My  Journal                               Before Yeva


On January 6 the frist of hyacynths I'd planted showed up. Finally! On that day, unable to dwell on our imagination, we decided to try a pregnancy test... If Nikolai hadn't   have turned up in the right place at the right time, I would have shrugged my shoulders and thrown this one as I'd had the previous two. This time on that day, your father snatched the thermometer like stick from me, and kept staring even after I was gone.
'Come back, quick! Two stripes!' he cried out. And I halted on the threschold... Parallel to the first stripe, there was  the second one very indistinct at first, dawning. A true sign that you exist...

On Jan.14 our first visit to Dr. Andreas Matheou in his private clinic took place. He used ultra-sound scan to make sure we were telling him the truth (oh, how they liked ultra sounds in pregnancy in Cyprus). It turned out, I was mistaken a week. My due date is going to be September 6, instead of August 31, as I'd thought.


Today playing with Dana, I was lying on the floor, on the back. And felt your first leap.



A few words on Dr. Arthemis Christou. It's an aged man, gentle and nice, taking into account his profession. He's an ultra-sound technician, one of a few best in Limassol. Our first scan took place at 12 weeks, and confirmed the due date - September 6.

Before the second big scan at 19 weeks, we were thinking of a name for you. Nothing came to mind for a boy! I suggested 'Gabriel', but your father wasn't interested, having some strong cartoon associations. He suggested, 'Eduard', but I disagreed. It's not Jewish at all... As for a girl, we were full of ideas. We had to choose out of a pile, like, 'Eliana', 'Mara', 'Ella', 'Eva' (or Yeva), etc. And finally, we decided that Yeva would suit you, if you're a girl. And that's what we were going to find out...

The scan revealed no obvious pathologies (which is great!), and revealed that Yeva is your name!! We are happy, we're going to have you as our daughter.


A few words on Dr. Matheou. It's an aged man with white hair. He'd studied in London, from where he brought his handsome wife. She supervises bio-laboratory in his clinic.

Matheou man enjoys making jokes with highly un-emotional face. For instance, 'If the baby is reluctant to come out on time, we'll summon it in a Jewish way. How? We'll make a coin noise'... To his mind, a man should beget at least 5 daughters, to be happy when he's old. Why? To make 6 women look after him!

A couple of days ago Dr. scared me. He said, you might be born much earlier and very premature - even now, at 28 weeks for some 'cervical' reasons. So he prescribed some medicine and bed-rest. The medicine turned out to be a nightmare to survive. I couldn't handle my hands trembling, shivering, heart thumping. So I gave up. I ventured to give up, to be more exact...

You're going to behave, aren't you? Please, aim for September 6, will you?



Almost 34 weeks! Now, when just a little more than a month left till your arrival, I understand how fast you're growing. You show me your little hands through. I've got you under my skin:)

As for our readiness, we are ready. I'm ready for the clinic, too. Dr. Mathou organised   a tour to 'the other side' of the clinic for me. I took a look at the wards and sleeping babies in the nursery.. We'll be put together in a ward, Dad and Dana will be visiting us. I hope, we'll be staying not for long...

If you feel the slightest and gentlest touch, it's Dana and her 2 year-old hands. She says, 'Baby'.



Now everything is ready indeed. Even a nappy pack! The newborn size...

4 days ago I finally got fed up with gazhpacho. I remembered about the soup yet in April, and by and by, began  feeding myself exclusively on it . It could be up to 5 plates a day. Your father, coming home, regularly exclaimed, 'What? Gazhacho again?' For him and Dana I cooked something else, which I couldn't eat myself.

Once we forgot to buy a 1 litre pack of tomato juice, necessary for blending gaspacho. So Nik launched his short trip around kiosks nearby. I remembered about badly needing the juice at home and during lunch break. In the kiosks he found all kinds of juices, but tomato one. This was only in a form of tiny cartons, with straws attached. He knew I'd die without one, so he bought 8 of such.

I think you need to know what you and I have been feeding on, since April till July daily:




Here we are. They say, there are no miracles. Usually we listen to your heartbeat by means of Doppler apparatus during our visits to the Doctor, and call you  a 'trenaki' (a little train in Greek).Yesterday night your father was able  listen to your heartbeat with his unarmed ear! I must say, he never could hear yours or Dana's right through the skin. Just once, and just yours...



So what?

There were people, who'd been sure you were going to be a boy. Just because I didn't look pregnant from behind.

There were people, like our Dr.Matheou, who'd been sure you were going to be born on September 8, just because it's his birthday.

There were people, like our relatives from Israel, who'd been sure you were going to be overdue, up to my birthday, which is September 16.

There were people, who'd tried to amuse me with a film, which they thought was funny. Their efforts were futile. I was staring at the screen  blank faced, because the film wasn't funny and I felt sorry for a wasted evening of my pre-you life. September 6 was very close...

Yesterday morning all of a sudden I began checking on what I'd put in the bag, if everything was in place and in order. I re-arranged it all.

Yesterday morning while thinking of a menu for the week, I caught myself at a thought I wasn't going to eat it all.

Yesterday morning I sent my only picture of pregnant self to Sue, just in case I wasn't going to have enough time to post it upon my site. And instead of answering something like, 'Oh, you have plenty of time ahead', she replied, 'Beautiful! Good luck!'

Yesterday while thinking what to wear that day, I came across my favourite maternity skirt, I thought once it was clean I'd keep it intact till... what? Next pregnancy?

Do you think, I thought your birthday had been already chosen by then?:)

Generally and scientifically, if to count by obstetrics calendar, you were going to be born on August 31, 2000. That is, on the day which has naturally become your actual birthday!


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