Hazrat Sharfuddin Shah Willayat 

Life Sketch




This page is created to pay tribute to the great sufi (saint) and ancestor of Sadaat-e-Amroha.


We aim to present articles, research references, poetic tributes, photo-gallery and a reserve of related media clips of speeches of scholars about the personality of Hazrat Sharfuddin Shah Willayat, who is affectionately known as 'Dada Shah Willayat'. 


We request all those who have any related item, clip or article to share it by mailing to us so that it could be collected in this web-page. All such contributions are cordially welcome. We will be very happy to properly acknowledge each item by the name of its contributor.


Please let us know if you have any clip or item but need technical help to send it to us. Your help will also be appreciated if you know about any related references or sources of information.

Links to other sites


* Sadate Amroha Karachi

* Amroha 

* Amroha Society

* Azadari in Amroha



Living Miracle
Urs Celebration

Please send your contributions and comments at shah_willayat@yahoo.com

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Page Created on: April 24, 1998
Last Updated: July 27, 2002