A Charge To Fathers
     Alright you dads out there.   You came here maybe to see what kinda goofy stuff I was going to write.   Well..... here goes.
     One of my favorite songs I have heard is by Phillips Craig and Dean called "Just like You".    It talks about how his kid wants to be just like him.....as we want to be just like God,   well......that is a huge task, but we must try all we can to do right.       Our kids need to see us as real people also.     When we are wrong we need to admit it to them....and even ask their forgiveness.   We need for our kids to see us active in church, and also to see a spiritual side to us, where else will they learn this???? the world?    I would hope we dont wait for the world to teach them.    Don't let your kids go thru life not hearing how much you love them.....I can tell you that I dont remember my dad ever saying "I Love You"...but you know what???   My kids will hear it till they are sick of it...but they won't ever wonder when the last time I said it was.
     If we dont show our kids the love they need at home.....they will look for it in the world..you can be sure of that.....we all need love.     If you don't believe that...find a teen chatroom and just talk to some of them and ask them why they like the marilyn manson's of the world......its cause they think that people like manson care for them and have something in common with them about the way they feel.
     Dads, we have a huge responsibility.    In our actions daily with our wife....we are showing our kids how to treat their future wife..........and if you have a daughter.....you are showing her what kind of a man she would like to have as a husband..........If we set the standards high, then they should have high standards also.       Our kids need to see male spiritual leaders in the church also......  Women do a great job of motivating us to keep going to church but our kids need to see men involved in worship, vacation bible school, family days, and such.
     Like I said earlier,  our kids need to know that we are real people and that we  make mistakes but they can also learn how to deal with mistakes in watching how we handle them.   If we get all upset and throwing things around ...chances are our kids will have a bit of a temper also......If we show them how to deal with life on a more easy going attitude, then just maybe they will follow suit.
     I know that these do not hold true in every child .....but we have to try all we can to raise Godly kids,  they are the future of our families, communities, churches, country, and world......so again I say....WE HAVE A HUGE TASK.

Now for Husbands also......

     I think I heard it put best by Mr. Wellington Boone......"We need to try to out love our wife".   (Note....if you don't already do this...you might scare her to death if you do it all the sudden.....*grin*).       This includes:   helping do dishes or other housework,  watching kids so she can go on a ladies night out....or encouraging a ladies night out, a special date night where she  picks what is going to go on completely(of which I need to do....hmmmm),   and just making sure that she knows just how much you love her and that she is your true LOVE.   If we remember that we should treat our spouse the way we would like to be  treated and keep communications open we should have a great marriage.

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