
Harry Teer`s

Family page

This page is an introduction to my family genealogy project. A History for the future

My families came to America in the early days before the American Revolution. They left the British Isles for life in an unsettled land. They came to Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Later they moved into the wilderness of Georgia and Alabama seeking land and opportunity. They were not the wealthy and aristocratic. They were simple farmers, but truly American nobility


Click on these family names to see a descendent outline

Teer Family This family begins with William Teer, a lieutenant in the S.C. Militia during the American Revolution.

Stewart Family I have traced this family to Virginia in the early 1700s. There is currently a very large branch of this family in Bibb County, Alabama

Marchant family Another large Bibb county, Alabama family. Henry John(Harry)Marchant was born In Hadlow, County of Kent, England in 1844 and came to America in 1870

Steele Family A Scots-Irish family that arrived in Charleston,S.S. in 1763

Taylor Family Lt. George W. Taylor fought with Lighthorse Harry Lee during the American Revolution

If any of these families interest you, Email me at au258@freenet.carleton.ca

View Photos From My Family Archives:

1910 Marchant Family Reunion

George Jefferson Stewart


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