mail re alcohol, I haven't noticed any problems myself after 16 weeks. I would drink 6-8 pints at weekends along with plenty of wine over Christmas, but I suppose you don't know there's a problem with your liver until it happens.
I asked my derm if I needed a bloodtest before I started the next 8 weeks, but he said that if there was going to be a problem it would have been seen after the second blood test after 5 weeks.
Anyway I am hoping that in 8 weeks time it will all be worthwhile.
And to Aaron, it is easier second time round because you are better prepared for all the side effects. Begin your defences from the very start!

From: Stacey in jamaica. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 18/01/2001 at 17:58 - Message #177

I don't have bad acne if I constantly to the derma. but that is costing a fortune. What is the point of paying all that money if it is gonna work for just a sort while right? I have or am developing the kind of acne where the swelling does not go down. The major swelling goes down but it is still raised above the skin and every now and then it just swells right back up. My derma says it is the hardest kind to fix and so put me on roaccutane. I have been on it for 1week now and am experiencing dry lips so far. i am not looking forward to the other side effects especially the patches on the face. I only want something that will give me clear skin on a long term basis I hope that this is it

From: Susie in Ireland. A 23 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane and alcohol
Date: 18/01/2001 at 17:44 - Message #176

Hi everyone, I'm two weeks into this, on 40mg a day 140lbs, and so far so good. To Monica, I am in the same situation as you, seriously missing my socialising and drinking. But its better not to drink, or at least drink only one or two drinks a week. I know I know!! In Ireland its our favourite pastime. You should check with your derm, but as far as I know, the reason for this is that alcohol speeds up the release of triglycerides from the fat cells in the body which leads to elevated levels in the blood. This, coupled with the increased triglyceride levels already existing in the blood due to Roaccutane could be dangerous. I'm finding lots of Vaseline and Astral or E45 on my face at night is working, also for those of you whose budgets do not stretch to humidifiers, put a saucer of water in your room every night, as near to the radiator as possible, this acts as a primitive form of a hunidifier as the water is absorbed into the air. Another tip, for people with dry skin on their body, mix 50% body lotion such as Vaseline Intensive Care or E45 wtih 50% olive oil - it works wonders!! interestingly, if Roaccutane speeds up the release of fatty acids from fat cells, does that mean I might lose some weight?!!! If so that would be great! Has anyone lost any weight while on Roaccutane? Good luck to you all, I'd be interested to hear feedback.

From: Alice in uk. A 19 year old female.
Date: 18/01/2001 at 17:28 - Message #175

I read somewhere that if you dab on some prescription strength corticosteroid onto a cyst, this can shrink it overnight by reducing inflammation. Does anyone know if this is true? Has anyone tried it? Cos, i was a bit confused. I looked up betamethasone valerate, which is a corticosteroid used by people with psoriasis to get rid of their scales, and i noticed that one of the side effects it listed was acne. Not exactly good news. How can something which gets rid of inflammation and cysts also cause acne? Weird. Any feedback much appreciated.

From: kt in nz. A 15 year old female.
Subject: roaccutane
Date: 18/01/2001 at 09:38 - Message #174

I am on 10 mg x 3 a day.I am finding my skin is a lot worse than before, spots are not forming and red marks remain with small lumps beneath them, my biggest concern is will these red marks stay and will I end up with 'pock marks'. I have been on it for four months now and have seen no improvement whatsoever. I went back to the skin specialist to see if I needed a higher dose but he was so rude and just accused me of not taking my tablets properly. I weigh 49kgs and as I say I am on 10mg 3 times a day. looking forward to your response,

From: Reegz. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Whats Wrong?
Date: 18/01/2001 at 05:26 - Message #173

I've just finished my first month of Roac. The first 3 weeks were devastating. I never had bad acne, moderate acne is even pushing it. I had break outs like I've never experienced before. Huge big infections on my forehead as well as on my cheeks ond neck. I didn't shave once because my skin was so bad underneath. After the third week it had cleared up a little. But in the last week there has been no change. I'm on 80mg a day and I thought being on such a high dosage would sort my skin out quickly but I'm still waiting for some results. My skin is still worse than before I stated my course. How long is this stuff gonna take to start working?

From: Leeanne in Canada. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: to Monica
Date: 18/01/2001 at 04:00 - Message #172

I just asked this very same question last week as I was about to start my cycle of accutane, and yes my doctor warned me against drinking while taking this because it really takes a toll on your liver. Then I wondered, because on another site that I was looking at this girl went on and on about how she was out drinking every week, also there were no warnings on the labels of the pills. Well someone emailed me back saying that it is not a good idea, but that one drink once in awhile might be okay. The way I look at is, this drug is pretty powerful and it effects different people in different ways. I want it to work properly so that I don't have to take it again so I'm going to do what I can and listen to my doctor's warnings. I have only been taking this for a few days and no real side effects(so far). Good luck to everyone.

From: Madison in new york city. A 30 year old female.
Subject: 4th cycle?
Date: 18/01/2001 at 02:02 - Message #171

i've taken accutane 3x in the past 8 years. i had 5 month treatments at 60-80mg a day (i weigh 115lb). it's definitely been effective for me (for a time) and i had few side effects - not even really bad driness. the question is do i take it again for a 4th time? and hope that it will put a final rest to my acne. my skin is definitely not as bad as it was but enough to bother me. but i need to decide soon bc my husband and i would like to try for a baby in 8-12 months.... my mom and close friend say don't....but this may be my last opportunity before the children years. not sure what to do. (i feel my hair has thinned bc of accutane, anyone else agree?)

From: tommy in england. A 17 year old male.
Subject: blushing
Date: 17/01/2001 at 23:33 - Message #170

Please help! I have been on roaccutane for almost 6 months on 40 mg a day (is this normal). Anyway my only real side affect is that i blush really really easily over the stupidest things and i wonder if it is because of the drug. Any help appreciated.

From: Stan in London, UK. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: cheers steve
Date: 17/01/2001 at 22:40 - Message #169

hi everyone,
i dont know about anyone else but i reckon steve's message, or essay, is definitely worth reading. for me it summed up so much about what i had been through, and the fact that he sent this positive message for everyone even when he is able to now put that part of his life behind him is admirable. Of course its easy to like a story that ends happily, but its better to think positive rather than listen to Dr Ben who I suspect isnt talking purely from his mouth...
good luck to everyone

From: Aaron in england. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Is roacutane better or worse the second time?
Date: 17/01/2001 at 22:12 - Message #168

Well my subject says it all. I got another derm appointment in 2 weeks. But I dont really want to go back on roacutane if its gonna be as bad as last time.

From: Monica in US. A 28 year old Female.
Date: 17/01/2001 at 15:28 - Message #167

Hopefully someone can give me some advice here! My derm has told me that while I am on this medication I'm not supposed to drink alcohol.
She says that it will really screw up my liver. I'm no alcoholic but this is putting a damper on my social life. My pharmacist says it should not be a problem? I know who I'd like to believe! Has anyone else been so severly warned? stopped drinking? had any problems? I've been on for three weeks and have not had a breakout, side effects have been minimal. Looks like from what I've read I'm in for a real ride with all of the bad side effects to come. Hopefully I'll be spared some of the horror. Please respond with any info on drinking, my derm is really scaring me - who do I believe? Mon

From: Gerard in United Kingdom. A 23 year old Male.
Date: 17/01/2001 at 11:32 - Message #166

Thanks Ben for telling us all this. It is the only negative info i have read which makes for an unbiased account. Just ignore the other writers who are trying to make you look dumb (heck they probably work for Roche!!!)

From: Jan in US. A 18 year old female.
Date: 17/01/2001 at 11:16 - Message #165

ben, After visiting the website you recommended i must admit that what you said is not rubbish but real concerns from real life people like myself. can evrybody check it out pls because it has made me question this little known medicine. thankyou ben for telling me about this site because i have decided to end my course now. i would rather have a few dots on my face than ruining my body mentally and emotionally!

From: Ben in Australia. A 19 year old
Subject: Response
Date: 17/01/2001 at 11:00 - Message #164

I WAS OVERWHELMED by the emails I received thanks to everyone who asked questions. I do not claim to be an expert on the topic (I am only a second year med student) so I understand your concerns on my knowledge of the drug Isotretinoin. Many of you need not take my word and I would recommend you find out for yourselves by visiting the website
This site is full of details and case studies of people affected by the drug Roaccutane and the possible side effects that can happen in 5% of cases.
Please take the time to visit this site; It sums up most of the information you do not read on your Product info printed by Roche Pharmaceuticals. PLEASE find out the facts first! I was lucky and I feel I am inclined to not let others suffer at my benefit.
AND remember ask your Dermatologist about any concerns you have, he is the one you should voice your questions to, not people on this website.

From: Lei in Hong Kong. A 26 year old Female.
Date: 17/01/2001 at 02:44 - Message #163

Really thank you for your advice, Alice. I feel more comfortable about my red hands now - since it is not a rare side effect! I am now taking 20mg of Roaccutane everyday since I took it the first time. I weigh 60kg as I should take 60mg per day? My doctor has never told me to increase my dosage. I'll ask him next time anyway. By the way, it seems that not many people mentioned about the side effect for pregnancy. The doctor told me I must not have a baby during the course and I should stop the course for at least one month before I can have a baby. I would like to know if there is anybody who took Roaccutane before and then they now have their own children? Is there any problem? Thanks.

From: Alice in UK. A 19 year old female.
Date: 16/01/2001 at 20:38 - Message #162

Lei, congratulations on your engagement, i hope you have beautiful skin in time for your wedding! I also get a reaction on my hands and wrists from dryness caused by roaccutane. I got it last time i went on roaccutane aswell, and for some reason this seems to be the only side-effect i get (not even dry lips!). I don't think it's anything to worry about. My derm told me it's just a bit of eczema, but your doctor's being very irresponsible by refusing to admit it's caused by the drug. Of course it is! He's probably just worried you might sue him or something. Anyway, the rash rarely causes me any bother. Sometimes it's a bit sore from being so dry, so i slather loads of moisturiser and skin-healing cream on. Maybe you could try some prescription topical lotions used by eczema patients? As long as your hands aren't SWOLLEN, i wouldn't worry about the redness or the dryness. Like you said, the side effects disappeared after you came off the drug.
As for recurring acne, i have since learnt that in order for the drug to be effective in the long term, it is necessary to take 1mg per kg of body weight, with a CUMULATIVE dosage of at least 120mg per kg of body weight. Anything above a cumulative dosage of 150 mg is dangerous. So, work it out for yourself. If you're not getting the correct amount, you may have to discuss this with your derm and ask to increase your dosage or take the drug at the same dose for a longer period of time. Only then do you have a good chance of ensuring that you don't get acne again. Also, don't be scared to make suggestions to your derm like i was to start with. They may have the degrees and the credentials, but i bet i know more about acne than my dermatologist simply because of the amount of bloody research i've done! After all, it's my skin and my money (or my parents')! Hope this helps. :)

From: sceptical in UK. A 34 year old Female.
Subject: After Roaccutane
Date: 16/01/2001 at 17:36 - Message #161

Ben, I am glad to hear your success with the drug Roaccutane. Many of us who have suffered for many years with skin disease are uplifted by this kind of news.
Can I suggest that acne “causes depression and self-consciousness” rather than Roaccutane.
Who am I to criticise the validity of your in-depth research on this drug, but “drying of the Memory Section of the brain” does not sound too scientific to me.
Also I believe Roaccutane to be a derivative of vitamin A, not Vitamin E.
Are you for real? If so, I hope you remain healthy and free from acne. If you have posted on this site to inspire discussion – good on you, we all appreciate posts that provoke lots of response!

From: Puzzled.
Subject: To Ben in Australia
Date: 16/01/2001 at 15:20 - Message #160

I'm a bit confused here -- Ben,
1) You never had severe acne, but took Roaccutane anyway; 2) You took Roaccutane *on and off* for 2 years; 3) You never had any side effects. 4) Your face is clear of acne -- But now you're telling everyone else NOT to take Roaccutane. What a hypocrit.

From: Jack in Birmingham, England.
Subject: Channel 4 documentary
Date: 16/01/2001 at 15:14 - Message #159

re: new Channel 4 documentary
Just wanted to say thanks to everybody for the great response I've had so far. I'm still looking for a guy to take part, though - so if there are any blokes out there with acne who are interested in taking part in a new documentary, get in touch!
Email Jack at
Thanks a lot

From: Sarah in New Zealand. A 21 year old Female.
Date: 16/01/2001 at 12:28 - Message #158

Ben, I agree with you 100%. Roaccutane has ruined my life by depression and I am dependent on drugs now.
I have read all the court findings and I am disgusted people still take this rubbish, Good on ya for exposing the truth!

From: Ben in Australia. A 19 year old Male.
Date: 16/01/2001 at 12:22 - Message #157

LET ME TELL YOU my story and give you all an important warning.
I have been on and off Roaccutane for 2 years, my acne is probably not considered severe (it is only on my the top half of my cheeks) but after all the side effects I have decided to stop treatment. My acne has stopped and since no one has said it on your website, it takes 2 years on it to totally stop the acne from recurring (3 courses of about 6 months each)
Roaccutane can causes depression and makes you self conscious, it can lead to suicide and even cause you to underperform at school and concentration difficulties. I have been lucky, I have never had severe side effects and my skin is now permanently clear (I have not had a pimple for over a year).
BUT! I have been VERY VERY LUCKY and If I had to give my advice DO NOT TAKE ROACCUTANE! I have done research on the drug and some of the side effects are so bad that Roche Pharmaceuticals is in court and many lawyers in Europe are trying to ban the substance. It could cause Anxiety, Permanent Hairloss, Drying of the Memory section of the Brain, Arthritis(in later years), it can even kill.
SO MY ADVICE IS TO STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRUG! Scientists do not understand how this synthetic derivative of Vitamin E works, they now it drys the Sebaceous gland out hence stopping acne but they DO NOT KNOW HOW OR WHY!
Questions? Comments?, Why not email for more information.

From: Mattias in Sweden. A 21 year old male.
Subject: pealing hands and dryness
Date: 16/01/2001 at 11:17 - Message #156

To Lei: I use a oilfree moisturizer that helps against the dryness. My doctor told me that should be alright. And the information that Roche has doesn't say that you can't...
To Alice: Try http:/ I know that Anne who has that website have had the same problem. She has lots of information, check it out.

