The Final Peaceful Solution...

As a firearms owning American, and an active target shooter, I have to admit that I am getting fed up with the liberal establishments effort at trying to disarm the average law abiding American.

I'll have to say that the resulting feeling of hopelessness leads one to ask, "What can be done?". I ask you: Are the letters to your Congressman working? Are the $5.00 a piece telegrams? Are we able to vote into office people who believe that the right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED? Remember 'Read my lips' George Bush saying "We are not going to outlaw semi-auto firearms", and within two weeks all importation of military style semi-autos was curtailed.

What can be done? Well, fellow Americans, I am here to tell you that there is a final peaceful barrier available in the face of anti-gun legislation. That barrier lies in the other two votes that the 'public' i.e. GOVERNMENT schools never taught you.

Oh, you didn't know that when you register to vote that you have two more votes outside of the voting booth? Well, imagine that, the fox not telling the chickens that there is a back door to the chicken coop.

I ask you this: How does law get enforced? I'll tell you...uninformed people like you and I get picked for Grand Jury duty or Trial Jury Duty from the VOTING roles. Then like good sheeple we sit on these juries, listen to the 'judge' or prosecutor tell us what to do and WE enforce the law by indicting, in the case of the Grand Jury or finding the 'criminal' guilty in the case of the Trial Jury. WE do it!

By being uninformed, we bcome, PRESTO rubber stamps as we enforce the governments edicts, be they good or bad on our fellow citizens by our VOTES on these two juries. You see, back 200 plus years ago, our Founding Fathers KNEW that a jury of your peers would be the last defense that the people would have outside of violence against unjust and un-constitutional law. So they built into the gurantees of OUR Constitution, the right of indictment by a Grand Jury (Article V) and the right to a trial jury of our peers. (Articles VI & VII)

These wise and noble men knew that the day could come when government might try to enforce tyrannical laws on the citizenry so they left Jury Nullification as the last defense. But did they know that the 'government' would get a hold of the educational process and not tell the people this power? I would say they never envisioned the day.

Jury Nullification is a right which should be known by all, but was never taught to us while we attended the 'public' school. Public is an euphemism for government. Do you think a government that wants total control is going to want to teach us how to control it?

Jury Nullification is the right that you and I have as Grand Jury members of NOT indicting someone who has been charged with violating a 'law' that we believe is against our freedom. It is the right we have as trial jury members to not convict someone who has been charged with violating a law that is against our freedom.

The reason for law should be to protect life, liberty and property, PERIOD. Any law which causes a person to be a criminal by a thought is a law our Founding Fathers would never have tolerated. WE the people wrote the Constitution and WE should know what it says. The second amendment to the Bill of Rights states: The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall not be Infringed. It means what it says friends! The founding Fathers believed the military power should rest in the militia, that is the citizenry. A perfect modern day example is Switzerland, where every able bodied male of fighting age is a member of the militia. They have ALL types weapons that a person can carry. This is how the country of Switzerland has been able to remain neutral in all conflict in Europe. Who would invade a country where the average person has a grenade launcher in his closet?

The right to keep and bear arms exists outside of the Constitution. It is a right that you have by birth. A simple test is this...Do you have the right to life? Then you have the co-relative right to defense of that life. When men form societies, they delegate the protection of life to the small minority of peace officers so that that they can go about there business undisturbed. However, peace officers cannot be everywhere at once, so you have the right to bear arms fro your protection.

Now, let us take a look at the definition of Jury from the 1828 Dictionary of the English Language by Webster:

"A number of freeholders, selected in a manner prescribed by law, empaneled and sworn to inquire into and try any matter of fact, and to declare the truth on the evidence given them in the case. Grand Juries consist usually of twenty four freeholders, at least, and are summoned to try matters aledged in indictments. Petty Juries, consisting usually of twelve me, attend courts to try matters of fact in civil causes,AND TO DECIDE BOTH THE THE LAW AND THE FACT IN CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS. (emphasis mine) The decision of a petty jury is called a verdict."

You see, WE THE PEOPLE, wrote the Constitution to have a sworn contract with the people WE hire to uphold it. I don't know about you, but if I read Article 2 of the Bill of Rights, I understand it to say, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Soooooo....

