Ta-da ... it's me! And I don't suck!

"Ta-da ... it's me! And I don't suck!" or "Chris's Crappy Homepage"


Now that I'm at the University of Miami and have NO LIFE I have more time to write this page. As of right now, 9/26/97, I have finished the first two episodes of "Kakookie's Kaptives" and then left the state leaving James holding the bag to finish editing. Want to know more about this wonderful show? Click here to goto the "Kakookie's Kaptives" Homepage.

Well, I have a butt load of work this weekend and will try to save my sanity by stoping my studies to write this page. Stay tuned.

Hi! I'm a really nice kid from Mass.. I don't know how to write in HTML yet so stay with me while I learn, please. I plan on changing this very soon and very often because I have no life.

I like Renee O'Conner from "Zena: Warrior Princess." And my favorite singer of all time is Tiffany from the later 1980s. I worship a goddess named Kathy Ireland and sacrifice in her name (okay ... not really but I do think she's cute). Pages for and about these women and others should be comming soon.

Hey, if you think of it bookmark this site because neat things will be happening. Come on ... I'd bookmark your site!

I think that computers are magic things that beep and whir when you flip a switch. That is why my page sucks. I need a computer with one big button that does eveything, but that will never happen because then Bill Gates wouldn't make any more money. I think Grape Juice sucks. It leaves a really bad after taste. I think that people who do drugs are little minded fools you should thank the police when they are pulled from a school parking lot after being caught by the police on videotape and arrested for their crime.

I have a television show. I call it "Kakookie's Kaptives." Others call it garbage but they'll learn. It is co-produced by James Morris and stars Mark Dorgan as "Kakookie" (pronounced "cah-COOK-key").

I go to an all boys school and well .... there are no girls there.

My name is Christopher and I want to hear what you have to say about my page so e-mail me. Thanks.

Your life will not be full until you can say "I've been to..."

My "Kakookie's Kaptives" Homepage. Do you have a TV show? NO?! Well I do. Go there now or perish.
This page talks about Charlene Lightbown. She is the coolest person alive. Click here and find out why.
This page talks about my friends. Like you care, but please go anyway.
There happens to be a secret page here. Here is your clue to get there.
This wonderful and magical page is filled with people that don't suck. Please partake of the non-sucky-ness.
Want to know who the most attractive women in the world are? Go here!
This is another of my pages. It talks about my family. If you really want to bother go ahead and click.
Want to learn a little more about lil' ol' me? Well, then click that mouse right here!
Look at all of the things I've won here!!!
Geocities is hosting this page and they would like to help you make on too.
Somebody named Warren has less of a life than I do and this proves it. Funny stuff.
The official site of my wild Irish Ireland (that would be Kathy Ireland).
Some funny people put puppets on their hands and yell at movies. These people are the reason why we exist. Stop by and thank them by joining their info club.
He's a ghost from space ... what more do you want?
This is the best Tiffany page I have found. Tiffany rules. "I Think We're Alone Now" is better as a re-make!
This is THE Xena site. Pages here have pictures of Ms. O'Conner. Yumm ...
WARNING: There are pictures of women here, not nude but still ... HOOTERS: More Than A Mouthful. A great pictures page.
Once upon a time Zordon wanted teenagers with attitudes, then they left to go to a peace conference. But Amy Jo Johnson (Pink Ranger) still rules. Here is a site for her.

3/15/97: A heart felt thanks goes out to John Follett for picking-up on some spelling and tech errors in my page. John, for your trouble you get a big nothing. Thanks for your support. Now my links go places.

If you like my site send me money!

I think if you try to look at this with Netscape your computer explodes, or something.

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