Font Size And Color

Font size can be from 1 to 7. Colors you can use any color # (IE).#9999FF #OOOOOO or the word. (IE)..RED, White etc..

Here I will demonstraight it to you see this big word example well look how I wrote it out just underneith it.

<center> <font size="+6" color="fuchsia"> Example </font> </center>

Here Is Some Effect To Use Also

<blackface> & </blackface> <P> Or some font effects: <P> <font effect="emboss">Embossed text <P> <font effect="relief">Reilef text <P> <font effect="shadow">Shadowed text <P> subscript <sub>text here>/sub>Subscripted text <P> superscript <sup>text here</sup>Superscripted tex

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