Gemma's Stick People Adoptions

Welcome to the Stick People Adoption Agency! Stick people are simple, homy people (you can tell by the style of this page), and they make great residents for your homepage (also known as cyberpets), and are lots of fun to have. You can adopt your own stick figure if you have a homepage which is family friendly. If it is, just follow the step-by-step adoption progess until completed. Have fun!

The Adoption Process

Step 1. First of all you need to fill out this information so that I can visit your page and check out the stick's new home. Once you have the four feilds full, scroll on down for the next step.

Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Homepage URL:
Your Homepage Title:

Step. 2. Have a look at the sticks below and choose the one(s) you would like to adopt. Once you have chosen, select the checkbox underneath the stick(s) you have decided on, and then save them to your computer. For download instructions or for WebTV users see the bottom of this page.
Purple Stick
Orange Stick
Blue Stick
Red Stick
Yellow Stick
Green Stick

Step 3. Now you need to save this picture, upload it to your webpage, and copy this code into your webpage. This is a link back to this page so that others can adopt stick people too. This code should be placed on the same page as your stick cyberpet, preferably next to it (have a look at my cyberpets page to see what I mean). For downloading instructions or WebTV users see the bottom of this page.

Here's the picture:

Here is the code:

<a href=" /Heartland/Bluffs/6024/stickadopt.html"> <img src="stickado.jpg" border=0 alt="My Stick Person was adopted here"></a>

Step 4. Read the rules below, and if you agree click on the 'Adopt' picture and you adoption will be processed.

Rules for adoption
All I ask is that you don't use these graphics for anything but cyberpets with the provided picture linked back to me. If you wish to use them for something other than cyberpets or if you want to modfy them e-mail me and we'll work something out.

If you agree, click on the adopt picture below, which will process your application and the adoption will be complete.

Download Instructions: Right click (or Mac users left click) on the picture and select 'Save as...'. Then save it and upload it to your page.
For WebTV Users: People with WebTV can link to the stick people and and adopt picture aslong as they abide with all other terms and conditions.

Thankyou for visiting my
Stick People Adoptions Agency.
Gemma's Stick People Adoptions © copyright 1999 Gemma