Kathy's Home Page

Kathy's Home Page

Hi. Welcome to my home page! I'm glad that you wanted to take a minute to come visit it. To see more pictures of me and my family, click on PICTURE PAGE . I'm a third/fourth grade teacher in Fairfield , Iowa. I have lived and worked there since 1982. Before that I lived in Ames, Ankeny, Mitchellville, and Newton, Iowa. My school, MSAE (Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment), is on the campus of MUM (Maharishi University of Management). Everyone there does TM (Transcendental Meditation). If you're interested, you can learn more about Maharishi's knowledge by going to that link.

I grew up in Newton, Iowa on a farm which is still in operation and I have two brothers. If you are interested in science, the web, bicycling, maps, fine art photography or music, view the web page of my brother Sam. He retired from working for Iowa State University where he, my grandmother, uncles, dad, and I all attended college. Among other things, he now teaches astronomy at the Des Moines Area Community College in Marshalltown. My younger brother, Jim, works and lives in Newton.

In addition to teaching, there are a lot of things I enjoy. They include singing, knitting, sewing, calligraphy, collecting yarn, knitting books, and dolls, traveling, reading, watching movies, exploring the web, being entertained by my cats, Oliver and Isabelle and my pet parakeets, flying my stunt kite, juggling (sort of) and relaxing in my hammock and my hanging chair (made by my friend Stephen. Click on "hanging chair" to see his fine products.)

I love spending time with my four grown children, who all attended the school where I teach. They now live in the Kansas City area, Chicago, St. Louis, and here in Fairfield. I even have three grandchildren and another due soon! I hope to add some more pictures of them on my FAMILY PAGE.

Thank you for visiting my Home Page! If you are so inclined, you may send me e-mail at the address below.

Below are a few links that you might find useful or fun.

Thanks for stopping by. ~ Kathy

Web sites of Internet Friends:

JY Miller - math teacher extraordinaire

Ed Cline - funniest person I know. :)

Send e-mail to: kathy@siemsen.us

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