In Memory of Molly Davis

In Memory of Molly Davis

Molly Davis

Born on Aug.10,1983 - Heaven on June.17,1999

Molly was so happy and always smiling. She grew up to be a beatiful little lady inside and out. She gave her heart to so many people. And gave alot of special time to my daughter Natalie. Going shopping, talking in the car , playing your music, driving up and down the road.I knew Molly and her family now for 10 years. She is greatly missed by so many people- friends and family. This is hard for me to know we won't be able to see you- but remember Molly - her smiling face - and smile for Molly. Molly you crazy girl- we love you so much. And your kitty" Mikie" is so crazy and happy and very loving- like you! You gave your heart and love to so many people- your deeply missed! The last words Molly said to Natalie- " Love Ya!" Back to you...."Love Ya!!!!"
All my heart ......,

Email Her Family here.

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