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Another Spider Tangled in the Web

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Hi and Welcome to my spot on the web. This page contains windows programming tutorials, linux tutorials, privacy and security related stuff and a collection of my digitally generated images.


  1. Windows Programming Tutorial [Win32, C/C++] - This tutorial teaches you the basics of Windows programming.

  2. Seven Day Guide to Linux [Linux] - This is my "Linux in Seven Days" guide aimed at linux newbies.

  3. Windows Security [Windows] - This will cover some issues regarding windows security.

  4. Yahoo Messenger [Windows, Instant Communication] - Avoid common configuration mistakes and increase security.

Code Snippets

  1. Implementation of LRU fifo page replacement scheme [Platform Independent, C] - This C program illustrates the result of a least recently used page replacement scheme.

  2. Anonymous FTP scanner [Platform Independent, perl] - This perl script tests an ip address for anonymous ftp at port 21.
    Usage: perl

  3. Simple pipe and fork [Unix/Linux, C] - This C program illustrates the concepts of unnamed pipes and fork.

My Digital Creations

Click here to view my digitally generated images.

Contact Me

Drop me a mail at pravin[AT] Change the [AT] to @.

Last Updated: March 03, 2003