Genealogy on the Web Ring

What is the Genealogy on the Web Ring?

The Genealogy on the Web Ring is a group of united web pages and sites, all of which have genealogical data on them in one form or another.  The goal is to share Genealogical information to any that need it.  Unlike another genealogy ring, the only restriction placed on you is the required element of Genealogical Information.  You can be a member of any other societies, Web Rings, or services that you wish!

How do I join? 

The Genalogy on the Web Ring is not an exclusive club, however, since it's member's web pages deal in Genealogical data, we ask that you please follow these three simple guidelines before you apply.

 Your page must contain information related to Genealogy, or family trees.
 You must have a site that is well maintained.
 You must have a site that has NO pornography or offensive pictures or text.
 It would be a good idea to add the coding as soon as possible.

To become a member of the Genealogy on the Web Ring, Fill out the following form: 

What is the URL (address) of your home page?

What is the name of your Site?

Your E-mail address:

Select a Password: The password allows you to later modify your site information. Don't forget it! 

Enter up to 20 keywords that describe your site:

Please enter a short description of your site:

  If you have any problems, e-mail the Genealogy on the Web Ring Webmaster
The above form does not allow you to fully join the ring.

After you have filled in the form above, you need to add the following html code to your site page WITHIN 7 DAYS..

Be sure we can find the code easily, otherwise, you won't be added!!

    You can choose either of these, but you must have one on your main page somewhere, or an easily visible link to it.  For those not good with HTML, the code is saved into text files, you can download and paste them onto your page.

Remember!!  You must change the ___'s to your site number
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HTML code

Small Ring Code

Large Ring Code
 Alright.  That's done... Now what?

You MUST copy the graphics on either side of the LARGE ring code, or just the ONE graphic on the SMALL ring code. To do this on Windows 95, simply place your cursor ON THE GRAPHIC YOU WANT, and RIGHT click on it. A small menu will pop up--simply click on "save image as", and save it to your disk. The name of the graphic WILL ALREADY be there. Now remember you MUST upload BOTH the ring code AND graphic(s) to your server.

YOUR DONE! all, that is, for one thing!

    Well, you have email ME!--your RingMaster, and tell me you are ready to go! I will visit your site, and if all is well, I will add you---usually the same day. If there is something wrong, I will tell you what it is and have you fix it--then add you.
    If you haven't been added within 7 days, the queue will automatically remove you. So add the code as soon as you can. If you have ANY problems, Email me.


Adding someone to the ring:
Only I can add someone to the Ring. The reason is simple--I want to check your site out for compliance with the rules, and just to visit you!
If you recieve a request, simply refer the person to this site.

Editing your own site information:
If you are already part of the Genealogy on the Web Ring, and need to edit your site information, enter your site ID and password below.

Site ID: 

The Resource Center:
This Ring has a RESOURCE CENTER designed to HELP you build and promote your site. Simply click on the item below, and you will be taken there. As stated, this Ring WANTS you to be successful, and to that end it was created--------USE IT!

Thanks for joining!
See you in the Ring!


Genealogy On The Web Ring made possible by
the Webring and New Dream Network.