ßounce A Post Or E-Mail

Push the Send key or select forward.

Then address the e-mail to yourself.

Go to the body (below the subject line) of the e-mail. (PRESS RETURN TWO TIMES) Hold down the "Alt" key, press the (a) key that produces an "Alt" character. (ie) alt and a

Now press the "Return" key ONCE, the cursor drops below the "Alt" character.

Now press "CMD-A", to copy the "Alt" character and Hit return.

Now press "CMD-X", to cut out the "alt" character and Hit return.

Now place the cursor at the "Subject" line erase anything there.

Now press "CMD-V" and paste the "Alt" character and Hit return on the "Subject" line.

Now send the e-mail. When you open the e-mail in your mail box, you will see it is in HTML format.