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New Information: This is Jason Lind, the founder of this website. I created this website in mid-90s because I simply had nothing else better to do at the time, I have not done anything with it for atleast 3 years and I looked at the statistics today (6 June 2002) to see if people came to the site any more, I thought the site would have been dead by now. I am blown away that I have upwards of 2500 unique hits a month, still! So as a thank you to all the simpsons fans that have kept this site alive, I will be working on a deal to have this updated with new features, possibly reaching a deal with Fox to get sounds and movies back, and maybe even moving the site to a domain name. Check back soon, I will have a mailing list set up to let everyone know when this site goes live. If you have any questions in the mean time please contact me

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