The Doctrine of Grace Webring

This webring is for people who hold to The Doctrine of Grace (aka Five Point Calvinism). Websites on this webring do not have to be about The Doctrine of Grace, but the owner needs to hold to this doctrine, and devote a small section of his page to the Doctrine of Grace.
Calvinists of many different varieties are welcome to join: Baptists, Presbyterians, Reformed, Primitive Baptists, Landmark Baptists, etc. I will not allow racist groups that claim to hold to the Doctrine of Grace to join though.
I define the Doctrine of Grace by the TULIP:

How to Join

1. If you are interested in joining this webring, please save this image and upload it to your server. Please call it dograce.gif . . . if you change the name, you will also have the change the name of the image in the html fragment.

[Doct of Grace Webring]

2. Please apply for the webring using the form below. After you press submit, the next page will have the html code that you will need to put on your website... you can copy and paste this code. **Please make sure you have saved the graphic and uploaded it to your server.**

3. Please put the webring in a place that will be easy to find for people who are surfing the webring. The bottom of the main index page is great, but if you are a member of many webrings it would probably be easier to create a seperate page for your weberings and make a link from your frontpage marked WEBRINGS I BELONG TO.

This is what the Webring looks like:

DOG WR Next page

is owned by John.

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Click here to join.

Here is where you submit your site:

Submit site to the Doctrine of Grace Webring
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Edit Site Information

If your site is already in the ring, go here to edit your information. If you have submitted your site to the ring, you can also use this form to find out what your html code is if you lost it somehow.

Site ID No:

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If you would like a free home page GEO CITIESwould find it really groovy to give you one!