The Dallas Cowboys Unselfishly
Offer Themselves Up for Our Humor Enjoyment

Dallas Cartoon

What do you call a drug ring in Dallas?
A huddle.

Four Dallas Cowboys in a car, who's driving?
The sheriff.

Why can't Michael Irvin get into a huddle on the field anymore?
It is a parole violation for him to associate with known felons.

I understand Chicago is trying to sign Michael Irvin...
They got rid of the refrigerator, so now they want a coke machine.

The Dallas newspapers reported yesterday that Texas Stadium is going to take out the artificial turf because the Cowboys play better on grass.

How do you get a Cowboy to stand up?
Say "Will the defendant please rise."

Did you hear Dallas has petitioned the NFL to consider alternative colors for marking the field?
Seems their players have a tough time passing up all those white lines.

What's Jerry Jones' biggest concern?
Does Bail Money count against the Salary Cap?

The Dallas Cowboys adopted a new Honor system...
Yes your Honor, No your Honor.

The Cowboys had a 12 and 5 season this year, 12 arrests, 5 convictions.

The Cowboys knew they had to do something for their defense, so they hired a new defensive coordinator...
Johnny Cochran.

How do the Dallas Cowboys spend their first week at spring training?
Studying the Miranda Rights.


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