My Beliefs and Convictions


Obviously, I'm a Christian. I'm Christian by the Grace of God. You can read My Testimony about how I got saved if you haven't already done so.

I also happen to be a Baptist by conviction. In fact, I consider myself to be a Separated, Bible-Believing (King James Only), Soulwinning, Independent, Fundamental Baptist. No, I don't believe you have to be a Baptist to be saved, but I do believe that the Independent Fundamental Baptist church is the closest thing to the New Testament church described in the book of Acts.


Roe v Wade I'm totally against abortion for any reason. I believe it is a sin against God and an abomination. Whichever political candidate shares the same view gets my vote whether he be Democrat or Republican. More often than not I vote Republican.

I'm all for George W. Bush. I think Gore is an idiot and I know he's a liar. Tomorrow is Election Day and I am praying that Bush wins for the sake of this country and for all Americans. It scares me to think what the country would become like under the leadership (?) of Gore. I admire George W. Bush for being upfront about his failings and about his faith. He has shown himself to be a real man of integrity unlike Clinton (who I won't talk about because he makes me want to puke).


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