
Love is a Rose!

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Words of Wisdom
Live not as though there were a thousand years
ahead of you. Fate is at your
elbow; make yourself good while life and power
are still yours.
By: Marcus Aurelius

Hi and Welcome to our place in the vast world of cyberspace! We are Jim and Belinda O'Neal (My maiden name is Cagle). We live in Chicago, the "Windy City" and have for many years, but our hearts belong to the great State of Arkansas. We are both from there, but we met and married in Chicago. We do have plans on returning to Arkansas soon and plan to build a stone and log home. I am from Forrest City Arkansas and graduated High School there. Jim is from Piggott, Arkansas but finished High School in the Navy. He served his duty on the USS Bennington in the early part of 1960.
We would love to live in the west part of Arkansas like Hot Springs, Mt. Ida or Herber Springs. This region of Arkansas is just beautiful and so peaceful. If you are ever in this area, look around and take in the sights! We plan to open a small collectibles shop of crystal and wood. We are "Huge" collectors of "Swarovski Crystal" and we love antique wood items. To me the two just fit together. Below is a picture of our most prized Swarovski Crystal piece.

Swarovski Peacock

Our collection is at about 480 pieces and still growing! We'll need to get another cabinet to continue collecting.If you are a collector and would like to have a great software program for your "Swarovski" collection, try "Swanware!" It is the best by far. It specializes in cataloging the Swarovski pieces for insurance purposes or for your own records so you can keep track of all the pieces you own. The program allows you to print out reports in different formats and keeps a total of pieces and ERV's (estimated replacement values). You can even put the pictures of pieces in it. It doesn't cost a lot, so go and check it out by clicking on the Swarovski link below!

Silver Crystal Rose

Hello, we are glad that you stopped in to view our site. I would like you to visit my firends site while you are here. He is "Genealogywiz White Cloud". He helped us get started with our site and without his assistance, we could not have gotten as far as we did! He has one of the most incredible sites we have ever seen. It will touch your hearts just as it has touched ours. I truly thank him for all he has done! His link is just below here so, go ahead and click on it!

Genealogywiz's "White Cloud's" Homepage

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