Wonder Twins, Anamorphs
and Apocalypse
Oh My!!

Oh! No! Jana, Apocalypse is attacking!"

"We can't stop him Zan!"

"Why? Because he is so powerful sis?"

"No, because we are pathetic rip offs of Mr. Spock!"

"We'll help!!" Group of kids appear before them.

"We are the Anamorphs Correctors of Wrong! Champions of Justice. We Will fight for right. Correct all ills. Stop every injustice. Battl-

A mysterious voice begins to sing Fighting Evil by Moonlight-

The kids shapeshift into animals.

"A rat! A hideous horrible ugly RAT!! Jana kill it!" {We all know Zan is a wimp. now admit it.}

"Wonder Twin Powers Activate!" {Both say it DUH!!}

"Shape of a Delarian Skristomper!" Jana leaps forwards and snatches the rat in her teeth. Gulp!

"Form of a lame usless patch of ice!"

Apocalypse runs towards them, slips on ice, and crushes the tiger!

"I think he cracked my ribs!" Zan whines. Ice breaks apart. Dog falls into icy water and freezes.

"Decepti-err I mean Animporphs Retreeatt!!" The hawk cries out as he cowardly flies off.

'The rest of us can't fly ya winged traitor!!' the others think as they slip around on the ice.

"They'll never notice me slink away."

"Wolvie, a snake! *Paff Paff*

"I'll get him for ya darlin." *Skcrink Slash*

"Ewww Jana! I think you stepped on something?"

Jana looks at the mass of goo on her...um...claw. "Ug! I think it was a frog!" She scraps it off.

"I made it! I am clear of the ice. I will live. LIVE!

A pair of sharp teeth spring towards the happy rabbit! A few moments later voices can be heard in the background. "Jinkies! Scooby, caught a rabbit!" "Like Groovy man! Now we won't starve in this creepy forest!"

"AH! This speciman will do nicely. By slightly altering this chimps genetic structure I shall transform him into a... Summers! It will drive Scott mad!" The chimp doesn't struggle. Why? He seems like such a nice man. Sure his eyes glow red and he has pointed teeth, but why judge? Moments later sounds of a tortured chimp can be heard.

Chameleon changes blue in an attempt to blend in with the ice. "Azreil! A Smurf! I caught one of those vile little smurfs! Oh! Joy! Oh! Happy Day!! Now I can make Gold!!"

After reaching the apparent safety of the forest(and not relizing he had run through that time portal) the wolf changes back. "Werewolf!" A hord of angry midevil villagers scream as they emerge with an assortment of sharp object and off him.

Mysterious flux in the space-time continuem occures. Cat finds herself faceing off with her: Evil alter ego from a parrel time line, Her clone from a spooky neither world, and a demonic version of herself from a bleak and dark futur. All versions of cat die in a flash a light as said messed up time flux corrects its self.

Apocalypse laughs himself sick and decides to destroy the world some other day.

Gargamel went into a resturaunt later that day. "Yes I would like to buy a nice lunch with this GOLD of mine." The evil wizard points at the menue.

"Roast hawk with red sauce. A fine choice sir."

"It is fresh?" Gargamel asks.

"We caught the fowl earlier today as he was flying through the forest."


Harpoon, You fool! I don't want to cross the chimp/Summers with the Mogwi!! Not the Tribbles too!! Nooo!! There multipling the world is DOOMED!! We must contact Billy-err I mean the X-Men...

Will Gargamel have a fine dinning experience?

Will Scooby Share his rabbit?

Will Zan ever do something neat with his powers? {Zan Who?}

Will some nit picker point out that Gargamel couldn't really have made gold from a bach of smurfs with a blue chameleon in it?

Will the X-Men be able to save world from the twisted fluffy pink Summer/Chimps...?

Will there be a sequel? shudder

Some of this junk is mine but that which is not...

Smurfs, Azriel, Gargamel, Scooby and assosociated friends are not mine. I'm sure they belong to Hanna Barbara!

Mentioned evil red eyed man {You know who it is so don't ask!} Also the X-Men; Summers aka Scott. If you don't get the joke you never will. Trust me being made a Summers is a fate worse then death!!

Refrence to Sailor Moon I don't know who owns it. NOT ME!!

Wonder Twins Zan/Jana=DC.

Spock? Tribbles? Animorphs? Mogwi? belongs to Marvel as well as Harpoon Wolvie and Paffing sidekick Billy? {Watch the movies!} Not mine!

Delarian Skristomper...I made it up...What ever.

We all know what the Decepti-err are and we know their not mine!

I am making no money off of this.

Written by crelop.