Can I take you to a place... listen afar off, do you not hear the innocent laughter of children at play? A laughter which will grow into a love of the land they live in. Because they live in a place...where love never dies, where the sky is blue, the grass is green and where a man's labor is inviolate. For this place has a of this land's law states "Thou Shalt Not Steal". And because of this law, those children will grow up and labor and their pockets will be full and their homes will grow large and beautiful and they will be passed on to their children and their children's children...for in this place property is a gift gained by hard labor and planning.

Yes, in this place there is another law..."Thou Shalt not Commit Adultery" and this law is well known so men and women look not on one another with lust. For when a couple weds in this place, it is until death do them part.

Can you see the sky? Can you feel the sweet rain on your face? It is a place of freedom, where men can do as they please, go as they please, for unless they violate the life, liberty or property of another citizen of this place, no crime is committed.

In this place are no high walled fortresses where men and women are warehoused like cattle, for there are no prisons. The penalties in this place for violating a law, are simple penalties. There are only two...Restitution and Death. You can this place be a happy free place if men can die for violating a law? It is because the King of this place loves the many in spite of the few. So death is a rare occasion for violating the law in this place, because the King sees that there are no appeals, that there are no men making money off of the misery of others. In this place people know the law, for it is written not only on the walls of the learning places, but it is taught from the time you are a young child. The law is "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF". With this law all of the other laws fall in order. For no man would steal, rob, pillage or rape another if he loves himself. For he would not want that to happen to him. And in this place is hope, for with hope a man can see his future and with a future in sight, how can he not love himself?

In this place is a Law...the Law says "Have No Other Gods Before Me". For this King is a jealous King for His people. He and only He desires to be adored because of His loving kindness for His subjects. And as a Son shows respect to his Father because of love, so do His subjects show love to Him because of His love. I can you not love this King? He lets you live in COMPLETE freedom as long as you do not harm your fellow man! You can travel from place to place and unless it can be proven by the mouth of two or more witnesses that you have damaged someone else's life, liberty or property by doing this act, you cannot be extorted for a fee, another word for THEFT, which is OUTLAWED in this land, so that you can travel!

Oh, and in this place is a vacation once a week, GUARANTEED. Yes, once a week is a day of rest, so everyone in this place gathers in the land to see the King on that day. For He has decreed, "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy" this place it is safe to walk the streets of all the land, for robbery is met with swift punishment. For the Law that states "thou shalt not steal" makes the robber pay 2-4 times restitution to his VICTIM, not the King! Oh, and the robbers do pay or the King has decreed they shall die. So, since robbery doesn't pay, robbery doesn't exist. And the women, can walk through the streets of this land, at all hours of all days and nights feeling safe because the King has made the violation of a women's being a Law that is also met with quick punishment. So rape is not common, as a matter of fact it isn't even heard of except in old books of the old time when man made the laws and ruled the kingdom. But this King is gracious and fair, though He had to take the Kingdom from men with His soldiers, He is a benevolent Dictator. Everyone really does love Him for they are FREE because of Him!

You know what else? Never do you hear of false witness being bore against someone, for this King has a law...and the law says " Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor" for the penalty is stiff. If you were to bear false witness and it was found out, the penalty that would have been placed on the person you were bearing false witness against fell back on you.

In this place is no murder, for the King has decreed "Thou Shalt Do No Murder". So life is long, and men and women live at peace until an old age because of this law. And children are taught by their parents to obey the Law for it is good. Children are brought up in the ways of the King so that when they get older they can take care of their parents in their old age. The oldest son is given 2 fold the inheritance so that he can use it to take care of his old parents. It is his responsibility to do so. And all children are commanded by the King to "Honor Thy Father and Mother".

Hear the children's laughter? Hear the words of the young men? All you hear is praise of the freedom! For in this place is freedom. Freedom to live, freedom to grow, freedom to travel, freedom to gather up that which you labored to produce. In this place your property is inviolate because the King has made a Law...would you like to live in a place like this? Then come with me...I will take you there to meet the King...and He is a loving King who loves the many in spite of few. He has a strict Law, but no one minds because it protects the land and makes it free to live in. The King's name is Yahshua...and the Kingdom is The Kingdom of Yahweh...and if you will come with me, I will take you there...just shed the scales from your eyes, and remove the emerald colored glasses...just give up the myths you have learned about the 'State' and 'Statutes'...For man's ways are grievous and long suffering, they cause weeping and gnashing of teeth...they are the ways of Death while this King's ways are the ways of Life...let me take you to that place that exists in the minds of a few, but could exist in your mind too...a place where there are no boundaries made up by man... a place where it is safe to walk the street because the judges do not allow the criminals to prey on the weak. Let me take you to this place...just take off the emerald glasses my Brother and you will see this place for it is not far just takes faith in a different God then the one you have placed your faith in...the King of the Kingdom of Yahweh verses the "presidents, senators, congressmen" of the kingdoms of man! Let me hold your hand as we pass through the veil to a place that is wonderful, where Love is the Law, and men live together in peace and harmony because the King loves them so. A place where children can grow up without wondering what the future holds...a place where you can grow old without worry and fear of what is in store for you. A place where every man is responsible for his own actions. A place where self government rules. Let me take you to the place that is so often talked about, yet no one has really made the effort to get into. I don't know about you, but can't you feel the Kingdom coming? It is only your faith in the kingdoms of man that keep you out of the most beautiful place in existence. Come with that place...there is a place you know...why are you afraid? afraid? afraid?

This essay is a look into the mind of Courageous Lion, as he walks down the yellow brick road of life...

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Courageous Lion
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