Tiffany's Place

              Pet Tributes

              These are tributes that have been sent to me from others who would like the memory of their beloved pets to live on. May the candle burn forever...

              To our beloved friends...

              To Tasha
              With Love, Marielle

              In my sorrow,
              I feel joy that you have gone,
              To a place,
              That although beyond my reach,
              Is not beyond my love.

              In my joy,
              I feel sorrow that I cannot,
              Feel your thick fur under my fingers.

              Oh, you terrified the neighbors!
              And bit feathers off of their ducks,
              And swam in the pools. . .
              And dug up the gardens. . .
              A classic ravaging dog.

              But you were so much more,
              Weren't you?
              So I know,
              Because you're special that I,
              Will see you again.

              And feel thick and warm and soft fur,
              Under my fingers again.


              To my Princess:

              I will never forget that morning. Mom came running into my room while I was asleep at 4 am. She was shouting your name and running through the house. I stumbled out of bed as she hurried back out the door. I grabbed my nearest pair of sweat pants and wiped the sleep out of my eyes as I fumbled through the dark morning air to the barn. As I entered the orchard, you galloped past me, swerving to miss me while I staggered, still half asleep. Just then I heard the word "colic" and I was wide awake. I grabbed your halter before you went down in the mud. You were frightened and in pain. I has seen the look in your eyes before. That horrible look of terror and agony, mixed with the look of trust and pleading for help. It wrenched my heart as I patted your sweaty, dirty neck. You had been rolling in your stall all night long. When Mom came over to check on all the horses, she found you, flung your stall door open, tried to pull you up, then ran back to the house for my help.

              Oh the immense feeling of guilt. Yet there was no time for feelings. I bit back my tears and we walked. We walked until 5:30 when the vet got there. You threw your head up in an effort to avoid the tube that had to be put down your throat. I talked to you, trying to calm both of us down. Dr. Beasly gave you some mineral oil. Nothing else to do but walk and wait. So we walked some more. Until 6. Then 7. Then 8. Mom went to call our regular vet, Dr. Harry, who had recently moved two hours away. She wanted his advice. And we walked. 9 'o clock. Dr. Harry told us to take you to a clinic. But you were acting better. You pricked your ears as you were lead all around the yard and around the back porch. 10 'o clock. We decided to take you to Nolinsville, Tennessee, to the equine clinic there. The two hour drive was long and horrible. When we got there we hoped for the best. But it was not to be.

              The vet said he had felt your small intestine during the exam, and it would require surgery. Even then there was less than a 30% chance you would make it through. I cried and dropped to me knees as you started to go into severe shock from the pain and in my heart I knew what we had to do, but my mind, still confused and in disbelief, refused to say it. I gave you a hug and the last kiss. I breathed in the smell of your sweaty and dirty neck. "Good bye, my beloved Princess. A fitting name for you and your life. May you rest in peace. I love you."


              To Mercedes:
              A wonderful dog that left this earth way before I wanted.

              The phone call from grandmom was certainly not something I ever expected. It's been about 2 years now, but I haven't forgotten you and I know I never will.


              Pet Tributes - Send me your pet tributes!

              Back to the Rainbow Bridge


              Graphics by Tiffany