From: Lei in Hong Kong. A 26 year old Female.
Date: 16/01/2001 at 03:59 - Message #155

Hi there,
I have been suffering from acne since 12 years old. Not only on my face but also my back and chest! I tried Retin A before but it ended up a very itchy skin!! Then sometimes the acne got better and worse every now and then until my boyfriend proposed to me - I decided to get rid of my breakouts. I want to have beautiful skin for my wedding. Then one of my friends recommended a doctor to me and then he suggested me to take Roaccutane. I was first scared by the papar that I had to sign before I can take the prescription. Nevertheless, I started to take it. The medicine is really amazing! All my breakouts died out after the 1st month! Then I have been enjoying my acne-free skin for 3-4 months. Even the pores on my face has become more invisible than ever. My back has become smooth and I dare to wear tube tops! All my friends came and asked me what I had done to get such a wonderful skin as they had never seen my skin so good before! The side effects I get is dryness on my face and lips but this only happened in the first 2 months and then the oily level has come to a normal one. The other side effect is I got very dry, red and hot hands!! I asked the doctor if that was related to Roaccutane but he said no! Then I ignored the hands as the face is far more important than my hands! But since the prescription is very expensive, I stopped taking the medicine after the 4th month. That was the most unwise decision I have made -yes, the breakouts came back after a month I stopped! The situation was not as worse as before but it is bad enough to make me to go back to the doctor. But during this period, my hands'redness has reduced a great deal. The doctor asked me to take the medicine again and then it is now one month after I presumed the prescription. The breakouts have gone a lot but remained some small spots which make my face does not appear very smoothly. But the worse thing is my hands got really red and hot again, which is much more serious. I asked the doctor again yesterday and this time he referred to something like an encyclopaedia of skin. He showed me a picture with a pair of red and peeling hands (like mine, but much more serious) and told me that there is no workable medical treatment so far. It is caused by no reason. I asked again if that was because I take Roaccutane and he said it will not cause something like my case! I am not sure if that is true but now I also worry about my hands in addition to my face! Is there anyone got red and dry hands after taking Roaccutane and how can you deal with that? Thanks!
Good luck to you all!!

From: Alice in UK. A 19 year old female.
Date: 15/01/2001 at 21:21 - Message #154

Bronwyn - I have heard that Rose Mosqueta oil is very good for clearing up surface scars and redness. however, i don't think it will be any good for pitted scars. I've never tried it myself so i don't actually know how effective it is, but you could try it anyway. I haven't tried it because i'm not too sure about the wiseness of putting neat oil on my face when i'm spotty and greasy enough anyway. maybe it's possible to buy in cream form or something.
Anyway, I am currently on the 6th week of my second course of roaccutane. After my first course i was amazingly clear for about a year. Not a single spot and luckily no scars from previous outbreaks as most of my spots tend to be whiteheads and not cysts. Anyway, after about a year, i had a couple of spots but nothing i couldn't control. Then all of a sudden, i started breaking out in really unsightly tiny comedones around my mouth and cheeks, and all of these eventually turned into whiteheads, which are the hardest of all to cover up. After having such amazing skin for a long time and being used to a busy social life at university, i was totally gutted. My skin is now a real mess. It's really itchy, flakey and dry. I'm still getting spots and none of my old ones have healed. Frankly, i look awful, i can't even wear foundation because my skin is so flakey and itchy. I don't remember my skin taking this long to clear the first time i went on roaccutane. I just hope it works this time. I'm determined to keep my skin clear after i finish this course. The derm mentioned i could go on a low dosage maintenance course a while after i finish to ensure i never have to go thorugh this again. It's really depressing when your family and friends all have perfectly normal skin. Luckily i have very supportive parents, but i really hope i start seeing results soon. In my first course of roaccutane, i remember being more or less clear by week 6, so what's going on? It's so frustrating, isn't it? I almost feel like i can't "live" until i have clear skin.
Also, my derm told me not to use any moisturiser at all, because this just un-does all that the roaccutane is trying to do. Has anyone else been told not to use moisturiser? My skin is a real bombsite at the moment. Really dry. Every time i talk or smile, or eat, bits of my skin flake off and i feel like a leper. Really not very attractive. Anyway, i was really encouraged by steve's message. i thought he had a really positive attitude. Well, good luck everyone, sorry for rambling. Please feel free to email me!

From: JILL in california. A 21 year old female.
Subject: hmmmm
Date: 15/01/2001 at 08:01 - Message #153

hi everyone. i finished me SECOND course of accutane a month ago./ i am doing everything in my power to keep my skin from getting oily again. that is my biggest concern because i had a relpase after my first treatment when my skin began to get increasingly oily again. so far, so good. during my second treatment (unlike my first one) my acne cleared up almost immediately. i am getting worried about another relapse so i am taking ortho-tricylcen and i have bought some products from clinique to help manage future acne before it happens. does anyone have any recommendations on ho to control your skin and keep it looking great after your treatment? i have the same concerns as jenya. thanks!! help me out please. jill

From: maryann in USA. A 26 year old female.
Subject: i love it!
Date: 15/01/2001 at 00:25 - Message #152

Hi everyone! I just started Accutane about a month and a half ago. I started at 20 mg, then went up to 60mg after 3 weeks. Now, three weeks later, I am on 80 mg. I know this site is filled with a lot of messages that may make you afraid of the drug, but for me I guess I have been lucky, because my side effects are only dry lips and more sensitive skin. Honestly, my skin has been dryer in the past when I tried things like Retin A, even benzoyl peroxide! So, just hang in there, and just look forward to the day when we are all done with this and we will hopefully never have problems with acne again! Bye!

From: Steve in UK. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Re. Jenna's Posting - Roaccutane working?
Date: 14/01/2001 at 22:23 - Message #151

Hi, I used to read this board a great deal, but as Jenna wrote in her posting, after being 'cured' I visited much less.
My history of acne is long and I will only outline it here since I realise the board is meant for roaccutance discussion.
I have suffered with acne since middle school (aged 13?), I first realised this when one of my friends turned to me and stated 'you've got acne', a vivid memory ever since. Despite my mum reasuring me I was lucky to get it early, and everyone would go through this 'stage', I continued to suffer while everyone elses, much less severe 'stage' passed. I consulted a doctor around two years later after trying every topical cure with little (no) success. I was put on a course of oxytetracycline, which was doubled in dosage when no benefit was derived. Six months after (approx) I was prescribed the 'big guns', another kind of anti-biotic cycline. This was what I then accepted to be the best I could expect my skin to get, my acne was persistent. I found that alcohol, lack of sleep, stress and greasy food (only really bad things such as fast food) did seem to make matters worse. Another great quote from a school colleague of mine was that "If I joined all the spots on my face I would get a phat (good) picture". My time at school was hell, I buried myself in academic work and just accepted that this was how the future would be. Bullying was a frequent occurence. I did still have good friends, such that would never mention the acne, realising its importance to me, and would offer words of reassurance. My social life suffered greatly, although I still enjoyed myself with close friends I found meeting new people frightening, thinking acne was all that people could see. My success with the opposite sex was, therefore, limited by this condition. In retrospect however, after meeting people that can see past such factors I realise it was probably my associated quietness that affected this, more than my acne. In sixth form college I hit a low, not bothering to wear a seatbelt when driving, wondering if anyone would even care. I visited my doctor who amazingly to me, refered me to a dermatologist. The doctor that saw me at the hospital asked me a few questions then quickly siggested I considered roaccutane. They forced me to take a card, listing the side-affects home for consideration before allowing me to undertake the course. Upon return I was prescribed a course of 60mg per day, I remember the excitement of be given the boxes of tablets, knowing the next day could be the start of a treatment for something that I thought unbeatable. I started eagerly and was quickly rewarded within a week with the worst acne I had ever suffered from! I took the week off college, unable to even look at myself in the mirror, when I did return to studying I offended a great many people by ignoring them, believing they would find me repulsive and disgusting. This carried on for around a month, during which I started to suffer the inevitable side-effects, flaky skin and severly chapped lips with still greasy spots! It was about the second month that I began to see improvements, my skin became generally drier and my spots started to dry out, similar to baking yourself in the sun for a week. My course was meant to run for 3 months but was extended (at my request) since my spots were not fully healed. After a further two weeks I had the spot free skin that I would have given any amount of money, indeed anything to acheive. I was so happy and my life gained renewed importance. I started skipping lessons and simply doing things I enjoy, I was so pleased to be able to walk around town looking plain, boring and just another member of the crowd. I quickly returned to studying, however my life did change dramatically. I enjoyed a spot free summer in 1999 and started university in the october of that year. University has provided me with a fresh start, people have never known me as a particularly spotty person and despite my talking about it still never think of me in that way. My spots have come back (mildly) and I still take oxytetracycline as a kind of precautionary measure, however I now have spots and not acne, I am for all intents and purposes normal. I am enjoying things everybody else did when they were teenagers, I have a new group of friends, popularity never before exprerienced and a wonderful girlfriend. My girlfriend, emma has made me realise what love is, and that people do look past appearances, she is gorgeous, while I am normal yet we are both so very happy. In some attempt to get back to the orignial point of this posting, roaccutane has changed my life completely, while I must stress everyone must dedide for themselves, I for one think taking roaccutance was a great decision for me personally. I apologise for waffling however I hope that this gives Jenna and anyone else considering or currently taking roaccutane hope. Good luck to everyone who suffers with this awful condition. Steve

From: Bronwyn in England(east anglia). A 18 year old female.
Subject: post roaacutane
Date: 14/01/2001 at 21:41 - Message #150

i wrote before when i had about 1 month left...I have recently finished my 4 month course of roaacutane ( i finished on new years day). the experience over all has been a good one but i am actually seeing the worst of the side affects after my the last couple of months of my treatment i statred to get really bad dry patches on my upper arms....i went to my derm and he recommended a cream called Hc45 as i was developing that my treatment has stopped the dry skin has started to get quite bad on my chin...although it is under control and isn't noticeable , it is there and i was wondering if anyone had experienced the same?...also...although the treatmen has been a great succcess and i actually have no acne anymore i am left with scaring/redness.I suppose i was pretty optimistic at the beginning and when i though of the results i though of perfect skin...although i can't complain i really want something to be done about the scaring / redness.I have been given a taste of better looking skin and i can't stop now......could anyone tell me what the options are please....thanks alot...and i hope that everyone is doind well wit the treatment!!

From: jenya in us. A 19 year old female.
Subject: please help
Date: 14/01/2001 at 21:10 - Message #149

Is there any one out there who was on accutane and there acne didn't come back? if there is how long where you on it and what dose, maybe you took some other medication along with accutane , please help me out in this. I know people who have been cured probably don't go to this site or are there people who have been cured. May be someone knows someone who has been cured. Please help me out, i really aprriciate it.
thank you

From: Paul in USA. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: coughs/colds
Date: 14/01/2001 at 18:22 - Message #148

Hey Oscar, I'm finaly getting over a cold that I've had for over 2 weeks now, I think Accutane does have something to do with it lingering on, not exactly sure why though. It sounds like you're going through the same situation I am. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless it keeps persisting much longer or worsens. Hope that helps.

From: Oscar Campbell in Sweden. A 22 year old Male.
Subject: Immune system and roaccutan..
Date: 14/01/2001 at 09:11 - Message #147

Hi, I got sick (a cold) 10 days ago. It was a very 'weak' cold and I thought I was going to be well in 3 or 4 days. But now, here I am, still sick.
Since roa messes up A-vitamin utilization or something like that, do you think that can cause my immunosystem to be weaker? or even rendering it unable to fight of the viral infection? My seems to leave completely, and then it comes back the next day; very strange.
BTW, I'm on 40mg a day, (30mg the first weeks) this is my 4th week.

From: Joven in Canada. A 20 year old male.
Subject: Upped Dose
Date: 13/01/2001 at 20:37 - Message #146

I am on 80mg/day. I was on a lower dosage the first month though. When I had my dosage upped I broke out quite badly for a while. Then it kinda levels out and you get better. But I think you are going to break out until this medication finally takes full effect. So upping the dosage only really brings it out quicker and more severe. Although your healing time will be cut down.

From: Paul in USA. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Increased Doseage
Date: 13/01/2001 at 18:01 - Message #145

Hey all, I'm on about my 7th week of treatment for moderate cystic acne. About a week ago my doc upped my doseage from 80mg to 100mg (2 40mg caps one day, 3 the next; averages out to 100mg) Almost immediately I started getting those nasty breakouts that happened when I first started on Accutane. Has anyone else had this happen after a doseage increase?
Thanks, and good luck to you all.

From: Maurice in Ire..
Date: 12/01/2001 at 16:46 - Message #144

I agree with you ian. they should have left it alone....if it ain't broke. Anyway, drink at least two litres of water a day.

From: Ricki in Israel. A 17 year old female.
Subject: hair
Date: 12/01/2001 at 12:20 - Message #143

i am going bold.. HELP!!!!!!!!
i woke up this morning to find out that i have this tiny bold part on my scalp.
dose anyone know if this is some how conected to the accutan? (i'm on my 3rd month, taking 40 mg a day)
i am really really worried, upset, scared etc..
so pretty pretty please if anyone knows anything about this, and what pills to take for it, email me!!
Thanks, Ricki.

From: Ian. A 18 year old male.
Subject: Water-how much/day??
Date: 11/01/2001 at 20:34 - Message #142

i've read numerous posts with people talking about drinking plenty of water to cure/cope with various problems. how much water does everyone drink/day (in pints) ?? how much do you think i should be drinking (115LBS/18/M) ?? does the water "moisten" your skin therefore preventing severe dryness??
PS.I seriously prefer the old message-board where everything was included in 1 board only not split up into multiple boards-anyone agree with me?

From: Jack in Birmingham, England.
Subject: Channel 4 documentary
Date: 11/01/2001 at 18:15 - Message #141

If anyone in the UK is interested in taking part in a new Channel 4 documentary about skin disorders in teenagers and young adults, email Jack at
(sorry, I know this isn't strictly speaking a discussion about accutane - I just wanted to get in touch with you all)
Thanks a lot!

From: kay. A 19 year old Female.
Date: 11/01/2001 at 16:29 - Message #140

Hi everyone, i want to ask those who finished the treatment how long it took their skin to stop breaking out? i'm on the 5th month of roaccutane and i still have an ocasional pimple and they're not that small so i'd appreciate any feedback...
thanks away

From: Nick in Victoria, Australia. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: The usual...
Date: 11/01/2001 at 11:09 - Message #139

I've been on roaccutane for 3 weeks today and what can i say, this stuff is amazing. My face has cleared up dramatically and my back is starting to clear up a little bit now seeing it is alot worse on my back. The side effects I have experienced are nothing out of the ordinary, constant dry lips, my face was REALLY dry for the first two weeks (aswell as the acne got worse), but now it's fine and i dont need any moisturiser on it or anything which is good, except i like to put moisturiser on my face at night so it doesn't itch in the middle of the night and i end up scratching myself and ending up with a huge graze on my face which eventually turns into a scar and is not very attractive.
I just have one question, I am not getting much dryness on my face, except my eyes are really dry. I have 20/20 vision so i do not wear contact lenses or anything like that. I have tried all kinds of eye drops but nothing seems to be sufficient. If anyone else is having this experience and knows how to cure it, please e-mail me with details.
Another thing i have found with roaccutane is that alcohol actually helps your skin, seeing it drains all the moisture out of your skin, after a big night, i wake up in the morning and my skin is looking even better!
Anyway, good luck to all! I only have 13 weeks left!

