Q1: Look at the graph and find out the number of international tourists in 1975 and 1980.

In 1975, approximately 210-225 million and in 1980, approximately 280-290 million.


Q2: look at the charts of tourist destinations. Which area was the third most popular destination after Europe and East Asia and the Pacific? Find the number and the percentage of tourists who went there.

North America 32,487,000 or 9.75%.


Q3: How many tourists visited countries in the Middle East in 1985? What percentage was it?

7,115,000 or 2,13%.


Most international tourists come from wealthy countries such as those in Europe and North America and travel to other countries in the same area. We can see this if we look at the charts of tourist destinations. In 1985 most tourists – 224,488 or 67.41% of the total – went to places in Euroupe. The second most popular destinations were in East Asia and the Pacific with just under 37 thousand tourists (11.1%).


Q4: Graph: a diagram for showing information.

        Destinations : places to which somebody is going .