Welcome to the Road Warrior's Site

As I did not know what to call this site the Road Warrior came to mind, very cool and it fit me perfectly. I will attempt to bring pictures to you of different areas as I travel, be sure to come back regularly to see my updates.

I will start you out with local scenery pictures..... This is the area I live in. There are some historic pictures here too that I have found for you to enjoy. They show major events in the history of the areas here.

My hometown....

And this is what is known as the Twin Buttes... You may have to look real close for them, they are there though.

This is the blizzard of 1949 in Mellette County. Gets pretty windy here in South Dakota, blows the snow all over the place, good thing the houses are there to stop it.

On to Page Two of the tour....
wander to the border...this takes you by Devils Tower...
a detour by Rapid City shows you views of Mount Rushmore...
And a Tour of the Capital: Pierre... view the Oahe Dam!.....
Some pictures of interest....
The Flame burns on!... Visit the flame that never dies....

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The Road Warrior.

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Dad, have I ever told you how much I love you? :) ~~~ J