Search Engines -
Be sure to try several different search engines when looking for information since each one can have different listings included in data base. Also experiment with putting the words that you are searching for in quotes. In order to avoid a million hits, you might want to narrow your search down, for example at Yahoo next to the search button, click options. Then try one of the search options such as "an exact phrase match". Also at Yahoo, after you receive your search results, you can then scroll down to the bottom of the page and just click on the other search engines that are listed. You will then get the search results from those search engines.

A good single site that has most of the search engines is All-in-One Search Page.

  Searching News Headlines -
You can search health news headlines by going to Yahoo-News Search and typing in a word such as diabetes, then click "next search". After you get the page with the results, you can bookmark that page and then each day just click the bookmark to get the updated news. Also, you can scroll down to the bottom of that page and then search further by clicking one of the following databases: CNN News - c|net News - FoxNews - WashingtonPost - AssociatedPress.
If there are several areas that you wish to search, a quick way to do so would be to just change the topic in the URL location box at the top of your browser. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator and is the address of a web page on the internet. For example, the URL for diabetes is http://search.main.yahoo.com/search/news?p=diabetes. To look up heart disease you would just highlight diabetes with your mouse, then type heart+disease and click enter on your keyboard. Or you can get more specific and type in cholesterol or congestive+heart+failure.

  Browser Tips -
At sites that have frames, sometimes in order to go back in that frame you have to right click your mouse anywhere within that frame, then choose "back". At many of the sites though, you will be able to use the back function even with frames.

Sometimes a site has a link to another site and that new site is then viewed within a frame at the first site. If you wish to bookmark that new site, in Netscape Navigator you can right click your mouse and click "Add Bookmark". Or if you want to view the site directly, again right click your mouse within that frame and click "Internet Shortcut". Then highlight the URL and copy the site to your clipboard by clicking "Ctrl" and "c" on your keyboard. You can then paste the URL in your location box and click "enter" on your keyboard. You can also use this same procedure when you encounter a site where the contents of a frame seem crowded and you would like to view it by using the full screen of your browser. If you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, in order to do the above procedures, you will need to right click your mouse within the frame and then click "properties" and then highlight the "Address (URL)" and paste this in the location box of the browser and click "enter" on your keyboard.

  Time Saver Tip -
At sites that are rather long, you can search for a specific word or words by clicking "Ctrl" then "f" on your keyboard or by clicking the "find" button at the top of your browser. In the box that appears type in the word or words and then click "find next" in the dialog box or click "enter" on your keyboard. The word will then appear highlighted on your screen. You can just keep doing this over and over for that site until you get the message "search string not found". For example you could type in the word "triglyceride". This can save you lots of time trying to find specific information at a lengthy site.

  Printing Tip -
In Netscape Navigator, to see how many pages a site consist of, click "File" then click "Print Preview". Then point the magnifier to the bottom left hand corner of preview page and it will say something like "1 of 10". You can click "next page" until you find the information on the page you want to print, then click "print". You can now tell it to print "pages from 2 to 2" in order to just print the second page. Be sure you click "close" in order to exit "print preview".

  Newbie Help -
For free online classes about computers and the internet you can register at Virtual University. For instructions on navigating the internet try visiting Beginners Central.

  Where to Find Medical Books:

MedBook Store
Oxford University Press
Amazon Books
Medscape Bookstore
You can click "search", then type in the subject that you are interested in.


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