In Memory of Justin

Justin Thomas Colley

Born on May.27,1974 ~~ Heaven on Jun.26,1974

A Loving Memorial to Justin,

So many things I would love to say
Why did you have to go away?
So many times I wish you were here
To say Hey my big brother is near!
All the things we would have gone through together
But still, we'll be bonded forever.
God took you for a reason and that reason, I don't know,
But when it's my heaven I'll go.
And when I get there, then I will see
That heaven is where you had to be.
Until then, I promise that your memory will live on...
Just like day's every dawn.

We love you, Justin Thomas!
Jessica Nicole, Jessica Louise, Justin Michael
and I can't wait to meet you!
Your little sister, Christie

E-mail his family here..

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