Sarah Nicole AKA Bear

Sarah is my very first sibling. She was 20 years old on June 30th, 2001. She is extremely bright and beautiful and hardworking and funny and moody and wonderful. (Gosh! The list could just go on and on.) We fought a lot when we were little, but she is definitely one of my best friends. She has always been there for me and I try to return the favor. Corbin and I have missed her a lot while she has been off at Rutgers University. But at the same time, we are very happy for her. Sarah - you are the best little sister ever!

Sarah in her Own Words

Baby Bear
Dana and Sarah
ages 4 & 1 years old respectively
taken Fall 1982

Boston Sewer
Sarah and Aunt Dawn rucking around Boston
taken March 1997

Feeling Ducky
Sarah and Friends
taken just before her Senior Prom May 7, 1999
Note the goldfish tattoo on her shoulder - what an accessory, no?

Prom Date
Sarah and her prom date Jim

Sarah and one of her best friends Zenny

Cousin Ken
Sarah and our Cousin Ken

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