In Memory of Brian Hoover and Jared Hoover

Brian Hoover and Jared Hoover

Brian born on - April 11, 1976 & Jared born - July 22, 1978 - Both went to Heaven on Oct.23,1993

A Loving Memorial to Brian And Jared

Brian (17), Sarah (15), and Jared (14) were coming home from
their high school Homecoming Dance on Oct 23, 1993.
They went over a 70 ft embankment off the highway--
Brian and Jared were killed--
their sister Sarah survived.
Our lives changed that night in an instant
but the memory of Brian and Jared will live
on in our hearts and minds until we
are again reunited with them.
Brian--Jared, we love you and miss you so much!
Especially your smiles!!!! Get things ready for us--
we will see you soon!
Love, Mom, Dad, Eric, Kevin, Stephanie,
Sarah, Emily and Keith...
forever a family!! Watch over us and show us the WAY!

E-mail the Family here

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Dearly Memorial was created & designed by Floria Williams And Tina Packer On April.10,1998