Stories of Firewalking.

copied from Michael McDermott's

book "Stories of the Fire"

I Did It! I Walked on Fire

Mary Jane Thompson

The first firewalk I went to was my first date with an incredible human called "Zen." We were going to celebrate our october birthdays together with a nice dinner and a firewalk.

When the day arrived I felt sick and weak and called Zin to cancel our date. He suggested that I might want to go eat at least. So we did. After the dinner, he asked if I would like to drop by Michael's place where the firewalk was being held. I still didn't feel well, but I said okay as long as we could leave within 20 minutes. He agreed.

I had never known much about firewalking, and wasn't at all enthused. We came into the seminar just after they had broken bricks.There was a feeling of high excitment and joy in the room. These young children were giving testimonies of how it felt to break the bricks. I was thinking "How could these young kids break these full-sized red bricks with their bare hands? It was all very foreign to me.

Michael was explaining that everyone who wanted to be around the firewalk had to be barefoot or else stay inside the house. I wasn't about to remove my shoes. I decided I would just watch from the window of the house. However,as everyone else filed out of the house I felt stupid, so I quickly removed my shoes and ran out there.

The group was singing songs around the fire, while the fire tender prepared the hot coals by raking them out in a smooth fire bed. Almost immediately, people began walking over the hot coals. I was dumbfounded. How could they do that?

Michael walked up to Zin and silently took his hand, and they walked together across the coals. This was Zen's first firewalk. Michael then came back and took my hand, but I pulled away. No way! He just smiled and silently went to someone else. I watched as more and more people walked across the hot coals.

"How do they do that?" I kept wondering. I called Michael over and asked him what you're supposed to think about. I mean, if they could do it, why coudn't I?

"Just tell yourself you can do it. Change the fear to confidence."

I began shaking inside. Energy was stirring inside me, preparing me to walk. Michael knew what was going on and he silenly took my hand witha reasuring smile. I was really scared. I was shaking all over, but the desire to do the firewalk had overtaken me.

We got right to the edge of the fire and Micheal looked at me confidently. His support gave me a great surge of energy and confidence.

"I can, I can, I can do it."

We walked across the hot coals. I could hardly beleave I was doing it. The only physical sensation was a tiny piece of coal caught under my little toe. Immediatly I shook it off.

I did it! I walked on fire! I really did it! What a joy! What a exhilaration! What awe! What a sense of accomplishment! With great excitement I ran to Zin and said " Come on! Let's do it again. Let's go hand and hand across the coals!" He put his hand in mine. I felt no heat on my feet, nothing. The only thing I was aware of is his hand holding mine. We seem to drift across the coals in a magical spiritual flow. I wasn't a body any more, just an experience of being one with the fire. Only pure joy and love.

I was on a natural high from the energy for several days after the experience. Now I was a firewalker. When I told people they just stared at me in disbeleif.

Our Deepest Fears

Are Like Dragons

Guarding our Deepest Treasures...

--Rainer Maria Rilke

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