Our Disclaimer

Our Disclaimer

Hi. I am probably breaking tradition or some rule of "Web Etiquette" or something or other but I wanted to let you know a little more about us and our web pages.

My name is Renee. My son's name is James. In addition to working full-time as a systems analyst, project leader, database engineer and in a number of other roles and capacities, I am a graduate student. My goal is to complete my master's degree in Software Systems Engineering in May of 1999. I am a single parent. I do a fair amount of service (volunteer) work. We are active in our church. And I try to have some type of a social life - although lately I seem to be spending every spare second on this computer. My son has a number of extra-curriculum activities. So when I am not at work or studing for an exam or sitting in a classroom, I am often driving my son around to a fencing tournament or a birthday party or whatever seems to be his passion for the week. We also have a dog and right now we are taking her to obedience school. And then of course we are often busy handling the things that come with being a member of society. Things like paying bills, getting car inspection stickers, cleaning the house, finding stupid receipts that were misplaced because the dog just chewed his second leash that cost $40 and had a lifetime warranty (this happened today).

This past Christmas, my mom bought a computer for my son and I. Now you would think that with having certification in an Information Technology area, having an associate's degree in Computer Information Systems, having a bachelors degree in Information Systems Management, being half-way through a masters program and having worked around computers for the past 15 years, I would be quite accustomed to the Internet and the World Wide Web. Well, to be honest, I have found the Internet quite useful in my academic and professional life. But I was not familiar with the creativity, ingenuity, and love that flowed through people's personal home pages. And so I spent alot of time at the beginning of the year just "surfing the Web". And I was often deeply impressed and touched by the love that flowed through many of these pages. A few of the web sites actually brought tears to my eyes! Of course, I've also been known to cry at some of the episodes of the Wonder Years.

So I started thinking to myself that I wanted to take a shot at building a web page. I waited until the semester was over. And since I am taking courses this summer, I gave myself only two to three weeks to create whatever I was going to create. When I started, I had no idea what my theme was going to be. And I knew nothing about building web pages. I knew nothing about geocities (although I sort of knew in the back of my head that I had seen some really cool web sites that had been hosted on these servers). I knew nothing about cgi, web counters, java, perl, gif files, midi files, html tables, forms, frames or style sheets. I did not know where to get those pretty backgrounds and midi files. I did not know what a cyber pet was. I was not sure about copyright laws. I had never heard of a web ring. And so I bought and borrowed some books and I started to dig around. I have spent much of these past 2 to 3 weeks putting this stuff together. A couple of times I have actually stayed up through the night. (My friends are starting to say that I am sick and that I need to get a life!) Of course, everything else in life has continued - I have just eliminated sleep in my quest (compulsion) to finish this project. And slowly, I have put something together that sort of makes sense.

I had a number of reasons for putting some web pages together. For one, I wanted to put some more tools in my professional bag. I also thought it would be something fun thing to do with my son. (The truth is, I have been totally "hogging" the machine. And my son is not nearly as excited about us having a Home on the Web as I am). But mostly, I wanted to join with the rest of the population and have my own URL. Obviously, I could have chosen any topic or theme I wanted. What I rediscovered is that my passions have always been on stuff like human relations, the health of our planet, our connection with Spirit, our relationship with ourselves. I think of myself as having always been one of these mushy, global-minded, activist types. If I ever put my personal story here, I think you would find it quite interesting. You see, I was born in the generation after Woodstock and so I guess you could sorta say I grew up as a wanna-be-hippie. And believe me, this has led me to some interesting places! Anyway, I drive my friends and my mom crazy at times with my sentiment. And although I "try" to practice the arts of compassion, understanding, tolerance, and acceptance, I do have alot of strong opinions.

So in my eagerness to share with you, I am posting this initial set of pages. I am open to hearing from you how you think they could be improved. I will be brainstorming on some neat stuff I can add. Perhaps next I will try to learn java. Anyway, I have some ideas. In particular, I am searching for some ways in which these pages can be interactive and fun for you. I will also be rewriting the Tribute to My Mom and Tribute to My Dad to more fully express my gratitude to these two incredible human beings. Of course, obviously words will never really express my love. And I will be posting alot more poetry and sharings of the heart. So please be sure to check back in a couple of months!

In building these pages, I am sure I have screwed up in some ways. I have tried to be careful and follow Netiquette. I have tried not to offend anyone. I have tried to acknowledge all of the incredible resources I have discovered out there. And I know that this whole set of pages is still "under construction". So I ask you to please practice tolerance and forgiveness if I have not properly acknowledged all those whose graphics or ideas I have used or if I have somehow been offensive. And please feel free to e-mail me. I will try to correct anything that's broken or improve whatever I can.

By the way, I invite you to build your own web pages, if you haven't already. And be sure to check out Geocities!


Yesterday, I was talking with a friend about the World Wide Web. He wonders if the Web is going to become a major source of transformation in our World. A few years ago, I attended a class called "Leveraging the Information Super-Highway". One of the topics that came up in this class was how the written word has always been a catalyst for change. It is no accident that many of our early American patriots, leaders and inventors were involved in the dissemination of information in one way or another. I think that the Web can be a powerful agent of positive change in our World. But in talking with this same friend, he asked the purpose for these pages. I told him, "if just one person stops to consider the ideas that are presented, if just one person goes home and chooses not to yell at their kids that night, if just one person gives a smile to the guy behind the check-out counter because he has been reminded that we all do matter, if just one person decides to give someone a break for their awkwardness or clumsiness or :for showing their human-ness (such as for cutting into traffic), then I will have definately fulfilled my purpose --- Even if that just one person is ME!


Thank you for listening.