From: Mary in UK. A 34 year old Female.
Subject: Cured
Date: 10/01/2001 at 16:55 - Message #138

I finished my 16-week course of Roaccutane in November; my dose was 1mg per Kg body mass daily i.e. 70mg because I weigh 70kg. Before I started the treatment I wished that there was more news from people who had gone through the treatment. Well I had cystic acne, incredibly greasy skin and rosacea for years before treatment - now my skin is free of acne, infections, blackheads, excessive redness and excessive grease. Even the scars are not so evident. My skin now has enough oil to feel comfortable without shining. I hope I will continue to enjoy such freedom from the diseases of my skin. I suffered all the bad side effects while I was on the drug (except depression - in fact I had never felt so happy). Just one thing seemed to be different - My initial outbreak at the beginning of the treatment was not as bad as some are describing. I think this my have been for this reason: I had to wait for 5 months for the derm appointment before I started on Roaccutane during this 5 months I prepared myself for the best results. First of all my GP Prescribed a short term course of antibiotics to clear a couple of painful boils on my body (this must have reduced the population of bacteria that causes the infections) secondly I stuck to the Proactiv skin care regime (sent to me via a contact in the US) see "”, and I ate well and drank loads of water. My skin on my face was not too bad when I started on Roaccutane - but still very greasy - and I had cysts on my body (The cysts took ages to go away). I guess what I am saying is use Roaccutane as part of a combined treatment to be sure of the best results. Of course when I started on Roaccutane my skin was so dry that use of Proactiv had to stop. The dry skin gets better as the treatment progresses. I am now using Proactiv again, eating well and still drinking lots of water. My dermatologist has also used Roaccutane - what better recommendation? - He has been free from acne for over a year since finishing treatment. In my opinion - it is DEFINATELY worth taking this drug.

From: Karin in Israel. A 20 year old female.
Date: 10/01/2001 at 12:40 - Message #137

I've been on roaccutane for 12 weeks now.Before I started I had had only small pimples on my face, and few on my back. On the first three weeks of the treatment, my skin looked o.k, but on the forth week terrible cyst started to apear. I looked like hell, and didn't want to go out. Luckily, I was serving in the Israely army, and had to go to the office everyday, otherwise...
In the last few days my skin looks better. I don't have new cyst, but I go to the mirror every hour to check whether new "friends" come by. when I go to sleep, I'm scared to wake up in the morning and find a new cyst.
I'm not trying to convince people not to use this medication, I just want to say to those of you who want to start using roaccutane: you must accept the fact that your face may look worse than ever. I used to be beautiful (people always told me that), but now people feel sorry for me, because of the way I look. I'm crying at nights and don't want to see people I care about, in order not to cause them suffer. I don't have dryness or pains, I just suffer mentally, and this is the worst thing.
Hope you took what I wrote seriously. Good luck!

From: jenya in usa. A 19 year old female.
Subject: please help
Date: 10/01/2001 at 10:50 - Message #136

Si there any one out there who was on accutane and there acne didn't come back? if there is how long where you on it and what dose, maybe you took some other medication along with accutane , please help me out in this. I know people who have been cured probably don't go to this site or are there people who have been cured. May be someone knows someone who has been cured. Please help me out, i really aprriciate it.
thank you

From: David in Australia. A 26 year old Male.
Subject: Maintenance Dose
Date: 10/01/2001 at 06:00 - Message #135

Hi there. I finished a course of Roaccutane quite recently. The results were pretty good.
My derm in the past suggested that as this is my 3rd course of Roacc. that we could consider me going on a maintenance dose sometime after treatment in order to make the results last for as long as possible.
My question is has any one else out there been put on a maintenance dose, and how did it work. What sort of dosage was required, because Im not prepared to go through those side effects or anything similar to them indefinitely, so i would absolutely rule out a high dosage maintenance if that is the case.
Thanks in advance.

From: Joe in USA. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Price
Date: 10/01/2001 at 02:40 - Message #134

How much does it cost for the whole accutane ordeal? Dermatologist fees, accutane costs??? ect.... Is this covered by any type of insurance? Amounts in American dollars please.
Thank you.

From: Neil in UK. A 20 year old
Date: 09/01/2001 at 21:34 - Message #133

I finished a 6 month course of roaccutane about 6 weeks ago, and at the end of my treatment I was 97% clear. However, as soon as I stopped taking the drug the spots slowly crept back. First my nose broke out which I hadn't had a spot on for months, then it became clear. My forehead got a few small pimples, and some blemishes returned to my cheeks. In the past two weeks my chin and above my mouth have broken out, again for the first time in ages. Is this simply a result of the drug wearing off and my pores releasing the gunk that has been trapped by my dried up sebaceous glands? I hope that like my nose once this breakout has finished, the affected areas will become clear.
Also for those who have taken roaccutane before, did antibiotics work for you after you had taken the drug? My derm rekons its a possibility.

From: M's Mom in USA.
Subject: To Gail in Australia
Date: 09/01/2001 at 15:29 - Message #132

Gail -- My 18-year-old son didn't begin seeing results until about weeks 11-12. He, too, had a horrible outbreak. However, by the end of his 6-month treatment (80mgs), his face was as clear as babies' skin. He's been off Accutane for nearly 3 months and his face is still clear.

From: Mattias in Sweden. A 21 year old male.
Subject: Dosage and sideeffects
Date: 09/01/2001 at 12:28 - Message #131

To Guy:
Like you, I'm just a patient, so it is really hard for me to tell you to go to your doctor and change the dosage. It really depends on how your situation is now. If you want faster results and a shorter treatment time you maybe get you dosage upped to 70 mg. But if he thinks that the side-effects are to bad then you should probably do as he says.
The important thing is that you get the total amount of accutane you need. In other words, your treatment should be longer if your take 40 mg/day than if you take 70mg/day. I don't know what the total dosage should be, but you might find information on the Roche USA website: That way you can calculate for how long it should take for you to get the total amount of accutane you need in your treatment. Since we are about the same weight, 70 kg, your treatment should be about 6 month if you take 40 mg a day. Since you have had one month of 70 mg you should probably have about 5 1/2 month of total treatment time if you stay on 40mg/day for the rest of the treatment. Good luck and no worries. Don't get in any trouble.
To Chris in Malaysia:
Don't worry about your acne getting worse, it will usually get worse in the beginning of the treatment before it gets better again. You can get itching dryness and redness as well. But the medicine works very good so don't stop using it.
The important things: no pregancies, be careful about beeing out in the sun, and use moisturizers against the dryness.
see more good info on:
also is a good site.
You e-mail adress was wrong but you can mail me if you have any questions

From: lynn in usa. A 38 year old female.
Subject: sleep
Date: 09/01/2001 at 03:53 - Message #130

I'm on my 16th week of accutane, which was prescribed for acne rosacea. As far as sleep problems go, I had trouble with insomnia for the first month or so of treatment. But, now I have the opposite problem. I want to sleep all the time! I'm not sure if it's accutane related, but my guess is that it is. Prior to starting accutane, I wasn't having any sleep problems.
Anyway, despite the side-effects (dryness, aching joints, fatigue, etc.), I'm glad I decided to try accutane. My skin is really clearing up!
Good luck to all you other accutane users!

From: Paul in USA. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: 6th week
Date: 08/01/2001 at 23:40 - Message #129

Hey all, just ckecking in. Currently on my 6th week of treatment, and my skin is getting a little better. I'm not getting the big, nasty cysts anymore, just small pimples here and there. I've been using a moisturizer on my face, and Vasaline Intensive Care on my body, and my skin is starting to smooth out. I've also been taking a couple vit. E capsules each day, which helps. I'm not sure if it's the vit. E or the accutane that makes my face red sometimes, but I don't mind it a bit, you don't notice any of the blemishes from past breakouts that way. I saw the doc friday, just waiting for the labs to come back on my blood, hopefully everything is alright, so I can go from 80mg a day to 100mg. I'm 6ft4, 240lbs, so I'm sure I can handle that high a dose. Just wondering; I may end up with some mild scarring after this is all said and done-anybody have any tips of getting rid of this? Luckily, I'm in the military, and have full medical, so I can probably get them to pay for some form of reasonable treatment. Well, thanks for your input, and good luck to you all!

From: rosco in USA. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: done
Date: 08/01/2001 at 14:39 - Message #128

Hey, i had a long battle, and i am sure i am not done with acne, but right now my face is the best it probably ever has been. I have only been off accutain for 3 weeks or so. and my face continues to get better. So i have no idea what will happen, but i just wanted all you guys that are not seeing results 4, 5, 6 (like me) months into, there is still hope

From: Joven in Canada. A 20 year old male.
Subject: Sleep
Date: 08/01/2001 at 08:33 - Message #127

Hi there fellow roa users. I just have a quick question about sleeping. I have found it very hard to go to bed anytime before midnight. I toss and turn for hours trying to sleep, but it just doesnt happen. It is also very hard to wake in the morning. Has anyone else suffered sleeping difficuties/insomnia as a result of this medication.
Thanks guys.

From: Gail in Australia. A 45 year old female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 08/01/2001 at 07:32 - Message #126

Its been wonderful to read this page and find out alot of informtion. My 19 year old son started on Roaccutane about 3 months and I have been devastated by the bad outbreak he has had to endure considering that he did not have bad acne before he started on the stuff..just some a long term mild pimple problem which we hoped would be cured by the Roaccutance treatment. He is still getting bad outbreaks well into the treatment. Can anyone help me as to whether this is normal or not. Shouldn't he be seeing marked improvement by now???
Good luck to you all.

From: Ryan in US. A 18 year old male.
Subject: accutane
Date: 08/01/2001 at 03:00 - Message #125

Hello all, how is everyone out there? Well if you looked like me back in the day I'm sure you're feeling very depressed. Believe me, I know how it feels. To sum up how I felt is by saying I had no confidece. I started ingnoring my frieds, totally stopped talking to girls and stayed down in my basement playing pool, ping pong and watching T.V.. My mom always asked why are you in the basement so much and I say doing homework. I knew she knew I was depressed about my face. I didn't even want to go on family vacations.
Well hopefully that is all in the past because I am recently on my 11 week of accutane at 60mg a day. I started out on 40mg on my first month. Is this the correct dosage for me. (60mg) I weigh about 138lbs.Il have noticed a huge change in my face. All the oilness is gone. I've heard some of you complain about the dryness but I love it. All the black heads on my nose are gone and my deep blemishes on cheeks are starting to fade. I currently have no pimples just belmishes. I see my derm on the 20th. By the way, I'm almost six foot and am very skinny. I lift five times a week and do a little cardio. I heard that accutane gets absorbed in fat. So since I' skinny does that mean that my body isn't aborbing it. I know some of it is because it's starting to work. Is is better to be skinny or a little fat or really fat on this stuff.
To Pete: It sounds like were on the same dosage and it was increased on the one month mark and you two are on you're 11th month.

From: vips in London. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: Shaving
Date: 08/01/2001 at 00:02 - Message #124

Reply to Regan. I use an electric razor myself and although nothing can beat the closeness of a wet razor shave, it is very irritating whilst on accutane. At this time the skin is very sensitive and delicate and a razor will only make matters worse. The electric razor is not so bad in terms of a close shave. A good decent Phillips does get quite close. I have been using this for quite some time now. Before I started accutane, shaving with a razor used to irritate my spots and reverted to the electric which is really kind on the acne. Now in the middle of the course I find my skin is quite delicate and still continue using the electric which is not harsh at all on my skin. Hope this helps. Good luck.

From: jlough27 in US. A 19 year old male.
Subject: Cost of Accutane
Date: 07/01/2001 at 23:10 - Message #123

The cost of Accutane in American dollars is about 7 dollars a pill. It is best that you have some type of insurance or just alot of money before starting your course. I know sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, so for everyone out there good luck!

From: Regan in South Africa. A 18 year old male.
Subject: shaving
Date: 07/01/2001 at 18:43 - Message #122

Is it better to use an electric razor while on accutane? I haven't shaved it over 2 week coz last time i had more skin than hair in my razor blade. Has anybody got any other advice?

From: heather in australia. A 29 year old female.
Date: 07/01/2001 at 10:57 - Message #121

hi ive been on roaccutane for 24 weeks now, my derm said he's really happy with my results, and so i only need a few more weeks treatment,i was ok with that last visit, as i hadnt had a pimple or cyst for atleast 6 weeks, but now i'm breaking out in cysts big and painfull under my arms and in my groin, has anyone ever had this happen to them at such a late stage of treatment? if so did you stay on it longer, and did it get rid of cysts aswell as pimples,

From: Belinda in Qld, Australia. A 18 year old Female.
Subject: To everyone
Date: 07/01/2001 at 09:16 - Message #120

Hi-dee-ho once again folks, I see that there was someone below who said they were being prescribed roaccutane but were unsure of the nasty stories they've heard about it. Roaccutane is, yes, a very strong drug, and yes, it does have some side effects. But I can tell you now that it is working for me. Slowly, yes....guys, you can't expect to work in a jiffy. And it tired me out A LOT. I never had a horrible breakout, and I'm on around my 21st week of it, way beyond the break-out date. I got backpain, dryness, musclepain, and I got really moody and teary as a result from my tiredness. I noticed someone also said that they were taking anti-depressants. I hope you've checked with your derm if it's ok to be taking these in conjunction with roaccutane/accutane. I was depressed before I took roaccutane, and this has slightly worsened during my treatment. However, I did not tell my derm this, so I partly blame myself for this. I also put it down to my fatigue.
Don't expect treatment to a) be an easy skip, hop and a jump through the side effects and b) don't expect it to work straight away. They put you on a few months treatment for a reason. BUT, it does work amazingly for the majority of people. I wish you good luck and *smooth* sailing!

From: chris in california. A 21 year old male.
Subject: accutane
Date: 06/01/2001 at 22:18 - Message #119

One thing that I do to help the dryness is I use a humidifier in my room to keep the humidity high, so my skin won't dry out so fast. I also drink a lot of water!
Good Luck Everyone!

From: Cam in UK. A 35 year old male.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 06/01/2001 at 20:11 - Message #118

I'm about to start my first course of this after 22 years of acne. Wish me luck.
All the best to everybody!!

From: Trevor in N. Ireland. A 27 year old Male.
Subject: 2nd course
Date: 06/01/2001 at 17:58 - Message #117

I have commenced my 14th week of a 16 week course of roaccutane, although I expect to continue beyond this as my acne is not completely clear yet. I am surprised to read that for most of you a course lasts around 6 months. I think this is why my acne didn't heal completely the first time, around 7 years ago. I was on 65mg back then, and I am on 75MG now. I weigh 86kg. Even though I developed many cysts and pimples on my face and neck during the last 7 years, I did not consider roaccutane because of the side effects. I had experienced all the usual dryness symptoms, but also muscle aches and pains. I play football, and during the treatment I suffered a lot of muscle strains and tears. Also I had not been warned of the problems with contact lenses, and on a number of nights I woke up in agony with tearless eyes. I have suffered from dry eyes ever since and I now only wear my lenses for sport.
However, back in September I decided to give it one more go as I was sick of having acne at my age. I chose this time of year as there is no football on. I have again experienced all the symptons but I was prepared from the beginning. I have developed sore tendons in my arms & knees from lifting weights but I found that glaucosamine helps.
Hopefully it will all be worthwhile.

