The Personality Test

welcome to the personality Test!
Your answers are below in red.:

is the person you are deeply in love with, or soon will be.

You chose for your color
* red-You are a very alert person and your life is full of love.
* black-You keep mostly to your self and you are very agressive.
* green-you are a wild and wacky person and you like to kiss and make out.
* blue-you are a mellow person but, you like to party.
* yellow-you are a bright and cheery person and you like to make others in your life happy.

is your first initial.
if your initial is:
* A-K: you have lots of love in your life and many people admire you.
* L-R: you usually have a fun time in life and your love life is about to start booming.
* S-Z: you like to party and you will be very successful later on in life.

You were born in
if you were born in:
* JAN.-MARCH: you will soon have a dissapointment in love, but when summer comes a new love is on the horizon.
* APRIL-JUNE: your love life will start booming soon and whatever happens will last for a long time.
* JULY-SEPT: you will fall in love many times this year.
* OCT.-DECEMBER: whomever your current crush is will blossom into a meaningful relationship.

You Chose
if you chose:
* black-your life will take a slight turn for the best and you will acquire plenty of money.
* white-you will soon develop a crush and have a good year in love.

is one of your true friends.

Your Number was
It will take days for you to get together with

You chose as your state of choice
if you chose:
* florida- you like parties and you are usually hyper.
* california-you like getting drunk and making out.

You chose for your body of water
if you chose:
* ocean-you are wild person and you love to make new friends.
* lake-you are a mellow person and you like to keep to yourself.

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