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Mindful mothering

Fruits and Veggies

"I want this kid to be a fruit and vegetable eater," my husband declared while I was pregnant.

Now how am I going to make a child eat fruits and veggies I wondered. We decided the thing to do was to serve fresh fruit every day and that's what we've done. Ever since the baby started on solids I made sure he has had some kind of fruit to eat each day - whatever is in season. In the morning before he goes to work my husband cuts fruit into bite size pieces and puts it into a bowl for Julian to eat during the day. If he doesn't do it then I do it.

The foods that children are familiar with are the foods they are served most frequently. The foods they are served most frequently are the foods they will like. Always have fresh fruit in the house. Same idea works with veggies. Get a steamer. Steaming vegetables is so easy and they come out mighty tasty. Serve steamed, fresh vegetables every week. Your kid will be familiar with them, he'll be eating them regularly so he won't freak out when he sees them on his plate. Even if you don't have good eating habits yourself, you can follow though on this advice and help your child develop good eating habits that will be with him for a lifetime.

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