From: philip cheung in HONG KONG. A 20 year old MALE.
Date: 06/01/2001 at 17:20 - Message #116

(SORRY,MY English is not good)I am on roaccutane on 3/1 00 ,I just take one week(7 days) dosage(I take 30mg a day as directed by my dermatologist),do you know why??? BECAUSE IT"S SO EXPENSIVE!!!!I DON"T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR LONG TERM TREATMENT!!!How come it's so expensive???MY derm told me I need $HK800 a week for 30mg one day!The treatment at least last for half- year, much is it???OH...My God!!!I need pay more than $HK22,000.Can anyone of you from other Country or City,please tell me how much do you cost for this treatment??? I think my derm lies to me ,you know?? i am just a boy with no $$$,no job,my familiy is very poor.....

From: Guy in Israel. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: dosege
Date: 06/01/2001 at 14:34 - Message #115

Hey guys,
Thanks again Mattias for helping me with my last question.
However, another problem has surfaced since.
I am currently serving in the Israeli army, which is actually paying for my Roaccutane course.
The down side to this situation is that I visit different dermatologists every month for inspection.
I started my first month taking 40mg a day. The second derm raised my dosege to 70mg - I am weighing 70kg.
Last week I went to a third derm, who surprisingly insisted uppon lowering my dosege back to 40mg, claiming that 70mg is too much taking in to acount the "dry climate" in my country! The derm didn't even look at the blood test results.
Since I am "army property" I couldn't say a thing. I walked out of his clinic feeling quite depressed.I read about different people who had to repeat their courses, because the dosege they were on wasn't sufficiant.
Should I accept his suggestion, or try for a second opinion?
What are the cases in which the dosege has to be lowerd from the maximum to the minimum required?
I would realy appreciate it if you could help me with my problem (I'm counting on you, Mattias. You are yet to fail me my friend!!)
Wit Da Luv,

From: Lindsey in Bedford, U.K. A 17 year old Female.
Subject: Concerns!
Date: 06/01/2001 at 14:21 - Message #114

Hi. I've been on treatment for acne for about 2 years now and after using a topical lotion, antibiotics, Dianette contraceptive pill and now the pill combined with a gel, I am about to be deferred to a dermatologist with a view to prescribing me 'the dreaded' Roacutane. None of the other treatments have helped me much and while I don't have very severe acne (it's moderate) my G.P feels this is the way to go. The first thing my Mum said when I told her was ''that is the one thing I didn't want to happen.'' And now my fear has well and truly set in! I am worried about hair loss, redness of the face and the dryness, not to mention depression. I am currently being prescribed anti-depressents (am not crazy, I just have 'issues'!), the state of my skin being just one of the problems I'm dealing with at the moment. Am wondering in the Derm will take that into consideration before he prescribes Roacutane, if at all. Although the prospect of beautiful clear skin that isn't constantly painful to touch would be a dream come true, not sure if I could handle worry of side-effects. Would love some reassurance or advice if anyone has any to give. Thanks, Lins xx

From: a sufferer.
Date: 06/01/2001 at 10:34 - Message #113


From: Vince in USA. A 29 year old Male.
Subject: Bitten by the bug
Date: 06/01/2001 at 10:01 - Message #112

Hey all,
I had taken 50mg Accutane pills mostly in the late 80s to help with my moderate to severe acne. I was 6'2" and 190 lbs (86 kg)at the time. I had pretty bad cysts as well, and extremely oily skin. My dad had severe acne also, so I beleive severe acne is very genetic.
I will say that my acne got worse for the first 3 months of the treatment, to the point that I had almost given up on the product. I was wondering if the treatment was going to help at all. Persistance paid off, and about a month after that, the results could be seen and my skin started to clear.
It took an additional 4 months of 50mg dosages to completely clear up my skin, including blackheads. I was exstatic! After that, my dosage was reduced to 25mg, and eventually stopped taking it. My skin was clear (for the most part) for up to 2 years following that treatment.
After this, my skin gradually started getting oily and worse again, but never to the extent it had earlier, and is very managable today with basic cleanliness. Probobly my most severe symptoms (In my veiw) of the drug were the occassional bloody nose. My impression of what the drug did for me is outstanding. Nothing else could have improved my low self-esteem at the time, so technically speaking, it did affect my mood... It made it better. For those of you just starting, be patient. Dryness and redness will occur, chapped lips will occur, bloody noses will occur. But the end result should be worth the time spent with these conditions.
If you are concerned about not getting a high enough dose, dont be. There are health factors, oilyness of the face, and symptoms of acne that determine your dose. Increasing your initial dose will only increase your symptoms, and not neccesarily speed the process of healing. Everyone wants a quick result, but in the case of Accutane, patience really is a virtue.
Just as a note, back in the late 80s when I was taking the drug, my doctor's biggest concern was regarding high cholesterol levels generated by the drug. I'm not sure this is still an issue with today's "version" of the drug, but it may be a concern for those overweight, high blood preasure, or currently high cholesterol. ... Just FYI

From: Chris in Malaysia. A 23 year old Female.
Date: 06/01/2001 at 07:44 - Message #111

Hi all,
My email address should be as above, really appreciate if someone can give me your advise or simply drop me a mail about this medicine.

From: Chris in Malaysia. A 23 year old Female.
Date: 06/01/2001 at 07:30 - Message #110

Hi all,
I think I am the first Malaysian who drops message here. Sorry for my poor english, hope you guys will understand.
I suffered for acne a year ago and it getting worst.
Half a year ago I decided to seek for deterlogisty help and it seems under control after several months. I was frustrated too to have those spots and acnes,my doctor advise me to take roaccutane a week ago.
All the side effets happened to me ie lips dry and flushed. Some of my acne become worst and itch.......
Any of you can advise whether i should continue to take the medicine or to stop? I am afraid to go out with those redness on my face. Besides, red scars from previous acne was still retain. Any way to remove it?

From: Anita in Canada. A 21 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 06/01/2001 at 02:46 - Message #109

Hello!! I am on my 8th week of accutane treatment. So far, my symptoms are: dry, flaky skin, dry lips, dry eyes,and I get nose bleeds everyday. I still have a lot of cysts on my cheeks and forehead. I was just wondering if this is normal. Maybe I'm being impatient. When is it supposed to start clearing up? Is there any product out there that can help clear the cysts up, and fast? Thanks for your help!!

From: Ian in UK. A 24 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane usage
Date: 05/01/2001 at 19:09 - Message #108

Has anyone out there been prescribed roaccutane more than once?
I have been prescribed courses of roaccutane 3 times over the last 6 years and I am currently on my 4th dose now.
I weigh 72kg and have been prescibed 40mg per day. I would just like to say that the side effects are not too serious, dry lips, and dry skin around my upper lip and chin. So for all of you people out there using the drug for the first time, keep on going and good luck.
Tip - for dry lips use tubs of Blistex which are very effective and cheap
Tip - for dry facial skin use E45 mosituriser its very good.
What is the best way of getting the tablets into your system - is it to have a meal containing fat - eg chips and to take the tablets with this meal ?
Finally - I do a lot of sports and have found that the tablets make me very tired and I feel less strong than before - does anyone feel this way?

From: Mattias in Sweden. A 21 year old male.
Subject: Maximum dosage, preganacy after taking (Ro)Accutane, backaches while on (Ro)acc & bad food
Date: 05/01/2001 at 15:14 - Message #107

TO E from Germany:
40 mg sounds like a good starting doseage to me, my derm told me 1 mg/kg for maximum dosage though. From about 8 weeks and on I have upped my dosage to my maximum, 70 mg (I'm 70 kg, or 150lb). Remember that not all people will get any result in the begining of the treatment, some won't get the finally clearing until 1 month AFTER they ended the treatment... That's not truth for all of us though, I have had pretty good skin since about the fourth or fifth week, second and third week were pretty aweful... Good luck!!!
TO Iva in Greece:
You should not worry about getting pregnant this long after the treatment. Only the first couple of month is critical. And five month after the pregancy you shouldn't be worried. Good luck with evrything and if you are still reading this, stop wasting time and... starting making children!!!
To Guy in Israel:
You seem to have a VERY WEIRD derm. First he told you not to exercise, then not to eat chocolate and drink Coke. I love chocolate and after just 4 weeks on Roaccutane and still eating chocolate my skin was clear. I do believe Coca Cola and Pepsi is not good for you, drinking milk is better, but I don't believe its going to make your skin worse.
Seriously, there is no scientific prof for chocolate causing acne.
However, lower back pain IS a side-effect that you can get from Roaccutane. Some non-prescripition pain relievers might help (such as advil, tylenol, aspirin) if the pain gets to bad. Most of the side-effects are dose-related and lowering the roacc-doseage might help, but then you should talk to your derm before you do that. Also the back-ache is not harmful of permant, so don't worry.

From: Pete in Australia. A 27 year old Male.
Date: 05/01/2001 at 06:51 - Message #106

Hi all
Well ive been on roaccutane for over 11 weeks now(40mgs first 4 weeks then 60mgs till now) The areas where my acne was its worst around my chin is at present acne free which im real happy about, but I am still getting a couple of small lumps coming up in other areas which is frustrating this far into the treatment Also in the last few days, a large painful cist has come up, fortunately its on my hair line so I can hide it with my hair, but I must say it is frustrating to still hav lumps coming up this far into the treatment. Even so my face is better and I am hoping it will continue to progress. Current side effects are at the same level as when I first started, dry lips,flaking skin, dry nose but i am keeping these to a minimum with usual remedies. I use blistex lip balm, neutrogena moisturiser for face, and nose nothing cause it does not annoy me
To Phillip Cheung in Hong Kong, hang in there mate, we can all relate with your anxiety, Ive felt the same way as you, I could not go out, I pretended I was sick so I didnt hav to go to work. As my face started getting better since taking roaccutane my whole attitude has changed, Im feeling alot more confident now and you will too, so focus on the future POSTIVES!!!!!!.
Anyone in similar situation to me or wants to ask something please email me!
Ill update you on my progress in a couple of weeks.
take care everyone

From: Emma in Australia. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Smoking dope
Date: 05/01/2001 at 02:00 - Message #105

Hey Michael, regarding your question about smoking marijuana while on roaccutane. I used to smoke heaps before starting my six month coarse of roacc. but when I started this medication I decided it would be better to keep myself as healthy as possible as the roaccutane isn't doing your body the best of things. I'm now almost four months through my course and my skin is looking th best it ever has in years, and I think i've only smoked about 5 times. I was speaking to a friend and he reckoned smoking dope would slow to process of roaccutane down (even though it is a slow process anyway). But in my opinion be as healthy as you can while on this medication, I wouldn't smoke it. But I've only got another couple of months then I can enjoy a joint feeling guilt free!

From: Michael in Scotland. A 22 year old Male.
Date: 05/01/2001 at 00:23 - Message #104

Okay, i don't hold out much hope of getting any response to this as my other message was ignored but what the hell. I used to drink a lot (well when i say a lot i mean more binge drinking - socially, usually at week-ends)and since i can't now (due to ro-accutane) i have been smoking a lot of canibus. Now my query is simple, is this bad? 'Cause my instincts tell me it is but i asked a pharmacist and they said it was okay (or they couldn't find anything in their books that said it couldn't be done). If u know or can help please mail me, 'cause i currently have a guilty conscience. Once again stay strong! and of course good luck everyone!

From: Lisa in California. A 31 year old female.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 04/01/2001 at 19:33 - Message #103

Hi everyone. I am a former accutane user. I finished my treatment about a year and a half ago. My skin is doing very well, exept I recently had my first breakout (which consisted of two pimples). When you go for a long period of time without a pimple, two feels like a lot. Anyway, I am very pleased with my results. Regarding the dry nose, I used neosporin on a q-tip and swabbed it inside my nose. In case you don't know what that is, it is simply a topical antibiotic you put on cuts. Because it is an antibiotic, it tends to really moisturize and heal the inside of the nose. To the guy concerned about his low dosage, I do not think 40 mg is enough for someone your size. I was on 80 mg by the end of my treatment and I weigh 105 pounds. So, definitely get your dosage upped. The products that worked for me are as follows: Cetaphil cleanser for washing the face, Cetaphil lotion for moisturizing the face and body, carmex and aquaphor (applied in that order) on the lips, cortisone cream for rashes, Clinique's "Almost Makeup" as a foundation (worked wonders), and drink tons and tons of water. If anyone has any questions about my treatment, feel free to e-mail me. Good luck to everyone! I hope your results are as good as mine!

From: Visna in Australia. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Is there hope..?
Date: 04/01/2001 at 16:00 - Message #102

Hi everybody,im happy to see you people talk about
accotane. I start my Roaccotane treatment 2 week a go
my first week of treatment i found that nothing effect me but i noticed some side effect such as tireness(sleepwhile im at work)my bone join and that about all.
Now im in my second week of treatment, i experience of dryness especially my lip my eyes( thank god cos i dont wear glasses or contact lens). Since the first week of treatment i notice that my ACNE is getting better and there is`nt much oil on my face but i still suffered some of the side effect. My first week the acne seem to be clear out but now(second week of treament) i noticed some pimple on my face,or maybe how Roaccutane work.
Beforeipost this message i read through the accutane discussion, i felt happy for those who got better and felt sad for those who have too many side effects.
I suffered acne for about 2 years my life completely changed, i been using lots of treatment but nothing work for me. i`ve been told that roaccutane is good for curing acne so i startedthethe 100% hope that accutane will help me but if not i may have to look for treatment from heaven.

From: alba in us. A 39 year old female.
Subject: acne rosecea
Date: 04/01/2001 at 13:34 - Message #101

Dear Frank,
i was on the accutane for 6 months for acne ROSECEA have been off for about 2 months it has helped alot with the acne and also the rosecea. during the last month my flushing got really bad it was scary but now after 2 months my flushing is alot less. to me this drug has been worth the aches! during the last month my hair started falling out now after 2 months it seems to have stopped i had to cut my hair short so it would stop. good luck and hang in there to all.

From: Belinda in Qld, Australia. A 18 year old Female.
Subject: Hey
Date: 04/01/2001 at 11:04 - Message #100

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me with a little problem.
I'm on about my 3rd month now of roaccutane and my nose is sooo dry. It's beginning to sting and get really crusty (gross? yes, very) I've used vaseline on a cotton bud and blistex on a cotton bud, but it donut work. Eeeek. Is there any vitamin I can take that can help with the healing as it's also been peeling. I'm 45 kg and I'm taking 60mg a day. Sometimes I take 40mg one day and 60mg the next to sort of take off the 'edge' on it (as I've been advised by my chemist). Also, my cheeks look kind of flushed and I have red scars. Do you guys know if it's ok for me to apply pure vitamin e onto my skin. Got any recommendations? Thanks kindly guys. I'm sure you'll be able to understand. :-)

From: Laura in USA. A 22 year old female.
Date: 04/01/2001 at 06:27 - Message #99

Hi, everyone! I've been on Accutane for just over 3 mo. now. I'm 135 lbs @ 60 mg a day. The side effects aren't bad to deal with except I'm very worried about the hair loss. Over the past month I've noticed that my once thick hair has gotten much thinner. Is this permanent or over what period of time will it fill out? I still have another 3 months to go. Girls, there's a great make up out there that hides scars wonderfully called Dermablend. It covers without looking cakey and is smudge proof---It works wonders!

