In Memory of Beverly Goldstein

Beverly Goldstein Dec.2,1925 - Dec.2,1980

A Loving memorial to Beverly...

This page is in memory of my mother.
When she was 55 years old my mother was beaten
to death with a hammer on the night
of her birthday.
She was found in the defendants home
with a sheet on her body two weeks after
she died by a neighbor.
It is still unknown how or why she was
in his home to begin with.
Questions I will never know the answers to.
She was a trusting person so I can only assume
it was her birthday and she was celebrating.
One month before this man killed my mother.......
he was released from the state hosipital for
after being there for killing his girlfriend.
It was stated he told the doctors he would kill
25 people in Charleston S.C. should he get out.
My mother was the first and last before he fled to NY.
He did not get the death penalty due to in SC
if rape , burglary or suffering before death
is not noted or detected the death
penalty can not be used.
I am still in pain and in awe.
How did she not suffer??
Why did this crime happen to her??
and why before she could have a grandchild to love her???
While I will never know these answers I know one day
I will see my mother again.
Until then Mom I love and Miss you dearly..
Look over me and Kimberly and know
I am thinking about you daily.
Love your Daughter Sandy..

Email her family.

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