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We are all concerned about health issues and we hope to bring you some infomation that makes your quality of life a little better. In addition, we have interests in holistic and natural therapies,many of them originating with our American Indian forefathers. We hope that you will come back to see what has been added here. Also, suggestions for content are graciously accepted and considered, so I hope that you will sign our guestbook or drop us an e-mail.

Twig Divider

Picture of Indian Conch

Pottery Bowl Who Is The Medicine Woman?

When the general public thinks of Native healers and "physicians", the words "Medicine Man" seems to naturally fall out of their mouths. Guess what? This is another situation where there was no gender bias, and there were just as many Medicine Women as Medicine Men.

Each Nation, tribe and village had medicine people; whether male or female was of no consequence. Children who were born with the gift of healing were taken by the medicine person as a young child and taught healing ways. They were taught to recognize the healing plants, trees, roots, berries and wild herbs. They were taught how to make poultices, teas and other healing foods.

Medicine Women were the local psychologists, therapists, physicians and marriage counselors. In some tribes, the Medicine Women were given the responsibility of making the warriors' shields for it was believed that she had special powers that would give those war shields added protection for the owners.

The practice of medicine was a full time job for the Medicine Woman who was responsible for the health,well-being and emotional balance of the villagers. In return for her services, she was cared for by the members of the village. She always had food, shelter, her needs met, assistance when it was needed, and special spirit gifts that showed the honor and respect of her people. This was how the Medicine Women were "paid".

The art of being a Medicine Woman has not been lost. There are more practicing Medicine Women alive today than ever before using the same old natural ways combined with the new technology that has been developed. There are herbalists, naturalists, aroma therapists, massage therapists - those who teach spirituality, awareness, meditation skills and other assistance. The Medicine Woman continues to care for her family and loved ones with all the tools available to her so they can walk in balance, and live life in health and harmony. May it ever be so. Aho.

This article was used with permission of Native Pride Wisdom
with our grateful thanks.
~Native Pride Wisdom~ © 2001

Twig Divider

A Glance At Medical History

Picture of Indian Conch

Pottery Bowl Native American Indian Healing

The modern techniques of holistic and alternative healing and natural
remedies have been alive in the 'old ways' of Indian medicine for centuries.
This article is an excellent resource about the origins of natural healing.

Pottery Bowl 19th-Century Doctors' Thoughts about Native American Medicine in America

"We have no discoveries in the materia medica to hope for from the Indians in North-America. It would be a reproach to our schools of physic, if modern physicians were not more successful than the Indians, even in the treatment of their own diseases." - Benjamin Rush

Pottery Bowl Some Native American Physical Characteristics and Native Disease

Pottery Bowl Traditional Herbal, Plant and Identification Knowledge.
Please Learn About Herbs and Other Plants Before Using!


Pottery Bowl Herb Research Foundation
More Lessons About Herbs and Other Plants Before Using!

New Subject Pottery Bowl Diabetes in Native American Indians
Diabetes Information,Prevention,Related Health Conditions
Personal Experiences with Diabetes,Cookbook

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A Closer Look At Contemporary Medicine

Picture of Indian Conch

Pottery Bowl Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [CFIDS]

Pottery Bowl The Immune Support Website
The Largest CFS & FM Site on the Web!

Pottery Bowl Fibromyalgia Syndrome-Lots of Links

Pottery Bowl Irritable Bowel Syndrome [IBS]

New Subject Pottery Bowl Energy Medicine: Why Clear Point Therapy?

Clear Point Therapy’s goal is to set a new standard in Energy Work. There is a puzzle energetically for each disease. Repairing our electrical system is only one component to regain health. We must clear the body of all reactive energies, parasites, infections,viruses, candida, and other invaders. We must repair deficiencies, clear negative cords, and other energies that attach to the body. Energy work, of which Clear Point therapy is part of, is familiar to many and new to others.

Lona Hinckley,Therapist

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Page Last Updated May 25,2005
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