From: Mike in UK. A 29 year old Male.
Subject: My Experience
Date: 03/01/2001 at 20:15 - Message #98

I finished my second term of Roaccutane around 5 months ago.
I first took the drug when it was relatively new. I did so for four months at 50mg per day. I experienced all the usual drying of the face effects and up until the end of my treatment I wasn't really happy with the results, but this drug does take its time and when it works it really works well. By around the end of the fifth month (one month after my treatment ended) my skin had completely cleared up and remained that way for around 18 months. It's probably worth pointing out that I didn't have terrible acne, but I had another facial condition caused by the same bacteria, although what acne I did have did clear up.
I finished my second term around 5 months ago and this time I was on Roaccutane for 2 years. I begun on 40mg per day and gradually reduced this down to around one 5mg twice a week. I never really had the drying side effects the second time around but I did suffer hair loss. The hair loss continued after I stopped taking the medication and hasn't stopped yet, although it has slowed down. I spoke to my dermatologist about this and she claimed that Roaccutane doesn't cause hair loss, although the leaflet that comes with the drug suggests it does, so I don't quite know what to think, maybe its natural. I'm not trying to worry people but I do think you should raise the side effects issue with your dermatologist just in case, as I know I'm not the only person to have suffered hair loss whilst using this product.
On a brighter note I would strongly suggest you continue using this drug even if you think things are getting worse, it is by far the best available, just keep thinking ahead things will get better.
During my treatment I used 'Sebamed liquid face and body wash' to wash my face as it has the same ph value as water and was recommended to me by my dermatologist.
To keep my skin moist I used 'E45 24 hour moisturiser'.
Thanks for listening.

From: Lizzy in Southampton UK. A 18 year old girlie.
Subject: sniff sniff
Date: 03/01/2001 at 19:14 - Message #97

Hey everybody, I found this site by accident and I think it's a really good idea, it was very interesting to read about other peoples' experiences with Roaccutane... Sadly I tried it a while back and although I found it the best thing I'd ever tried as far as my acne was concerned (I'd tried millions of other treatments before it) I wasn't allowed to go on taking it because I had so many side effects. I had just about everything on the list, but the worst one was when I had such bad stomach ache I passed out... Now I'm using yet another useless antibiotic and it is getting on my nerves just a tad that it doesn't work! I am really happy for everyone who has tried Roaccutane and now has maddeningly perfect skin, but if anyone else is like me please drop me a line, I am feeling rather left out. Also if anyone knows anything else I haven't tried please let me know, I'm ever hopeful.......

From: Maria in Lebanon. A 20 year old Female.
Date: 03/01/2001 at 16:38 - Message #96

Hi everyone, I've been on roaccutane for 4 and a half months now, and i've got the usual side effects but what's really bothering me is that though my skin is very dry there are still one ot two pimples breaking out. when i started i thought i'd have flawless skin by now but i have a skin full of red marks and a couple of pimples. Did this happen to anyone and does it mean that this medication won't work? i really went thru alot at the start of treatment and it just kills to know now that it maybe for nothing...

From: Laura in Ohio. A 25 year old Female.
Subject: products!
Date: 02/01/2001 at 21:40 - Message #95

Hi fellow accutane users, i am on my second week and all is well, except for the dryness of course! For everyone having trouble finding the right products, here are a few that have really helped me.. To wash my face, i use Neutogena Pump Unscented, it's really mild. for lotion i use Moisturel, it works wonders and it doesnt clog pores. if you can't find it on the shelf, ask the pharmicist..sometimes they keep it behind the counter. I use it on my face and body. In the shower i user Dove body wash for sensitive skin, it really helps the dryness...and last but not least....for my lips i have been using aquaphor day and night! Well i hope this helps and good luck to everyone! only 18 more weeks for me! :)

From: E in Germany. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: enough?
Date: 02/01/2001 at 18:44 - Message #94

I posted a message before when I was wondering if 40mg of roaccutane a day was enough to take for a guy of 180lbs and 6ft. I haven't had many results after a couple weeks me w/ what you think.

From: philip cheung in HongKong. A 20 year old male.
Subject: roacctuane
Date: 02/01/2001 at 17:45 - Message #93

(Sorry my English isn't very good enough,I hope readers could understand what I want to express)I have been suffering acne for 7yrs(I think it is going on & on),I still feel very very very depressed up to now,and not happy over the past yrs,I cry and cry,avoid seeing people,no friends,no bravery no confidence to do anything....Over the past yrs I have tried lots of methods(external and internal treatment such astetracycline,Chinese Medicine and buy lots of acne cream,cleansing gel oil control,etc. )but no help up to now,I think I spent nearly HK$40000 just for my face treatment!Sometimes I really want to end to my life since it's horrible every time I face the mirror and I break lots of mirrors over the past yrs!I AM VERY ANGRY WITH IT and why only me(very kind boy) suffer from this "sick" but not my hateful friend!It's not fair! Last month I read a newspaper that a American boy commited suicide after taking Roaccutane,since then, I learnt that I still got a hope to cure my "sick" with Roaccutane! I am plannig to take this medicine since I found lots of information about it,Actually,my acne is not very very serious compared with those reader who can't see their clear face and got it all red dots spots....But my skin becomes really very very oilly greasy after washing the face for only 10mins the pores are very big, I just hope roacctuane can cure my "sick" even the side- effects are very strong!I think I am the first hongkong people to post my message,we are different people( i mean culture, colour,tribes)but we got the same "problem"!!THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO SAY!GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE AND me!

From: Sophie in Gloucester. A 19 year old Female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 31/12/2000 at 19:47 - Message #92

Hi everyone. I started Roaccutane about 2 weeks ago and so far I've just experienced dry lips and slighly dry skin. I'm on 60mg a day and I was expecting the side-effects to be more severe (going by what the derm told me) so would be interested to hear how other people were doing at this stage in treatment. I've been encouraged by some messages I've read but others have made me worry about experiencing other severe side effects. Have many people suffered hair-loss? I'm really glad I found this site as I've found that people just don't seem to understand how acne can make you feel unless they've experienced it so it's good to be able to share views with people who have been there too. I'd love to hear from people who've had success with Roaccutane as I could do with hearing some positive experiences at the moment! Hope everyone has a happy new yearxx

From: Iva in Greece. A 25 year old female.
Subject: when?
Date: 31/12/2000 at 03:31 - Message #91

I had the same treatment for 6 months (20mg per day)and my face was much better looking. I finished the treatment in August, but during the last two weeks I realize that my skin is starting to be again like before. I'm worried and don't know what to do. Anyone with the same experience?
Also, I would like to start planning my family and I do not know if it's too early for the baby? Please give me your comments
Best regards to all of you:)

From: A.
Date: 30/12/2000 at 21:45 - Message #90

I agree - my skin got a bit worse after first starting roaccutane too, but from everything I've read that's completely normal. Don't worry, once your skin becomes clear you'll realise it was well worth it!!! Try taking some Vitamin E capsules (although start at first with a lower dose and then work up slowly). This will help with the current pimples clearing up, plus will help out with dry eyes or any sun sensitivity.

From: Ian.
Subject: TO REGAN
Date: 30/12/2000 at 19:25 - Message #89

don't worry if your skin has got worse after 10 days of treatment! ;-) this is expected in the first couple of weeks and then that's when the treatment starts to kick in! give it a week or so & your skin should start to get better. hope that helps.

From: E in Germany. A 17 year old male.
Subject: sucess and suppliers.
Date: 30/12/2000 at 17:51 - Message #88

Hello People...
I live in germany and am about a month into the treatment at 20mg 2 times daily. My skin has been dry but no drier than usual at this time of year and for the most part, theres been no results or side-effects so far. I was also wondering if there may be a difference in the medication depending on where it comes from...meaning which country. Mine is ordered from spain or italy not sure which. I mean are paople all around the world getting the exact same treatment??? Also, I'm not sure but maybe 40mg/day is a small ammt. for someone who is 180lbs and 6ft1in. Maybe i could get feedback from people who've upped their dosage. I am always anxious to hear success stories for inspiration.
Happy New Years to all of you :)

From: A girl in Canada.
Date: 30/12/2000 at 16:14 - Message #87

Just for curiosity, those of you on Accutane, do you have a very sensitive smell? I can smell everyone's nasty head smells ever since I started the stuff... please let me know!

From: Regan in South Africa. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: Serious Breakouts
Date: 29/12/2000 at 22:20 - Message #86

I've been on Roaccutane (Accutane) for 10 days now and I've noticed my skin is 10 times worse than it was when I started a week ago. How normal is this? Is there anything extra I can take to help heal my current pimples?

From: Guy in Israel. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Food
Date: 29/12/2000 at 22:00 - Message #85

Hello again Roaccutane users,
Fisrt of all I'd like to thank Mattias for helping me with my first problem. I decided to lay off the phisical activities until I'll be through with the course. However, my lower back is hurting me. I hope it's not related in some way!
Moreover, I have another question for the board -
I'm sure most of you guys have heard differnt things about the relation between acne and food.
My first derm warned me about eating chocolate, and drinking coffee or coke. However, other doctors denied that there is any scientifically proved connection.
In the past there were times when I actualy felt my acne getting worst after drinking coke, or eating chocolate. I wonder if it's phsycological, or whether it's a real phisical reaction. Have any of you guys had similar experiences? Do you have some answers for me? And finally, what about eating that stuff during my Roaccutane course? Are there any suggestions concerning the best "acne free" diet?
I hope that you guys can help me.
I wish you all good luck, happiness and peace.
Wit Da Luv,

From: Alex Brad in Toronto. A 19 year old male.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 29/12/2000 at 21:51 - Message #84

Hey all
I just recently started another course of accutane, its been about a week, and I have the common break outs,
However I feel very week, my eyes seem to DROOP, and I get a few headaches, is this serious?? Heres the bottom line I went to the hospital the other day because I was feeling quiet sick, and they did Blood Tests/and a ETC scan, (brain scan) test's came back find? Whats up Any ideas please EMAIL me and help
I also have a bit of vertigo in my one ear due to a infection I had, it causes me to get dizzy and what not, can it be the Vertigo and not the accutane ??

From: Anonymous in Northern Ireland. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: Redness
Date: 29/12/2000 at 21:34 - Message #83

My face gets really red as if i look permantently embarassed. Does anyone have any suggestions other than using creams which I already use to help and reduce the redness. I'm willing to try anything, for anyone else with this problem I have found drinking lots of water and cooling your body from within help reduce it a little

From: Katherine in uk. A 20 year old female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 29/12/2000 at 01:01 - Message #82

I've had moderately severe acne on my face, chest and back for years now. My GP prescribed every antibiotic going, but they seemed to make little difference. Eventually, I was referred to a dermatologist and I've been on roaccutane for three months. I started out on 35mgs - I now realise how low a dosage that is. It seemed to be working - I had loads of side effects - dry skin, nosebleeds, sore lips - I even pulled a muscle in my neck. I don't know whether the strain was related to my medication, but it didn't do anything to cheer me up. The spots cleared a little, though not entirely, during the first month of treatment, but then I began to get lumps beneath the surface of my skin, and eventually my acne was as bad, if not worse than ever. And I still had the side-effects.
My dermatologist prescribed an oral steroid - premedisolone. I began on 30mg and am slowly reducing - I'm down to 5mg a day now, and will come off that medication in a week's time. My skin isn't great - it still has spots, and where it doesn't, it's dry and sore. However, I'm sticking with it - I'm determined to give the Roaccutane my best shot, as I've spent too long hating the way that my skin looks and feels.
The side-effects can be horrid - I had a nosebleed during an important meeting, and wanted the ground to open up and swallow me! But I have found ways of controlling the milder side-effects. Most of the following is advice given by a friend who took rooaccutane successfully - and who is now a pharmacist herself - so it's tried and tested, and approved!
I find that applying Vaseline to the inside of my nose with cotton buds (q-tips for those of you in the States!) works really well to stop nosebleeds - it just prevents the skin there from drying out and cracking.
I do this every night before I go to bed - if I forget, I have a nosebleed the following morning.
I'm using standard aqueous cream from my local chemist as a facial moisturiser. It's fairly cheap, and I have a huge pot - I don't go anywhere without it! It's water-based (hence the name) and so doesn't clog your pores. I use it two-three times daily - it rubs in easily, and you can wear makeup over it.
My dermatologist gave me a similar tub of 'epaderm' - I don't know if this is readily available elsewhere, but it's an emollient with the consistency of Vaseline, but less oily. I use it as a shower creme, and think it's great. It's especially good on elbows and heels.
I've always used Max Factor Lasting Performance foundation - it's quite drying and when my skin was greasy (pre-Roaccutance) that was great. I still use it, albeit with huge amounts of moisturiser underneath because I have no worries about it making my skin break out. I have too many unsightly scars to forgo makeup anyway. No chance!
For my sore lips, I found a product from Boots' The Chemist - a teeny tube of lip cream, which I think is related to aqueous cream. It softens my lips even when they hit that awful scaly point, and then I wallop on Vaseline. It only costs 1.99stlg and lasts me for ages - I think I might have jacked in the Roaccutane without it.
This message is way too long - but I've just discovered this message board, and intend to visit again frequently to see how everyone gets on. Good luck! If I find out anything else that might make the whole damn thing a bit more bearable, I'll let you know.

From: Frank in Belgium. A 30 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane and rosacea
Date: 27/12/2000 at 23:08 - Message #81

Hi to you all
I've been taking roaccutane for 7 weeks, not for the treatment of acne, but for the related skin problems rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. I tried several other treatments before, but because of the combination of these problems, it was never successful.
I've started the roaccutane treatment with a 20mg dose for the first 3 weeks, now I'm on a 40mg dose. My skin feels better already and the side-effects are limited to dry lips and facial redness (but I have that anyhow, although it's somewhat worse now).
Is there anybody that has done this treatment for the same reasons as me, and was it successful? Also if you have any information on any treatment of my skin problem, please let me know. It has dominated my life for the past couple of years, and I don't want that anymore.

