(written 15 November 1742 - proved 27 April 1743)

Transcribed by: Herbert W. Broughton (04 September 1997)

In the name of God amen, I CHRISTIANA BROUGHTON of the parish of St. George the Martyr in the County of Middlesex, spinster, being of perfect and sound mind, memory and understanding but considering the uncertainty of life do make and declare this my Last Will and Testament in manner following. I give to my cousin ROBERT JOHNSON, Esquire, one hundred Guineas. I give to LEXINS CLAYTON of the Middle Temple, Esquire, fifty Guineas and to THOMAS DAY of Cliffords Inn, Gentleman, fifty Guineas. And I direct all my just debts and my funeral expenses and also my said Legacies shall be paid and satisfied by and out of all my ready monies and all other monies which shall be due or owing to me at my death in my own right or as Executrix to my late brother ANDREW BROUGHTON, deceased, either for principal or interest by any book debt or on any mortgages, bonds, bills, notes or other securities whatsoever. And I further will and direct that after payment of all my debts, funeral expenses and legacies aforesaid, all the rest and residue of the money aforesaid, which shall remain, shall go and be disposed of in manner following. (That is to say) One moiety or full half part thereof I give to my dear sister, LYDIA BROUGHTON, to and for her own proper use. And as to the other moiety of the said remaining monies, I will that my said sister, LYDIA BROUGHTON, shall have all the interest profits and produce which shall arise therefrom or be made thereof after my death, during her life for her own benefit. And for that purpose she shall have the absolute disposal and management of the said mentioned moiety of the said monies so long as she shall live, to place out at interest or otherwise employ the same as she shall think best. And after her death, I give one half part of the said last mentioned moiety of the said monies to my cousin, ROBERT JOHNSON, for his own use. And I give the other half part of the said last mentioned moiety of the said monies, after my said sister LYDIA'S death, to my several nephews and nieces, the children of my late deceased brother and sisters, THOMAS BROUGHTON, MARY CHAMBERLAYN, ALATHEA ACKLOM, and CONSTANTIA ASHBY, who shall be living at my death in equal proportions share and share alike if more than one. And if but one of such my said nephews or nieces shall be then living, my will is that he or she shall have the whole. And all my household goods, apparel, books, plates, towels, pictures goods, chattels and other real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever not herein before disposed of, I give and devise to my said sister LYDIA BROUGHTON, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. And I make, constitute and appoint my said sister LYDIA and my said cousin ROBERT JOHNSON Executrix and Executor of this my will which I declare to be my last and do revoke all former and other wills by me made. In witness whereof, I the said CHRISTIANA BROUGHTON have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of November One thousand seven hundred and forty-two. CHRISTIANA BROUGHTON.//. Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator as and for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our Hands as Witnesses thereto at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other LUKE TREVIGAR Westfieldin Sussix Clerik Ja: CLAYTONof the Middle Temple.//.

This Will was proved at London before the Right Worshipful JOHN BETTESWORTH, Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper of Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the twenty-seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty three. By the Oath of ROBERT JOHNSON, Esquire, and the solemn and sincere Declaration of Affirmation of LYDIA BROUGHTON, the Executors named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased, the said ROBERT JOHNSON going first Sworn and the said LYDIA BROUGHTON having first made the Declaration of Affirmation aforesaid according to act of Parliament duly to administer the same.//.