as presented by Marjorie K "Dainard" McArthur for

The Descendants of Hans Nichol Danert

I dedicate this page to the memory of my Great Aunt Phene

Tryphena Catherine Dainard Taylor

October 16, 1881 - April 15, 1957

Tryphena Catherine Dainard was the 11th child born to Alfred Dainard and his wife Mary Ann. She was born in Ontario and at the time of her death lived in Noranda, Quebec. After her marriage to Wilbert Taylor they made their home in Minnesota, Manitoba and Quebec (as per the information that I have). They had three sons, James Hollister Taylor born 1901, Richard Wesley Taylor born 1905, and Emmett Wilbert born 1913. As a child, I did not get to have a visit with her often as we lived a distance apart. However, the visits we did enjoy have been forever remembered. Aunt Phene wrote many poems and I would like to share a few with you. I am sure that you will enjoy them as much as we have.

One of our family favorites


When you're weary and your're fagged,
and life scarely seems worth while,
When you have become discouraged,
You hardly dare to smile
When things are set against you,
And your're blue as blue can be
There's a heavenly bit of comfort,
In a good hot cup of tea.
When the ice man breaks the ice box,
And the water man is cross,
The grocer sends you vegetables
That are a total loss,
And the butcher has a jag on,
Sends you meat tough as can be,
There's a heavenly bit of comfort,
In a good hot cup of tea.
When the hens scratch up my garden,
The pup gets in the paint,
When the wind blows down my woodpile
And I am feeling faint.
When I take a sudden notion
That the world is down on me,
I hike off to the kitchen
For a good hot cup of tea.
("Heavenly Comfort" she called it, but it was called A Cup of Tea" when published.)


Sing me a song of Canada,
Sing it soft and low;
The land my forefathers adopted,
In the distant long ago.
I remember still, the farm house,
Set high upon the shore
Of the banks of Lake Ontario,
Though I hear its surf no more.
I still see the long lane winding,
Where we drove the cattle home;
The hills where the hickory nuts used to grow,
Stay with me tho' I roam.
The loom where my mother sat to spin,
I still can see her face,
And the look of holy love she had,
That sprang from an inner grace.
The bees in the orchard buzzing,
I watched them lest they swarm,
While I sat in the swing dad made me,
When the day was fine and warm.
Sing me a song of Canada,
And sing it loud and clear;
And make it a requiem,
For the forefathers I hold dear.


When the day is dreary,
Sing a cheerful song.
Fill each hour with laughter
The whole day long.
Frowns ne'er get you any place,
Put that smile back on your face.
Of course we know there's trouble,
The sad old world need cheer---
Fill it up with courage,
Down the monster fear,
Sadness must have second place.
Put that smile back on your face.
Some have many set-backs,
Find it hard to climb the hill;
Let's all give a boost up,
To forify their will.
God still rules this whole vast space,
Put that smile back on your face.


My father was a big strong man,
With a smile just like a boy;
And he was kind, this dad of mine,
His family was his joy.
When evening came and work was done,
We'd gather round the fire,
With book and slate, we'd read and write,
He never seemed to tire.
He used to teach us all the things
He felt we ought to know,
In fancy still I see us there,
With faces all aglow.
At some kind word our dad would say,
While learning how to spell;
"That's good, indeed, I'm very glad
To see you do so well."
To teach our little feet first steps
He held us by the hand'
We knew his love was strong indeed,
He made us understand.
And when our work down here is done,
And we go up above,
I'll look for father near the throne,
Because he ruled by love.

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Feel free to browse thru the first guestbook. It takes a minute to load but it is worth it as it has some very interesting letters there.

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