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Pregnancy Info and Links

The Unborn are precious little people. Pregnant moms need to take care of themselves, and, in so doing, take care of their children. All children are a gift from God and should be treasured and loved.

My Pregnancy Journal

How Parents Can Stimulate Their Unborn Baby

New Baby Needs

Does it cost a lot to have a baby? The most natural way is often the least expensive. Explore your options...
* Buying for the New Baby by Marnie Ko.
* What is the best baby equipment? by Marilyn Hogan.
What to Buy for Baby Hint: Less is often Plenty, by Jay Ann Cox.
Baby Needs Calculator from

Pregnancy Mailing Lists

PGAP Mailing List Home Page If you are interested in natural pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding, attachment parenting, conception, and infant care, then this is the list for you!
The Pregnancy Today Mailing Lists Month-by-month mailing lists: there is a separate mailing list for each month of the year. . . for instance, everyone on the December list is due in December. Bedrest mailing list: A support forum for moms with high-risk pregnancies who have been put on bedrest. There are more lists to choose from.

Other Links

Olen Interactive Pregnancy Calendar A fun way to find out what is happening each day during your pregnancy and things you can do to prepare for birth. FAQs on General Pregnancy

Low-Tech Ways to Help You Conceive

Kathrine's Pregnancy Pages

Sidelines A network of support groups across the country for women with complicated pregnancies and their families.

Sabrina's Pregnancy Page

Plus-Size Pregnancy Website by Kmom; a great resource for large women. This website has lots of helpful information.

Lynne's Ultimate Pregnancy Page Fetal development, month by month; signs and symptoms of pregnancy; many great links including adoption, infertility, and miscarriage links; and more.

A Positive Pregnancy These pages were created to give women a place to share what is exciting, beautiful, and empowering about pregnancy.

The Female Athlete's Pregnancy, Post-Partum, Parenting Page

Why Breastfeed?

Fetal Development Includes pictures.

Nutrition and Pregnancy Has some good links; an Online Birth Center page.

Pregnancy and Alcohol do not Mix

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Family Album Snapshots: Jessica Grace

Pregnancy and Smoking A list of helpful links.

Vaginal Exams in Late Pregnancy

* Westside Crisis Pregnancy Center The Westside CPC offers free pregnancy related services to pregnant moms living in the vicinity of West Los Angeles, California. They strive to "educate and empower every women to choose life should she so desire." Their website provides links and phone numbers that pregnant moms anywhere in the US or Canada can use to find help and support, and they offer information on topics such as fetal development, abortion (methods, health risks, clinic info), and adoption.

* Pregnancy and Domestic Violence

* Mothers Against Circumcision (MAC) Excellent articles written by Mary G. Ray (founder of MAC) help answer many common questions people have about circumcision such as "Will it hurt my baby?" "What about anesthesia?" "Does an intact penis require special care?" "What if the baby's father is circumcised?" This site also includes references and a large list of links so you can do further research on your own. Be sure to read the article "Where is My Foreskin? The Case Against Circumcision" reprinted from Mothering Magazine.

Partial Birth Abortion

Pregnancy Index Family Planning Info and Links Pregnancy Journal Life-Affirming Links

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