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Praytor Place

Home is where the heart is...


Hi! We are the Praytor's.

We are a family of four.

We have many interests one of which is the computer.

We thought it might be fun to have our own web page,

so please be patient while we learn.

My name is Alana,

I have a B.S. from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

and I just completed my M.P.A.

at the University of Oklahoma College of Continuing Education.

I work at a local hospital as the Data Manager for Cardiovascular Services.

I'm very interested in Antiques and Beanie Babies.

I collect Shawnee pottery and Barbie ornaments.

I also love clipart and gif animation.

I've placed a few of my favorites here for everyone to download.

I add new animations regularly so go ahead and look,

see free animation below.

Looking for an Award for your WebPage.
Apply for my Awards below.

Please note that these awards are not the same as my Webpage of the Month Award.
They are free to anyone who meets my requirements.
See "Apply for my Award" below.

Apply or Nominate someone for my

Webpage of the Month Award!
Check Out Past Winners of this Award below!
WebPage of the Month Award Winners

Please take a moment and sign our guestbook.

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E-mail me here!">

Click for Norman, Oklahoma Forecast

The number of wonderful people who have visited my site.
(And you're one of them!)

Free Animation

Free Animal Animation

Alana's Favorite Links

Alana's Awards

Apply for my Award

WebPage of the Month Award Winners 1999

WebPage of the Month Award Winners 1998

Shawnee Pottery: Cookie Jars and Teapots

Shawnee Pottery: Salt and Pepper Shakers

My Favorite Recipes(Check out the Recipe of the Day)

Just Cookie Recipes

Bread Recipes

Micah's Page (Includes Free Looney Tune Animation)

"I Don't Want to Miss A Thing"

Find out how you can be a Phenomenal Women of the Web

This Heartland Select Webring site is owned by
Alana .

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You can buy great spices at great prices at The Great American Spice Company.

My HomePage Angel, Autumn.

Children Are Worth Saving Web Site

"Please help to support the "Adopt A Guardian Angel" program.
By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor
and joining us in creating a never ending circle
around the world that will empower us to stand up and
be the voice for all children of this planet!
Show them we care enough to make a difference!
In reality, by displaying this link back to our site
you are helping us to meet our goal of creating
awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention
and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse
and stopping all forms of maltreatment!" - Thank for your support!

My Cyber Bunny, Sweetpea.
Find out how you can get one also!
The Ewald Kitty Page

This site last updated by Alana on August 14th, 1999