You May Have a Spy in Your House
by Colonel Harry S. Bachstein

Good morning!  What a glorious weekend we're having here!  I'm about to share some random thoughts I had last night.  Perhaps you'll want to think about these things, too.

It's summertime in Tucson!  Thanks to El Nino, we actually had a spring season this year, and it was wonderful.  Gentle daytime temperatures in the mid-70's and nighttime in the low 50's. Alas, it's over now.  For the past week, we have topped 100 degrees every day, and so it will be until September.  That's fine with me.  It gets the snowbirds out of town and traffic is much easier to handle when the octogenarians return to their northern climes.

My youngest son just turned 11 last week. Kids aren't the same as they were when I raised my first two.  They spent more time outside in those days, and when I was a kid we practically lived outside all summer.  That's got a lot to do with the fact that at most we only had three TV channels from which to choose, and during the day those stations were filled with soaps.  There was no such thing as video games.  Parents weren't as "educated" in those days as they are today, meaning that in my time strong discipline was the rule and not the exception as it is today.

Stated simply, parents wouldn't let us drive them crazy in those days. They kicked us out of the house with instructions: "Go play."  Unspoken, yet implicit in the instructions, were the words, "and stay out of trouble!"

If we got into any sort of trouble, the police and courts stayed out of our family matters. There were no probation officers like there are today.  No, the cops would just bring us home and turn us over to our dads.  'Course, in those days, homes had dads.  That's because our uneducated parents thought divorce was wrong. They actually believed in things like loyalty, fidelity, all that cornball stuff.  Divorce was considered a neighborhood scandal.  It was so bad that politicians found it next to impossible to win an election if they had a divorce in their background.

Yeh - the cops would turn us over to our dads and more often then not, the dads would start kicking our asses right in front of the police!!!   Worse yet, the police did nothing to protect us!!  The most we could expect from a cop was a twinkle in his eye and the hint of a smile as he watched dad dish out the corporal punishment, which was then followed by a sentence to remain confined to quarters for anywhere from a week to a year, depending on how mad dad was. And while we were thus confined to quarters, both parents would gang up on us and make us do stuff like work!!!  Imagine that!  Parents acting as a team instead of opponents!!  That left us with no one to run to for sympathy.  And we would hear them say things like, "learned your lesson" and "don't ever do that again!"

Do it again? Are you kidding?  No way!  The cops wouldn't protect us, and we didn't want to get hit again or have to do that work-stuff.  Times were tough back in those dark days when our parents would actually beat us into submission and make us follow rules.  I guess that's why very few of us ever did anything real, real bad.  None of us ever even thought about things like getting one of dad's guns and going over to the school for a shoot-out.

Today, of course, we parents are more educated and we know that dishing out serious punishment to a child can result in deep-seated resentment that doesn't manifest itself until thirty years later when the kid goes on a killing spree, right?  Isn't that what has happened to all of us older-folks?  No?   Are you saying that once you hit 40, you didn't want to go into business as a serial killer?

That's because the trauma we suffered at the hands of our parents was so bad that even today, most of us shy away from breaking the law.  It's not because we're afraid of cops.  It's because we have this hangup, this deep emotional-mental thing, that tells us when we do wrong, stiff penalties will follow.   Let's face it: we're scarred for life with fear of punishment for bad deeds!!  Our parents ruined our lives!  (It's fashionable these days to blame your parents for everything that goes wrong in your life, even 50 years later.  Psychologists and psychiatrists taught us that, with a little help from lawyers and judges - all those "educated" folks.)

Parents are on the same level as El Nino - we blame them for anything bad, and when something good happens, we say it happened despite what our parents did to us.

To avoid giving today's kids these terrible scars, we give them everything. Satellite TV with 290 channels to choose from.  Video games that allow them to shoot, maim, torture and kill the same characters endlessly.  They "run the malls" and dress like they're homeless.    They have air-conditioned theatres and bowling alleys. Special programs sponsored by schools, parks departments, churches, scouting organizations, and so on.

And every one of 'em has been taught at school about child abuse.  They know all about Child Protective Services.  They have heard about "shelter homes" and envision them as some great place like heaven where no one will lay a hand on them.  With prayer being outlawed in schools, it's safe for the kids to infer that prayer must be bad, or it wouldn't be against the law. They're taught that abortion is OK, homosexuality is OK, and pre-marital sex is OK.    Divorce is commonplace and the trendy thing to do - it's regarded as a cure-all for the financial or other woes that often befall families.