From: Melanie in USA. girly.
Date: 27/12/2000 at 18:07 - Message #80

Wow. It has been a very long time since I last posted here. For those of you that I haven't met, I began treatment last February for my moderate(nearly severe) cystic acne. At the time I was practically in the depths of dispair! I was so incredibly unhappy with my entire life, due mostly to my appearance. After twenty weeks of 80mg/day, I had very little acne, but my skin was constantly red. No matter what I did, if I became even slightly warm or irritated, my entire body became red as an apple(which was absolutely hilarious because I am a VERY white person). The mentioned side effects continued until the summer, but it was worth it. Right now I am healthy, happy and have beautiful skin. I wash my skin twice a day with Noxema and expholiate when needed. I always try to remember to wear sunscreen because I still burn easily.
Anyways, the point of my posting is to offer any of you advice. There were so many people who helped me through my treatment and I'd really like to help any of you that I can. Acne sucks and it's hard to deal with. Especially when accutane doesn't work right away. Keep your heads up!!

From: Mattias in Sweden. A 21 year old male.
Date: 27/12/2000 at 12:45 - Message #79

To Guy: Exercising is not harmful, a girl who has written on this board is professional athletes and have taken roaccutane at the same time. You might experience aching and sore muscle after exercising hard. There is no recommendation from Roche that tells you not to exercise. Just be a little bit careful.
To Pierre: Have you gotten your bloodworks done? Also, you must take accutane with food, or it might mess up your stomach. You might have to decrease the dosage, most sideeffects are dose-related...
To T in Toronto: I experienced intial hairloss, but it subsided. Try washing your hair less often. Or don't use schampoo every time. The dryness tends to make it more brittle.

From: Guy in Israel. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Working-out
Date: 27/12/2000 at 12:13 - Message #78

Hi to all Accutane users,
I'm using Roaccutane myself, still waiting for results and hoping for the best.
However, I have one question to ask -
Why is it not recommended to work-out while using the drug?
I'd realy like to keep up with my routine, but my derm is quite negative about it.
I hope one of you guys could share some experiences on the matter.
Thanks and good luck with your course!

From: hhh.
Date: 25/12/2000 at 18:17 - Message #77


From: Joven in Canada. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: reply to Pierre in Australia
Date: 25/12/2000 at 09:42 - Message #76

The side effects that you are suffering from are some of the more severe ones. These are the one that should be looked at by a doctor. You can do permanent damage to yourself.
I had a friend who had side affects such as constant headaches, blurred vision, and vomitting. He went into a coma and almost died. He also had to go to a doctor who worked on his eyes, barely saving his eyesight. It was very close.
I am not trying to bum people out. Very few people have these kinds of side effects. But when you are having these kinds of reactions to the drug DO NOT ignore them. I mean having good skin is not worth your life. Roa doesnt jive with everyone, it is sad but true. So just be responsible about it.

From: Paul in USA. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane Side-Affects
Date: 24/12/2000 at 20:59 - Message #75

Hey all, Just checking in. I've been on 80mg a day for about 4 weeks now, and I can say that I'm noticing results, nothing spectacular, but I can tell it's working. I have the dry lips, nose, and eyes that everyone else experiences, but have rexcently noticed a rash developing on my lower arms, but nowhere else. I'm wondering if this may be a result of overly dry skin, or something unrelated to my accutane treatment. Has anyone else experienced a skin rash while taking accutane? I will see the doc in another week to have my blood work done, and also to see if I can have my doseage increased to 120mg a day, he mentioned that that was a possibility if my body was handling it well. I'll also try to get some answers about this rash. It's a shame I wasn't blessed with better skin, but I'm living with it, and doing what I can to improve it. Thanks for your help and support, I wish you all a wonderful holiday. Keep your spirits up!

From: jenny in us. A 21 year old female.
Subject: ortho-tri cyclen
Date: 24/12/2000 at 03:24 - Message #74

hi, guys
i tried roaccutane about a years wasn't that affective for me.
so, i decided try ortho-tri cyclen...which claims it will cure mild acne.
i took 21 pills so far...but my mild acne is not getting any seems to get little worse actually....
is there anybody who tried ortho-tir cyclen??
am i supposed to get worse before i get better? Just like roaccutane?(when i took roaccutane it got worse before it got better)
Should I keep taking the pills for couple more months?
i need help~
thank you

From: T in Toronto, Canada. A 18 year old Male.
Subject: starting off
Date: 23/12/2000 at 09:36 - Message #73

Hi all I just started my treatment a week ago and it has gotten really bad on my face but my back is getting better. My hair is starting to thin a little bit too. i wonder if any of u has experience it worsen in the first week or so?

From: Antonio Decruz in Toronto. A 19 year old male.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 23/12/2000 at 06:49 - Message #72

Hey all hows it going! Hopefully good!
Well here's my story, I have been on Accutane twice now, once when I was 16, then 17, both time's the accutane worked pretty good,
However after the treatment, within I say 8 months I would brake out. It's a daily thing now, everyday a new bunch of pimples, which is quiet annoying, I have spent a good 1000 bucks in the last year on PATHETIC, acne miracle cures! The acne is really annoying and has controlled most of my teen life!
I am going to my doctors to go on my Third Course of Accutane, is there anything I should know about going on a third course? Should I recommend a long course, he only put me for 12 weeks once, I want a 20 week course, please help me out ASAP,
Thank you

From: maria in norway. A 25 year old female.
Date: 22/12/2000 at 12:49 - Message #71

Hello everybody.
I took Roa for 3 1/2 months. End of treatment was in july. I'm very glad I took the drug, I looked like a pizza. It is so much better now, and I recomend you to go for Roa. No other drug could have done the job this time. Sideeffects was dry lips and nose and depression. But I would have been even more depressed if I hadn't taken the drug. If you wonder wether you should go for the drug or not- I recomend you to go for it now before your scarring gets worse. Don't think it's all your fault, and judge yourself for not doing the right things to get rid of the acne. You need medical treatment if your acne bothers you. And if you feel that you doctor doesn't understand, well- go to another doctor! They are not always as intelligent as they seem.
I have a lot of scars and I want to go for treatment later, but I don't know what kind of.
Merry X-mas to all of you, and don't let other peoples staring destroy you X-mas. Please write to me on my e-mail, maybe I can help you with some of my experience. I know how hard this is for a lot of you people on this site. M.

From: Pierre in Australia. A 17 year old male.
Subject: Nausea, Blindness and suspected Stomach Cancer...
Date: 22/12/2000 at 10:42 - Message #70

hello fellow rowie users. man, the stuff is killer, my face and back do look heaps better, but my stomach and entire lower chest are in constant agony. My vision is blurred a lot of the time and i experience episodes of fever and cold chills. You know that stage where you're almost about to vomit ? well, sometimes i'm at that stage for an hour. it truly is very traumatising. however, i have had 3 friends who have used good ol' roaccutane, and there is not a blemish on their whole bodies. i will keep up with the treatment, but sometimes it really can get you down. My derm has also prescribed Ibilex and Prednisone, one is a suppresant, the other an anti-biotic. has anyone else ever used these ? and if so can they tell how it has effected them or conflicted with the roaccutane...good luck

From: Colman Jones in Toronto, Canada. A 41 year old Male.
Subject: Seeking Canadian Accutane users!
Date: 21/12/2000 at 17:30 - Message #69

I am a researcher based in Toronto, Canada, looking at adverse effects associated with Accutane. I am particularly interested in hearing from any Canadian users of the drug who find themselves suffering from depression or suicidal thoughts that they suspect may be related to the drug. Please contact me ASAP at or by calling (416)-538-8013, collect if necessary.
Thank you,
Colman Jones

From: Joven in Canada. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Ecstasy
Date: 21/12/2000 at 10:24 - Message #68

I have had mild acne since I was in high school. I had been able to keep it under control so far with antibiotics. It wasnt until this year that I really started to breakout. The really serious breakouts came a couple months after I began taking ecstasy on the weekends. After this I could not manage the acne anymore with what I was currently taking. I went to a derm that prescribed accutane and the rest is history.
Has anyone else experienced breakouts like this as a result of the drug?
To anyone with a skin problem, I would not recommend taking E or if you are already I would quit.
Good luck all.

From: Ryan in USA. A 18 year old male.
Subject: accutane
Date: 21/12/2000 at 00:53 - Message #67

I'm on 60mg a day and this is my second month. Anyways, I was putting on my socks the other day and glanced at my right sole. I noticed a big blister and also a weird small indention in my foot that was kind of bleeding. I know this is a side affect but has this happened to anyone else. It doesn't hurt at all eighter. Only other side effects are dry skin which I love and really dry lips.

From: Mattias in Sweden.
Subject: correction:
Date: 20/12/2000 at 14:36 - Message #66

This is the official information from, see: AND WARNINGS
"Wax epilation and skin resurfacing procedures (such as dermabrasion, laser) should be avoided during Accutane therapy and for at least 6 months thereafter due to the possibility of scarring (see ADVERSE REACTIONS: Skin and Appendages)."

From: Mattias Rask.
Date: 20/12/2000 at 14:04 - Message #65

To Susie: Sun will accelerate the process of peeling. The good thing is that may help to get rid of old skin, redness and some scaring. However, sun also accerates the aging of your skin, in other words: Too much sun will make your skin, and you, look older...
To all of The Accutane/Roccutane users out there. Wait atleast 3 month with peels after you get of the medication, accutane makes your skin thinner and more sensetive. For more information, see official information from Roche.

From: george in London. A 34 year old male.
Subject: Third treatment?
Date: 19/12/2000 at 16:55 - Message #64

I started on accutane about 13 years ago. A six month dosage cleared up my acne and I was fine for 3 years. Then it came back. I went on the drug again on a stronger dosage and have been clear for the last 9 years until a few months ago, when it reappeared on my back. I am considering asking for another dosage, are there any limits to how many times you can take it? The only side affects I had previously were dry skin and a few nose bleeds, otherwise I was fine.
To anyone else thinking of taking it, all I can say is that it isn't much fun but the boost to my confidence I got from having clear skin was worth it in the end.

From: Ricki in Israel. A 17 year old female.
Subject: Accutan
Date: 19/12/2000 at 10:51 - Message #63

Ironaclly after starting accutan my acne got worse.
i'm on it for 2 monthes and am on 30 mg i weighe 110 pounds (is this dosege right for me?).
i asked my dermotaligist to increse the dosege and he said that he dosent want to.
dose anyone know if it is o.k to be on the drug if u have stones in u'r gallblatter which is somehow conected to u'r liver?
Thanks, Ricki.

From: Susie in Ireland. A 23 year old female.
Subject: Roaccutane and alcohol
Date: 19/12/2000 at 10:29 - Message #62

To Jodi, yes you can take Roaccutane for mild acne, in fact dermatologists tend to prefer putting a patient on Roaccutane to get rid of mild persistent acne, rather than messing around for years with other alternatives.
I have had mild persistent acne for three years and am about to start my first course of Roaccutane on Jan 12. I know that I must give up drinking (favourite Irish pastime) but I'm windering if the odd glass of wine wtih dinner will send my liver into overdrive. Has anybody else had the occasional drink while on Roaccutane? I'd appreciate any help or feedback thanks!

From: Matthew in US. A 18 year old male.
Subject: 7 1/2 weeks
Date: 19/12/2000 at 01:43 - Message #61

Hi, I'm on 60mg a day of accutane. I'm almost on my eigth week. I can't belive how I've been taking this stuff for almost eight weeks, it seems like just last week I got the prescription. I've notest some definite changes in my face since I've started accutane. my nose used to be filled with black heads. Now my nose is completely clear and the pores are actually starting to disappear. I also have very big pores under my eyse and beside my nose and they too are starting to smooth out. I still have deep blemishes though on both my cheeks but hoping they'll go away as I continue the accutane. My face is also about 200% dryer then it used to be. Before my face was drenced with oil which I couln't stand. The only side effects that I have now are dry lips which I don't mind at all, acually kinda of like it because I know the accutane is working. Also was given clindamycin gel along with accutane. Anyone else been given this and did it help at all? This board is awsome because it shows that were not alone. Hang in there and good luck to all.

From: Jonny in Midlands. A 15 year old male.
Subject: Roccutane
Date: 18/12/2000 at 14:22 - Message #60

I have started taking roccutane today, can anyone tell me if the side effect "your hair goes thin" is true or not? im starting to get a bit worried at this.
How long does it take for this to work? when will I see the changes if it is succsesful.
Hope someone can help, BYE

From: Stuart in London, UK. A 26 year old male.
Subject: Answers
Date: 18/12/2000 at 13:50 - Message #59

Hello again everyone,
In reply to some of your messages:
Paul: If you are 240 lbs, then you should be on 100mg a day - not 80mg. I know this because you are a similar weight to myself & I am on 100mg a day, & my acne has almost gone - within 12 days !!! Also, try to use Simple soap instead of Dove.
Tania: Everyone gets dry lips with Accutane. Use Vaseline or a similar product for this. Also, aching bones are a symtom as well. I tend to get a very aching chest after exercising or if I cough too hard. Don't be too worried about it.
Joanne: The best facewash is no facewash. When you wash your face with soap, it stimulates the sebem (horrible word). You'll be better off to either just rinse your face with water, or use only a little amount of soap (Simple seems to be the best soap for us).
Hope this helps, feel free to E-mail me if you have ANY other questions,

From: Paul in US. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Accutane Treatment
Date: 17/12/2000 at 17:25 - Message #58

I've had mild acne since about 17 or so, but it never got bad until somewhat recently. I think stress has a lot to do with my breakouts, I'm in the military, and I started breaking out horribly 5 months ago, about the same time I broke up with a girlfriend, changed shifts at work, and started college in the evenings. I tried tetracyclene, Retin-A, and a number of other things. Finally the doc prescribed Accutane, and I've been on it for almost three weeks. My face is still pretty bad, and I'm having the same side affects that others are. I'm on 80mg a day, but I think maybe I should be taking a higher dose, I weigh 240lbs. I was also washing my face like crazy, using benzyl peroxide and salycilic acid products, I've since stopped that, and am just using dove soap. I'm just looking for any tips or other's experiences, I'm usually a very active and friendly person, but with all this acne I get really irritated, and don't really want to talk to anyone; it's really embarrasing! Well, your thoughts are appreciated, thanks, and good luck!

From: Tania in Australia. A 22 year old Female.
Subject: DRY LIPS
Date: 17/12/2000 at 10:45 - Message #57

Hi there,
I have just started taking Roaccutane & I have a question for all you people that have been on it for a while. My lips are so dry, does this go away or do I have to wait until I stop taking Roaccutane??
Has anyone else had any wierd sore bones? If I lie on my stomach & then try to roll over or stand up I get intense pain in my ribcage, as if my bones are changing position. It's really scary & painful & I wondered if it was caused by Roaccutane as it's only just started happening.

From: joanne in ireland. A 19 year old female.
Subject: face washes
Date: 15/12/2000 at 15:55 - Message #56

i started taking accutane 2 weeks ago. skin is starting to get dry so i was wondering does anyone know the best face wash to use??

