A p p a l a c h i a n
Q u i l t s

and other affairs of plain living

By Lois Lacy


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music to Quilt by "Cool Water"
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country music on our jukebox

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Hi I'm Lois Lacy, and I love to quilt. It has been a hobby for years, now I've retired from my real job I get to put more time into my quilts. Quilts is a big part of my past, which I treasure and I would like to share it with you. I hope you enjoy your visit.


Old weather signs The way our folks forcast weather

new Quilt Pictures Some of my quilts

Block quilt patterns over a dozen patterns

Family Tree you can see who we are here

new Home Remedies Handed down thru the generations

Jukebox Some Old Country Music

Our Home Town Acworth, Georgia & local links

Guestbook (Out of order)A place to leave your mark

Pictures of Me I'm in the drivers seat

Web Rings This page has the Web Rings That I am a member of.

Quilting Links Lots of good pages to visit

Search formsYou can search the web or find people from this page

Community Leader Help page for Heartland Homesteaders

Color Chart Netscape colors by name and code. Real Handy

A Quilt is Something Human

Why the dramatic revival of interest in quilts? There are lots of people that want to go back to the old times. That and I guess more. The simple fact is that quilts are hand made by people for people. Every phase of their production was permented by gaving and sharing. From the trading of scraps and patterns, and the actual production to the giving away of the final finished work, quilting is an essentially human activity. There is something about a quilt that says people, friendship, community, family, home, and love, lots of Love.

Appalachian Quilts
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Patterns that I have used was also used by my mother and grand mother and have been around here for at least seventy-five years. These patterns include Double Wedding Ring, Monkey Wrench, Drunkard's Path, Dutch Boy, Dutch Girl, Gate Latch, Trip around the Mountain, and Jacob's ladder just to name a few. Check out my new Quilt Pattern page with over a dozen patterns.

Why Quilt?

When all the piece work is done and the squares have been sewn together into the completed top I attach a bottom lining on a four-piece frame, and laid the cotton and top over that. Everthing is ready for the actual "quilting" to begain. (more about piece work, and frames later) Why spend time quilting when its much cheaper to buy a blanket at the stores nearby? It might be like for me just for the enjoyment. It just seems like lot'a'pleasure. You're quiltin', you don't know you're quiltin'. When I'm quilting I'm resting from all the other things that I have to do.

Pictures of some of my quilts

There are a lot of customs and beliefs around quilts. Grandmothers made at least one for each of their grandchildren to keep, and then pass on. A belief grew up that, "If a young girl slept under a new quilt, she would dream of th'boy she was going to marry." And especially fine ones were used to cover the bed on Sundays and when company came.

But by all counts, the most attractive custom must be that of the Friendship Quilt. I made a quilt for a church and the members embroidered thier family names on it and gave it to the pastor. I made another one that was given for a sixty wedding anniversary and all the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren name where embroidered on it. Such quilts were made by the ladies of the community whenever a young person from that community got married, when a neighbor lost his house by fire, for a newborn child in the neighborhood, or just for keepsake.

The girls had a custom of making Friendship Quilts. One person would piece a quilt block, and she'd give it to another girl, and keep on till she had enough blocks to make a quilt. And the one that started it around got the quilt. That was a very common thing in my girlhood days. The name of everyone that pieced a square was supposed to be put on the quilt, and they valued them. It was a keepsake really.

Quilting was usually done
on rainy days. And they
were made for bad weather.

Quilting by Weather Signs

I will be adding more about my quilts as I have time.

Fancy or plain, however, the fact remains that quilts seem to us symbolic of some of our fine human qualities. Perhaps this revival of interest is a hopeful sign for us all.

Old Country Music

in memory

E-mail mail Lois Lacy
Email Weather Signs Quilt Pictures
pictures of me Family Tree My Home Town
Quilting Links quilt patterns Jukebox