Movie stars, rock stars, even politicians occupying this nation's highest offices are openly confessing they are homosexual or they routinely engage in sex as a sport and have no regard for prohibitions against adultery. These individuals are regarded as idols by our teens and younger kids, and they flaunt their unwed pregnancies, multiple divorces and casual remarriages without even a hint of embarrassment.

Look around:  Rosie O'Donnell, Ellen Degenerate, Rock Hudson, Liberace, Arizona Congressman Jim Kolbe.  What are you thinking?  At least Liberace and Rock tried to conceal it and be discreet.  The others flaunt their lifestyle openly and without shame or embarrassment.  I'm not saying homosexuality is wrong or bad, but (listen very closely now) God says it's wrong and bad!  That's good enough authority for me.  If He says so, I'm not going to challenge Him.  What is it that gives these other people the right to challenge God's word and cause our children so much confusion as to who's right and who's wrong?  Is it their money?  Their swimmingly good looks? Their fame?  Power?

No, it's none of those things!   They don't have the right to challenge God any more or less then I do - but because these people are out in front of us and in our faces every day of our lives, they tend to influence (that's why advertisers pay stars to endorse products) the public, and especially the young public.

Liz Taylor, Zsa-Zsa Gabor, Mickey Rooney, Johnny Carson, Larry King - how many marriages?  Just how many times can you seriously take an oath before God to love someone "until death do us part" and then excuse yourself for making a "mistake?"  Hey, I can understand once, particularly when the couple is very young and hasn't been out in the real world - but these folks are all well into their "mature years" and still manage to keep making "mistakes" and violating what should be regarded as a very serious promise!

Jody Foster, Madonna, making no bones about merely needing a sperm donor to make their lives complete.  I say again, "make their lives complete."  And I wonder - what about the children they bear?  Have they given any thought at all to their children?  Are they concerned about making their children's lives "complete?"  How do you make a kid's life "complete" when that kid has no father?

If what we read is true, Michael Jackson seems to regard his second wife as little more than an egg donor.  Is that how we want our sons to regard women?

And Bill Clinton.  I won't even say it.

We wonder what our kids are being taught in school.  What a great place to mold a person's mind.  They start out pretty much with an open mind, having no preconceived ideas or thoughts of their own, and what they learn in those first few, primary years will form the foundation for everything that comes along later in formal education and actual experience.

What an opportunity for a government to create a mass of robot-citizens who are conditioned to do as they are told, when they are told, and how they are told!  In the space of less than a dozen years, a tyrannical or dictatorial government can have its future citizens made to order, thus assuring a continuation of tyranny, usurpation and injustice.  All you have to do is teach them what you want them to learn, and instill in them that they should never question authority, never resist anything the government does, just go with the flow and do as they are told.

Judging from the extent of ambivalence I have witnessed among US citizens today, the fact that they are content to do nothing, say nothing, and let others carry the torch for freedom - I'm wondering if maybe we're not already contaminated.  The people of this country are warned over and over -

        They're coming to get your guns!

        They're going to number you!

        They lie to us and are constantly caught at it, don't you see?

        They're taking away your right to travel freely!  Already there are some countries you can't visit, and just recently they've passed laws restricting your right to a passport, and as of LAST WEEK, they have restricted your right to move from one state to another!

        They've passed laws making employers into informers.  Anytime you start a new job, your new employer must report you to federal authorities.

        The United States has a greater percentage of its citizens in prison than any other country in the world!

        If you work hard and save your money to the point where you accumulate a pretty tidy sum and you've paid taxes on it - then what you do with that money should be your business, right?   Wrong!  They have a law that says if you leave the country with more than $10,000, you are required to make a formal declaration of that fact on a form provided by the government.  You have to report how much you're taking out of the country - thereby making yourself vulnerable to any thief or scoundrel who is traveling on the same plane with you, or to corrupt government officials in the country of your destination . . .

        They've gotten to the point that they are regulating what medicine you can take, where and when you can smoke (if at all), your rights to visit your children - -

        Where, when and how is it all going to end?

        Well - consider this: Maybe it WON'T end, because there are too damned many people who are scared to say anything, too timid to stand up and resist, too cowardly to take a stand and not waiver from it!

