Kidd Konnections

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See you at the Courthouse,

Join The DNA Study

The Kidd DNA study is starting to attract more attention and members, but we are in need of more Kidd male participants in order to have meaningful results. If you have been thinking about doing the test, or thinking about recruiting a male relative to take the test, I encourage you to please join us this spring! It is simple--and if cost is an issue, perhaps you can get another family member to share the expense with you. (I recruited my brother to take the test.) If you want to participate, I suggest that you do either the 25-marker or 37-marker test--but if you can only do the 12-marker test, please don't hesitate to join in.

Most current participants are Virginia Kidd descendants, but it is not limited to Kidds from Virginia or the South by any means. (Again, if you are descended from a female Kidd line, you would need to find a descendant of the male Kidd line to take part.)

To learn more, go to . There is a box on the right side to enter the project surname. Enter Kidd and it will take you to the project web page.

Steven Perkins is helping to administer the Kidd study. His email is if you have questions--or please feel free to email he directly.