Laustic's Eolian Lullaby

It has been a long time since I last updated this site. I have been busy getting my life in order and haven't had much time for playing on the internet. Not to mention that I started to become a bit bored with the process. I didn't see the point of clogging up cyberspace with more cybercrap. I needed to stop and think of a way to make this page work for me, not just keep me amused for a few hours here and there.

You will see a lot of changes in what will be presented on this page. Sliders fans will still have a home here, but now that I am a little older and more mature (not much, but a little bit), it is time to move on. Below you will see a menu. The categories are easy enough to understand. Click on whatever catches your fancy. Surf around a little, then go into my guestbook and give me some feedback. I don't care what it is - advice, comments, questions, or general enlightment - as long as it isn't offensive (constructive criticism goes much further than vulgarity).

Well, surfs up. Be careful. Have fun.



Are you looking for creative, energetic employees? Then take a peek at My resume

Travelogue '98I created this page last year to help my friends prepare for our trip to London. You can find some great vacation deals at

Read some of my stories and novels here

Sliders' fans can slide here

Grab some happiness and enlightenment here

Hope to have everything running in a few months. Check back often.

Read My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook Dreambook
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