My Garden!!!

My Garden


My garden is a circle around a young tree about the height of my dad. The tree is a Claret Ash and the circle is about one meter radius and two in diameter. It was only made on Saturday, 10th of October, '98, by dad. He shoveled of the turf and wheeled three wheelarrow full loads of soil, two were old stuff in a big pile and one was leftover garden suply stuff. On Saturday afternoon we bought 5 punnets of seedlings from the nursery. On Sunday morning I planted them, the Love in the Mist (Nigella) around the middle in a circle, then some purpley and pinky Petunias next in a larger circle around, and then some dark blue Lobelia. Around the very edge I alternated between apricot and dark pink Alyssum. So that, my dears, is my garden!
UPDATE My garden now has a light purple petunia flower and several petunia buds, plus two lobelia flowers.

UPDATE! My garden flowered for a long time with tones of petunias, love in the mist, and lobelia, and then the rabbits attacked! They ate the lobelia, and the petunias finished flowering, and the love in the mist ended their life. But don't worry, soon I shall plant a bulb and cottage flower mix, for the winter and spring. It should be really pretty.

UPDATE! 3 of May, '99
My new pack is planted and the bulbs and seeds are shooting up everywhere. It'll be great!

UPDATE! 7th of September '99 The anenomes and alyssum are all flowering, and the whole bed is just a hill of green! The plants aren't very bick but they're very thick!
My garden's first year
My Garden in '98

Another shot of my garden

