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The Teaching of Ecclesiasties on Exodus 20:21
( "So the people stood at a distance, while Moses approached 
the Thick Darkness (Cloud)  Where God Was")

   No man born of earth will ever be able to completely understand God or look into His mind and see what the future holds for them. 
   In Ecc chapter 6:12  the writer asks...."How can anyone know what is best for man in this short, useless, life.......How can anyone know what will happen in the world after He dies?", which was answered by  Ecc 6:10  "Everything that happens was already determined long ago......" (cf Isaiah 48:3,5; John 1:1-5) 
   God places in us the desire to know the future but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what  He does. (Ecc 3:11). 

   In Ecc 6:2  the writer points out what he sees as an anomaly in that God gives a man everything and then won't let him enjoy it, but a stranger instead. Surely this is because the writer doesn't understand God's priorities and doesn't know of eternal life as we do. If we genuinely live each day to the  Lord, we enjoy each day, and don't work on the "sometime in the future" plan. 
   In  Ecc 8:14  the righteous receive the punishment of the wicked (death), while wicked men get the reward of the righteous (life in abundance) - but we know that, through grace, death leads to life......this guy didn't! 

   Although these illustrations do seem unfair, God sets a time for everything (Ecc3:1). The writer continually reminds us that we don't know what is going to happen,(Ecc 8:7;9:1) but we shouldn't worry about it because God's got things under control.  In  Ecc 7:14  he then tells us to remember that when trouble comes along, God sends both happiness and trouble, and that we don't know what is going to happen next. 

   Next, our writer goes on to state that the meaning of life is too deep and too hard for us to understand, (Ecc 7:24), just as we know today.  This is because God created it.  In  Ecc 8:16-17  he says that even if you stayed awake day and night you would never be able to understand what God is doing - No matter how hard we try we will never solve the mystery of God (Ecc 11:5). He is so right!  If we did He wouldn't be God, He'd be small enough for our finite minds to cope with. 


   God is in cloud if we seek to find Him through pleasure, intellect, good works, etc. The only way through the cloud is through Jesus Christ. The writer of Ecclesiasties didn't have the advantage of knowing this, but may we use it and so come to know God even more fully. If you don't know Jesus Christ and want to know more click here. 

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