From: Kathryn in Florida. A 22 year old Female.
Subject: accutane/moisturizers
Date: 15/12/2000 at 02:45 - Message #55

Hi all. I recommend anyone with skin problems to check out Paula Begoun's books, especially "The Beauty Bible", and Don't Go to the Cosmetics counter without me. She is a unbiased objective cosmetics reviewer and gives many good tips. i learned that although many products claim to be "oil free" they still have many ingredients that dont have oil sounding names that are still terrible for your skin. also you ABSOLUTELY dont need ANY moisturizer, oil free or regular, if you have oily skin- the claim that oily skin is actually "dry" skin that produces too much oil and needs moisture is pure bogus. also there are few simple products, like petroleum and mineral oil that are oily but are proven to have no adverse effect on oily skin, and are completely safe. also dont fall for "non comedoneginic" or "non acnegenic" labels. they have many ingredients that dont sound like oil but actually are very irritating to the skin. I have had acne for years, and although I am on retin A and my skin is under some control and I am considering accutane, these books contain a wealth of smart unbiased information and have helped me alot and saved me money. Invest!

From: Bronwyn in England. A 17 year old female.
Date: 14/12/2000 at 21:32 - Message #54

My experience of acne ,as for everyone who experiences acne,hasn't been a pleast one.In some respects i have been quite lucky in the fact that i only have acne on my back (upper and lower back) but not on my face.I have had this for 5 years and after trying numerous treatment ( antibiotics- which just don't work ) finally my Derm put me on Roaccutan ..i have been on 60mg a day and i am in my 4th and final month.Ironically my tablets finish on new years year ,new beginning?!Roaccutan has been absolutley fantastic for is the best decision that i have ever made...i have experienced hardly any side effects but i have been constantly using E45 cream and Vasaline which i would recommend to anyone on the treatment.I have been reading the messages on this site for a while and it is really comforting to know that other people are going though what you are.I don't know what acne has done to other people but i personally feel that it has made me into a stronger person....although it has effected me greatly i feel that to a certain extent i am less of a judgemental person and am prepared to take people for who they are and not how they look(as so many people do!)although it sounds silly i feel that whilst having acne your life is almost at a stand still and everything centers around getting rid of it...with no one around you understanding what acne can actually do do you psychologically.
I would like to wish everyone good luck and to remember that the best results are supposed to be seen in the last month!! Keep on going everyone - we will get the better of our acne someday!!

From: laurie in united kingdom. A 20 year old female.
Subject: personal diary from a accutune user
Date: 14/12/2000 at 19:52 - Message #53

Hi my names Laurie,

From: Kay. A 19.8 year old female.
Subject: Be carefull about makeup
Date: 14/12/2000 at 14:08 - Message #52

To Chloe Jeanette
Be vey carefull about the makeup you're using. If it is not oil free, most definitly it will cause u're face to break out (you're basically clogging your pores with the foudation which can only lead to infection). then there's the oil free type, but i'm rather skeptic about the promotion that its appropriate for acne prone skin. i'm using an oil free compact foundation (my derm prescribed) but am still on roaccutane and the weather is cold so my skin is very very dry. i dont have any complaints about it so far. To be on the safe side, why don't u check with your derm to make sure you're using the right makeup

From: Rob in UK. A 16 year old Make.
Date: 14/12/2000 at 11:20 - Message #51

Hi Stuart, thanks for that info. I've decided not to use it anyway cos things were starting to look really good, but a bit dry. So the other night i used sudocrem and the following night things were looking really bad again. I think it also blocks the pores too much. I'm on week 9 now and still on 40mg, i'm a heavy guy 12 stone so i hope next time i see the dermo' he'll boost my dosage.
Good luck every1 BYE

From: Stuart in London, UK. A 26 year old Male.
Subject: This may help.
Date: 14/12/2000 at 10:57 - Message #50

Hi everyone,
I think that you should all be aware that you should be very careful when choosing a moisturising cream. There is a 'chemical' called LANOLIN contained in most of these creams, which many people are allergic to. Rob in England - (hello, nice weather we're having - NOT!) - Sudocrem is full of Lanolin, try using Vaseline or Simple. It will take up to 3 months to get this stuff fully out of your system, so be patient. Other creams that I've used that have Lanolin are E45 & Nivea. If any of you people are using these, then try a different product instead - it may help.
On a different note - Laura in Alabama - you're NOT too old to start Accutane - I'm 26 & started 8 days ago. Go back & demand this treatment - nobody deserves to live with acne.
Hope this helps, good luck.

From: Chloe Jeanette. A 19 year old female.
Subject: ACK! Acne coming back?!
Date: 13/12/2000 at 19:16 - Message #49

Oh geez. I have been off Accutane for almost 2 weeks now, and I have recently broken out with 2 cysts. YIKES! The first one cleared up quickly, and the other one has been taking a few days. What's going on here?! I HAVE BEEN OFF IT TWO WEEKS. That's it.
And I took SO much of it too. I took about 40mg the first month, 60mg the second, and 80mg for four more months. I only weigh 115 lbs, and my acne was only moderate to begin with.
I'm just SO afraid it's going to come back! Has anyone else experienced anything like this? My face was clear for the last two months on Accutane. Argh.
Could my foundation be causing this? My time of the month? I just don't understand...

From: kel in Aus. A 18 year old female.
Date: 12/12/2000 at 08:04 - Message #48

I will be finishing up my course of roaccutane next January and so far the results have had me amazed. My acne has almost completely cleared up and although there may be a bit of scarring I would have to say that it was worth the time. Basically the only side effect experienced by myself was very dry and flaky skin (usually only a week a month) and very dry lips.
I wish to know what sort of scar treatments people have been receiving for there after roaccutane treatment. Thankyou .

From: Kay. A almost 20 year old female.
Date: 12/12/2000 at 06:58 - Message #47

Hi everyone? i've been taking Roaccutane for 3 months and a half now... my face has finally cleared up except for the red marks which are fading... still a couple of days ago, a thumb-size painfull infected pimple appeared on my cheek, it is healing rather fast to what i was used to, but am very worried... i mean the medication is supposed to be quite effective by now, the fact that i have a pimple like this right now, is worrying me much more than how i look with it.
has anyone ever had something like this??? thanks!

From: Ross in Canada. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Vitamins
Date: 10/12/2000 at 00:05 - Message #46

I know your not supposed to take multi-vitamins while on Accutane. But what about Vitamin E and C supplements? I dont see why there would be any problems, but you never know.

From: matt in USA. A 22 year old male.
Subject: accutane
Date: 08/12/2000 at 05:22 - Message #45

Believe it or not i've taken accutane two different times already and after the second time its now starting to come back. Its only been like 6 months. I don't think i could take that stuff again. Has anyone ever taken accutane three times?? My acne isn't really bad but its bad enough to were nothing seems to work. Anyone have any suggestions? please let me know.

From: MG in canada. A 25 year old female.
Subject: comment
Date: 07/12/2000 at 20:15 - Message #44

I come from québec in canada so i don't speak english very well but i will try to write something to share my experience of acne. Since 5 months i take accutane (40mg for 6 months). I had read I lot of your comment but i seem to experiment i side effect different of you about my eyes, i have my eye very dry, my face is not very red, it's my eyes, and they are very very red but. I put eye drop for dryness but it's not enough. Does someones else as this problem? I hope it will not become permanent after the treatement. I find that accutane is a really long treatement, want i decide to begin with accutane i was very discourage to see the long way i will must to do, but day after day, the way decrease. And i another think that i want to share with the person who dont us accutane, is not to wash your skin a lot (1 time a day is too ) because when you wash your skin, you put out the sebum of your face and it stimulate your sebum gland to produce again sebum to protect your skin, more you wash, more your glands are stimulate and more your risqu to increase your acne is there... i learn it to late... Don't forget that the acne is not a cleaning problem, is a glands problem.
bye, I hope my englih wasn't to bad

From: Matt in us. A 18 year old male.
Subject: clindamycin
Date: 07/12/2000 at 02:43 - Message #43

When I was givn accutane about six weeks ago my derm also gave me a gel called clindamycin. Has anybody else been given this prescription while on accutane? Did it help your face at all or not. All I know is that its a whole lot better then that benzamycin stuff. Once you put that stuff on your face it gets super dry and then a bunch of white residue shows up where you put it on and thats basically my whole face. Imagine putting that stuff on and then going to high school where image is everything. I basically avoided everyone. And I wonder why I don't have many friends. Oh well, what ever doesn't kills us only makes us stronger or something like that. I hope its true. Bye

From: Rob in UK. A 16 year old Male.
Date: 06/12/2000 at 10:29 - Message #42

Hi all, I posted about a weeks ago saying everything was getting better but recently i the infected areas on my face are going really red. I use a creme called sudocrem, which is good. But it does block your pores so i try not to use it.
Can any1 in the UK recoment any moisturiser that i can use at night (when no1 sees me!!!:)
Cheers and Good Luck Every1

From: Pete in Australia. A 27 year old Male.
Date: 06/12/2000 at 01:54 - Message #41

Hi all
Ive been on roaccutane for 7 and a half weeks now, I was on 40 mgs the first 4 weeks and then 60mgs till now. It is getting better after being the worst I have ever noticed it in my first week of taking it. I am still getting a few small whiteheads at present and just hoping this will be nothing soon. My worst side effect is dry flaking skin on my face but is kept to a minimum with moisturiser, also like everyone I have dry lips.
Ill leave a message in a few weeks to update you on my progress.
Anyone else currently in the same situation as me please leave a message!

From: Ryan in US. A 18 year old male.
Subject: acne and accutane
Date: 06/12/2000 at 00:05 - Message #40

Ha, I've been on accutane for about month and a half now. I weight about 130 lbs. My first month I was on 40mg a day but now am on 60mg a day. As far as side effects go all I really have are dry lips. I did get a big break out the first two weeks but now my face has settled down and I'm starting to see a real difference. I have really really blemishy skin and I'm starting to see clear spots. I havent seen that in years. Its amazing! All the blackheads on my nose are all gone too which is beyond my belief. I've tried so many other medications that I really didnt think that the accutane was going to work. As far as depression goes I haven't been this happy in years. Keep up the hope, for some of us its all we have. I'm out,later.

From: VantMaS in southern cali. A 18 year old male.
Subject: ecstasy use
Date: 05/12/2000 at 23:56 - Message #39

i have posted about accutane/ecstacy use on this board and i will post it again for ross. Ecstacy/accutane use is not a good combinated, there is actually a warning on a website for ecstacy that i went to, saying not to take ecstacy if your on these medications, and accutane was first on the list. I did ecstacy around 13 times while i was on my first treatment which lasted 6 months. My acne camebaco 3 weeks after i stopped it and i am convinced it was because of the ecstacy. I just finished my 2nd course a month ago and i am still clear as a baby's bottom. also, taking both of those at the same time could hurt your liver, so i would say stay away from it ross completely. Also, my friend took ecstacy twice while on his 2nd treatment and his cameback 2 months after stopping, while his 1st treatment made him clear for 2 years, you do the math :p

From: Ross in Canada. A 20 year old Male.
Subject: Drug use
Date: 05/12/2000 at 07:29 - Message #38

Has anyone heard of any conflictions with accutane and recreational drugs such as ecstasy?
Thanks in advance.

From: Laura in Alabama. A 27 year old Female.
Subject: frustration
Date: 05/12/2000 at 06:08 - Message #37

I have had acne for 15 years now and I would truly like it to be GONE. I had a major bout with depression with this latest flare-up, but, finally got my right mind, leaned on the Lord, and know that looks arn't what matters most. I am on Retin-A and Doxycycline as of now, but after 6 weeks, there really isn't great improvement. My dermatoligist said I was too old for Accutane. Have you ever heard that? It seems to me, on these posts, that it just comes back after accutane, so, why should I use it just to get my hopes up? PLease inform me on the age thing and the problen coming back after accutane.

From: ann in texas. A 35 year old female.
Subject: accutane and hair loss
Date: 03/12/2000 at 03:05 - Message #36

I took accutane 2 years ago and Im still suffering major hair loss, losing 150 to 200 hairs a day. Does the hair loss ever stop and the hair returns to normal.please if anyone knows what to do about this please let me know.

From: Stacey in Australia. A 20 year old Female.
Subject: Permanent side effects?
Date: 03/12/2000 at 02:15 - Message #35

I was on Roaccutane for about 5 months about two years ago. It was great, apart from some minor side effects (dryness, blood noses, pulled muscles very easily). Before Roaccutane i rarely got sunburnt and if i did i went red and then peeled like all other people. AFTER roaccutane I get sunburnt very easily, and twice i have been that badly burnt that my whole face swells up.
Has anyone had this experience while being off roacutane for a long period of time?

From: Ricki in Israel. A 17 year old female.
Date: 02/12/2000 at 20:40 - Message #34

i'm on accutan for a month now. my acne is really not as bad and i regret starting accutan as the side effects r really disturbing and painfull.
but i'm doing it and i'll probably do it till the end.
i'm on 30 mg per day. can anyone please tell me if scars that ocure from pimples go away as well as the cyts?
good luck to u all,

From: Alice in UK. A 19 year old female.
Subject: 2nd course
Date: 02/12/2000 at 17:29 - Message #33

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me about their experiences of going on Roaccutane for a second time. Do you know if I can do this in conjunction with taking the contraceptive pill Dianette? Is it possible for Roaccutane to actually make your skin worse by going on it a second time? I went on Roaccutane for the first time in February 1999. My skin was amazing for 6 months basically. And then I started getting these tiny bumps around my mouth and cheek areas, and these slowly started turning into pimples. I think it came back because I got so excited about having great skin, I had the worse lifestyle ever. I've been trying to control my acne for about a year now, by taking loads of different things and eating sensibly and living sensibly, with varying degrees of success. My acne is no where near as bad as it was before, but now I'm fed up and want to go back to the way I was before. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated!

From: Charlie in England . A 21 year old male .
Subject: 2nd treatment
Date: 01/12/2000 at 23:56 - Message #32

I guess im speaking for a lot of people when I say this site is an absolute God-send.

I finished a course of Roaccutane over 2 years ago. It cleared up my acne totally, and I have since had the best 2 years of my life. But...3 months ago this fickle disease returned. Im now back on Roaccutane, 4 weeks in, and the spots have stopped-ish (touch wood). However, I have a couple of questions for anyone who is on their second course of Roaccutane following a relapse:
Did it clear up your acne faster than your first course did? How long did it take 2nd time around?
Are you on a higher daily dose than last time?
If you can help, please mail me. To everyone else, take care, im sure if I can beat it once I can beat it again, and so can you.

From: jenya in usa. A 19 year old female.
Subject: any one can relate
Date: 30/11/2000 at 18:14 - Message #31

Ha sah any one been prescribed cloderm for the treatment of scars left after accutane.did it work. did any one actually get scars after accutane. i really apricciate the help thank you

From: snoxe in Sweden. A 21 year old male.
Subject: Alchohol
Date: 29/11/2000 at 20:52 - Message #30

I just heard that Roaccutan is very dangerous when drinking alchohol. I heard that the combination is really bad for the liver. Ihave been taking it for 3 month and I didn't know about this. Is it true?

