Mike's Promise Keepers Page
pictures from "Standing in the Gap" in Washington D.C.

and this is just a few of us.......there are many more as you move toward the Lincoln Memorial.
 Our great and awesome God and Father, in Your sovereignty You have
brought us to Washington, D.C., in the name of Your
 only Son, Jesus Christ. You have met us and dealt with us in powerful
ways. You have been faithful with all of Your promises
  and loving in all Your ways. We now stand before You broken and
humbled, called and strengthened by Your Holy Spirit to
                                   enter into this covenant with You.
 We covenant by Your grace to serve no other gods besides You. Where we
have strayed from You, we commit to love You
 with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. Where we have grown
distant in our communion with You, we commit to pursue
  an ever-deepening relationship with You through worship, prayer and
Your written Word, empowered by Your Holy Spirit.
   We covenant by Your grace to become men of integrity, relying on Your
Word and Christ in us. When faced with moral,
            ethical, and sexual temptations, we commit to ask You for
help that we might do the right thing.
 We covenant by Your grace to love and serve our wives and children. We
commit to give them first priority in our prayers and
    schedules. Today, each of us declares, "As for me and my house, we
will serve the Lord." Where we have used our
 masculinity against others, we now commit to honor all women and value
all human life through our words and in our actions.
    We covenant by Your grace to actively support the mission of our
churches. Where we have criticized our pastors and
  withheld our support, we commit to follow their spiritual leadership
and to pray for them daily. Where we have withheld our
                    gifts, we commit to invest our time, treasure and
talents into our churches.
    We covenant by Your grace to pray for and to facilitate unity in the
body of Christ. Where our pride, insensitivities and
  prejudice have divided the Church, we commit to seek forgiveness,
understanding, and reconciliation. Where we have done
  little to confront the sins of sectarianism and racism, we commit to
intentionally love the brotherhood of believers and be an
             observable example of unity in Christ, that He might be
exalted and known as the Son of God.
We covenant by your grace to be witnesses in word and deed to the love,
forgiveness and hope that You have given us through
 Christ Jesus our Lord. Grant us the gift of Your empowering Holy Spirit
today and each day from hereafter, that Jesus Christ
                                 may be seen and exalted in our lives.
   We covenant by your grace to pursue vitals relationships with a few
other godly men for the purpose of encouraging one
                                 another toward love and good deeds.
    Now, with this covenant we go forth in a spirit of unity in Christ
Jesus, poised for revival in our churches and spiritual
  awakening in our land. For whether we live or die, we belong to You.
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only
                            God, be honor and glory for ever and ever."1

these are taken at about 8 am.

lots of sightseeing goin on early

even these grounds are to be full soon

(left) about 10:00 am   (right)  about 11:30

isn't our God awesome!!!!!

Brothers in Christ....no matter what the labels we wear

Wow.....lets do it again next year!!!!!!  hehe

These are all pictures i took except the top pic  which i am not sure where it is from....but i would love to give credit to whoever's it is.   And actually the pictures are from my snappy.    What a cool device.    God is Good!!!! And Worthy of our praise.    Hope you have enjoyed my experience in pictures of The "Sacred Assembly of Men", "Standing in the Gap"     God Bless You and your family.

The 7 Promises of a Promise Keeper

1. A Promise Keeper is committed to honor Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, and obedience to God's Word in the power
of the Holy Spirit.
2. A Promise Keeper is committed to pursue vital relationships with a few other men, understanding the he needs brothers to
help him keep his promises.
3. A Promise Keeper is committed to practice spiritual, moral, ethical, and purity.
4. A Promise Keeper is committed to build strong marriages and families through love, protection, and biblical values.
5. A Promise Keeper is committed to support the mission of his church by honoring and praying for his pastor and by actively
giving his time and resources.
6. A Promise Keeper is committed to reach beyond any racial and
denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.
7. A Promise Keeper is committed to influence his world, being obedient to the Great Commandment [Mark 12:30-31] and the
Great Commission [Matthew 28:19-20].

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