In Memory of trey


Trey Cooke

Born on Jan,29,1973 ~~ Heaven on Sept.4,1994

A Loving Memorial to Trey.

I still wake each morning with You in my thoughts.
I remember all the joy and happiness You have
brought into my life.
You are and were the most loving son
a mother could ever be blessed with.
I miss you more with each passing day.
You are in my heart forever.
All I have is memories, but good ones
that keep me going.
I know all of our Angels are happy and care free now.
We are the ones who are not strong and
the unhappy ones.
We are in a world of our own,
and I often ask myself how long will
I be a part of it.
Untill we are reunited one day.
I love You, Son

Love Mom

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This web site was created & designed Floria Williams - Tina Packer On April.10,1998