From: Jodi in USA. A 22 year old Female.
Subject: Accutane
Date: 29/11/2000 at 18:57 - Message #29

I suffer from very mild acne. I was wondering if I can take Accutane for mild acne? It seems to have gotten worse the last 2 months or so. I was using Proactiv Solution, take tetracycline, using Retin-A. That seemed to help. Then someone told me about the Murad product. I started using that and had a terrible time. My pimples were huge and hurt badly. I gave the product about 2 months and it never worked for me. The company kept saying my skin was just "purging" and that it would take time. I thought 2 months was plenty of time. Now my skin is worse than ever since I started back on my Proactiv. I wish I never had used that product. I was never really "free" of acne. It's extremely embarassing to go out in public (especially to go to work and face my co-workers). I have a derm appt. scheduled for the first of Jan. 2001. I was going to ask him if this would work for me. I have tried everything under the sun from over the counter to what my derm prescribed. Some things work for awhile, but then it seems my skin becomes resistant to them and then comes more zits. Like I say, I have very mild acne. Mainly only on my chin area, but it's an on going problem and I'd like to have a clean face. Any advice would be great. Do you think I could get on Accutane? Please email me with responses.
Thanks and good luck!

From: Rob in uk. A 16 year old male.
Date: 29/11/2000 at 13:51 - Message #28

hi everyone, i just wanna say that i've been on 40mg of Roaccutane for about 6 1/2 weeks and things are starting to look up. Things were really bad in the first month but it does get better. My face is still messed up but i can c it is gettin better :)

From: me.
Date: 29/11/2000 at 09:28 - Message #27

Hi everyone. could anyone who has been on accutane twice please help me out! i finished the drug about 6 months ago and i was totally clear but gradually my acne has come back, its still not full blow but its on its way. how long do you have to wait to go back on the drug??? anyone please help me!

From: Goosie in Monterrey, Mexico. A 18 year old Female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 29/11/2000 at 00:09 - Message #26

Hello pimpled people! (sorry, bad joke) I justa wanted to tell you all that I´ve been on Roaccutane for about a month and a half now (40 mg) a day and although I haven´t had any side effects (except fot a headache the two first days of treatment), I don´t know if this is having any effect on me or not. My face is kind of sore from the dryness, but I am still getting some spots so big they hurt! Anyway, two of my sister´s friends who took Roaccutane went to my house today, and they both have great skin now, so, that may give us all some hope, specially me, since I go to the same derm they both went to. =) Bye.

From: Chris. A 18 year old Male.
Date: 28/11/2000 at 01:14 - Message #25

I've been on accutane for about three months now and I still have cysts on my neck and outer rim of my face. When should I see results? I just got three new spots. This is really killing me now. Please help.

From: jenya in usa. A 19 year old female.
Subject: have a question
Date: 27/11/2000 at 19:21 - Message #24

i ate two carrots today, will that do any bad. carrots have vitamin A and i know you not supposed to have vitamin a. if there is som one out there who nows the answer please let me know. thank you so much

From: Cecilia. A 22 year old Girl.
Subject: Anne Nyman
Date: 27/11/2000 at 17:38 - Message #23

The URL you are looking for is

From: Mathew in USA. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: ACNE 2000 Vitamin Complex
Date: 27/11/2000 at 06:08 - Message #22

Hi everybody. I would be very grateful if somebody could tell me some information about ACNE 2000 Vitamin Complex which is sold on . I would like to know if it is effective or not, what type of vitamins does it have, etc. Last year I did an accutane treatment but my acne is back and really bad and I dont want to go through that again although it worked really well.
I will really appreciate an answer. Thank you. Mathew.

From: sheridan in pa. A 22 year old female.
Subject: to lindsey
Date: 27/11/2000 at 03:16 - Message #21

To Lindsey: Hi. Just wanted to let you know that I am in the same boat as you. I was on accutane(60 mg/day) back in Oct. 1999 until the end of febuary 2000. After I finished the medicine my face was clear for about 4 months. Then the acne started to slowly return. My derm had me using retin-a topical gel as needed to clear up the flareups. Well, by Sept. of this year my face was getting worse and the retin-a was no longer helping. I went to see the derm again and she recommended a topical form of accutane. I decided to go through a 2nd course of the accutane, this time 80 mg/day. I am on my 7th week now. My acne cleared up by the second week and my skin has never looked better. My derm thinks the dosage was not enough during the first course of the roaccutane and so my acne returned. I weigh 128lbs. I hope this is the last time I have to go through this. I am tired all the time from this medicine. Goodluck to you Lindsey. Hang in there. In the end it will be worth it for the both of us.

From: Lindsey in Canada. A 16 year old Female.
Subject: 2nd Course
Date: 27/11/2000 at 02:45 - Message #20

Hey all,
I went on accutane about a year ago (it was a 6th month course, and I took 50mg a day) and I was totally clear for about 4 months afterward. Then it slowly started coming back, to my dismay. I'm on the 12th day of my second course, and I was wondering if anyone else there has gone on a second course. My acne really flared up since going on the drug (as is expected) and I look and feel just terrible. I'm embarassed to leave my house. I was wondering if those people that went on a second course had it clear up within a month. Cause my derm said it would clear up faster, but I was kind of hoping to get some real life stories to how it works. Thanks

From: Liam in Australia. A 24 year old Male.
Subject: Question
Date: 26/11/2000 at 22:20 - Message #19

Hi there all. I dont know if I should put this question on this particular board. The split up into 4 different boards seems like a waste of time to me. Anyway my question is does anyone have the address for a Roaccutane diary that a lady was doing? I think her name was Anne Nyman (or Nuyman or something). She was posting each two weeks. I tried to find her in the archives but it seems as if they all didnt get saved.
Anyway thanks for any help and good luck with the treatment!

From: Sue in Australia. A 23 year old Female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 24/11/2000 at 02:49 - Message #18

Hi All! I just wanted to offer my support to all of you on Roaccutane. I am in my fourth month now and the end is in sight. It has been difficult with dry lips and skin and also being very sun sensitive but I think I have had a pretty easy run compared to some. I am an athlete and I train about 4 hours a day. Although I have been a bit fatigued I have managed to keep exercising through the course which I was worried about when I first started. I guess it is a different experience for everyone so trust your instincts and what your body is telling you. My skin pimple free and is the best it has ever been so I have my fingers crossed that it won't come back when i stop! Hang in there!

From: Antoin in Swansea UK. A 17 year old Male.
Subject: Chill out!
Date: 23/11/2000 at 22:34 - Message #17

I would like to say all u guys are doing great, the thing u must think about is that it can only get better, who heard of somebody having acne all their life, i'm two weeks into my roaccutane, taking 60mg a day, it took bloody ages to get an appointment with the dermo, but since taking accutane its is slowly getting better,
I am still getting spots but a lot less and a lot smaller, I'm lucky I have had a friend on accutane and he along with u guys gives me the support I need. Just keep on going, listen to some chilled music, have a couple of joints, avoid the mirrors and don't! lose confidence in yourself, your as good as anyone!!!!!!!

From: Stu in London, England. A 26 year old male.
Date: 23/11/2000 at 13:51 - Message #16

Hi everyone. Just a quickie to say that I'm due to start this drug in 2 weeks time, & most of your comments have scared the hell out of me!!! All I know is that I cannot carry on looking this bad, and if this treatment fails to work then I'll probably try & find out whether or not I can fly! If I can - Great, problem solved; If I can't - not so great, but nevertheless, problem solved!!!
What did I do to deserve this ?

From: Bram in Europe. A 23 year old male.
Date: 20/11/2000 at 23:05 - Message #15

A year ago i had moderate acne... So i went to a dermatologist and she put me on Mino-50 (minocycline) for 6 months and I didn't have much acne when taking that drug but lately it seems to lose it's effect... And i also started to have more skin problems like rash and cystes... And sometimes i get a cyste which doesn't go away by itself. Liquid nitrogen works well then but the problem is that it leaves a white spot... My dermatoligist suggests me to go on a cure of Accutane but the side effects kinda scare me. Also can I take Mino-50 while on accutane? And has anyone ever experienced getting cystes by taking minocycline?

From: Angela in Australia. A 19 year old female.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 20/11/2000 at 17:00 - Message #14

Hey All,
I have been roaccutane for 6mths now. I am finshing roaccutane after this course. I had dry lips, mouth, eyes,hair, skin and all the regular side effects but nothing serious. I fell alittle depressed at times but my doctor says it normal. To Kay, I wear make up and it doesnt seem to break me out. To Paul, its does meantion depression in the info inside the box with the tablets. mmy doctor told me to read the info very carefully as your doctor should have aswell.

From: jenya in usa. A 19 year old female.
Subject: please help
Date: 19/11/2000 at 06:05 - Message #13

Some one please help me. I'm on accutane, but I'm so afraid of what I eat and what I do. I stress whe I eat sweets and oily foods, but I can't stop. Will food cause acne if you are on accutane? I'm also afraid to exercise, can you exercise while on accutane? Also when does the acne totaly go away? Please help me if you can, I really appriciated. Thank you so much

From: Chloe. A 19 year old female.
Date: 16/11/2000 at 02:28 - Message #12
Web Site: chloe jeanette

Has anyone else experienced hairloss with Accutane? I recently finished a 6 and a half month course of Accutane, and while I think I've taken enough Accutane to beat it out of my system [about 80mg a day and I only weigh 110lbs], I've been shedding hair! It hasn't been falling out in clumps or anything, but over the past 3 months the hairloss has been adding up. My dermo said it is normal, and my hair should be back to normal in about year and a half. Is anyone else experiencing this too? THANKS! >:)

From: Al.
Subject: Older Messages
Date: 15/11/2000 at 10:06 - Message #11
Web Site: Older Messages

Please note that this is a brand new message board.
Older messages from the Acne and Roaccutane web site can be found at

From: Kay. A 19 year old Female.
Date: 15/11/2000 at 09:43 - Message #10

Hi everyone, i've been on roaccutane for almost 3 months now... i can finally say that there are almost no acne, but the red marks are just as horrible, and i've heard it like a thousand times that only time will make them go away... i'm scared to wear makeup so as not to infect my face again and obviously i can't have a chemical peel while on the drug (i have 3 more months to go), suggestions anyone??

From: Pete in Australia. A 27 year old male.
Date: 15/11/2000 at 06:59 - Message #9

Hi there
Ive had acne trouble ever since my late teens, which has been helped a bit by oral antibiotics, but I have never been able to able to get rid of it,it just keeps coming back with a vengeance, and as you would know is very depressing. I have been on roaccutane for 5 weeks now i started taking 40mgs a day and my dermatoligist increased to 60mgs at the 4 week mark because of my size and because it may shorten the length of the course. By the end of the first week my acne got alot worse, i noticed my skin was very dry, which is amazing because Ive always had very greasy,oily skin and I hated it and to be gone in the space of 1 week was incredible, by the end of 2 weeks my acne had subsided to before i started the drug, 3 weeks it was a bit better and i would say its about the same now, i am getting a few small lumps now but only minor,so id say its in limbo at the moment, my current side effects are dry skin and lips, eyes are a little dry and nose too, but i am controlling these very well with all the recommended remedies
Ill give you an update in a few weeks

From: vantmas in southern cali. A 18 year old male.
Subject: after treatment
Date: 15/11/2000 at 01:34 - Message #8

hey all, just finished second course of accutane, my first course was horrible because i treated my body like dirt, i treated it much better so i feel i have better results. one question i hope people can please answer, how long after you finished the treatment did your side effects go away? thanks a bunch.

From: Susie in East Midlands. A 24 year old Female.
Subject: Double dosage
Date: 14/11/2000 at 22:52 - Message #7

I have suffered from acne since i was 11 years old and have visited my local GP on countless occassions throughout my teens. After being on endless pharmaceutical remedies, oral antibiotics, and antibiotic lotions not to mention the contraceotive pill Dianette taken is used to prevent acne in women, i finally, after 7 years managed to persuade my doctor to arrange an appointment with a dermatologist. At this point i think she had washed her hands of me but my own self-esteem and confidence by that time was already at rock bottom.
The dermatologist prescribed me with Roaccutane which proved to be highly successful and i finally managed to gain back some of my confidence.
However, after finishing the course, the acne returned after about 12 months and i found myself back on another course of Roaccutane with regular monthly check-ups. After 8 weeks of taking the 2nd course i was found to have a blood pressure that was so high it was likely i could have heart problems and was immediately taken off the drug.
Although Roaccutane did work on my skin, the other physical side-effects were quite frightenening.
13 years later after my first bout of acne i am still taking remedies from my doctor which i have found to work much quicker having taken Roaccutane - but the problem still remains and it is an everyday battle.

From: Paul in ENGLAND. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Mine
Date: 14/11/2000 at 17:52 - Message #6
Web Site: My own experiences of roaccutane and acne

just thought I would say that ROACCUTANE does work, even though you go through hell ! .. I know I had it bad .. and now its good .. and am happy .. and it is worth it .. the side effects are really bad .. but worth it in the end... its one of the best things I have ever done :) from like spending a hour in the mirror picking a day .. its only a minute .. and there is only 1 or 2 white heads/ black heads which am happy with ! ... try it, you might like it !

From: Paul in ENGLAND. A 19 year old Male.
Subject: Mine
Date: 14/11/2000 at 17:52 - Message #5
Web Site: My own experiences of roaccutane and acne

just thought I would say that ROACCUTANE does work, even though you go through hell ! .. I know I had it bad .. and now its good .. and am happy .. and it is worth it .. the side effects are really bad .. but worth it in the end... its one of the best things I have ever done :) from like spending a hour in the mirror picking a day .. its only a minute .. and there is only 1 or 2 white heads/ black heads which am happy with ! ... try it, you might like it !

From: Simon in U.K.. A 21 year old Male.
Subject: Roaccutane
Date: 14/11/2000 at 16:44 - Message #4

I took Roaccutane during early 1999 but my acne returned after only a 3-month treatment course. The 2nd skin specialist I saw recommended a double dose within the following year as the previous one had been mis-diagnosed as too low a dosage. I became depressed on the 2nd "take" and started to gamble on fruit machines for a diversion. ( I was in catering and worked rather unsociable hours) Whilst my acne did not seem to improve much, my gambling "habit" led to my stealing a substantial amount from my employer over the period of the 6 months I was on the drugs. I was extremely lucky that my parents were able to support me when finally confronted by my boss, they paid my theft debt and took me back home. In spite of asking, I have had absolutely no support whatsoever where I live on the Isle of Wight other than from my parents(if it had been drugs & not gambling, no lack of it!)and my local Doctor has immeditely taken me off Roaccutane and put me onto Prozac. I wonder just how much I can blame the gambling & theft on the drugs? I do not go near fruit machines now, the shock of losing a good job and the shame it has brought to my family will hopefully give me that lesson for life, but I dread the acne returning. I still suffer from a little, but nothing like what I had previously. Doctors have a lot to answer for, no-one at any time told me it could cause severe depression!

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