I wanted to make a Web Page to let others know how I found happiness in marriage and in life in general. I am still a beginner at Web Pages therefore my page is not very I don't know much about how to add pictures and lots of neat things. I will work on it though and might surprise even myself one of these days. For now it is just me and my thoughts... God took SIX days to create the earth therefore it will presumably take me considerably longer. I will try to get this done in a adequate amount of time as to not leave you hanging for the answers too long. Now I assume the majority of the people who put pages on the internet is to satisfy that urge to see their name in print and to hope that someone, someday happens upon their page and smiles. My desire to have this page is to tell others how I found happiness and what I have found the secret to be. I have been a wife and mother since I was 19 years old. I am now 48 and still have the heart's desire to grow into a wise old woman (ok...older woman). I still have so much to learn and I am anxiously awaiting each of those lessons. Good or bad they will help me become that woman I desire to be.


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