You have been picked for Grand Jury duty from the VOTING roles, in say California. A fellow gun owner has been charged with possession of a semi-auto 'assault' rifle without having registered it with dear Joe MacNamara. Well some of Joe's hot dogs found out and kicked down the door of this 'criminal' with a S.W.A.T. (Stop Willing Anti-government Thought) team and caught him red handed with the contra band. This insolent thought criminal has to be brought to 'justice' for having the gaul to violate one of the states edicts.

You just happened to be sitting on this Grand Jury, and you are INFORMED. This information is brought before you and the persecutor errrr.....'prosecutor' says indict! But you know of your power and try to convince the rest of the Grand Jury members, but they are well 'taught' i.e. indoctrinated, and wouldn't dare ruffle the feathers of the prosecutor so they, RUBBER STAMP, indict. Unfortunately, to indict the vote doesn't need to be unanimous, it only needs the majority to agree in most states. So this 'criminal' gets indicted, after all, says the prosecutor, he violated the 'law'!

The next step in the legal process takes this person who refused to register his 'assault' rifle to trial. If he has any sense, he demanded his right to trial by jury.

This is the chance for you, as a registered voter in California, to exercise your third vote. Your NOT GUILTY vote will cause a hung jury because in criminal prosecution the jury vote has to be unanimous for the person to be found guilty. If you can educate your fellow jurors in the back room, behind closed doors, that they are the real judges, and that the man out there in the black robe is supposed to be a referee watching the proceeding between the state and the people, you can all vote NOT GUILTY. A not guilty verdict in the face of facts, evidence and 'law' is a blatant example of jury nullification at work.

What has happened is that the jury members have voted that the law is wrong. This is what caused the overturn of prohibition. People refused to indict or convict.

Though the 'judge' may tell you that he decides the 'law', when you get in that room behind closed doors, YOU are the Judge, he is the referee. You see, those in control have a vested interest to remain there.

A student of history will remember the story of William Penn. He was a Quaker who was charged with preaching without a license. Then there was the trial of Peter Zenger who was charged with seditious libel. In both of these cases the JURIES votes caused acquittals, even though the trial judge had instructed them to find these men guilty, because after all, they had violated the 'law'.

The ordeal of Edward Bushell is an excellent book available about the trial of William Penn. It is the story of Edward Bushell's subsequent imprisonment and torture for refusing to give his vote on the jury to convict William Penn. He was the jury foreman who remained steadfast with the rest of the jurors to refuse to convict. The 'judge' ordered that they be kept without food in prison until they would return with a guilty verdict. (Why even have a trial, 'judge'?) (This book is available from America's Legal and Professional Books, 725 "J" St. Sacramento, CA 95814 for $14.95)

For a thorough treatment of the history and status of jury nullification, see the Southern California Law Review entitled, Jury Nullification, The Right to Say No (1972, Vol.45;168) by Alan W. Schelflin.

Another excellent treatise is "The Essay on the Trial by Jury" written by Lysander Spooner in 1852. Many libraries have a copy.

There is a nationwide effort to have constitutional amendments placed on all of the states of the Union's constitutions. This effort is called, F.I.J.A. and stands for Fully Informed Jury Amendment. This amendment would cause judges in all criminal cases to instruct the jury that they have the right to judge the law as well as the facts. For further information contact F.I.J.A. at P.O Box 59, Helmville, MT 59843 or check out their WWW page HERE.

So understand that today, juries have the full and unquestioned power to bring in a verdict of acquittal, even if flying in the face of the law, facts, evidence and the wishes of the trial judge. However, AS IT STANDS, THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GET ON A GRAND JURY OR TRIAL JURY IS TO BE REGISTERED TO VOTE.

Now you have a reason to register, and if someone in your county gets tried for a thought crime, you and your fellow jury members can say NOT GUILTY, SO SAY WE 12!

For Further information write to the people mentioned above and GET EDUCATED, GUN OWNER! This may be our last peaceful chance....

This article is written with the intention to educate. It is not copy written and I expect no compensation. The gun or life it saves may be my own. Thank You and encourage reprinting.

Jeremiah Wrights

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