

Hello Everyone!

Just a warning, I haven't updated in a while so alot of the links are down . . . also when you email me don't expect a response for a long time . . . although sometimes I can be prompt and also sometimes I don't respond at all, it depends on how much my inbox has piled up. Also, I really am not the one to ask snail questions about, I honestly have never kept land snails, I just have a page on it built with info that I have gleaned from other people's experiences, thank you!

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This is the land of snails. Here slugs and snails have found a haven in the noisy mess of the web.

I try to give credit to images when I can find it and I try to ask for permission before I use them but if their creator has a problem with them being here please notify me and I will take them off. The only images,so far, that belong to me is the Gastropodia welcome sign above and the animation of a snail coming out of its shell. Please ask permission before you use them or at least give me the address you're putting them on and please link back to my page from there.

Note: To return to this webpage while viewing the other ones simply hitch a ride on the friendly dragon.

I got this adorable dragon icon from here.

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