        If I'm describing  you - well, maybe you need it to wake up.  If you have children, don't you want to leave them a country in which they can enjoy the same or better freedoms than you did?  Can you in good conscience look your kids in the eye and say you fought to preserve their freedoms, and you did the best you could do?  Can your children honestly take pride in what you have done to improve this country and keep it free?

My son spent Friday night with a couple of his friends and I thus had a chance to catch a little TV.  I watched in amazement as Jay Leno went into the streets of Los Angeles and interviewed them about patriotic matters.  We have a holiday coming up soon, one that we recklessly and indifferently - yet commonly - refer to as "The Fourth of July."

One conversation went like this:

Leno: "Excuse me, sir!  As you know, the next holiday in the country will be held on the 4th of July, and, um, I was wondering, do you know if they have a 4th of July in France?" Pedestrian:  After pondering the question: "No, I don't believe so."

Leno: "I see.  Hmmm.  Well, then, can you tell me what happens in France after the Third of July?  Do they just jump to the Fifth of July, or what?"

Pedestrian: Laughing, "Yeah, yeah.  OK,  you're right! They have a Fourth of July in France!"

Leno: "Exactly!  The Fourth of July happens all over the world.  We don't celebrate the holiday because it's the 4th of July.  We celebrate the holiday to commemorate an event, and the celebration takes place on the 4th of July because that was when the event originally occurred!"

Leno: (Turning now to other passers-by) What holiday do we celebrate on the 4th of July?

It was amazing how many people are unaware of the fact that the name of the holiday we celebrate on the 4th of July is "Independence Day."

Leno: "What and when is Independence Day?"   No one seemed to know.  Leno revealed it was the 4th of July, and this led to yet another question:

Leno: Independence from who, or what?

Again, he asked several people who had no idea that we were celebrating our independence from the United Kingdom.

Taking a different approach, he went on:

Leno: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Pedestrian: I haven't any idea.

Leno: What was the name of the family in the hit TV Series about some black people that made it big and they were "Movin' on up?" (singing the theme song.

Pedestrian:  Oh -oh, um, The Jeffersons!

Leno: So, who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Pedestrian:  Umm -- let me think - - um , OH!  George Jefferson!?

So Leno tries to make it easier:

Leno: Who was the First President of the United States?

One person had no idea; another one guessed it was Abraham Lincoln!

Next question:

Leno: When was the War of 1812?

Three passers-by had no idea!!

Well, children, that's today's history lesson!  And don't forget - if Mommy or Daddy hits you, you can report them to the government for child abuse and your government will come and save you.  Remember, our First Lady says, "It takes a village to raise a child."  We can put you in a nice shelter home called a "commune" where you'll be safe from your bad Mommy and Daddy.  Can you say, "Commune?"  That's the root word for "communism," children, and that's when everyone helps everyone else.

The number for Child Protective Services is 555-5555.  Or just dial I-N-F-O-R-M-R.

"Man is not my Ultimate Judge."
©1998 Polaris News Syndicate

"The First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state, but that wall is a one directional wall; it keeps the government from running the church,but it makes sure that Christian principles will always stay in government."
--Thomas Jefferson, 1 Jan 1802,
address to the Danbury Baptists

Apparently the above mentioned "quote" may be someone's fabrication according to the information attatched to this following link which is quite interesting. Personally, I cannot understand why some people come up with "quotes" that cannot be verified, and because of that I am referring you, the reader, to the following. This is not meant to detract from the totality of this essay, but rather to draw your attention to a possible error which exists due to this "quote" being circulated as fact. CL
Thomas Jefferson's "One Directional Wall"


"...a monopoly of mass communication...a terroristic secret police apparatus...a monopoly of all effective weapons of destruction...[and] a centrally controlled economy [which provides that] without a work permit, none can work."                          
on-line Encarta Encyclopedia
                            Sound Familiar?

It’s not that " I like guns,"  rather it’s that I hate slavery and genocide, which are intimately correlated with the prohibition of private firearms ownership.

"A country cannot be both ignorant and free..."                              

Thomas Jefferson


1. socialism ( Noun ] : social organization based on goverment control of the production and distribution of goods.                                
Wonder if the Tobacco Co's.,Microsoft, and Intel understand this word and the goverment they operate under? or could we call it "EXTORTION" WITH THE HELP OF ALL THE LAWYER WANTING A PIECE OF THE ''BOOTY"

"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood."

Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)

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